Most Comprehensive Beginner Guide For RetroPie and RetroEvolved - All Settings Explained Tutorial

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hey guys retro game Club here today we're gonna be doing a complete overview of all of the functions that are found within the retro evolve software now this tutorial is also applicable to retro PI software so if you're using retro pie don't fear you can still get a lot of knowledge from this video there's plenty of detailed specifics videos it'll go over all of the specific functions in retro evolve their retro pie but there's very little videos that go over all of the the general questions that people usually have when they first get these consoles up and running so we're gonna go ahead and start with what's called emulation station that's the front end of the software that's the visual menu that you're seeing here you can change the themes on it to look differently you can adjust many of the settings in the menu here too to customize it personalize it to your tastes and change its functions so basically when you first start your console you're gonna see a splash screen video which is something that you can actually change to be whatever you want but the standard retro evolved boot logo is gonna look like this [Music] and then the unique part about retro revolved in the start area as you may notice if you're familiar with retro pie is there's no text and no logos showing up right now and that's because retro revolved is customized right out of the box to not have any sort of hindrances of logos or bash text on startup so it just goes straight into the console and the amount of time that it takes to load will depend on the size of your hard drive that you have plugged in if any and how many roms you have installed on the drive because the systems do look for every game that you have installed on boot up so it is normal for it to take a little bit of time when it's starting up especially if you have a really massive collection so here we are this is the screen that you're going to see the first time booting up retro revolved or retro PI systems and it's important to note that the controller that you use to do this setup you must have in your possession it can't be a buddy's controller that you're using at his house real quick and and then you go home you won't be able to set up another controller with this system unless you have the original controller that you use to set it up I know it sounds a little silly but to keep your life a lot simpler just make sure that you actually own the controller you're using and you're not planning on losing it any time soon so basically all we're gonna do is we're gonna press a button on our controller we're gonna hold it down and it's gonna lead us through the first time setup so basically just press the the buttons on the screen that it tells you if your controller doesn't have those buttons you can skip it by holding down a button that has already been assigned to something so up down left right start select maybe X Y and feel free to depress buttons that are different than the ones shown on the screen if you want to map the the Y button to the X button per se if you want to swap them out you can do things like that to just keep in mind for all your games those will be your configurations for the most part this part hockey enable is a new feature in the newest emulation station that allows you to change what your hotkey button is your hotkey button typically you want it to be your select button so typically people assign it to select you can sign assign it to whatever you want but this is going to be the button that you have to hold down to use any of the hotkeys that you want to assign for emulators and what this means is let's say you want to save your game live and do a save state at any moment in the game you just hold down your select button and then you press like the left trigger for instance or the right trigger and that will save and load your game but if you assign a different key like the left trigger to the hockey then that's going to be the button you have to hold down to add a new controller or to allow your keyboard to control the menu screen you just simply press the start button on your controller or the enter button on your keyboard if you used a keyboard to set this up and it will open up the emulation station main menu on the main menu you scroll down to configure input and press your Enter button I believe it's the space button on the keyboard or the a button to select the option then it'll recognize any other keypads that you have so for instance here's the keyboard you see how it's flashed in there it's cuz I'm holding the space button I don't want to set that up right now I want to change some of the configurations of this controller so I'm just going to go back through the setup and you just do this for every single controller in your possession that you want to be able to use with this console and as long as you do that you will be able to use any of those controllers to set up for your games now if you screw up and you accidentally don't press something you can all at the very end when you finish the hotkey enable you can use the up and down buttons to go back up to the option that you didn't successfully do and press a on it and then press the button that you want it to be corresponding to and then you can just go back down hit okay so now we've mapped our controller so what do all of these options mean this is the basic emulation station menu this is your front-end as I mentioned earlier this is going to be what you see the majority of when you're controlling what console you want to play when you're looking for your game collection so it's really important that you master this main menu so you access the main menu by hitting the start button and I'm gonna go through these options with you now so scraper I don't recommend using I'll go over it later it's more of an advanced feature this scraper that's built into emulation station what it does if you selected it'll ask you where do you want to scrape from and the only option right now is the game's DB scrape ratings and scrape now what this does is it looks through your entire game collection and it automatically tries to download box art for each game that you have so that's very useful of course however it doesn't give you the option in emulation station scraper to choose where you want that artwork to go it's just gonna go straight onto your micro sd card it's going to load it up and if you don't have extra space you may not want that especially if you have a really large game collection if you have a really small game collection and all you're looking for is art for your games so that when you scroll through let's let me give you an example here let's go to I mean really I have art for all of them I'll just do gameboy color so for my example I have videos that I've used but if you have box artwork that's what's gonna show up here when you're looking through your game collection now how did I get videos I didn't get videos through the internal scraper you have to use a different feature and I'll go over that later it's a little bit more advanced so if you want to see artwork for your games and you want to see box art and you have a small game collection then you can use in the internal scraper it's very easy you just hit scrape now you select only missing images because obviously you don't want to get box art for the games you already have you select the systems you want it to look for and then this button that says user decides on conflicts that means if it detects a game and it's confused about it like perhaps you have it named 102 Dalmatians when it's supposed to be called 101 Dalmatians it's gonna ask you hey did you mean 101 Dalmatians or did you mean this other game and it's gonna do that for every single game it has a question about so if you have some very small collection you can leave that on for most people you're gonna have to turn it off because you're not gonna be able to manually decide on every single box art whether or not it's the correct one so I would keep that feature off and then hit start if you want to use that but like I said there's a better method I'll teach you later under sound settings this is a pretty simple menu you really don't have to change it unless there's something wrong with your audio on your TV so for audio device PCM is the standard audio and that is outputted by the Raspberry Pi there's really not much you can do about it this menu will only be changed for advanced features like setting up your home theater system with the Raspberry Pi so the audio menu is pretty self-explanatory you can change the inherent volume for everything in here that'll change how loud the the menu is how loud the videos are that play when you're scrolling through you can also adjust your volume on your TV obviously so usually I would just recommend leaving this at 80 percent not jacking it up to a hundred a navigation sounds that's like the little clicking noises and select noises when you select consoles so you can turn that on and off if you don't like it video audio that is the audio that plays when you're scrolling through your game collection you see videos like I showed you earlier it was actually playing audio from the video because I have this feature on for omx player audio device you're probably never going to change it and in fact in the example of this particular theme which is called Space Oddity it's