Installing a Cisco Unified Communications Manager (CUCM) Server, Version 12.0

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hey everybody this is kevin wallace CC CIA and Cisco press author and in this video we're going to be installing a Cisco Unified Communications Manager server our goal at the end of this video is to have a couple of phones I've got a couple of these cisco 88 45 IP phones we simply want them to be able to call one another to set up a an audio call and I've got a built-in video camera they'll set up a video call as well and this video is really building on a couple of prior videos if you haven't seen those videos yet no worries I'll put links for them in the description of this video but prior to this I did a video on how to install the VMware ESXi server and how to install the Cisco CSR 1000 via router this video assumes that we've already done that or at least we know how to do that because this Cisco Unified Communications Manager install that we'll be doing in this video it's going to be installed on that VMware ESXi server and to mimic what's going on with the CCI collaboration lab version 2.0 we're going to put that communications manager server behind a virtual router behind our Cisco CSR 1000 via router and we're gonna be going through that router to get out to the rest of the world in upcoming videos to get started let me show you the topology that we're gonna be building in this video all right now in a prior video and again I'll have a link to that video in the description of this video but in a prior video we talked about installing the CSR 1000 via router in this video we're gonna be assuming that we've got a CSR 1000 via router router HQ in place that gets our Cisco Unified Communications Manager server out to the rest of the world we will do a quick install of that but I won't spend a long time talking about exactly what we're doing you can go check out the other video for that and to save time I've already uploaded the ISO file to the data store of our ESXi server so we don't have to wait for that upload to happen again but I'll show you how to install that router how to get it configured we'll also install an HQ SW V switch a virtual switch remember we already have a virtual switch that we get by default with ESXi it's called V switch 0 and we have port groups that we associate with these switches for the V switches 0 we have the default port group of VM Network and I'll create another port group called HQ PG for HQ port group that will assign to our HQ switch that we create then we're going to solve the Cisco Unified Communications Manager server version 12.01 is on currently the CCI collaboration lab and that version of the lab was released on July 23rd 2018 not sure when you're watching this video but that's when that lab came out and this is current for that lab and we'll talk in just a moment about options for getting the software to do the installation and I'm not going to bother in the video series just for times sake to install a subscriber in other words a backup communications manager server that we could use to expand its capacity and take some of the load off the publisher we're just going to have a single communications manager server in this video series and it's gonna have an IP address of 10.3 3.1 I'm going to reserve the doc 2 in that fourth octet for a subscriber if I decide to install one but in future videos I'll give you a sneak peek of what's coming up I'm going to show you how to install the Cisco unity connection server for Unified Messaging we're also going to install the I am and presence server that's required if we have a client like jabber and it's going to allow us to see the availability of someone if they're available to take a call right now or not and it's part of that installation that we need to do some name resolution and I'm going to install a Microsoft Windows 2012 r2 server that we might use for Active Directory in an upcoming video but when we install the iamin present server this Microsoft Windows server is going to be used as our DNS server it's going to be very easy to add a DNS a record an alias record for our instant messaging and present server and these virtual switches that we have they can connect out to actual physical gear using the network interface cards or the Knicks in my physical server for the virtual switch HQ - SW that we install I'm going to configure it to get out to the rest of the world via NIC 1 and it's going to be connected into a physical switch HQ physical switch is how I've named that switch and I'm gonna have a couple of our Cisco 88 45 phone's plugged in the switch and at the end of this video the goal is to have those two phones call one another and in a future video to illustrate the HQ I am in presence we're going to install a jabber client on the machine in my lab network and it's gonna be going through the HQ router as if it were on the Internet to get in and register with Communications Manager and set up a phone call with one of the HQ phones but in this video let's narrow our focus in this video this is what we want to do we want these two phones to register with Communications Manager and call one another seems like a basic goal a basic task but there's a lot to it the first challenge that we have to overcome is getting our hands on the Communications Manager software and Cisco used to have an option where we could get a non-licensed the evil version for free to my knowledge that option no longer exists for the current version of Communications Manager so let's talk about some different ways of getting our hands on the software and I've used all these different ways that I'm going to tell you about first if you're a Cisco partner or you work for Cisco partner I actually have my CCSI my Cisco instructor certification associated with a Cisco learning partner so this is the option that I use to get the software that we're going to be installing but if you work for a partner you might be able to use Cisco's not for resale marketplace and I thought it was hard fine so I created a shortcut link for you bitly be ITIL wise slash Cisco - NFR but beware don't try this if you don't work with a partner they want you very clearly that even after you place your order and you pay your money before they allow you to download the software they verify your partner status to make