Windows 11 ARM on Raspberry Pi

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[Music] welcome to another video from explaining computers this time we're going to be installing the arm version of windows 11 on a raspberry pi before we begin i want to make it clear that windows is not officially supported on a pie and indeed the only reason we can do this is because of an amazing community project called windows on raspberry that i've been following for some time there's also been a debate surrounding the legality of installing windows on a raspberry pi however an independent developer called botsbot has created a windows on raspberry installer that downloads the required arm 64 files directly from microsoft and places a legal unlicensed evaluation version of windows on a pi which is what we're going to be doing in this video right in this video we're going to be using this four gigabyte raspberry pi 4 in my favorite heatsink case this is currently fitted with a micro sd card running a 32-bit version of raspberry pi os bullseye and here in bullseye we're going to be using the windows on raspberry pi flasher from botspot to write windows 11 to a microsd card the card in question is this 32 gigabyte sandisk extreme pro which is the fastest card i've ever used on a raspberry pi note however that you can use a bootable usb storage device for windows 11 if you prefer and that whatever media you choose needs to be at least 32 gigabytes in size so let's put this card into this lexar usb 3 reader and insert it into a usb 3 port on the pi like that there we go and if we go across to the desktop get rid of this like that and open up a terminal we can get hold of the windows on raspberry flasher scripts by entering git clone and then http s colon forward slash forward slash git hub dot com forward slash bot spot forward slash w o r hyphen flasher like that and if we press enter there we are it has completed and now to run the windows on raspberry flasher using a graphical interface we need to enter first a tilde like that followed by a forward slash w o r hyphen flasher forward slash install hyphen w o r hyphen g u i dot s h and if we now press enter there we go the script is executing and fairly quickly it gives us this requester or we can pick our operating system the default is windows 11 but we could use windows 10 i'm going to stick with windows 11 and here i'm on a pi 4 so i'll stick with pi4 pi 400 although there is an option here to create a media for a pi 3 or a pi 2. anyway i'm now going to click on next and we can now choose our language which looks like english gb for me engb will be fine and next and then we have to choose our device we're going to write this image to which is going to be our micro sd card there we are like that and again we'll click on next which results in this installation overview everything looks fine here so i'm just going to click on flash and there we are the process of creating our windows 11 media for the pi has fully started and it'll take some considerable time as it needs to download the required files from microsoft compress them and create a windows image and so what i'm now going to do is to be patient to leave things running and to go and have a cup of tea and here i am back again the process has finished as we can see i don't know quite how long it took but i was away for 52 minutes so it didn't take any longer than that although part of the speed of this process will depend on the speed of your internet connection anyway as we can see we're now ready to take the new media we've created to put it into the pie and to reboot and so to let that happen let's now close down everything here so we can do just that greetings i'm now going to remove the card we just created from the pie like that and we'll switch it with the card we previously were booting from with raspberry pi os on it this will help this go in there like that there we are and we now turn on the power and the pi will boot there we are we've now got a nice raspberry on the screen and i understand this will stay here for quite some time we need to do absolutely nothing other than being patient and so what i think i'm going to do is to go and talk to a passing snail and here i am back again just over half an hour later that was a very interesting chat and windows on raspberry seems to be getting on very well with its task and here we are towards the end of a standard windows install process so i'll just click yes to say i'm in the uk and i'll now confirm my keyboard layout and skip adding a second keyboard and yes we've arrived at a point we need to accept the license agreement i will do that and here we are we've got a few more setup questions we'll set this up for personal use and next and now it wants me to add a microsoft account i don't particularly want to do that can we go to sign in options and use an offline account there we are and we'll skip that again for now we'll now set up our local account with of course a password and in true microsoft fashion we have to answer some security questions and now we've just got all the questions to which we answer no oh look more windows updates always a welcome interruption i think i'll go and discuss them with another snail and here i am back again and whilst i was finding out the meaning of life windows 11 has