one of my favorite themes it comes pre-installed with the non-commercial retro evolved image you can not use the omx player because it makes your videos kind of get smashed in in the corner and they don't look very good so olmecs player is only used in rare instances if you want to speed up your video quality and you're not using a theme that's complex like the Space Oddity theme here okay so the UI settings first you have the screen saver settings this is where you go to do some cool little effects where if after five minutes of inactivity your console will either dim the screen make the screen completely black so dim the screen make it completely black play a random video from your video collection now this means you have to have scraped videos for your games or play a slideshow of box art or whatever you have in your folder that you want to do a slideshow of so I suggest using the random video option if you have videos scraped and again I'll explain more about that later at the towards the end of the video in the video screensaver settings here this is where you get to choose how the videos work so let me first show you what it looks like after about five minutes of inactivity your screen will start to either it'll just do whatever option you have selected so in this instance I have video selective I have an option selected where I have it tell me the name of the game at the start and end of the video but I make the video change after every 10 seconds because I like to see just random video games in my collection because hey who knows maybe you'll see something cool you can write it down and you can go try to play that game and see what it's like because if you're anything like me you may have a lot of games in your collection that you haven't actually played or that you haven't played in a really long time so doing this cool little screen saver option gives you an idea what's in your collection it's pretty neat so let's talk about the options there and how to change them so if you go to screensaver settings and you go to the video screensaver settings you can change how long the videos will play before they change I keep mine at 10 seconds use omx player that just speeds up the the videos a little bit I would suggest turning this on screensaver controls means that you can affect the video I believe if I haven't actually tried to do that I think you can change between videos things like that for a show game info on screensaver that's where it actually gave you the title of the game so I sent mine to start and end that way the the name of the the game will show up in the screen here and then it will fade away after a couple seconds personally I turn on stretch video on screensaver because this makes the video take up the entire screen instead of just playing in the middle or whatever the dimensions of the video are for slideshow screensaver settings it's basically the same concept as the video except you choose how long you want it to be between images so 10 seconds is the default you can stretch the images to fill the whole screen you can choose if you want there to be some sort of music you can put your own music collection on there you have to choose what folder it is so you won't need a keyboard it's a little bit more advanced because you're gonna have to access your console either with Wi-Fi or SSH or you know have something on a flash drive and use the internal file manager one way or another it is a little complex to get folders to get audio and stuff like that into these folders so I'm not going to cover that in the video but if you happen to know how to do that already or you want to learn how to do it in the future you can check out the the next series of videos where I'll go over some more advanced settings and I'll go over that but for now if you know how to access this then change the folder if you'd like and you can put your music in there and it'll play the music while this slideshow goes on use custom images means you can use images other than the scraped box art images and you can choose what you want it to be so it can be pictures of your friends and family or memes you downloaded off the internet go crazy for recursive that means it's going to look in every directory inside the direct so if you have a folder with a bunch of folders in it and they all have images in each folder it's gonna look through all of them and then you can choose if you want it to be only JPG images only dot PNG stuff like that so you can really go crazy in customizing all this stuff so we've covered all of the screensaver settings now quick system select I don't really like the feature very much if you have it on what it does is let's say you are in the menu of a particular console and you're looking through your games if you press left or right it's gonna take you to the next console so if you like that and you want to just go back and forth between your systems really really quickly without having to back out and select it from this menu then you can leave quick system select on I personally turn it off so it prevents me from accidentally going left and right two different emulators or rather different consoles for carousel transitions this is something that you want to have on in my opinion carousel transitions makes it really smooth when it's scrolling through consoles so you see how it kind of moves when you change between consoles that's because carousel transitions is on if you turn off carousel transitions it just goes really really quickly and to show you what I mean there this is what it looks like when it's off so as you notice the background art pretty much just instantly shows up and it doesn't really give you that nice smooth transition so I usually leave the carousel transitions turned on and then transition style is how it transitions between console to consoles so I prefer the slide option which makes the entire thing look really really smooth as it switches from picture to picture but there is also instantaneous which boom it shows the console instantly no movement whatsoever and the fade option which actually kind of makes it look like it's having trouble loading and opinion I used to use this on my last batch of consoles that we shipped out but I think it gives the impression that it's taking time to load I don't really like that so all our new consoles come preset up to be on the slide transition theme obviously you're changing your theme completely so our retro revolved non-commercial non sellable images that you can download for free on Retro Game Club come pre-installed with Space Oddity SNES mini and comic book space out of these zone we're looking at a SNES mini to give it a second to load when you're switching themes it has to reload all the images so it can take a moment so this is that sin es mini which is really cool if you're into that sort of retro look and then there is the comic book theme which is very very popular in the retro PI community some of the best artwork that there is out there and we've got this really cool comic book kind of style with really unique text so there's many themes that you can download I'll teach you how to do that later game ListView style should be set to automatic most of the time you can change it if you don't like seeing all of the extra details on the games like their descriptions how many times you've played the game the community rating of the game etc but usually you like to have that extra info in case you haven't played those games before and automatic will also automatically detect if you have videos or boxart so you don't have to select a video if you want it to show videos you can leave it on automatic and if you have videos downloaded it will automatically play them as you're scrolling through your game collection on screen help if once you've mastered your console you can turn it off and it makes this go away so as you can see that disappears but when you're still learning the console I suggest leaving that on so you can remember okay start activates menu X goes to a random game which is pretty cool a selects things etc etc all right going down that list so let's go over game collection settings this is a new feature in emulation station the newest version it will go ahead and do things like organize your favorite games that you've selected which I'll show you how to add games to your favorites this is especially useful for people like me who have really large game collections and they don't want it to go scrolling through an endless list to find the games they want just add them to your favorites and they will show up depending on your theme they will show up in a little area says favorites sometimes there will be art artwork for it sometimes not depends on your theme if you're using one of the themes that comes pre-installed with retro revolved then you're gonna have some cool little artwork that says the word favorites and then when you go in there if you've added games they're all gonna show up right there and last play it of course is the games you just recently finished playing which I have right here alright and in all games you can leave if you have a small game collection or if you would like to do searches like a broad search for a game like let's say you want to play a game but you forgot what console it's for then you can activate this all games collection and it will put every single ROM that you have in a folder called all games on your screen and then you can basically just go through it and try to find the the