sure you're legit that you really are associated with a partner so only try that if you are associated with a Cisco partner if you're not you might want to find a Cisco reseller I've done this before I've had to get some unity software that did not come with a not for resale bundle so I reached out to a Cisco reseller and you can find one closest to you you can go to bitly slash Cisco - reseller or you might want to reach directly out to Cisco sales and they have a page where you can email or call a Cisco Sales for more information go check out bitly slash Cisco - sales hopefully the shortcut links I made for you will make a a lot easier to to navigate through those different options but those are some of the different ways that you can obtain a copy of Cisco Unified Communications Manager again that to my knowledge I don't think that Cisco was allowing us to freely download eval copies these days and the way I got the software that I'm gonna be installing I used the not for resale program and I purchased my software from there but that's how you get the software and just to save time I've already uploaded the ISO file for communications manager on our ESXi server now let's go ahead and jump right into our ESXi interface and we want to create a virtual switch we want to create a port group and once we get that set up we want to configure a CSR 1000 via router once we get that set up then we'll install our Cisco Unified Communications Manager as you can tell this is going to be a longer video and when you might want to revisit now join me out at the ESXi interface well to build out this topology the first thing we want to do is to create that virtual switch that's going to be named HQ - SW so let's go under networking here in ESXi and say that we want to add a virtual switch I'm going to name it HQ - SW and the uplink is going to be vm NIC 1 NIC 0 is already in use NIC 0 is assigned to the built-in switch v switch to 0 but this is going to connect out later to a physical switch into which we're going to connect our IP phones let's add that now let's create a port group that we will assign to that virtual switch will go under port groups I'll say add a port group and we'll create one called HQ - PG for port group and it's going to be associated with HQ - SW as our switch great now we're ready to install our Cisco CSR 1000 via router and to do that I'll go under virtual machines I'll say that we want to create a virtual machine and I'm going to do this pretty rapidly because we already had a video showing you step-by-step exactly what I'm about to do again the link for that video is in the description of this video but I'm going to do this using an ISO file I'll say create a new virtual machine that I'm going to name HQ and this is going to be compatible with esxi 5.0 and the guest operating system is Linux and I'm gonna select other 2.4 X Linux 64-bit we'll say next all stored in my one-and-only data store I'll say that I want to use 2.5 gig 8 gig of hard drive is fine I do want to add another network adapter so let's add a second network adapter one is going to be using the port group HQ PG the other one I'll assign it to the port group of VM Network now when I boot up I want to boot up using my ISO file so I'll select the ISO file that I've already uploaded to my data store it's this CSR 1000v file let's select that I'll say next and finish and let's get this booted up and at this point there's just a bit of waiting while we wait for this router to to boot all the way up so what I'm going to do is pause the video here and after the installation is complete we'll rejoin the video well the CSR 1000v is install now and let's do a basic configuration I want to move this over to a different tab and enlarge it so we can see it better under actions I'll say open console and new tab and then I'll magnify that screen a bit make it easier for you to see do we want to enter the initial configuration dialog no we do not and just like we did in our CSR 1000v video we want to do some basic setup where we go into the console line and say logging synchronous so that when we type something and message pops up on the console it doesn't overwrite what we were tapping we want to set the exact timeout to not to timeout we want to turn off IP domain lookup let's do those things say enable let's go into line console 0 and say logging synchronous exec - timeout zero space zero global config will say no IP domain lookup so if I miss type of command it won't interpret that as a DNS name and try to resolve it it'll just know I miss top something let's set the hostname we'll say the hostname is HQ now let's go check and see because this gets a little bit confusing to me sometimes I'm not quite sure which of my interfaces if I do a a show IP interface brief I've got two gig interfaces but I want to just confirm which interface is connected to which switch I don't know what subnet each interface is in so I'm gonna go back to my VMware console and let's minimize that so I can see what's going on and it looks like network adapter one which is gonna be gig one that's connected to my VM network that's the default network that's my lab network that's the one ninety two dot one sixty eight dot one dot 0 slash 24 network network adapter two is connected to HQ PG that's the subnet to which we're going to connect our communications manager that's the 10.3 3.0 size twenty four network now that we know that let's go back and continue with our configuration of HQ let's go in a global configuration mode and I'll go into interface gigabit one and I'll say IP address one ninety two dot one sixty eight dot one dot 33 with a 24-bit subnet mask let's do a no shut to bring that up administratively interface gig to IP address ten 3.3 dot 100 with a 24 bit sudden that mask no shutdown I'm also going to make this router the NTP server for my communications manager server to do that I need to make sure that I'm getting time first let's just confirm that I really am getting out to the outside world let's do a ping to my default gateway I'll say ping one ninety two dot one sixty eight dot one dot one am I getting there yes that first dot was just because we are plug up but yes I'm getting to my default gateway but in order to get up to the rest of the world I need some route information on this router I need to say to get out to the rest