How To Get Mame Working On Retropie

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what is up guys John the retro bro here and today I'm gonna do a nice little how-to video of how to get MAME and our other arcade games running on the retro pie Raspberry Pi 3 so one of the cool things about emulation I feel is that we get to enjoy a lot of arcade games we grew up with games that maybe not have gotten a port to console or just to play the best version of the game sometimes and really MAME or many other arcade versions Neo Geo SNK etc they run great on the Raspberry Pi it's just getting them to run so I'm going to show you guys what roms you need and what folders to put them in actually really simple and I'm gonna make this as simple as possible so the first thing you want to do is get yourself some MAME roms now what I do this is the website I use you can go to whichever one you want this one on here honestly best thing I do here is you go to arcade system so we can go to consoles but if I go to arcade systems I go to MAME roms right here so let's do Metal Slug 6 I haven't put Metal Slug 6 on there yet so we'll go ahead and we'll go with this one here we'll go ahead and download Metal Slug 6 this is a small file oh never mind it's not small it's 126 Meg's so anyways I have some on the PI so we'll just go ahead and pretend I downloaded a ROM here so I went in got my rom again off the main folder and now what we want to do is once we have our roms once they are downloaded for MAME or any of the other arcade games you want to keep them zip don't unsub the files so once we have those we want to find our retro PI like I said I'm using Windows 10 if you're using a Windows 10 laptop or PC you just want to click on network here and then will maximize this so you can see it Network here and then you want to go to your retro PI so once we're on retropie we'll go ahead and go to roms now okay first thing you're gonna see you're gonna see Arcade you're gonna see MAME Lib retro you're gonna see memes for all they don't go in any of those folders you can put them in there the easiest way to do it honestly the best way to do it is you're gonna scroll down you're actually scroll up you're gonna find your FBA that stands for final burn alpha okay so you could see some of the ones I put in there today now like I said this one here these little env files those are just save files that's why you see those but once you go ahead and transfer your roms over you again keep the file zipped and you want to go ahead and dump that in your FBA folder so you can see I have a few games in here again I went on that website that I showed you go into your MAME roms download the file keep them zipped do not unset the and go ahead into your retropie roms FBA and just go ahead and copy and paste that zip file into that folder so once that's there we're gonna go ahead and we're going to go into our retro pie and we'll head over there and we'll show you some final burn alpha arcade MAME ROM action alright guys so here we are on the Raspberry Pi and the first thing I'm going to do is if it's already if it's already been on and you transferred that file so go ahead and give it a restart emulation station here you definitely want to restart that that way it saves everything what you've done on your your computer to transfer it or if you did a USB Drive well that's a whole other video alright so once you do that now you'll see a folder called final burn alpha and that's where you're gonna go that's where your games are now I've already scraped these but here we go like I said that final burn alpha is the one you want to use and the majority of them should work right off the bat you might get a couple here and there that you might have to go in and change the roms or the emulators for the specific ROM so one of the big reasons why I wanted to do this was because I wanted to play this game right here the simpsons arcade game so as you can see we're using lr FB alpha that's the final burn alpha and the emulator for this one it'll go through its ROM check and do all its it's good stuff that it needs to do so you'll just give this a couple of seconds here and then we are off and we are playing some simpsons arcade on the retro PI again I mean this is the best part about emulation in my opinion I mean what console is gonna let you play these games so that's why I said this is a great thing a bad emulation you know I just remember playing this game when I was a kid at the bowling alley my parents used to drag me along and you know they'd give me some quarters to go throw in the machine so I mean you can see emulation on this game in particular is just about flawless I haven't had any hiccups by any means I'm gonna hit him I can't hit mr. Skinner via Simpsons I mean this alone is worth it right here this alone is definitely worth it so you can see emulation is good what else we got on here this is pretty good fighting game vampire Savior another one I grow up playing quite a bit x-men but I mean like I said the great thing about this is you're getting the best version of these games especially like TMNT the original that's on here you can show you that one again it's gonna go through do its thing here until we actually get to the game and then here we are playing some x-men I was always a big Wolverine fan when it came to this one full animated cutscenes didn't see that this is the thing like for you youngsters you didn't have this on console back in the day you had to go to the arcade to get this he's awesome you know and fully animated cutscenes I mean we didn't have that and you know we didn't have that Nintendo kind of had a little bit of it on the snare a little bit on the genesis not so much on the Genesis again I'm not using any type of filters no scanlines this is just true and true old-school you know straight up amulet well the old-school emulation straight up emulation you can put the filters on but I've said it in the past I really don't like using you know artificial scan lines on a TV you know it looks like Sam is right there don't it wonder if that was just own if that was maybe a little Easter Egg there I have to look into that one that's definitely samus right comment below let me know is there an Easter Egg I'm missing possibly trying to think who made this in fact when I exit out but yeah next man again running flawlessly x-men genre unknown man I'll have to look into that one WWF rustle fest males another one I used to play in the arcade a lot at the bowling alley we'll go ahead and we'll do a will do a shooter here Oh get some arrow fighters on here yeah guys just remember you want to go to the main arcade section and you want to go ahead and drop them in the final burn alpha so your main takeaway on this video is main roms final bar an alpha folder and of course leave them zipped do not unsung credits in here you keep like eating I guess I'm gonna be Keaton alright here we are with some Aero fighters another great over-the-top shooter here what I'm not very good at actually there are some better ones on the ojio but this is definitely one of the best Oh No told you I'm not very good let's drop bomb dropping bombs all right here we where's the power give me that power of yes I'm talking about now we got our power-ups give me that power Oh No and they don't make those easy to get all right guys I'm terrible right now I'm not on top of my game as you can see by any means so yeah guys that is uh how to get MAME arcade working in the on the Raspberry Pi and retropie again you know if you're not big in the emulation if you don't get it if you don't like it for consoles I get it but how else are you gonna play these MAME games these arcade games there there really is no other way unless you're a millionaire and can afford a bunch of old cabinets so I love it personally I spend more time actually playing the arcade stuff on here than I do any of the console games as I played the console games you know there's there's still a lot of arcade games I never played so again guys major takeaway main roms in the final burn alpha folder leave the ROM zipped any questions comment below try to get to them thanks for watching guys we'll see on the next video
Channel: The Retro Bro
Views: 152,752
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mame, how to get mame working, mame on raspberry pi, mame on retropie, mame emulation, best way to get mame on retropie, how to emulate mame, how to get mame to work on retropie, how to get mame on retropie
Id: lU-xIS1QvAs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 13sec (673 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 09 2017
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