games you have or if you have a small collection then you can see them all on one screen but if you have every game for every console and you're getting crazy like that trying to archive the universe and everything you're not gonna want to have an all games folder because there will be 40,000 games in it that's not very useful unless you're doing a search like I just mentioned for custom game collections this is really theme dependent so not all themes support it and they certainly don't support every type of custom collection you can make but it's basically for like let's say you want to have every single Mortal Kombat game in one folder and you want a cool Mortal Kombat logo to show up here where your other consoles would show up if your theme supports it then under your game collection on this particular theme this is one of the best seems that there is available again it's called Space Oddity they've got many of these already set up for you and then basically you choose one for example let's say the Sonic the Hedgehog games so you can go to Sonic and add this cool artwork and logo for Sonic and then you just have to add your games manually to this list and the way that you do that is by going through your collection of Sonic games and pressing the Y button on each game that you want to add to this collection let's see if I can give you an example we'll go to the game gear Sega Game Gear we'll do a quick search which by the way you do searches by hitting your select button or your hotkey enable button I think it's just a select button to be honest and then you can press a to go straight to that letter and we'll look for a Sunday so here's Sonic and Tails - and I'm gonna press Y on that and then up here add in Sonic and Tails - to Sonic so now when we go to the Sonic collection that we just created well what do you know there's Sonic and Tails to it so that's a pretty cool way to curate your collection if you're a real big fan of Sonic and you want all the games and you know you're gonna want them all in one special folder then go ahead and use those custom collections by theme which is in game collection settings and create no custom selection from theme after you've finished adding your games to the some collections don't forget to go back to the game collection settings menu and go down and hit a fit it finish editing sonic collection if you don't then any time you press Y on something it's going to instead of adding it to your favorites like it normally would when you press Y on something it will add it to the Sonic collection so to reiterate if you're going through a folder of games and you want to add something to your favorites you press the Y button typically and that adds it to your favorites list which shows up here if you want to add games to the new collection that you've made just remember you just click the collection you press the select button on your controller which will pull up this search menu or the options menu and then you just go down to add and remove games to this game collection and you press aim then from now on whenever you go to a game collection that has Sonic games you want to add like in game gear here we want to go and add another Sonic game now when we press Y it doesn't say favorites anymore down here it says Sonic and that's because we're adding games to the Sonic collection so when you press Y adds it to the collection and now we've got two games in the Sonic collection now we want to say okay I'm done with that press select finish hit finish editing Sonic collection or go back to your game collection settings and hit finish editing Sonic collection so that covers custom collections I you know it's irrelevant if you sort custom collections and systems that's personal preference so that's at your leisure you can decide what you want to do there so now we're on other settings we're almost finished so vram limit this one takes a while to understand logically you would think if I want to increase the performance of this console I'll just jack up the RAM to seven 15 megabytes here and use up most of my active memory to make my console run smoother when I'm in these menus right a lot of people will have trouble because they'll they'll raise it up to like 200 or like 600 thinking this is going to improve the performance in the menus but it's actually kind of the opposite so I recommend doing 80 megabytes if you have a large game collection and you have lots of videos that you're loading that's a good happy medium to make everything load quickly or else sometimes the images just won't load at all so be very careful about changing vram limit power saver modes just leave it disabled don't even worry about it save meta data on exit this will increase the amount of time it takes for your console to shut down so keep that in mind but if you want your games to show you how many times you've played them over here in this little menu then you are going to want to save that to have that option turned on because if save metadata and exit is off then it's not gonna remember any of the games that you've played when you turn your console off it's just gonna try to turn the console off faster so if you're in a hurry and you want your console to turn off really really quickly turn it off but I recommend leaving it on so these are more advanced settings I would leave them all alone they're really not going to impact you I do recommend using MX player on most themes with video but not on Space Oddity as we've already gone over and then there's show framerate that's obviously pointless unless you're trying to troubleshoot or a bug test something that just tells you how many frames per second your system is outputting then you got configure input and now here's an option I probably should have cover it at the very beginning but when you want to shut down your console you don't just unplug it right just like you wouldn't unplug your computer from the wall shut it down early so sure as hell hope not you want to go to the Start menu and hit quit to shut down and then you want to hit shut down system that's the proper way to shut it down after the green light disappears from your Raspberry Pi or your game console you know that it's finally all the way shut down in it's safe to unplug okay and there's just one last thing to cover as far as the basics go when you go into a game library there's a few more settings that you can change you've already seen this a little bit but when you hit the select button it's going to come up with the options menu whenever you're in a console and you're looking at the games this lets this is really important you need to remember this because it lets you search your game collection so if I want to go straight to Tarak I press the T I select T and then I can scroll down from here and I can go to my Tarak games right so again when you hit select you can jump to a letter and search for that type of game you can change how your games show up and what order they show up now you can sort them by community ratings now you have to have your game scraped for ratings for this to work but if they're rated which not all of them are so remember that mom but if your games are rated which many of the games are especially for the popular consoles like Super Nintendo Nintendo and 64 then they're gonna get a little reading here and on this particular theme it's denoted by these little moons so this one's three stars this one's four stars this one's two three and a half stars and if you organize your games by the rating then obviously you can see the community favorites at the top of the list and the you know least favorite ones at the bottom or vice versa you can sort your names by how many times you've played them so that means your favorite games will immediately pop to the top sorting by when you last played them this is a really cool option because it sorts them by how many players there are and I think that's really cool for people who are trying to play co-op games or multiplayer you can show all the multiplayer games right at the front and decide hey man let's play some co-op games let's play some competitive games sort by release date genre who made it and published it and the well the system this only really applies when you're in the all games category then you can filter the game list this is something that you want to remember if you're gonna change this remember to undo what you've done after you're finished for the most part because this is gonna permanently if you don't go back on and reset all filters it's gonna permanently change it to only action games are gonna show up only adventure games and only strategy games are gonna show up and now when I go back only action and adventure games are showing up and I've just eliminated a huge chunk of my collection so now I can scroll through the whole collection in seconds because it's only showing those particular genres and then when you go to reset that goes away now it's the full collection again so keep that in mind and then this is a cool feature it's really painstaking you wouldn't want to do this manually I don't think but let's say one of the games you scraped had the wrong name or let's say you're tired of it being called Goldeneye Europe and you want it to be called just double-oh-seven Goldeneye right so you can get your keyboard you can edit that metadata and then you go down to save and it'll you know save it to this list here you can change the thumbnails of the games you can change the marquee which is