of the world go to this default gateway which means I need to add a static route I'll do a configuration terminal and I'll add a static default route IP route 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 one ninety two dot one sixty eight dot one dot one that's the IP address of my internet router that gets me out from my studio to the Internet and whatever internet router you have is probably very different than the one I have so how you do this on your router is gonna be different than how I did it on my router probably or maybe you're not even able to do it on your router but in order for people on the outside to get to my network that I'm about to build to get to the 10.3 3.0 size 24 Network I needed to tell my internet router to get to the 10.3 3.0 size 24 Network go to this router go to one ninety two dot one sixty eight dot one dot 33 now I want to set up time on this router so we can serve up time to my Communications Manager server first I'll set the time zone and I'll say o'clock time zone is Eastern Standard Time minus five when we're not observing daylight savings time when we are observing daylight savings time I'll say o'clock summer time when we are its called Eastern Daylight Time and it occurs every year and now let's point to the NTP server I'll say NTP server and this is the IP address of an NTP server that I just looked up online for public NTP servers and the one I found online was one 29.6 dot fifteen dot 28 let's do a show ntp status and it says clock is synchronized and I've got a stratum level of two on this router which means I learned from a router on the internet that had a stratum level of 1 excellent so now I can point my communications manager to this HQ router show IP interface brief I can point it to for example 10 dot 3.3 dot 100 and it's going to be able to get time from this router we saved my configuration and I think we are done with the configuration of our HQ router now it's time to install our communications man server and we want to put it on the inside of this router in other words we want to put it on the 10.3 3.0 size 24 Network let's go back in install a virtual machine let's go to virtual machines and the only virtual machine we have right now is our HQ router I want to create a new one like this just a bit larger where we can see it let's create / register a VM I'm doing this based on an ISO file again this is a file that I purchased from the Cisco NFR site because I'm affiliated with a Cisco learning partner that's how I got my file and I want to create a new virtual machine we'll say next and I'm gonna call this HQ - see you cm for Cisco Unified Communications Manager - Pub to remind me that this is the publisher now I could come along later and install multiple subscribers if I wanted to that would give me more capacity and redundancy and allow me to take some of the load off of publisher but this is a very small lab network that I'm just using for demonstration purposes so I'll probably not install a subscriber for the compatibility I want to select and probably different values who work here but here's one that I tested out that did work I'm gonna use ESXi version 5.5 and the guest operating system is Linux and this one I want to be very specific about because when I picked the wrong the Linux version that told me hey this is the wrong Linux version I want to use sent OS 4/5 or later 64-bit that's what we need I'm gonna use my one and only data store to store this virtual machine I'm gonna say that I have a couple of CPUs I'll say that I have eight gig of ram and i'll say that i have 160 gig hard drive but i don't want to take up 160 gig on my ESXi server so i'm going to say just provision this as needed it means I'm gonna choose thin provisioned so just click on that hard disk arrow and select thin provisioned now to which poor group do I connect this a server I could connect it to the VM network that would put it in the one ninety two dot one sixty eight dot one dot zero size twenty four network I don't want that though I want it to go in the 10.3 dot 3.0 size 24 Network that's represented the HQ port group so that looks good for my CD drive I'm going to do this using a data store iso file which already have and it's this file version 12.04 unified communications manager let's select that we'll say next and finish give it a moment to create and let's pair it on and I'll put this in a as well make this a bit larger now this process does take a while there's some initial input that's needed but then we just let it sit and literally could take hours to let it sit and the way you navigate back and forth between these menu options is you might be able to use your arrow or tab keys I want to say no I don't want to test the media before I install this so I'm going to say skip that test and what I will do is fast forward some of the installation process while we're waiting on a new prompt just so you don't have to wait through it as you're watching the video this ISO file only had one product that I can select from and it's what I want it's Cisco Unified Communications Manager I'm gonna do a tab and enter to say ok do I really want to install version 12.04 I do don't want to perform the initial configuration yes I do I'm not applying a patch just installing the software on the ISO file this is the basic installation and I'll select my timezone and then tab down to say ok I'll allow my NIC to Auto negotiate speed and duplex I do not want to change the maximum transmission unit size I do not want to use DHCP I want to have a static IP address for this machine and here it is so first to give a name which is HQ - see you cm - pub then I tab down to enter the IP address of 10.3 3.1 we've got a 24-bit subnet mask and our gateway is the IP address of our csr router that we just installed which has an IP address of 10.33 dot 100 we'll say ok I do not want to enable DNS on this machine so I'll say no to that now for all of these security passwords and security user IDs I'm gonna be consistent just to make it easy for me in the lab in the real world you would probably want to have different passwords for different purposes but I'm just going to have an administrator ID of administrator and I'm going to use the same password for everything so I'll say administrator I'll enter my password and say okay the organization this is where you can