How to configure CUCM-CUC SIP integration

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hi guys and welcome to this video my name is Pham a Valencia I'm part of the PDI technical advisors in Cisco and today I'm going to show you how to configure the SIP integration between see you cm on unity connection on 11 dot X release I hope this is useful for you the first thing that we need to do in Cu cm is to configure a SIP trunk security profile we give the system security sip from security profile we click on add nyan this is going to be a non-secure integration so we're going to let the device security mode as it is and we also need to choose these three options then we're going to click on save the next step is going to create a sip profile this option is on your device device settings see profile you can choose one of the ones that you get by default like for example the standard profile I'm going to use one that I always use which is the standard sip profile but I enable the options pin I'm going to copy this one and I'm going to use it for unity connection as well and we're going to save it in next place we need to configure a sip from the option is on your device trunk and we're going to click on add Nia we're going to choose the chrome tab to be a sip trunk these options we're going to let the sip and non-default we need to fill in all the basic details if you have more than one server do you want to make sure that you've checked this option wrong or not active unified cm notes I only have one but it is still a best practice to make sure that you have it set we're going to define the space for inbound calls and we need to make sure that we check this option from this part for the Albin coves do you need to make sure that you use this option as well and defending hell you want to candle the calling unconnected party information you want to sell it videos delivered the directory number to just send the URI or to send the combination of both on masonry I'm going to be handling everything primarily by the directory number so I'm going to leave this to the default setting then I'm going to be using the fqdn for my unity connection we need to make sure that we choose the SIF from security profile that we created the SIP profile as well and also we need to make sure that we choose the right concert space for the rerouting and the add of dialogue once you have all those options you can go ahead and save this with the citron created we need to go ahead and configure a rad group a route list and a road pattern you justice with the Citroen do you wanna make sure that you naval did run on all active begin if axiom notes option and we're going to save it as you can see it should show us register to your Co same server once we have this we are going to go ahead and create the road pattern I'm going to use the same numbering plan that I gives for the SK nvidia integration and I'm going to use 4,000 as the poison palette I'm going to choose the Robles that I just created for this the rest of the settings you can leave to the defaults now we need to create the poisoning palette this is under advanced features in boys no boys my palette we are going to go ahead and use unity connection test which is the name for the default profile that I'd use for the skin integration but as you can see I have removed all the information this scenario is going to be the same boys my palette number it's going to be four thousand I'm also going to use the same cost space as I used on the other video because the other one will work for this one as well I'm going to save this option then we need to create the boys male profile I'm also going to be using the default one which was created on the ischemia video already I kept all the information that I could need for it I already have the correct Posner profile name and I ever had the boys milk pilot that I just created if you want to go ahead and configure sip digester dedication for the unity connection server you need to do so under the seat from security profile let me show you that you can need to check this option enabled ideas of Education if you do not wish to use digest authentication this could be it for the configuration on the CEO cm set and we're going to go ahead and start with guarantee connection in the unity connection set we need to go to telephone integrations phone system if you remember I already change the display name for this one which was originally phone system you can see that I enabled it to be the trap phone system and also to send message counts we are not going to change any of the other configuration I'm just going to click on save as you can see we still have the warning that says that the phone system cannot be closed until a port group is set use the related links for that so we'll go to related links and we click and go this time we are going to change the problem tap to sip we are not going to be using authentication in the contact line name we need to type then directory number that is going to be the pilot in our solution in this case it's going to be four thousand I'm going to leave the SIP security profile to port 5060 and this sip Transfer Protocol to disappear then we need to type in the host name for our primary server I'm going to click on save just as good SSP if you have more than once the UCM server you can change that and yes the configuration under edit servers then you will need to add all those servers in here to make sure that you help failover I'm going back to the basics and as you can see we also have the word that this one system cannot take cause if it has no ports and two user related links if you go to related links and see add ports you need to click on go if you watch my previous video you will remember that this server can only have 24 ports and that is what I'm going to type here 24 ports they are going to be all enabled they are all going to be in the phone system see you cm test the poor group is going to be CEO cm test - 1 they are going to be assigned to this server I do not have failover in unity connection they are going to be enabled to answer calls to perform a message notification to send NW request and also they are going to log trap connections now I'm going to click on save now as you can see we were successfully able to create 24 ports for this integration they are all going to be listed down here in the information panel we see this option will recommend that you use the related links to run a check telephone integration and that is what we are going to do right now as you can see there were no problems detected and we can go ahead and close this if you also want to add your see you see M server as an Axl server you need to do so on the phone system we get the CSM test we click on edit and Cisco Unified Communications Manager X or servers as you remember as this is not a fresh install I ever had this configured from the skin integration and right now I did not need to do anything else here as this is going to be a non secure integration this could be all the configuration that I could require in my Dimity connection server now before the demo just in case that your SIP trunk does not come up and shows us in full service as you can see in my screen what you can do is that you can choose your saved from to unity con and that you can resell it that usually does a trick just in case that you try to dial and you cannot reach Bosma now I'm going to show you how this works I'm going to be using the same users that I had for the previous test with the skin they are going to be Cory Taylor who is registered in my machine and I'm going to get bill Mosley in a Bertil machine for this demo as you can see I already here my directory number for bill monthly call forward all to Bozeman and I'm going to dial from Cory Taylor sorry bill mostly it's not available record your message at the tone when you are finished hang up or press pound for more options hello bill this is a message that I'm living G and I'm using the SIP integration to unity connection let me know if you get this as you can see right now we get the MWA in the IP communicator and we also get the message certification in gather for this test I'm going to hear the voice mail in the other as you could see once I started hearing the Boltzmann dmw I disappeared from the IP communicator and also from Geller I'm going to live another test message and this time I'm going to hear it using the web inbox now as you can see in the bottom of my screen I have the web inbox and I have a new message I have the MWA on on the IP communicator and I also have it in the ER I'm going to hear the message in the WebM box and you will see how it disappears from both and now for the final test I'm going to leave another voicemail and I'm going to use my IP communicator to be registered as Otis IP communicator so that you can hear the message now for this final test as you can see I have locally registered the IP communicator with Otis the rectory number and I also have Gabbard running in the virtual machine and I'm going to dial two boys now enter your PIN followed by pound built mostly hello you have one new voice message plus you have five safe messages new messages message one from Cory Taylor hello bill this is message number three using the SIP trunk integration this is message number three of the SIP trunk integration received today at 4:12 p.m. to repeat press one to say that too to delete it saved and of new messages and as you can see the MWA was turned off in the epic communicator and endeavour with this we conclude the demo and we also finished the video thank you very much for watching this video and I hope this was useful for you
Channel: Cisco Community
Views: 19,698
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: configure CUCM-CUC SIP, Upgrade Guides, VM port
Id: uR9iaGqZFyQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 31sec (691 seconds)
Published: Tue May 31 2016
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