this little thing up here you can change what the video is this is for people who really want to go in and they they want their games to look exactly the way they - look they want to choose the image that shows up they want to choose the description though he says you can change the description of the game to be hey this is my favorite game but if you have the scraper option done then all of this is going to be populated automatically you can also rate the games what you want to read them so keep that in mind and of course you can add it to your favorites this is another way of doing it but it's easier to just press Y so that covers all of the emulation station basics for retro evolve and retropie consoles now we're going to get into the more advanced settings so if you want to get to the advanced settings you're gonna scroll through your gaming list or your console list until you get to the retro bulb settings or on retropie consoles obviously it's the retro pie settings and then we have some options here so we're just gonna go down this list one by one we're gonna try to get this done pretty quick so we're gonna start with audio now the audio settings usually you're not going to change this unless you're actually having a problem with the audio there is a rare thing that happens once in a while on some TVs where your HDMI audio will not be transferred properly also maybe you want to hook up a sound bar to your Raspberry Pi and you can or your game console you can do this through your 3.5 millimeter jack so you can use that and hook it up to the auxiliary port on a sound bar or a home theater system and that will bypass the HDMI audio so in that instance normally all of this is done automatically and you never have to change anything so you're really only gonna go here if you have a problem but you can choose I want my audio to go out to 3.5 millimeter auxiliary port I want my audio to go out through HDMI I want to adjust the audio that's going out because it's too loud too quiet whatever or I just want Auto so leave it in Auto for the most part bluetooth is an option that sometimes gives people trouble due to the the nature of how you get these things configured it is not as intuitive as like hooking up a cell phone to a speaker but I'll try to make it easy for you the steps to pair a bluetooth device are more simple than it would seem basically what you want to do is you want to press a on register and connect to bluetooth device it then searches for your Bluetooth controller or whatever you're trying to hook up and it will tell you what it finds in a couple seconds make sure that your device is in pairing mode so make sure that the blue light is blinking quick on most of them that's what it looks like and then you choose your device you trying to pair up and it gives you a few options here and really just ignore them ignore what they say it doesn't matter these are just different methods of connecting to bluetooth in case one fails like seriously 98% of the time when you choose the first option here it just pairs up automatically and you have no trouble ok so once you get your device paired if you have troubles with that you can troubleshoot it online if you purchased a console from retro gaming club then just reach out to us with support at retro game club and we'll help you out there if not just you know Google the the solution you know there's a lot of people out there who have reported you know any issues they're having and we'll help you solve it then you can remove Bluetooth devices you can display the devices that are connected the you Dev rule is really only for 8-bit due controllers to my knowledge there may be a few other controller types for 8-bit Duke controllers which are some of the most popular retro gaming controllers the brand is called 8-bit do so if you never heard of it that's why it's called that for them specifically you do have to after you do the register and connect a bluetooth device you have to setup a new u dev rule all you have to is click it that's it you just click a on that option or enter on your keyboard and then you just choose the controller that you just paired once that's set up you never have to do it again you can also connect now it's all registered devices and you can configure the Bluetooth connect remote if you're having trouble where when you turn your console off and you turn it back on it's not pairing automatically to your controllers you can try changing these options 90% of the time just leaving it as default here it's totally fine seriously I've never had problems even with a bit do controllers I would just leave it default there's probably something else afoot if you're having trouble pairing up okay try turning the controller off and back on stuff like that but you can try changing it to connect to them once at boot or to always try to do it in the background but I leave it as default and you can pretty much ignore this is this for for old 8-bit do controllers I've never had to use it on any of the new controllers I purchased so configuration editor this is most of these are shortcuts by the way all of these same options can be found in the retro revolved setup option so if you want you can just go straight to retrieve off the setup and that gives you full control over everything these are basically just shortcuts configuration editor takes you to all the important configuration files for the console for the emulators for emulation station for retroarch which controls a lot of the shaders and graphical enhancements for games bezels CRT filters stuff like that if you want to make changes you're going to need a keyboard so let's just get that out of the way this isn't an easy fun time area this is for people who are pretty familiar with what they're doing they know what these settings do or they've at least slipped it up in the internet and found a good guide I wouldn't go playing around in here the first option is to configure the libreta emulator options what that means is all the retroarch options are in here retroarch runs most of the emulators on a retro evolved console or a retro pi console and so you can go here to change almost all the settings for your games so let's use n64 as an example you can set up things like videos smoothing so that it basically if you're using pixel shaders you don't want this on but it will use bilinear turning to make your you can look a little bit better on n64 for example you'd leave that off because n64 takes a lot out of the system and it's usually quite difficult to Amelie n64 games because it uses up more resources so you wouldn't really want to do things like video smoothing necessarily because you want to have faster emulation rather than trying to make a fancier picture at the expense of the speed so acts aspect ratio you can change just leave it on set in most of the time you can change the render resolution the lower this is by the way the better your game is going to run so if you're having trouble with games not running at full speed you can try lowering the render resolution video shader enable these really a lot of these options you can kind of just ignore because there's an easier way to change them in my opinion but while we're here I'm gonna tell you that 4 video shader enable if you hit enter on your keyboard and you do true I'm gonna leave it alone for now and then you go to video shader file you can go through your list of shaders that are installed in your shaders folder on the console and you can choose a shader which will change the way that all the games look like it'll make them look like it's on a CRT television or it'll make them look really bright or make him look more colorful upscaling them stuff like that and you really just got to kind of play around to see what each of those do that's how to do that I have a better way for you though once we get to the retroarch options and we start talking about that so just leave that for now overlay enable is how you change the bezels that will appear on like the left and the right hand side of the screen there's also some really fancy bezels for portable consoles which will make like a square and it look like the actual console you're playing on the screen it's pretty cool stuff overlay file is where you choose the specific type of overlay you want or bezel and there's choose joypad order I'm not gonna go over that you can use the analog stick as a d-pad and stuff like that then we have okay so now that you know all the individual options are the same problem you can also do default options for all Liberatore emulators that would be careful about changing stuff here because what works for one emulator may not be a good setting for another emulator so it's not too wise to do that unless you're planning on spending a significant time of your day going through all these in fine tuning them under advanced configuration you can go in and you can configure every single individual configuration file for every single emulator manually okay obviously you're not gonna be able to to know what all these configuration files are unless you go online and you look up hey how do I change this setting on this console to achieve this effect this is where you would go to do those advanced configurations just all kinds of stuff but that's super advanced I'm not gonna go over it right now cuz that is not this tutorial ok now you can go to this where you download themes so we talked about that earlier if you want to get new themes I'll tell you right now for