self document your install I'll say the organization it's my company it's kevin wallace training LLC the unit is development the location is richmond kentucky in the united states we'll say okay to that is this the first communications manager server in this cluster yes it is the NTP server is my router I don't need this server to go out to the internet to get time it can get it from my CSR 1000v and I can point it to 10.33 dot 100 tab through all the other options and say okay for the security password I'm going to use the same a password that I used for my administrator login again you probably want to use something different in the real world just trying to simplify it for the lab say okay to that I do not want to set up smtp on this server so i'll say no and at this point I'm not concerned about enabling the smart call home feature so I'll say disable that by hitting a space bar then a tab and okay application user name again I'm going to use my same set of credentials just for simplicity in this demo administrator you same password okay the platform configuration is complete and since I'm doing this on a VMware virtual disk it says I've got to reinitialize the disk no problem I'll just tab over to where it says reinitialize press ENTER and it's gonna take quite a while to install so what I'm going to do is pause the video and we'll resume after the installation is complete well after waiting about two hours I didn't time it exactly but it was about two hours the installation finally finished and I was brought to this login prompt and by the way it did ask me for one bit of input during that installation the remainder of the installation since I'm installing this in my own VMware environment it noticed that it was not supported hardware and it said if you want to continue you got to agree that you're not gonna try to get support on this this is gonna be unsupported if you go ahead and install it so I had to confirm that yes I want to go ahead and install but now we're all up and running here and by the way when you first get to the login prompt when you're doing your installation you're probably not going to be able to get to the GUI right away it's probably gonna take a few minutes takes a while for the web service used to get up and running in the background but I've waited a while so that we can go to those web services and I'm pointing to the IP address of 10.3 dot 3.1 and we can login to either the user interface or the administrator interface I'm gonna go into Cisco Unified Communications Manager and because this is using a self-signed certificate I have to say yes I want to proceed anyway and I'll get logged in using those credentials that I set up during the install and since I've not yet applied a license to this we're gonna get some warnings about hey you're on and evaluation mode and you only have so many days in fact what you might want to do at this point before you do any configuration I've already got a snapshot of this on another server so I'm not gonna take time to do it now but you might want to come back to your VMware console right click on your virtual machine say snapshots and take a snapshot of what's installed right now so you'll have a snapshot of a base installation and if you ever want to go back to that you don't have to go through the two-hour process of reinstalling you just restore from the snapshot she might want to do that I'd recommend that you do all right let's take a look now at how we do a base configuration on communications manager now I could just be really quick about this and say I'll take all the default settings and I'll just add a couple of phones and yeah they make a phone call but that's not a good practice in my book I like to always go in and set up things initially that's gonna help me later on I want to go ahead and set up my device pool and my media resource groups and my media resource group lists and all those things it's gonna make it easier later when I'm adding on additional sites I'm adding on a cisco unified border element I'm adding trunks I've already got things in place that I can assign to those different devices now of course this is not going to be a perfect set of base parameters for every installation but it's what I like to start with it lends itself I found out well to lab studies so let me show you what I do when I'm getting a new installation set up the first thing I want to do is start all the services on this server except for the DHCP service I don't want the DHCP service handing out information before I'm ready for it to hand out information to do that I'm gonna go under navigation and we'll go under Cisco Unified serviceability and say go and under tools we'll select service activation makes it just a bit larger for us and I'm gonna check all services by checking that but I'm going to go in and deselect the DHCP monitor service I'll turn that on later when I'm ready for the DHCP service to hand out IP address information we'll click Save and then okay all right the services are now activated except for the DHCP service and by the way that took several minutes to happen I just sped through the video so you didn't have to watch all that and now with these services started let's go back to our Communication Manager administration interface go to navigation select that and say go and what we want to do next is to remove DNS reliance I want IP phones pointing to Communication Manager using its IP address rather than relying on a DNS configuration that's going to be simpler for us couple places I need to go to do that first I'm going to go under system and server let's do it fine and we should see ourselves as a server and notice that we're known by our name hqc UCM pub I want to change that to our IP address of 10 33.1 let's save that and I also need to make some changes under Enterprise parameters I'm going to go under system Enterprise parameters and a few things I want to change here that I've typically changed based on the phone models that I'm using they only speak sip so if I want to turn on auto registration later on I want to use sip as that auto registration protocol the default is skinny the skinny client control protocol sccp I'm gonna change that to sip we'll say ok something else sets a default that I usually change is the BLF for call lists is disabled that's busy lamp field I normally enable