PCIe NVMe for Raspberry Pi 5. Geekworm

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okay so geekworm have sent me three nvme adapters for the Raspberry Pi 5 uh the x1000 1001 and X12 let's have a look at the 102 first so this one goes underneath the Raspberry Pi which means that it's suitable if you've got cooling on top of the Raspberry Pi uh the the way it gets its power is these little pins and if you have a look closely they push in so first of all let's pop the ribbon Cable in and close that up yeah that's nice and let's find an mvme drive and I'm going to use this kiox here because it's going to fit into all of them so let's pop that in now I've just notice where you fix the mvme drive 2 is actually solded in on this board now it might be different because uh I've got an early board but uh obviously there's all these slots here but I can't use them without an adapter and it doesn't come with an adapter luckily inside this Oro adapter which is an m.2 to USBC adapter it comes with these little rubber bungs which I think might work so if I pop that in there that luckily holds it in place so we'll use that for now right how am I going to fix this to this so it'll be this way around and we don't have any clearance in there that's actually touching so I'd need to space this out a little bit luckily I have some adapters so these are going to go up through oh and then if I space that out with some bolts yeah that will work yeah and they fit on there so that will give me enough clearance to get the mvme from not touching the base so that's four of those on using these extra bolts and let's pop that on top and screw it together there we go happy with that and there's enough clearance so pop the pi five on top I need to work out how this is going to work ah okay so here's here's where it all falls down because this adapter won't go on because it needs to screw up from underneath so I've had a look around and the ones that do screw in from the top are this passive cooler from edch but also the 52 Pi ice tower cooler will also do it now I can't use the same attachments that we've got here but it will work I'm sure so let's take this one apart for now which comes apart really easy cuz it's got little finger twist bits it would work with this because there's nothing on the base of this so I could use it with this one but I'm thinking to try and make use of the cooling on this it's better to have something on the top but let's get this off we go that was nicely put on well done Le so let's put that a little bit straighter on this one I could use thermal past but use the pad for now and we've got to think about how we put that down but we need it to have the same height in fact so we just use these and we just reverse them there's probably enough space in that standard one that comes with this case so let's reverse these and screw them in there just going to do them Loosely first of all CU I want to make sure those gpio pins seat perfectly so it's these two that need to be spot on so let's squeeze those two together that looks good let's tighten that up oh it doesn't go in any further oh no it won't go in any further cuz that thread's too high yeah whatever I do that's not going to work because this is longer than that thread so then I thought of this as an option but is the pie yeah that would be okay that would hold it in place yeah there's no movement there oh no you can't do that because then they don't fit oh dear and I'm just going to use these little screws these do go all the way in so that's holding that in place there's no give there okay let's pop that one on the official Raspberry Pi coer there we go and that's the fan plugged in so now we need to put this ribbon Cable in properly oh that's not going to be easy oh dear okay so finished I did have this the wrong way around cuz it says 2 pi 5 and I was thinking it meant to go to the pi5 but yeah it's to the pi5 and the other one says PP on it so that's all plugged in let's switch everything on interesting to note so you do still have access oh yeah you still have access to the SD card just about uh when this ribbon cable is in place and I'll test that cuz I've got no OS on wa a I've got uh chromium on there for the orange pie so let's grab an SD card and see if that still fits which it does that's handy let's write an image with Raspberry Pi imager choose device so choose operating system so we'll just go with 64-bit Raspberry p OS choose storage there's my 256 gig hooia and hit next not going to change any configuration and yes pop my password in and come back when that's all done oh look how fast it is didn't take very long at all and as you can see verifying doesn't take very long either really zipping along so let's shut that down remove the SD card which comes out fine and let's restart that but now running off the mvme drive and we get a nice little blue light that flashes so let's launch Diagnostics and do three tests so run test and you'll see that it happens very very fast show log and what I do is do this three times so sequential right speed 36277 random right speed 78392 random read speed 53718 but these tests will get faster when I enable gen 3 speeds and run again so what I do is take the best random read speed uh which is 50 3 718 in fact it happened twice this one and this one random right speed was better on this one so I'm going to go with this test the first one so let's delete these other two I always do the same with the speed tests and I need to save that so now what we need to do is open a terminal and type in PSE sudon Nano booot SLC config.txt and we're going to add a line in doesn't really matter where we do it DT peram equals PCI i e X1 gen = 3 so let's save that with CR X and yes and enter and then shut this down and reboot okay so that's the first test so let's do show log and see yeah that we've got much better speeds already so let's copy that over so we can see that uh these are all much faster so sequential right speed has not doubled but nearly dou to well the fastest was 682,000 to 94 92 and 93,000 and random R speed has gone from 53,000 up to 59 58 and 59 so yeah some really impressive speeds I can't really compare them to the edch NVM