Setting up a 3-Node Proxmox Cluster

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hey guys today we're going to be checking out proxmox let's get started with the installation so in this video I'm going to be diving into the world of high availability and clustering within proxmox this is completely all new to me I've never used proxmox before so I'm excited to see how it works and I'm excited to try to Cluster proxmox I'm going to be using two to three VM hosts and it's just looks like the server that you see right here going to be installing version 8.1 this is one of three hosts I'm going to be installing this on I need to wipe the other ones and move the VMS off of them but um I can just move those onto my production stack okay so since I've got the first host fully set up on proxmox it's running it I'm going to go and install proxmox to the second node I will be running I think for the purpose of this video I'm going to have a third node be virtualized because I think I can do nested virtualization in KVM but um I just don't have three hosts Three bare metal hosts at the moment to run this on so um this is a first host like I said the two power connections we have a 10 GB connection here and this goes down through my 10 GB switch all the way to the uh MDF server room that has a bunch of 10 GB connections uh that goes out to the rest of the building and the rest of all of the other servers that are in the production environment all of the things in my testing environment right now are on 1 gig connections but for testing obviously it's most likely fine all right so this is going to be our second VM host I've got a 1 TB SSD uh just because it's all I have at the moment I'm going to have to get a tray for that but this server is identical to all the other ones it's got uh another 10 gig network card two power supplies uh actually the processor is the same but the RAM is not this one has less Ram I think it's only got 8 gigs I'm going to upgrade it eventually but um I just need to figure out how to put the drive in actually I have the caddies right here so I just got to find the screws and I'll get this SSD put in okay so we're going to just put this in there it'll be good enough for now and I'm going to grab a d cable and I'm literally just going to wrap that right into the spare Port right there on the microti switch and I'm going to fire the server up install proxmox we'll be Off to the Races okay so at this point we have px1 which is the uh server in my office PX two which is This Server we have both of them in their own separate proxmox worlds now we're going to combine them into one proxmox cluster and to do that we're going to go into cluster here we're going to click join information copy information go into here cluster we're not saving that we're going to join cluster and we're going to paste it in there and is we're also going to type in our root password I don't think I typed that right there we go going to join okay so we're going to close out of this and as you can see we already have a px2 showing up here so that is fantastic okay so as you can see here this is px1 we have 12 CPU cores 32 gigs of RAM over here we have only eight CPU cores in 16 GB of RAM so actually this does have less CPUs which is interesting did not know that but it looks like it is faster is cool okay so now I'm going to do basically the same setup process I have a virtual machine right here as you can see I'm setting this up completely digitally right now which is really cool so I am virtualizing proxmox which is going to virtualize more VMS makes sense so we're going to just set this up the same way I set up all of the other ones as you can see it's already pulled an IP um but I'm going to overwrite this just because I can and I need to make sure I can get the DNS records created so it's going to be 204 as you can see that was literally the same as the bare metal installation this is just virtualized so um it should be no different whatsoever I'm going to wait for this to install going to add it to the data center just like we just did with the other host we're going to get this all set up I'm going to install Seth we're going to continue on with the installation okay so I have the third instance the third host added to the cluster I have 30 GB of RAM on it eight CPU cores um it's 3.5 GHz not too bad uh let's go to the summary here so it looks like all of our nodes are online Seth is having a warning for some reason which I will explain here in a second we have about 2 terabytes of storage um so the reason seph is complaining is because we don't have any extra discs to assign to it uh this is an issue because seph only runs specifically on hard diss or ssds it does not run on Hardware raid controllers does not run on partition drives from what I know so in my current setup I'm not able to use Seth which is kind of annoying I should have done more research but that is my bad if we go to storage here we're going to go add gluster FS I think I might be able to get gluster working because theoretically that should work okay so now it's quite a little bit later uh I have successfully great created a gluster cluster I've done this before so I don't want to go over it in this video but um basically what you need to do is you need to install gluster through apt uh this is pretty standard you're going to install it there next you're going to create a volume uh with a couple peers then you're going to add your third pier and if I do gluster volume status GFS volume