that and I'll say ok and now let's scroll down till we see a bunch of URLs you see these URLs it's got the name of our publisher as part of the URL as part of removing dns reliance i want to put in the IP address of the server here instead of the server's name so it's 10.3 3.1 just to make that easier i'm going to copy that and just paste it in all of these URLs where the name appears we've got some non secure and some secure your LS we do it for both you when we're done with that I'll do a save and some things after we make the change in order to make the changes take effect we need to do a reset so I'll say reset and we'll do an okay and I'll close out of that and there are some other parameters I like to adjust as I'm setting up my base configuration they're not Enterprise parameters they're service parameters it's going to service parameters and let's select our one and only server that we have right now and the service that I'm going to be setting parameters for is the cisco call manager service the first thing I want to do is search for a timer there's a timer called the t30 or two timer it's the in tradition timeout timer and you can run into an issue sometimes when you're setting up a doll plan where you have a length of a doll string that you'll match but you're not sure how long it's gonna be you're waiting for an intra digit timeout to occur by default that introduce your time at is 15 seconds which in my book is way too long I like to set it to either two seconds or three seconds I'll set it to three by the way you gotta be careful with the units of measure the units of measure are in milliseconds so I want to set this to 3,000 milliseconds I'm gonna do a find in my browser for 3:02 there's a couple of these timers notice the default is 15,000 milliseconds I'm going to set that to 3,000 milliseconds let's look for the other instance of t30 too and we'll set that also to 3,000 milliseconds now there are a few stop routing Beck let me just search for that stop stop routing on different conditions I like to set all of those to false usually if it says stop routing based on something I'm gonna say no don't do that generally I want to change the default inter region max audio bandwidth if I'm going between different regions maybe different geographical sites I want to be able to use the Isle BC codec not just the G dot 729 codec so I'll bump that up to sixteen kilobits per second instead of the default of eight if I want to enable aar automated alternate routing need to turn that on I'll set that to true and for a Cisco Unified mobility there's a few things I like to change down here I like to say I want to enable enterprise feature access we'll set that to true now we're not getting into all these features in this video series but it's what I like to do to set the foundation for then doing a more advanced lab so it's just a habit I've gotten into I want to enable a mobile voice access I'll say that's true and for matching when I'm calling in and I want to be recognized as me by this service I don't want to do a complete match of my phone number there are some issues that will not get into now that can happen if you try to do a complete match I'm gonna say a partial match is all I want and I just need to match seven digits all right let's save that and now in preparation to register our two IP phones there's a few things that I want to set up some settings that will be inherited by those phones first let's go under system and let's take a look at our Cisco Unified Communications Manager group if I had two servers here which I don't I've just got the one if I had two servers I will go into this default communications manage your group and I would put the subscriber first and the publisher second here I've just got the one so it doesn't really matter I'll just leave that at the default next I want to create an NTP reference which is required by our sip speaking phones which are what we're using let's go under system and I'll say phone NTP reference already specified an NTP server during the installation but that's for the underlying communications manager server for sip speaking phones we have to set the phone NTP reference do I have one already let's do a find no I do not so we'll create one we'll say well point to the IP address of 10.3 dot three dot 100 that's our CSR 1000 V we install earlier and I'll say that I'm going to use a unicast going directly to that IP address and I'll save that let's specify our timezone by going under system date/time group and I'm pretending misses in my location of Kentucky we're in Eastern time so it's going to see them local and I'm going to create some different time groups because I want to set this up where I may have some additional sites if I know that I'm gonna be adding a site that's in Los Angeles and a site that's in Tokyo I would want to go ahead and set up the date time group so I can then assign those day time groups to the device pools for those sites that we'll get into in just a few moments I'm going to rename this one to HQ this is going to represent my HQ location the time zone is GMT - five let's see if I can find that for Kentucky here it is we'll select that now when you're looking at the date and the time on your phone you can do it in 24 hour time or you can do AM and PM 12-hour I'll do that you can change the separator to a dash or dot I'll just leave those at the default now let's add the phony ntp reference that we created a moment ago we just have the one I'll select it and say add selected I'll do save now I need to create a couple of other date/time groups for my other sites that I want to prepare to install later on in fact I'll just make a copy of this and then make some modifications let's make a copy and I'll say that for the branch one side or the BR one side will say that it's in Los Angeles that's GMT - 8 see if I can find that here it is I'll leave everything else the same we'll do a save let's make another copy and create one for our second branch office BR 2 will say that this is in Tokyo so let's look ahead and here's Asia Tokyo will save that now if I say I want to go back and list out my date time groups I have three of them for each of my three sites again we're just installing one site in this video the next thing I want to do is set up some default regions I'm not going to do any advanced to region