Synology DSM Template On Proxmox

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[Music] hey everyone and welcome back to another video today I'm going to be showing you our new sonology DSM template so it's a way to run sonology dis station manager on proxmox now this may be useful if you want to uh try updates uh before deploying them on your uh sonology uh Nas you can obviously use this as a replacement for another NASA T but I do not recommend that please support the guys at sonology uh and purchase a sonology if you want to use it uh for more of a day-to-day use um but everything that I feature in this video will be uh in the description below in the blog post um but essentially you'll reach a page that looks a bit like this so if we go to the HSV website and then go to downloads you'll be able to to see that we'll have a new download link um on the downloads page uh so you can download this and then follow the guid so if we go to guides uh again this will be in the description and then you go to using our templates it's under virtualizing Mac OS but it's a stepbystep guide on what to do to download this it has changed uh regarding the new way to download uh these templates but I'll walk through that in a moment but the rest using when SCP Etc is the same so if we uh say we download a template just as a test uh I'll show you uh so Windows 11 we've got direct download or a torrent if we click direct download It'll ask you where to save it and it'll just begin to download we're now using a uh CDN uh so speed should be a lot better uh and to be honest it's probably one of the first sites that I've got my full speed on it uh around 32 megabytes per second um so it's really great but once that's downloaded and you followed the guide on how to get it imported to proxmox on the local disc you'll have the backup section for me it's under isos because I've got it set up a bit differently um but you'll see a template like this if we click on the template and then select restore choose a storage where you want the boot volume to be on so ssds for me give the VM an ID you can change the name and stuff I'm just going to leave it as is and click on restore you can see it's a very quick restore it's only 400 megabytes to download just under that which is absolutely great so you can see it says task okay which means the restore is successful we can close this dialogue box now and go to our virtual machine you'll then see uh some instructions it may look a little bit different for you uh cuz obviously this hasn't been released yet uh and obviously I'm filming the uh the video for it under Hardware before we boot up our virtual machine you can change some settings like giving it some more memory uh it should be fine at 4 GB to be honest uh and you can give it more CES I recommend you uh use the vmxnet 3 uh nick uh you can use those uh but I just prefer that one before we start we are the one to pass through our discs uh physically to Virtual machines um so you'll see we've got a pass through uh guide for disc um you can do that uh if you've got say for example two 4 tbte drives uh and you want to raid them without using the proxmox storage methods you can do that uh but if you just want to use Virtual storage on proxmox say you've got say my ssds there um say you've got um you know a massive pool of discs you just click add hard dis make sure the bus is Sater uh and select what storage you want it to be on um and then we want at least one 32 GB volume to install uh and then the rest uh you can add as discs so I'm going to select 100 Gig volume for example I'll turn on SSD emulation and take this discard this is an SSD again settings are different so we will click on ADD once that's added essentially um we'll be uh set to go so we've got 100 Gig disc there uh what I'll do I'll just add another 100 Gig one and then we'll do a rare zero demo uh as well so if I click add on that uh once we've uh once we've done that uh we're going to just boot up the virtual machine and get started um so that's done so if we go to options make sure SATA is Tick the 1 GB volume it should be by default if we go to console and then click Start now you'll get an option we're going to go into Arc config mode so press and enter it should do it automatically anyway uh but then it'll Boot something called red pill uh so we'll wait for that to boot and essentially once that's booted uh which you can see already has uh pretty much booted uh but once that's finished booting uh we'll get sort of a setup stage that we can set what model of Nas we want and things like that so you can see there's a menu here so if we press enter on choose model again um it'll read the models from the internet that obviously it'll pull down fresh and then you can see we've got loads of different models for this test what I'll do uh we'll choose like a four core Nas for example um let's choose um that that four bay oh let's do this one so a five bay NASA Intel again I'm on AMD but it doesn't matter we press okay choose the version of DSs obviously 7.2 want the latest and then what it'll do it'll reconfigure um all the patches and things like that um and we want to obviously use sonology services so we'll install the AR patch on that all Nicks I usually do so press that Mac settings for DSM just enter uh you can mess around with this just max port for seta Port Maps usually works but again you can do whatever you like like um and then okay you can select any additionals on proxmox all you need is a CPU info press okay yes you want to build the loader