How To Install Retropie And Set up Mame On Raspberry Pi 1 , 2 or zero

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hey what's going on guys it's ETA prime back here again and today I wanted to show you how to install retropie emulation station on your Raspberry Pi one your Raspberry Pi 2 or your Raspberry Pi 0 now I'm going to show you how to set up MAME this is one of my most requested tutorials I made a video a while back but the sound was really low and a lot of people had a hard time hearing it so hopefully this will fix it so let's go ahead and get started here you're going to need to download win32diskimager now this will allow you to flash the retro pie image to your SD card so we can put it into the Raspberry Pi and boot it up you can go ahead and scan it if you'd like this is totally safe software as you see there's 86 thousand downloads this week I've been using it for years great software it's a must-have if you're doing anything with the Raspberry Pi so another recommended software that I recommend you download is SD card formatter now this will allow you to restore your SD card to the stock settings after you flash an image for the Raspberry Pi and you insert it back into your computer let's say you wanted to flash something else on the same SD card it only shows up as 54 megabytes this will allow you to reformat the card so you'll have the correct size on of the card left this is only you only need this if you ever want to reuse the card itself if you go into the stock format Windows machine it will not format it correctly so SD card formatter is pretty much must-have also if you're doing any kind of imaging on SD cards for the Raspberry Pi alright so let's get into downloading the retro PI image so you want to go to pet rock block comm now this is pet rock blog and you want to scroll right here go ahead and go down to downloads and now depending on the unit you have you will download the corresponding image by one or a raspberry pi zero going to go ahead and download the SD card image for the Raspberry Pi one and the PI zero now I'm using a Raspberry Pi 2 so I'm going to go ahead and get this image here now you can go ahead and get the berry boot version or the standard version I'm using the standard version in this tutorial so this is what we're going to go ahead and download alright so it started downloading I already have the image downloaded and placed on the desktop so I'm going to go ahead and minimize this and I've placed it in a folder called Raspberry Pi on my desktop as you can see here as you can see here we have the retro PI version 3.4 for the Raspberry Pi 2 image we want to go ahead and unzip that so we'll extract it to its own folder inside of here and I'm going to go ahead and fast forward this for you guys so now that it's finished extracting or unzipping as you can see here inside of the folder we just extracted we have the disk image file now you want to take note on where your SD card is now mine is I renamed it SD card and it's Drive II so I'm going to go ahead and close out of here and open up win32diskimager super simple here guys you want to make sure this is the drive that you're flashing to my SD card is drive e as you can see I have nothing else to flash - except for card now you want to click on this little blue folder here and find where you just extracted the retropie image - as you can see we have the retropie version 3.4 pi - and i'm going to go ahead and click open now we're going to go and write yes I'm sure I would like to write and it's writing now and I will fast forward this for you guys and we'll get right into playing some games you so now that the write was successful we're going to have to move on over to the Raspberry Pi we're going to take the SD card from the PC place it into the Raspberry Pi and give it a first boot let's do that now okay so that's the first initial boot of the retropie have a wired xbox360 controller that I have always used for my emulation station so it's art the gamepad we want to go ahead and set it up so I'm going to go ahead and set these buttons up I'm going to hold a here detected my xbox generic wired controller and just follow the on-screen prompts and you should have no problem setting up your controller now left thumb and right thumb are the l3 when you press in the thumb sticks you okay so the controller setup and I am navigating everything with the controller right now as you can see we have no MAME option no NES or SNES today I just wanted to show you guys MAME now we need to set up a few extra buttons within the main program which would be the start button and the coin button for main because you need to insert a coin into an arcade cabinet to get it going so I'm going to show you how to load roms now you're going to need a USB stick and let's move back to the PC so I can show you how to do this okay so we're back at the PC now I've inserted the USB stick that I am going to use to put my roms on and install them to the retropie so I have roms in this folder here but we need to make a folder inside of the clean USB stick and name it retropie okay so when you open this folder up there's nothing here I'm going to go ahead and take my Raspberry Pi is still running I'm going to take my USB stick out of the computer and place it into the Raspberry Pi for a few seconds best thing is to have one with a light on it so you can see when it stops blinking then you know the corresponding folders have