configuration or even get into what regions do in this video I just want to set these up as placeholders that I can then go modify and not have to create them later on let's go under system region information region this is going to influence what codec is being used between different sites I've got my default region which I will rename to HQ I'll save that I'll add a new region which I'll call BR 1 save that and we'll add a third region which we'll call vr2 we'll save that just to confirm we should have three regions now that will influence codec selection similarly I want to set up locations which can limit how much bandwidth is being used between our different locations order system location info location let's see what we have now we've just got our default location of hub none let's change its name to HQ let's add a new one for br one let's add a new one 4br - i'll not worry about setting any location parameters right now that's a topic for another video let's take a look and confirm that we created these locations now the phantom and the shadow those are used for SIP trunks that's something we don't need to get into right now but for now I just want to have some basic locations set up for three different sites I also like to create a basic set of partitions and calling search spaces that can limit who is able to call whom its going to call routing class of control partition and I won't get into a big discussion about what partitions and calling search spaces are I'll just show you what I like to do at a minimum to get started I'm going to create an internal partition to which I'm going to assign the directory numbers on my phones inside of my sites I'm going to create an HQ partition that can be assigned to translation patterns used by HQ IP phones again that's not a topic for this video I'll set up one for each of my other sites BR 1 BR 2 I'll set up one call PSTN which gets into some pretty advanced route pattern manipulation that's a topic for another video and associated with that PSTN partition we have strip we're going to be stripping off a leading plus sign and to modify the dial number as we go out and to modify a dial number as it comes in that to our site and is displayed on the IP Phone I'm going to create a couple of partitions that I can use to modify those strings those dowel strings HQ deenis out in HQ Annie in I'll get into what that means and some more advanced training let's save those partitions and now that we've got the partitions created we can create some calling search spaces and populate those calling search spaces with partitions let's confirm that we did create our partitions let's do a find that looks great let's now go back under call routing classes to control and say calling search space and I'm going to create an internal calling search space to which I'm going to assign the internal partition I'll select it and move it down to the selected partitions area we'll save that and any device to which I assign the internal calling search space will have permission to call any directory number which is assigned to the internal partition let's make a copy of that and I'll typically assign a calling search space of HQ to my HQ phones and it will contain the partitions of internal as well as HQ save that let's make a copy of it let's create a calling search space of B r1 and it's going to contain the partitions of internal and you guessed it v r1 save that another copy this one's going to be called br-2 and it's going to contain partitions of internal and BR to save that let's make a copy and create a PSTN calling search space which is only going to contain the partition of PSTN again please don't be overly concerned that I'm not explaining fully what all these partitions and calling search spaces are used for those are lengthy discussions in themselves this is just a nice base configuration to save myself time later on let's do a save just a couple of calling search spaces to go let's make a copy and we'll do one for HQ Venus out which contains the partition of HQ deenis out save that one more to go let's make a copy HQ Annie in is going to contain the partition of HQ Annie in let's verify that we created all the predictions we thought we did let's do a go and a find so you've got HQ BR one BR two PSTN internal HQ an e an HQ deenis out that looks fantastic something else I want my phones to have access to would be any media resources that would be needed for conference calling or transcoding between different codecs or listening to music on hold or listening to annunciator messages and so on in order to customize how that works I need to create some meteor resource groups and then I can populate some media resource group lists with those media resource groups for now I'm just going to say that every site has access to every media resource and then I can make modifications later if I want to let's go to media resources and media resource group which is we abbreviate as MRG oftentimes if I do a find you can see that I don't have any by default I'm going to create one for each site I'll say that I have a media resource group called HQ and I'm gonna select all of my media resources put them down here in the selected media resources let's do a save and I'll copy that in Crete one called be our one again containing all the available media resources I'll create a copy of that call this one br-2 containing all those media resources now I want to create a media resource group list for each site that will contain that sites media resource group I'll go under media resources media resource group list do we have anybody fault no we do not let's add one to add one for each queue and I'll add the HQ media resource group save that let's make a copy create one for BR one that contains the BR one media resource group save that make your copy or I could just say add new create one called br-2 that contains the br-2 media resource group and now we should have a series of media resource group lists one for each of our three sites that we might set up HQ b r1 and b r2 now that i've got a lot of those parameters set up i can assign those values to device pools and i can assign those device pools to phones when i create them at different sites so for HQ what we're gonna be doing in this video those HQ phones get to inherit the settings that I'm about to specify in the HQ device