and what it'll do it'll download the um p uh from Soni you can see it's grabbed it the latest one for the Nash that you selected uh and it'll begin to download that from the internet it'll then patch the uh image and the Rand disk and then we should get an option to reboot so we want to boot our cloer so if we press okay uh you can see booting DSM so um sonology is great I've got two myself um I've got a small Tu B uh and I've got a 4 b as well uh the two B is basically a backup of the 4 B uh but they are really great um I really recommend you get one uh this just sort of gives you a taster before you actually buy uh the real thing again don't use this for anything uh other than testing uh and sort of demoing it so we're now booted you can see it says will not be operational wait a few moments uh but it should be not too long so if we go to find. it'll then begin to look for devices on your Lan um so we'll see if it finds it again it may take a couple of gos uh just because it's still booting up the interface configuring it all Etc um but let's see uh it should pick up my two sonis on the network uh hopefully as well you can see Apollo there my Forbe um and that'll be it Nova as well my other two B ass um you can see this station double check the IP it's 18 it's 18 there if we click connect uh read the terms and conditions I've agreed um so I'm going to agree and then privacy and all that stuff it'll then redirect us to the IP address and it'll say welcome to youology uh install download it from Soni website you'd have to manually upload it now click on next understand that obviously we've going to get deleted data continue and we're going to put the model name in to confirm that we're okay and deleting click on delete and now um this station manager will begin to install now I won't keep you waiting for this but basically once it's done uh DSM should reboot uh and then we'll be ready to access it you can see it doesn't take that long uh but the reboot process does take quite a while I'll still show you uh a few bites of that uh but I'll be back in a few moments so you can see there sort of like a 10-minute timer it won't take 10 minutes uh you can see it's sort of rebooted itself I did miss it there uh cuz I was doing other things but basically it'll reboot um and then in a few moments we're just going to if we click on refresh reload wait for that obviously some it'll time out a few times cuz it does take uh one or two minutes you can see um one or two minutes to boot back up again uh but once it's up we'll get on to configuring sonology you can see uh system is now getting ready the web page has loaded even though it's still obviously preparing itself it's the first time boot after installing uh DSM the latest version for this sort of Nas uh so you can see it's doing some packages four packages uh for bass which I believe is like file manager app store uh storage manager activity monitor sort of thing uh so it's launching that now and then we'll get on to sort of the configuration process um which we can go through pretty swiftly one to two minutes um and then we'll have Soni DSM I'll also Al show you how to set up a storage pool again 30 second job it does not take long depending on the amount drives again depends on um how long it's going to take so if you do a raid 5 you obviously you're going to have to wait for it to uh build parity and stuff like that you can see welcome to DSM 7.2 I'm going to click Start we're going to give the device a name so we just call it YouTube Nas um administrator account uh you can't put admin so I'm just going to put sis admin um password again something secure it really doesn't matter it doesn't like that one for example um it's usually just a local password that I use but we'll use this um take that cuz it's great uh finding your ass on the network click on next um and then from there we should um yeah we get an update options I just click the tick notify when when they're available and install them manually on next uh we can uh sign into the Soni account but again if you're just using this to test out uh I wouldn't recommend doing that um but again uh it's up to you so click uh skip skip anyway um I'm just going to leave that submit this should then boot us into the web interface for the nas you can see we've got some popups no thanks for me uh for both of those okay and then straight away it's asking us if we want to create a storage pool so if we click create now start uh you can put it insts your hybrid raid you can have a ra Z I'll just put ra zero on next select the two drives there you go 180 gig again there's some um redundancy sort of thing there um skip Drive check maximum size next next next basically um obviously if you're doing it for real you know um go through it carefully I'm just showing you how easy it is I want to anology at DSM because you can do that yourself um but that's our new templates so find everything featured in this video in the description below um but thanks every so much for watching this video please consider subscribing to my channel cuz it does really help uh and also uh consider liking the video if you did like it uh but that's going to be it for me um I'll see you in the next next video um stay hacking tashing stay proxmox uh intelligent and I'll see you in the next video goodbye
Channel: Harvey’s Virtual Environment
Views: 16,590
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Length: 13min 7sec (787 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2024
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