How to install PI-Hole in a Proxmox Container in 2024

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today un virtualize everything we're going to be installing py hole in a container on proxmox now this is something that we featured many times before on the channel but here in 2024 we're noticing that we're getting a lot of comments on some of our older videos of viewers that are struggling to do this so we thought we'd take the time and make a new video about how to install py hole on proxmox in a container here in 2024 the first thing you're going to need to do is open your proxmox web interface and you can notice that I've done so right here and I want you to move to the local account for storage and then I would like you to select container templates or CT templates now you can see I have the template downloaded that we're going to use here but if you didn't already have it downloaded go ahead and click on templates right here and start by searching for Debian we're going to choose Debian 12 and you're going to press download I'm not pressing download right right now because like you saw a minute ago I already have it down closing out that screen you're going to come up to create container and here at container you're going to give it a name we're going to go with Pyle video here for mine and for me I'm going to enter a password this is going to be your root password and it's going to be important to remember later on press next 8 gigs should be fine for py hole pressing next it's going to ask us to select CPUs we're going to choose one core 512 memory Network we're going to set an IP address as after all this is a server and we're going to want to be able to set other devices to point to it so we don't want it changing with whatever our DHCP server decides to assign to it my Network's going to be 192 1683 and something that I select I'm just going to choose 60 here and then it's going to be a sl24 because my network is running from 0 to 255 with usable addresses from 1 to 254 then we're going to select our Gateway mine's going to be 1 1921 16831 hitting next we're going to use the DNS of our host and pressing next we're going to S finish and this is going to create our container now that task okay has appeared down here we can go ahead and close our screen and we can select our container just by clicking on it as I did here there's going to be really no special configurations that we have to do anywhere inside of any of these options for p so we can go ahead Press Start and we can our console with our console open we can go ahead and log into our root user account with root and the password we set up before now at this point you may want to go ahead and create a separate username for your user and password and assign that pseudo permission but overall for getting pie hole up and running you don't need to do that so the first thing we're going to do here is we're going to run an AP update and I'm going to string it together with some Amper stands with an AP grid and I'll add a-y so all of this runs now that we have everything dated and upgraded in our Debian container it's time to start the process of installing py hole so the first thing we're going to do is copy and paste the W get command from the py hole GitHub information section and the command's going to look like the one shown here on the screen go ahead and look at the notes for this video for a link to the py hole get page so you can copy and paste these commands for yourself pressing enter it's going to go ahead and download the script that we're now going to execute that will begin the the process of installing P so this next command is going to tell this the container that we want to use a bash script and the script's name that we would like to execute being basic we're going to press enter and the installation process is going to execute we are going to be asked a few questions during this installation process so follow along the first thing is a warning message that we're going to transform this container into a network wide ad blocker I'm going to press okay and we are going to acknowledge that we know py hole is free so we're going to also press okay we're getting a warning message that this needs to be on a static IP address we already set up that static IP address when we made the container so we're going to press the over key and enter to continue we're choosing to use Google's DNS here you can select a few others or select custom now later on when we get into the web interface you're also going to be able to configure these as you want if you want to use something different we're being asked if we want to include a basic block list that's provided to us through the py hole installation and yes we do so we can get this up and running as fast as possible so our cursor is already selecting yes so we're just going to press enter and and I want to install the admin web interface so again I'm pressing enter and this is just asking you if it can go ahead and install a web server because it's going to need this for the admin web interface so we're pressing enter and it's asking us if we'd like to enable logging and yes I would so I have something to look back on if for your particular scenario you don't want it go ahead and select no at this point point and I want to show everything so again I'm just pressing enter to continue so now that py holes done installing we can go ahead and take some note of the information some of the notes of information that we want to pay attention to is the actual path to the web admin interface is now HTTP IP address SL admin and our admin password is randomly generated so at this point what we can do is go to our web browser and we can create another Tab and we can actually browse to the py hole web interface now here at the py hole web interface if we press the plus icon it's going to give us a command here and what this command's going to do is allow us since we have command line access to to This Server to change the password to something that we desire to use more than that randomly generated password so back here at this screen we can go ahead hit enter close out the particular display that we had with the login information and we can type in py hole Das a p and press enter which will at this point ask us for our new password we'll enter what we desire and our password's going to to be changed now here at our web interface we'll enter that new password pressing enter and you can see that we have logged in to py hole and you can see that we have now logged into py hole it's up and running and ready for you to start configuring with your own block lists and your own DNS information and you can see right here that's where that Steve's block list was added in that we chose to during the setup so basically all that's left for you to do in this process is for you to log into your router I won't be covering that in this video as every router seems to have a different configuration process mainly and point your local DHCP server to your IP address of your newly configured ihole server that will set up your entire network to filter DNS requests based on the block list that have been installed on your py hole server in this case the Steve Blacklist as always I hope you found this video educational and it helped you get your py hole server up and running here in 2024 so have a good night
Channel: virtualize everything
Views: 5,373
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: YaCjY5KTa-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 45sec (525 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2024
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