pool so they know what time zone they're in as an example they know what media resources they have access to let's go under system device pool and we've got one by default call default I'm gonna rename that to HQ and I'm gonna say that the date-time group is HQ that's the default the region is HQ media resource group list that's HQ location that's HQ that's all I want to set for now let's do a save like to do a reset whenever I mess with the device pool now let's add a new device pool this one's going to be for the BR one site will call it BR one and it's going to use that same communications manager group of that group of one server and it's date/time group is BR one its region is BR one its mrgo is BR one its location is BR one save that and create one more device pool let's say add new and this is going to be the BR two device pool say BR 2 we've all got one communications manager group the date time group BR to the region BR 2 m RG l BR 2 location of BR 2 we'll save that the next thing I want to do is to create users for my IP phones so I'm going to user management select end-user let's add a new user first I'll say HQ phone one that'll be my user ID I'll give a password of Cisco I'll give a pin of one two three four five not great values for the real world this is just so I can easily remember them we'll say the last name is phone one and the first name is HQ and we'll set the display name to HQ phone one let's do a save now I want to add some permissions to this user the common permissions I usually add I'll say add to access control group and there's a couple will do a fine here the two that I always use our standard CCM end-users and standard CTI which is computer telephony integration standard CTI enabled I'll say add selected I'll do another save let's add a user for our other phone very similarly I'll call this one HQ phone to HQ phone to password is Cisco one two three four five is the pin last name is phone to first name is HQ display name is HQ phone to let's save that and then we'll add some permissions Simas user to some groups of standard CCM end users and standard CTI enabled add selected save and we've created our two users now we're finally ready to create our two phones and when we add the phones unless we're doing something like auto registration we need to know the MAC addresses associated with those phones and it's kind of a hassle to try to go to the phones and write down the MAC address on a piece of paper and make sure that we type it in just perfectly into this interface what I like to do instead is go out and use Cisco discovery protocol and just copy and paste the MAC addresses of our phones if I go out to the physical switch which is connected into the NIC one interface on my physical VMware server that's what's connected to our HQ - SW switch that we set up our virtual switch I can do a show CDP neighbors command and we can see both of our IP phones as well as our communications manager server named HQ see you see em Pub that speaks CDP also hears the MAC address of HQ phone one hears the MAC address of HQ phone two let's copy the MAC address of HQ phone one and let's go ad that will say device phone and we have to specify the type of phone we'll say add new and the type of phone is a Cisco 88 45 that we're installing say next I'll paste in that MAC address I'll make sure I get it correct the description is HQ phone one the device pool is HQ the phone button template is going to be the standard phone button template for the 88 45 phone and the Softee template I'll make that standard user the calling search space this is an HQ phone so I'll give it the HQ calling search space and I'll say that the user associated with this phone is HQ phone 1 and there are some sip specific things that we have to set here we have to say that the device security profile is cisco 88 45 at standard sip non secure profile the SIP profile is standard sip profile let's scroll down I just want to make sure that video is enabled for this phone it should be by default I'm just gonna confirm that video capabilities are enabled excellent I'll save this and once I save it I'll then be able and only then will I be able to add a phone number to this phone a directory number notice here I can add a couple of directory numbers I'll say add a new DN 4 directory number and I'll make this directory number to 0 0 1 I'll put this in the partition of internal remember any internal directory numbers at HQ they're going to be in the internal partition the description is going to be HQ phone 1 just copy and paste that for the alerting name as well and for the call forward settings we don't currently have voicemail setup I plan on showing you how to set up voicemail in a future video but for now I just want to get ready for that I'll say that if we're in a busy condition or a no answer condition or an unregistered condition I want to go to voicemail so I want to check those boxes and the call insert spaces can be a little bit tricky sometimes when you're dealing with this so I like to say to use the configured calling search space and I'll set the colon search space of HQ for all those options now we're going to go to voicemail it says if we don't answer what constitutes a no answer condition how many seconds I'm gonna say ten seconds means no answer we want our caller ID to be correct so I'll say my display caller ID is HQ phone one that'll also be my ASCII display for the external phone number mask this is going to be my fully qualified to eat out 164 number at least that's the way I like to do it which is a plus and then the country code and then the number within the country so I'll say plus one eight five nine two two two and then whatever the four-digit extension is I want that to appear so I'll say xxxx xxxx and we were talking about a no answer condition earlier well what constitutes a busy condition well right now I would have to have two calls that were active before I would give a busy signal to anybody calling in I set that to one instead I'll save that then I can associate the user with this directory number just as a good practice I'll say associate end-users let's do a find and I'll associate my HQ phone one end-user will do an ad selected and I'll do a save do go and let's say this at the phone level and make sure it takes effect let's do a reset to reset and close now let's another