written to the USB stick so I've placed it in the Raspberry Pi retropie is doing its folder allocation for me okay so it has stopped blinking I'm going to go ahead and take the USB stick from the Raspberry Pi I'm going to place it back into my computer here okay so the folder that we just created is now full of the emulators now these are emulator folders that you place a corresponding ROM inside since we are going to be using MAME and setting MAME up I have always used main for all now I have my roms in this folder here and I'm just going to go ahead and open this up now these are zipped main file I'm going to go ahead and copy and then paste them into the main for all in on my USB stick so as you can see now we have them here so as soon as we place this back into the Raspberry Pi they will start to copy to the SD card so let's go ahead and go back to the Raspberry Pi now ok back at the Raspberry Pi I'm going to take the USB stick that we just created and place it back into the Raspberry Pi it will take the roms that I just placed in the correct folder and they will be put onto the SD card of the retropie SD card that we just made so if you're scrolling through here you won't see main right now until it's done copying and I reboot one time so a quick way to reboots press Start on your controller go to quit and restart emulation station and after we restart this we should add some roms installed in a MAME option on the front board there we have it there's Maine okay let's go ahead and start with Punisher here Punisher so I'm here in Maine and I'm pressing start and nothing's happening that's because we need to map the correct button to Maine now you want to use a keyboard plug it into the Raspberry Pi and press tab on the keyboard now this will bring up a this is a main menu named main menu so we'll go to input we're going to scroll down here and you can use the controller to do this the analog stick works to navigate so we want to set a player one start button and I clicked a on my controller and I'm just going to press start now it knows that my joypad Start button will start and we need to add a coin button now you can use the keyboard 5 6 7 & 8 would be your coins but I just want to use my controller so I'm going to press a and press the big Xbox button in the middle because I don't use that for anything else so this will be my coin button alright so you can press escape on your keyboard and escape on your keyboard so now when I press Start nothing happens when I press my coin button which I mapped to my Xbox logo button in the middle of an Xbox 360 controller we have a coin you can just keep putting if you see the credits going up there I'm pressing the coin button and I'm going to press start here so I'll be the Punisher this is a super fun game you can also set up an extra controller just like we did with the first controller as long as it's plugged into the Raspberry Pi you should have no problem setting up a second controller so you can play two players now this is kind of trial and error with the roms that you're going to use most of the world roms that I have tried have worked so I'm going to go ahead and exit out of here and we're going to start another game let's try Simpsons here we go ahead and insert a coin by pressing my insert coin button that I just mapped and that will be player 1 so I'm Marge if you'd like to use another character you can set up so there's a that was pressing 5 on the keyboard 6 on the keyboard 7 & 8 alright guys so that was setting up the main controller for your Raspberry Pi running retropie now if you want to play Dreamcast in 64 I suggest getting a different unit like an Android unit this is a very low-power chip it plays PlayStation 1 NES SNES MAME Amiga any of the older systems Gameboy advanced gameboy color it plays them fine but when you try to get a little heavier duty emulator it really really lags and it's unplayable so Dreamcast as of right now is unplayable in 64 is pretty much unplayable I believe Mario 64 works decent it still got a lot of glitches though it's it's really not even worth playing it on here but for older emulators this is amazing like I said SNES nes amiga atari main this is great and you can't beat the price you have all these emulators built into one set up for a little 35 dollar board if you already have a controller and the USB stick and an SD card you're set to go so guys I really appreciate you watching if this helped you out if you could help me out and hit that like button and subscribe and keep tuned because I got a lot more coming I'm going to show you some Gameboy running on this next video some NES some SNES I really wish that we could get n64 running full-speed but I do not think it's going to happen with the hardware that the Raspberry Pi 2 has so like I said guys thanks for watching hit that like button and subscribe
Channel: ETA PRIME
Views: 120,268
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: raspberry pi, raspberry pi 2, raspberry pi 3, roseapple pi, lemon pi, xbmc raspberry pi, kodi raspberry pi, how to raspberry pi, how to raspberry pi 2, kodi, xbmc, noobs, raspbian, ubuntu mate, ubuntu, snappy ubuntu, osmc, windows iot, openelec, pinet, debian, android rapberry pi, raspberry pi zero, recalbox, how to raspberry pi zero
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 35sec (995 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 24 2016
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