retro evolve we only have three themes that come with all the retro evolved imagery but I didn't want to limit our users just too retro revolved themes so you can still download retropie themes if you want it's just gonna add all those retro pie logos to your console so as you can see when you go into the theme downloader it's going to show you the themes you already have installed here and then it's going to show you the ones you don't have installed so the very first ones here are all ones that are used basically on retro revolved non-commercial images and commercial images so these can't be used commercially because the developers of these themes have made non-commercial licenses form so you're only going to be able to use them on consoles you don't plan on selling so your personal console feel free to download those you can right now the MBTA theme does not have any particular type of license on it that's subject to change in the future but as the recording of this video it's currently a commercially usable theme so right now this one can come pre-installed on a image that is commercial for commercial use so you can actually sell it and not have to worry about getting sued or something so you can go through here this is the one that comes with retro pie normally it's called carbon simple there's a whole ton of them so you just go through and you kind of experiment with these and see which ones you like if you don't want to just install them randomly and test them out there is an option to preview them to kind of get an idea you can also go on the retro pie website if you're super interested in retro pie themes and you want to see more what they look like but yeah so let's talk about file manager I'm not gonna go into it right now into the actual file manager I'll just tell you if you want to manually change names of files move stuff around plug in a USB Drive your console and move a file off it onto the micro SD card of the console that's where you would go to do that so you can it's basically turning it into a computer at that point RasPi config is not really newbie friendly it's where the high level stuff is done in the end if you really want to personalize your console you're gonna have to familiarize yourself with this stuff this is for security if you're gonna enable SSH which SSH is something that allows you to connect to your console through Wi-Fi or through your Ethernet so you can connect your console from one computer to the console itself and you can transfer files onto it and change a lot of advanced stuff and control everything about it so most most people aren't really going to do that unless they're gonna get real into it but if you do enable SSH you do want to change your user password to something other than raspberry which was the default password that comes with it okay all of our consoles come default called retro evolved if you want to change that so that your console shows up on the network as something else you know like Steve's game console or whatever you can change that under hostname keep in mind you will need to keyboard obviously to navigate these menus and type in things for boot options you can really be master hunting here you might break something but you can't change some of the options all of our non-commercial images already have this stuff configured for you you guys probably won't use any of that stuff to be honest under localization options this is where you change your country your keyboard layout if you you know if you're using this in another country which probably not watching this tutorial if you are unless you're in Europe you can change your keyboard layouts timezone stuff like that that'll help with things like YouTube down the road when you're using Kodi you do need the proper time and date to get on there so remember hey if I have an issue with time and date I probably need to go in the slope ization options under raspy config interfacing options this is where you go to enable SSH and for everything else you probably don't care at all you're probably never gonna add a camera to it you're probably never gonna use VNC ESPI I to see serial all that stuff this is all really advanced developer content SSH is pretty advanced but you still you may want to familiarize yourself with it cuz it's the easiest way to transfer games onto your console without having to use a hard drive if you go down that road although obviously having a hard drive is the best way but yeah so you want to get advanced with it you're gonna need SSH you can enable it under interfacing overclock doesn't do anything on the new hardware so that's for older systems that use Raspberry Pi too so don't even worry about it our systems come pre overclocked when you order a godly mode console on Retro Game Club keep in mind if you're gonna overclock something you're gonna want a fan on it most likely or at least a heatsink we have a overclocking tutorial on the website so just look for that Advanced Options it's this is already advanced but expand file system basically makes it so if you have a 32 gigabyte or 128 gigabyte SD card your image for the operating system may only be using you know like 16 gigs of that assuming you have a lot of like pictures and videos and stuff like that downloaded or if you have some roms downloaded on it using this optional it allows you to take that entire SD card size and use it just sorghum's and do all your stuff over scan it does exactly what it says if there's black bars that are showing up on your screen and it's not really giving you the best quality screen you can you adjust the over scan settings to fix that memory split is really advanced I wouldn't mess with it unless you're trying to overclock stuff and you know what you're doing audio it's the same settings that are in the audio settings that we looked at earlier resolution is if you're you have a like an ultra wide monitor you're hooking up you may need to go in here and manually input that resolution or if you're trying to do a four by three monitor you can change the resolution options here as well and then we have the I would mess with this because it can break a lot of stuff but for certain emulators and for certain tests you can enable the GL driver to mess with stuff so and then of course you can update it and it just gives you a little quip about what it is so that's raspy config so moving on to retroarch retroarch gives you control over most of the emulators that come with retro evolved and retropie consoles it's pretty much the brain behind the controller mappings and the shaders and the saving and the loading basically all the stuff related to actually playing the games so you can think of it this way emulation station is the user menu where you go and you select your consoles in your games you sort the games and all that retroarch is basically in control of the games themselves how the games are played all the settings for the games and then retro evolve just ties it all together so this is the retro arch menu and if you were to install a system like laka for example this is particularly the whole interface right here so it has its own interface you don't usually go in here except when you're initially doing some shader configuration or controller configuration stuff like that if you want to change the settings on your console for games you're gonna go here most of the time so I'm not going to go over all these options we're gonna do that in another tutorial because there's a ton of us here and this is like I said it just controls everything about the games generally you're only going to access retroarch from the retro revolve settings menu if you need to change where games are save stuff like that so we're gonna exit that netplay that's something that really deserves zone tutorial as well this is where you will go and you will type in your buddy's IP address and you will link up and you can play your games through Wi-Fi together it's pretty cool it's kind of tough to set up especially if you're not living in the same house it does it's not like Xbox Live where everybody's just connected super easily this is done manually with IP addresses and stuff like that so I'm not going to cover it here but you can just look up a tutorial you know retro retro PI net play or retro arch net play and you'll find somebody who's talked about this in detail I'm sure retro evolves set up I'm going to show you that latch because that's like that's where everything is at so this is usually where you go in fact I very rarely use any of these other options almost always just go straight to the retro evolved setup run command configuration this one's pretty neat if you wanted to change what it looks like when you're booting into a game the run command is the thing that happens between when you select a game and when the game actually starts without the run command menu you can't even decide to change a setting for a specific game before it runs so this is getting a little advanced but if you understand how emulators work an emulator plays games sometimes one emulator program will be better than another for a specific game so let's say you have a game of your collection it's not working on the default emulator that we have selected you can go in to the run command menu and you can change that specific game to be a different emulator right so if you disable this which is a very bad idea then you will not see that menu when you select a game the game will just start there will be nothing that happens beforehand