proxmox as you can see looks like we are good we have all of our bricks if I do volume info this should show us the volume as well as all of the bricks so the bricks are I guess different hard drives you could think of it as different servers um so we got all three of those there and it's replicating the data between all of them which means at any one that any one server could become the primary source of replication which is really cool so all right so now let's go back to proxmox we're going to go to storage we're going to go add and we're going to add a gluster FS okay so we're given it we've given it an idea of gluster one we're going to add our two peers nodes is all we're going to enable it going to click add and theoretically that is all we need so if you go here storage on the other one we should be able to go to diss all right so looks like we are we are off and we are good with this gluster cluster okay so I've just created a ha group I've called it test I have assigned it the different nodes and I've given them priorities based on what I think should be their priorities now these numbers don't don't really matter it's just greatest I would think is the highest priority lowest is the lowest priority so the VM that is running proxmox is the lowest priority then we have the other bare metal server that has less CPU cores I gave that a lower priority then I have the fastest server with the most highest priority so I also went into ha this is under data center by the way and I added the resource I went and clicked on the VM added it to the group and allowed it to relocate five times um I'm not sure why you need a set limits to be honest because I would think that if you have correct priority set you shouldn't it shouldn't migrate back and forth but we will see how that goes after I finish the installation of auntu okay so I have the VM booting now after it has installed auntu um it is obviously almost done and that means that we should be able to start seeing it migrate between hosts we're going to click migrate we're going to do Target is px2 and we're going to migrate and says task okay so we're going to go to px2 and just see what happens okay so it looks like it migrated itself back and I can see that on the network vano to but it was able to live migrate to the other to the other host and actually I did see one ping drop in that process so that's interesting how reliable it is I would say that's pretty good considering I haven't fine-tuned any settings they're was basically no settings to find tune I go to groups and I edit this let's migrate this to PX3 okay so I'm migrating this to PX3 which is the VM and looks like it's already fired up again which is absolutely incredible and I'm also able to see on my ping that I'm seeing a little over a millisecond latency which is right on point because that server is pretty far away in the network so that is pretty fantastic um and from a network standpoint we peaked at 4.8 8 gbits per second during the migration at the peak of the migration um which is not bad at all so this is really cool that it is able to literally live migrate between servers and hosts um I do not think this is going to work um but this is something I want to try anyway I'm migrating this back to px1 and I'm very curious to see what happens if I unplug the network on it okay so I'm going to log into px2 and you'll see why here in just a second as as you can see we have our whole data center summary what I'm going to do we're going to switch to the real life camera I'm going to go and I'm going to unplug This Server from the network which actually I can't do because that SFP is messed up so we're going to go in the back here we're going to unplug it from the network this is on this side okay okay so it is off the network if we go back to our pings here as you can see the pings have dropped very curious to see if these pings start again again okay so on another note I just stopped recording this video uh and because I concluded that it did not automatically fail over but as you can see right here this VM actually automatically moved a px2 which is absolutely incredible if we go down here as you can see I'm pinging it and it kind of just started pinging again which is amazing so what's really cool look at this you can see here that it tried defense node px1 and it failed okay but here it actually succeeded and it successfully sent it to me um very cool nonetheless that it actually automatically migrated over so by the looks of things now that this node has been up for a while it has chosen to migrate it back which is really cool so it is actually automatically migrated back over to that other host absolutely fantastic this is really cool stuff thank you for watching
Channel: Beam Networks
Views: 11,936
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: networking, unifi, ubuntu, linux, debian, ubiquiti, networks, how to, dns config, private, nginx, mysql, microsoft, server, virtual machine, vm, admin, php, php-fpm, installation, install, setup, config, server management, kvm, high availability, ha, cluster, node, proxmox, kvm virtual machine, hyper v, redundant, backup server, backup, highly available, vm cluster, vm hosting, vm server, hypervisor, dell, storage cluster, nfs, gluster, vm storage, home lab, home server, home cluster, homelab, 10g, fiber
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 56sec (656 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2024
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