Installing Parrot Home in Proxmox VM and pass in Virtual GPU

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welcome to virtualize everything as you can probably guess from the background we're looking at another parrot install today this time instead of installing parrot security we're going to look at installing parrot home the first thing we're going to need to do just like if we were installing parrot security is head over to the download page by clicking download but this time the security Edition shows up first like it did last time but this time we're going to go ahead and click home Edition and we're going to basically repeat the same steps we took for downloading the security Edition but let's go ahead and go through them so I can show them to you in case you didn't see the parrot security Edition video so first thing we're going to need to do is click on the download dropdown hover over the iso amd64 right click on it copy link address then head to proxmox and we're going to head to the local page or the local storage drive we'll select ISO images and then we're going to select download from URL we're going to go ahead and paste in that URL that we copied from the parrot website and we'll hit query URL what query URL is going to do is it's going to look at the URL and it's going to extract the file name that par intended for our ISO and it'll fill it in for us then we're going to select hash algorithm and we'll select Saj 512 then we're going to jump back to the parrot security website still on the home Edition and click check hashes on the check hashes page we'll scroll down so we find the sha512 for the parent home and we'll copy that hash then we'll head back to the proxmox web interface and we'll paste that in for check some now it's time to hit download and it'll take a little while to download this file but proxmox will verify the file it downloads is correct using the hash suum that we provided for it I'll be back with you when that happens now that we've gotten task okay we know that our hash is is checked out correctly and we're able to move on with the next step so let's go ahead close out this window and start creating our VM to create our VM we're going to head up to create VM and we're going to give it a name I'm going to call mine parot home today pressing next we're going to leave our guest OS as lenux and our image or ISO file is going to be stored in the local Drive where we downloaded it to so we just need to select our ISO image in this drop down we'll do so and it should be the parrot dashhome and if you're at the same point in time as me it'll be 6.0 fear not if it's not later this tutorial may be a little bit different but you should be able to follow most of the steps here pressing next we're going to check system guest agent or qmu guest agent and we'll leave everything else blank for diss we need at least 20 gigs I believe and we can check that here under home edition so it's a little bit less for the home edition it's only 16 gigs but it's still 1 gig of RAM no graphical acceleration and two CPU cores heading back to our web interface I'm going to go ahead and beef up some of what is provided to us from or provided to the operating system because I have some intentions with this install later on so I'm going to give this 100 gigs I don't have an s SD so I'm not going to check discard and I'm also not going to use any of this stuff provided for us in the Advan section at this time I'm going to hit next we only need to give it two cores but today I'm going to give this four cores as I'm looking for a little bit of performance later on and the CPU type I like to choose host and I'm going to choose host today but you may depending on your scenario if you're running a cluster or other things want to leave the CPU type alone now I'm hitting next and for memory I'm going to give it 8 gigs so 8192 and I'll leave the me minimum memory the same in this scenario hitting next where we can use the ver iio ethernet drivers I'm going to change the bridge this is only for my network and my network configurations leave your Bridge alone or configure it via your need hitting next we're asked to confirm all of our settings and we're good so we'll hit finish and proxmox is going to make rvm our VM has been created at this time so we can go ahead hit start and console and it'll ask you for a try and install we can hit enter now parro home is loaded so it's time to install it we'll install it by clicking install parrot right here and follow the guided directions we're going to use English so we'll press next our location is New York so next keyboard is going to be default so next partitions we're going to use one so we'll erase Press next our system information and we're going to hit we'll choose log in automatically this is a personal setting for this VM it may not be what you want to do for your system summary allows us to verify everything set correctly and install and install now we start the installation of parrot I'll be back with you when this is finished to show you the next steps all righty so the installation process is finished and and parot Os home edition would like us to restart so let's go ahead and click done with the restart Now button check and see what happen we'll log in with the password we set up during the installation and here we have a fully working installed version of parro home now one of the things I want to draw your attention to because it can be fixed pretty easily is the lagging cursor behind the mouse let's take a look at what we have to do to fix that here in prox MOX here in 2024 so the first thing we're going to do is click on menu and we're going to click on the shutdown and shut this system down now we'll close out our console window and we'll select our VM head over over to hardware and under display we're going to hit edit and we're going to come down here and we're going to select the ver iio GPU now what this is is a virtual GPU processing pass through using the ver iio drivers now if we look at proxmox documentation for this we can see that the last update was August 28th now I'm not entirely sure if that was the just an update to the documentation in these drivers existed before or if this is a new feature that was added on August 28th but nonetheless it is available to us now so let's go ahead and try it out by hitting okay and start now when we click console we're going to notice that it wants to download a spice configuration file unfortunately I'm here on a Mac and I'm going to be unable to use device without compiling it myself using Homebrew and I don't wish to do that but if you're on a Windows or Linux system you could go ahead and use spice myself I'm hitting cancel and I'm going to hit the drop down and I'm going to select no VNC this will bring us back to the same general user experience that we're used to and we'll go ahead and log in but now when we move our Mouse around you can see there's almost no lag of the two cursors between the systems we're able to now graphically accelerate Graphics processing inside of a proxmox VM and in this case parent home let's go ahead and do the updates to this system so to update parro home we're going to use pseudo a update and we'll string it together with a pseudo a upgrade and we'll add our dashy and give it our password now as this upd Ates I'll move our display aside and I'm going to head to summary and I'm going to show you that we are indeed getting a IP address so there is no need to install qmu guest agent on this system because it's already preconfigured with the installation I'll be back with you when these updates are finished so our updates are finished let's finally take a look at lspci and see if we can indeed see the graph card here so I'll issue the command LS PCI and indeed we can see the VGA controller right here so I hope you enjoyed this video you found out how to install parrot OS home Edition on proxmox and pass through a virtual GPU from your proxmox system to your VM as always if you found this video informational please like share and subscribe to help virtualize everything grow have a good night
Channel: virtualize everything
Views: 594
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vkVrvIcWG1o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 26sec (566 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2024
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