okay all these settings should stay the same I wouldn't mess around with them okay there's really not much of a point in changing any of these settings especially the way that we have them packaged on the pre-configured retro revolved images this is already taken care of for you and I'm gonna show you now what this actually does and why it's important so with running command like I said is what happens between when you start a game and when the game plays so let's just use a random Nintendo game we're gonna press a to enter the game and then it's gonna come up with this menu now if you press a on this menu or in this instance it's actually button 0 which for some crazy reason on this controller is actually the thumbstick I don't know why it can be changed if you go into the configuration settings I'm just a lazy guy so I didn't do it but it's not always gonna be a just keep that in mind if it's not running try pressing all the buttons on your controller when the games starting and then this menu is gonna pop up so the run command menu is where you go when you want to decide hey I would like to change the default emulator that runs for my entire console for a Nintendo Entertainment System for example and when you go into that you you can choose between all the currently installed emulators we'll get into installing new emulators later you're probably not even gonna ever install a new emulator because most of them are already done for you on our non-commercial image it's practically every single console known to man but if you wanted to install a particular emulator you can do so and then you can select it by merely choosing a game and then pressing your buttons 0 usually a before the game starts to get to this menu change your default emulator you can also if a game isn't running properly and you want to you know you really love that game you really got to get it to work you can try running that specific game on a different emulator so if that game doesn't work well with one emulator then change it to another just for that one game that way you don't have to worry about screwing up your whole system and you can kind of test it out with new emulators then you can change the the video mode there's a whole bunch of settings in here a lot of them are not gonna work on your particular television I'll tell you that upfront you usually want to leave it at the default but if like I said if there's a game that you really want to play and it's not working with your default settings you can try coming in and doing things like changing it to a lower resolution things like that and that may help you get that game running conversely you can also basically enhance your resolution to a higher resolution but there's an easier way to do that and that's to just use retroarch and basically use your your shaders and your upscale settings in retroarch itself you can change the retroarch render resolution here but I would do that in game to be honest you can edit the custom retroarch configuration for this you can add a specific line of code that only runs for this game and of course you can just launch the game and then the game boots up so and then you've got your your bezels which is that's an overlay and the effect on here is a CRT but we're not going to go too much into that because that's the whole retroarch side of things okay so we're gonna go back to retro well settings so show IP that's how you figure out what your IP address is splash screens is where you go if you don't like our rest revolves boot logo that shows you and add basically a fancy ad for retro game club every time you start your console you can go in here and you can change your splash screen I'm not gonna force you to use our our custom splash screen there you can go in to choose slash screen and if you have anything already dragged and dropped into the appropriate folder which it tells you where it's located home slash PI slash rectory evolve slash splash screens then you can just put your splash screen video in there and you can tell a hey I want you to run we also have some default ones where you can change it this will change it to an image of retro revolved so instead of playing the video we have with retro game club it will just show a picture of the retro evolve with logos so if you prefer that you can change it there most of these are pretty pretty simple you can disable the splash screen entirely it's not gonna speed up your boot just so you know so there's really not usually a reason to do that if you have a ton of different splash screens you can have a randomized okay so that's pretty much all there is to talk about as far as splash screens go and then there's Wi-Fi so why would you use Wi-Fi on a retro revolved or retropie console you may ask well and obviously you'd use it for a net play but that's not the only reason you need it for updates if you want to update retro revolved you're going to need to connect to the internet if you want to use what's called samba or server message block with Windows computers this may all sound like jargon but what that is basically is you can transfer files on to and from your console without needing to do any crazy advanced ssh kind of stuff so if you're not cool with downloading a special program on your computer to transfer files on to your console then you can go into Wi-Fi you can go ahead and connect to a Wi-Fi network with the number one option you're gonna need a keyboard here keep that in mind our godly mode consoles come with a wireless micro keyboard but you can use any Bluetooth keyboard or USB keyboard that you have set up and then you connect to a Wi-Fi network it's going to tell you what Wi-Fi networks are in the area you will then press enter on the network that is you know the one you're trying to connect to and you will type in your password with your keyboard and then hit enter it's that simple guys there's nothing no special fancy trick to it if the console isn't seeing your network it's because it's too far away or something else is happening get in touch with us at support at retro game club if you purchased a console from us in your heaven Wi-Fi troubles oftentimes you can disconnect / remove the Wi-Fi config and then redo it and that will fix many issues that might pop up and a really advanced option which is an absolute last resort is if for some crazy reason your keyboard is not configured properly or it's not outputting the right keys when you're typing in your password or something's going funky you can basically manually put your password and your network name into this file on your SD card your microSD card and then you can hit this option and it will basically take that information and manually put it in for you so as a last resort if you can't connect to your Wi-Fi put your Wi-Fi network into a text file called Wi-Fi key file dot text on your microSD card and pop it in your console and then go to Wi-Fi and select import Wi-Fi credentials so the last thing to talk about is retro evolved setup this is where you're gonna go to do the majority of your configurations I would go straight here nine times out of ten if you're trying to change something about the console you're gonna do it there except for retroarch game and emulator specific stuff so for visuals and configurations you're gonna go into the retro evolved setup this is also what you'll see if you decide to install retro evolved from scratch by downloading it directly off github and compiling it from source so that's the super advanced way of doing it if you really want to know every little thing there is to know about retro evolved then you can compile it from scratch and this is the very first thing you're gonna see and it would be how you would install it onto the actual system now this whole basic install option is useless to anyone who purchased a console from retro game club or downloaded the non-commercial image off our website because it's already installed so you don't need to do a basic install so you can just ignore that for people who are installing you themselves you click it and it just installs all the core and main packages that there are in the program so if you want to update retro revolved you can go to the update section and once you're connected to Wi-Fi or have an Ethernet cable plugged in it's going to connect to our server on github or the various components of retro evolve it's going to download all of the updates keep in mind guys that this is free open-source software it's continually being developed there's a lot of updates that'll get put out there for these different various software that may not instantly be compatible with other elements of the software so it's often a good idea before updating ask yourself do I really need an update right now or is everything working fine it has a publisher online said something about an update that warrants me doing it like is it gonna be a substantial improvement you really just want to make sure that everything's stable before doing any updates that's all or at least backup your system before you do an update just in case you know so you can go to manage programs this is where you'll install all the new emulators that's where you'll change the majority of the programs that are installed on your system okay so consider it like your programs list and we have to manage the core packages this is where all the major portions of the software are so emulation station retroarch retro evolved itself and run command are all here main packages are all the