finished installing here on the raspberry pi which is amazing this is a really interesting experience we're running windows under raspberry pi and it works this is this is really cool we can run up for example i don't know the the settings and little and it'll function and talking of settings i think i'll play around with a few of them i think i'll make a few tweaks to make things read better on video and i'll come back to you after that so here i am back again and i've made a few settings changes although not as many as i made in my recent video on configuring windows 11 because this copy of windows 11 isn't activated and that constrains customization i've also paused updates for seven days so that the windows update processes don't get in our way as i'm showing you around although as you can see with very little going on here on the pi all we're doing is running the resource monitor we've still got relatively high cpu utilization and this i guess is not surprising that pi wasn't designed to run an operating system as heavy as a windows 11 but it does work and i am i'm impressed how well in fact windows 11 does work on the raspberry pi there are a few constraints linked to drivers so for example we don't have drivers for wi-fi so i'm using here a wired ethernet connection and we also don't have hdmi audio although there is audio from the 3.5 millimeter audio jack if i go down to the menu it's pretty responsive now it's not bad as i bring it up and down is it that's not too bad at all it's fully populated now all the icons have sorted themselves out from last time we were here and let's go into settings because uh i just want to look at about here and show you that we really are on a raspberry pi i find this really exciting let's just scroll down here and go down to about and we can see that not only are we on a raspberry pi but we've got our arm cortex a72 cores as the processor we've got just under three gigabytes of ram available and it is this is surprising but i do find this a very very interesting experience to be running windows 11 the arm version on a raspberry pi let's run up a browser let's show you the browsing experience with a microsoft edge it'll take a second to run up and uh in part this is because we're running from a fast micro sd card although that wasn't too bad was it although it's also i'm sure a processor issue we could look at a page on single ball computers that'll come up this is perfectly usable a little bit slow but it's perfectly usable i'm not going to try and show you youtube playback though but we will go to this page of bookmarks here which is the windows on arm documentation from microsoft and i want to bring this up just to remind us that we're running the arm version of windows on a raspberry pi because a raspberry pi has got an arm processor so to natively run windows on the pi we have to use an arm version of windows not a version of windows written for an x86 or xx664 processor as we find in most laptops and desktops and if we just click here on support for existing windows apps on arm it reminds us that windows on arm runs native r maps as well as many unmodified x86 and x8664 apps but of course to run those x86 nexus 664 apps windows has to use emulation and given that the pi is already struggling a bit to run windows 11 if you try to run x86 and x8664 windows apps here on the arm version of windows on the pi performance really isn't going to be that impressive but even so it is impressive that this runs at all this is a fascinating experiment running windows 11 here on the raspberry pi although most compatible linux distros will offer better overall performance the opportunity to straightforwardly install windows on a raspberry pi clearly extends its capabilities and i'd like to thank the windows on raspberry project and botspot and all of the involved developers for making this a reality over the past few days i've done some extensive testing and whilst the system is sometimes sluggish it's also very stable and in fact i've not had a single crash native arm applications run with no problems and i've also tried installing some x864 apps to run via emulation for example i installed autodesk's mesh mixer although sadly this would not run regardless of what i tried in the arm emulation settings although it wouldn't have performed well anyway as there were no gpu drivers for windows on the pi however i did manage to run passmark performance test 10 which i never imagined would be possible on a raspberry pi although the final results here are not fully representative of the pi's capabilities as this is x8664 software running via emulation but now that's it for another video if you've enjoyed what you've seen here please press that like button if you haven't subscribed please subscribe and i hope to talk to you again very soon [Music] you
Channel: ExplainingComputers
Views: 236,278
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Raspberry Pi Windows, install Windows on Raspberry Pi, Raspberry Pi Windows installation, ARM Windows, Windows ARM, Windows on Raspberry, WoR, WoR Project, Botspot, WoR Flasher, Christopher Barnatt, Barnatt
Id: zGF_HaSdFyA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 55sec (775 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 26 2022
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