board because it was using a different nvme drive so fastest random read speed was 5 9795 yeah so let's get rid of these and just to show the eect speeds that I had uh so actually sequential right speed was faster random right speed was slightly slower uh random read spe was quite a bit faster but again that could be down to I was using the drive that edch gave me and in this one I'm using the kioxia drive but from now on I think I'm going to try and use this kioxia drive for all the tests so it's a bit more consistent but yeah really pleased with those results it feels incredibly Snappy as you would expect an mvme drive on a Raspberry pi5 so let's shut this down and try the next mvme solution I'm not going to do quite so much building in the next one I'll just put it I'll put it together and then start testing and I changed my setup a little bit so in the end I wasn't using this base um just because I needed to take the mvme drive off again uh and I used a little adapter this is one that converts a 30 to a 42 but the one I was using was this one that converts a 30 mm to an 80 mm and you can see I was using the screw on the board and that was working absolutely fine for me so let's try something else okay so on to the X11 and this is an interesting one because you remember this one takes its power from the GPO pins this one doesn't this just uses the ribbon cable and that provides the power to the board so it's a more simple setup but as you can see here in their Wiki had a power can power the X11 Shield directly from the FFC pcie ribbon providing maximum 5 wats continuous power well that was very straightforward as you can see just the ribbon cable going up and then it's got these three standoffs that elevated over the pie so not one on this side but one in this corner and uh yeah very nice and it's booted up fine and I know I said I wasn't going to do any more building but I think it's going to fit inside this 52 Pi case so if I drop it into here this way around so I don't really want to hold it by the m.2 drive so like that and then this screws up from underneath so like this this way around it's got rubber feet and that holds it in place and I'm using all the screws that came with it no extras and as you can see there's plenty of room in here uh there's loads of space at the top the case does come with a fan now that would be there's not enough room for that fan but obviously we've already got a fan inside uh and I can always Mount the fan this way up I'm not going to bother plugging in this fan cuz I'm already using the official cooler I'm just going to leave one bolt on for now but that definitely works that's fine so let's plug this one in yep happy with that with the mvme inside and that's just booting up now and after the three speed tests this was the fastest random read speed so 59578 not quite as fast as the random read on the first board but uh we did have a quicker sequential right speed and the random right speed was exactly the same on both so yeah very very similar performance and this one has gpio pins and you can see that it basically just sits on the pi5 and then gives you more gopo pins on the top we've got our pcie connector we've got our m.2 mbme but as you can see it's just designed for the two smaller sizes 30 mil and 42 mil you could put longer on there but obviously you won't be able to fix it down little tiny ribbon cable and some more standoffs and screws now this would also fit inside this case uh although it orients differently so because it's sitting on the GPI pins the drive is much more Central uh and the standoff it doesn't use that standoff it uses this standoff so yeah pretty much the same design but I'm going to have to take this out cuz I want to use the same pie for every test so this looks like a very good design in the way that the fan is directly under the m.2 drive so it's going to come up through here and really cool that m.2 drive because they do get quite hot so yeah that's impressive seems to be the same thing with the m.2 drive so you know this hole doesn't have a mount point or a thread on it so I could use that rubber bun I'm just going to leave it Loose for now but uh I can use my 2242 adapter but it is a bit broken on here so I need to print another one so it's obviously taking the power from the gpio pins and also so passing them on to the top here uh and this would definitely work with this case again uh if you took the fan off you've just got a hole and that hole is kind of directly over the fan so that's going to be better for air flow but I'm going to leave it open for now okay so last round of tests let's open this up pop it over here and Diagnostics and run tests okay so once again the fastest random read speed which is the I think is the best way of running an operating system it makes the most difference so these are two the same 59 362 and then 5899 so it's between these two which one's got the right speed this one's got the fastest right speed and also sequential right speed so let's delete these two okay so very similar results on all three boards so it's going to matter what you're putting it into what you're doing with GPO pins uh where your calling is all sorts of things like that are going to make a difference so the x102 was the slowest of the sequential right speeds but the random right speed was fastest uh with the x101 the x 1000 was slightly slow but hardly anything in it but the random read speed uh we've got the best results on the one2 but again these these tests are so similar there's really nothing to worry about so basically buy the one that fits the form factor for you best because yeah they all do the same job and uh just in a slightly different way so well done to geek Worm for making three different designs so we've got loads of flexibility I've got some ideas I'm think about of where these will be able to go but uh I hope all this helps thanks very much for watching please like And subscribe
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Id: XMA8e4r1AUQ
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Length: 16min 26sec (986 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 26 2024
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