primary elements of retro revolved that generally come on our non-commercial image so it's pretty much all the best emulators and all of the programs that you're going to use there's not much to talk about in here other than at the bottom I need to let you know that in the main packages section you're going to find two very very important things one is USB ROM service and one is splash screen so USB ROM service is what allows you to plug in a USB hard drive to your console and have it read all of your game rooms and actually play them directly off the hard drive retropie consoles do not come with the ability to plug in a hard drive right off the bat you do have to go in and turn these features on on Retro evolve this has already been done because it's such a popular feature we felt it should be included on every console and then you have the splash screen service itself which is where you go and you can do all of those features that you saw on the splash screen list earlier of course you can also update each of these elements inside this menu now this can be very useful to upgrade individual elements like that that's often safe to do so you can enable and disable USB ROM service from there and in fact that is a troubleshooting step which I'll go over in a moment so you can manage optional packages here this is where you go and you install the emulators that didn't come pre-installed on your retro evolved or retropie console I really do not recommend installing all of them simultaneously you probably won't use many of these but let's say there's some games on MAME which is an arcade emulator but they're only available on and 0.94 or they work better on point nine four you can install that version of the emulator install your rom set and then you'll be able to choose that from the run command window when you're first launching a game so you can say hey I'm gonna launch this arcade game now but I want this version of MAME to run it also for things like light guns advanced MAME one point four is gonna be a lot easier to configure for things like light guns and that's basically the only way I personally know how to get a light gun to work with a Raspberry Pi based console so keep that in mind if you ever want to do light guns you're probably gonna need to download advanced MAME 1.4 then there's just tons of little emulators in here that you can do there's a few things that we've already installed for you such as the Intellivision emulator the playstation portable emulator these things don't come pre-installed on retropie consoles they do on our retro evolved non-commercial images because these are some of the most popular consoles out there so why wouldn't you want to be able to emulate PSP dreamcast is experimental that's why it's not often included in these types of images because dreamcast has maybe like 40 percent compatibility right now it's a tough one to crack so not all Dreamcast games work that's for sure and it is a little bit of configuration to get it up and running it doesn't just work right out of the box you do have to change some things we've got scummvm which is a emulator for point-and-click adventure games we always install that on our non-commercial images because you got some really cool LucasArts games you've got wonderswan ColecoVision a lot of these pretty much all of these that are installed that you're seeing here do not come on retro five images so it's another thing that sets retro Evolved apart it also comes pre-installed and configured with Cody Super Mario war just for fun so you have a game to play right off the bat Solaris which is some really cool open-source Zelda games you can play and yeah and you can download doom all kinds of stuff on here so just you know read the little description on the bottom see if you want to install it and keep in mind that all of the things that are in the optional and experimental packages are probably going to need some configuration to work you can't really just install them and expect them to work right off the bat you do have to configure things yeah I know it's unfortunate under driver you're probably never going to do anything in here unless you have an Xbox or Xbox 360 dongle that you want to use with your Xbox 360 controller or if you have an X arcade joystick which are some pretty popular joysticks you can plug into the consoles the steam controller is compatible if you download the driver for it you can hook up PlayStation 3 controllers but if they don't work right out of the box you do have to download these drivers first and you just go into the driver menu to do that under experimental packages we get all the crazy stuff oh I don't know this isn't installed on here right now but on all non-commercial images we do include the drastic emulator for Nintendo DS it is fantastic it is very high percentage of compatible games that are playable with that we also include in our images a lot of experimental packages that don't come with retro pie they do require some advanced configuration here's a good example streets of rage remake it's a really awesome fan made project that completely redesigned Streets of Rage and gives you all the characters and you play through a completely different story with really great graphics stuff like that a lot of these will be in the experimental section and that's another thing that sets retro evolved apart from retropie of course so go in here keep in mind you're gonna have to do a lot of configuration to get these to work especially with things like Firefox and chromium there is some extra work that needs to be done looking things on the Internet I'm not going to detail that in this tutorial since this is just like an overview but that's what you've got no open source civilization game there's all kinds of cool stuff lots of free games in there too so that's the programs menu then you've got configuration slash tools which is where you'll spend the majority of your time changing options on the console you've got every possible thing that you can do right here at a glance it's really really easy so earlier I said I was going to tell you a troubleshooting step for playing roms off a USB hard drive if you ever have trouble getting your USB Drive to be read after you've followed the instructions on the website if you're trying to hook up a new hard drive to a console you're probably gonna need to go update now go back you're probably gonna need to update retro Evolved immediately after updating your you will go to USC rom service that you will then disable it and then you will enable it and that fixes most problems with hooking up an external hard drive in case you ever have an issue with it you can also there's the splash screens yet again so you can configure the splash screens we've got samba okay that's something important to talk about Samba and SMB is what I was talking about earlier when I said you could transfer files over Wi-Fi without having to do some crazy fancy SSH stuff and download programs if you have Windows computers on your network they all communicate with one another with something called samba or SMB which is server message block and that's basically just the way that these computers share files so if you install retro revolved Sambo's shares by clicking yes here it's going to install them and then your console will show up on your network and other computers will be able to send files to and from the console so it's really convenient for adding games or adding your own splash screens for example changing box art for games adding videos stuff like that and the rest of these are pretty self-explanatory and just used for configuring and bug testing Sammis you can restart the service remove it and then reinstall it stuff like that there's run command again so like I said pretty much all of the options that are in that menu are also available in the retro evolve setup then there's retro netplay this is an option that allows if you're having issues playing games and they're not being read for some crazy reason once in a blue moon it's due to an issue where your console isn't like technically giving permission to access those folders so you can reset the rom directories and the ownership permissions and that will sometimes fix some of those issues there's raspbian tools this is the same thing as clicking the RasPi config option there's the themes again so if you want to install new themes you can do it right there emulation station here's a configuration option where you can clear and reset your input configuration so when you restart the console it's gonna ask you to basically reconfigure your controller you can also switch your a and B buttons in case they're reverse so if you want your a to be B and B to be a you can change that right here this man X is a utility that some emulators use it's optional sometimes it will help with game playability on certain games so you can install that if you feel like it it's something you're gonna want to research online before you do the console font you can change the type of font here if you want you can also change the configurations it's the same thing that we saw earlier same Bluetooth menu we saw earlier bash welcome tweak is not something you're going to use it's pre enabled on retro revolved images and all it does is it makes it so when you hit f4 on your console it gives you some information about the console that's it we have autostart this is a feature you only use when you're compiling retro revolved from source and you are setting up