phone I'm just gonna make a copy of this one because it's so similar let's make a copy and we'll add HQ phone - lets go get its MAC address from our CDP output let's copy here's the MAC address it's gonna be HQ phone - most things are gonna be the same here just double-checking oh yeah the user is different it's gonna be HQ phone - I think everything else is the same let's save that and then let's go update the directory number it's gonna have a different directory number obviously we'll say add directory number it's going to be 2 0 0 - in this case the partition is going to be internal let's select internal the description is HQ phone too it's going to be the alerting name and the ASCII alerting name as well let's set up those same call forward options for busy and for no answer and for unregistered let's use configured calling search space and that configure calling search spaces the HQ calling search space the no answer ring duration is going to be 10 seconds the display caller ID is HQ phone too and the external phone number mask is going to be plus one eight five nine two two two and then XX XX will set the busy trigger to one save that and let's associate an end user with this line and that end user is you guests at HQ phone to will add selected do a save go back to the phone level make sure we save it there just to be safe and then we'll do a reset at this point we've got the basic configuration in place whenever that phone tries to register however in order for that phone to register it needs an IP address it needs the subnet mask it needs a default gateway it needs to know the IP address of a TFTP server you see this server this Communications Manager server it's acting as a TFTP server from which that IP phone can download its configuration file so it knows to come here and download its configuration it's gonna learn that TFTP server's information as part of the information it gets via dhcp remember earlier we had dhcp turned off because we weren't ready to hand out that information yet well now let's set up that DHCP server let's go under system and by the way you don't have to use your communications manager server as your DGP server sometimes I'll use a router instead either one works just fine but let's use our communications manager server will go under system DHCP first let's set up the server and the parameters here get inherited down into all the different subnets or the different scopes and Microsoft terminology let's add a new server and it's gonna be us and even though we don't have it set up right now later on in a future video I'm gonna set up a DNS server at 10.3 3.5 it's gonna be a Microsoft Windows 2012 r2 server now I need to specify the IP address of this server which is acting as the TFTP server from which that phone is going to download its configuration file so once again I'll say 10.3 3.1 that's all I need to do at the server level the rest of the information I can give at the subnet level let's go under system and we'll say DCP subnet let's create a new subnet and this phone is part of the same subnet as this server so this is the server that we're going to be using the subnet address is 10 3 3.0 and we'll jump down here to give the subnet mask of and maybe I want to limit which IP addresses get handed out maybe I want to hand out IP addresses in the range of 10 3.3 10 through 10.33 20 so I can specify starting an ending address in that range 10.33 dot 10 will be my beginning IP address and it will end with 10.3 3.20 I need to specify a default gateway it's gonna be my router my CSR 1000 via router with an IP address of 10.33 dot 100 and I think we're good here let's save that of course at this point the DHCP server is not currently running so I need to go start that service remember we went into Cisco Unified serviceability to do that let's say go and we'll go back under tools service activation and let's enable the DHCP monitor service we'll say save yes we want to activate it that service is now activated and I heard a tone from one of the phones in the background it suddenly got some Network information and it's gonna go through a cycle of registering and it might need to reboot a couple of times because it's never registered with this particular server before but in just a few moments we should have both of our phones registered with our communications manager server just to speed things along I'm going to pause the video right now and go reboot those phones and I'll rejoin you once they have booted back up and registered with our communications manager great news our phones have registered this is HQ phone one this is HQ phone - the moment of truth can't I call from one phone to the other phone it's going to speakerphone and say two zero zero - we see the call coming in on HQ phone - let's answer it Oh notice the display I'm not sure if you can see that on camera but it actually shows the display name of HQ phone one now we not only have a two-way audio call we've got a - a video call here on HQ phone one the main video is showing the camera from HQ phone - and we also see our local video in a little box down to the lower right hand corner now I'm gonna go back on hook because I'm getting some feedback well we've done it we've configured Cisco Unified Communications Manager and registered a couple of IP phones now in an upcoming video I'm going to show you how to to add a software-based phone into this environment specifically it's Cisco jabber now in order to do that we're gonna have to configure a Cisco I am and present server and we're also gonna have to configure a DNS server so we'll be installing a Microsoft Windows 2012 r2 as part of that now if you want to be notified when that video comes out be sure to subscribe to my youtube channel if you've enjoyed this video please give me a like down below it really means a lot to me and I look forward to spending time with you in our next video
Channel: Kevin Wallace Training, LLC
Views: 109,728
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cisco, csr, csr 1000v, cloud services router, ccna, collaboration, ccnp, ccie, callmanager, cucm, communications manager, esxi, collaboration ccie, #kwtrain
Id: RLUqF-b9-Pw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 1sec (3481 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 23 2018
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