for the first time it won't run itself automatically so you go here and you say hey I want Kody to run every time I turn my console on I want that to be the first thing that runs or a I want emulation station to be the first thing that runs and that is what is by default so be careful messing around with stuff like that then you got your audio settings you got your retro art settings and you've got a section specifically for the Dreamcast emulator and yes it is that complex so sometimes you really need to get nitty gritty with these Dreamcast configurations to get them to work people have been trying really hard to get Dreamcast compatibility up more and so that's why that is there and of course you can update the retro evolve setup script you can uninstall it if you want to completely delete it from your console but that's gonna be gone and you can reboot your console ok and the last thing I've got to show you guys I promised you I'd show you at the very beginning it is the really cool feature that comes pre-installed on retro revolved consoles which is the advanced image and video scraper which was designed by the very talented Stephen self give credit where credit's due and it is basically the best way to get videos and descriptions and artwork for all your games it goes to the most popular servers online and it can get artwork and videos for just about every single console out there and with our retro revolt consoles we've set it up so that you will have a default user and password for one of the best scraping services out there and you're gonna be able to download a lot of videos that you otherwise could not namely on retropie consoles you'd have to go in and manually edit some of this code to incorporate a user name and pass so we've done that for you done the legwork and basically it I'll show you where it's located but you can't access it here right now because you have to do something I'll tell you in a minute I go to manage programs and then when you go to optional packages we're all good things lie it's at the very bottom of the list now if for some crazy reason it did not come pre-installed on your console which should not be the case but and I'm not using our official image right now I'm using an experimental one that we're developing so if it does not come pre-installed for some crazy reason simply connect your console to the Internet and select ok on the scraper option and install it from source and after its installed you can go down to configuration options and it will tell you that this cannot be run while emulation station is running and the reason why it cannot be ran while emulation station is running is because all of the new data that you put into the console is generally going to be overwritten by emulation station while it's running so it will just undo everything that you did so what we do here is this is going to be hopefully it's not your first time doing this on the rest berry pie console but if you're watching this tutorial it probably is we're gonna go into the terminal and since at the core of retro revolved and retro pie consoles is the operating system Linux and Linux is controlled with terminal most of the time at least the version that we're using and you access it on one of our consoles by hitting the f4 button on a keyboard while you're at up one of the main menus and what this does is it closes out of emulation station and it gives you some text says retro evolve tells you the time etc etc the version of Linux and from here we're gonna do a few commands which are going to get you back into that retro evolve the menu okay so it's a good thing to memorize these so what we're going to do is we are going to use the command CD space retro evolved and you have to keep the R capital in the e capital and a capital S so watch your evolve - set up and that will move you into that directory so make sure you type it exactly the way you see it on the screen I'll zoom in here to help make that a little easier and from there you're going to type in sudo dot slash retro evolved underscore set up dot Sh and that is going to open up this familiar screen you're probably very used to by now and from there now we can go ahead and go into the scraper so we're gonna go down to manage programs again we're going to go to optional packages and we're gonna go all the way to the bottom where all the good things are and we're gonna click scraper we're gonna go to configuration / options and most of these settings if you're getting a pre-made retro revolved non-commercial image most of these are going to be done and already they're already going to be the best settings there's you'll probably need to go online to get the full details on specific consoles but the best thing that you can do the best settings that you can use to to get the most results is going to be from screen scraper and using the know intro rom names and for game list there's a few options there's append or overwrite if you have some existing images and videos already then you probably don't want to overwrite them and waste time you probably want to append or if you're adding let's say for example you use screen scraper to get your arcade games and your console games to get videos and pictures for them and it doesn't get all the games that you wanted so you switch it to open VG DB and arcade italia and you you try to fill out the rest of your your list with those two well you don't want it to be set to overwrite if you do that because then it's going to delete the ones that you have and replace them with only the ones that were found on these two sources so you want to leave it append which will make it so that it combines what you already have with the new things that are downloaded so I recommend keeping screen scraper for console source and arcade source I recommend using thumbnails only unless you have a massive hard drive because it's gonna take up a lot of space already and then I would use the knowing TRO ROM names and I would use the ROM folder for the game lists and images this is really great for not filling up all the space on your microSD card you can with this scraper you can get all of your videos and pictures for each game store it onto your actual hard drive with all your games so that's the best thing that you can do in my opinion do not enable download videos if you do not have a decent sized hard drive to store these on and videos are going to take up a pretty good bit of space so keep that in mind it's also gonna take a very long time if you have a big game collection so to put it into perspective it took three entire days to get videos for every single game that we have in our collection because we have a you know a pretty massive collection so it can take a lot of time if you're doing videos keep that in mind download marquise marquise are a third type of image that you can get other than box are entitled screen are and it basically just gives you the the name of the game and sometimes themes will incorporate that marquee into the theme so I recommend keeping it enabled if you have the hard drive space keep the image width and height the same unless you have specific needs otherwise for your theme you'll know this if you go and you research your theme and see if it needs a particular width or height but you can leave this default on the themes that come pre-installed with retro evolved and then of course you can update the scraper when you're ready to download all the pictures and videos and all that cool stuff and you have a lot of time on your hands if you're doing videos remember you can go to scrape all systems or if you're just trying to test and see hey are these settings good is everything working right you just choose one of your your rom folders to get images for and then you just click it and it'll go through a long process and it'll automatically download everything and then if you have some games that don't have images or videos you can go here to arcade source and console source you can change it to a different source and try to fill out that collection and guys amen that is it that is every single option in retro revolved and retro pie for the emulation station side of things covered so you should now be an absolute master at configuring the way that your console looks setting up Bluetooth controllers connecting to Wi-Fi doing all kinds of cool stuff so the next video we're gonna do because I don't think it's gonna fit into this video is we are going to talk about retro larch which handles the game side of things and that's where we're gonna go and do our shaders and our bezels all that fancy stuff so see you on the other side guys [Music] [Music]
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Views: 6,818
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Keywords: RetroEvolved, Guide, Tutorial, Best, Full, Complete, Beginner, DIY, RetroPie, Emulation Station, Settings, Scraper, Box Art, Sound, Audio, Screensaver, Gamepad, Controller, How To, Runcommand, Emulator, Drivers, Filter, Favorites, Bluetooth, Pairing, WiFi, Theme, Splashscreen, OMX, Fix, HDMI, Aux, VRAM, Overclock, Search, Metadata, Change, SSH, Samba, SMB, Transfer, Region, Net Play, Dreamcast, Custom Collection, Retroarch, IP Address, Boot, Bash, Logo, ROM, USB, Harddrive, Play, Connect, Install, Package, Experimental, Kodi
Id: 7wwQ429Aqc8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 3sec (5043 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 27 2017
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