Installing Home Assistant On Proxmox with no scripts in 2024

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welcome to virtualize everything today we're going to be taking a look at how to set up and install home assistant 24.2 on your proxmox system as a VM and this is the easiest way I've found of doing this and requires absolutely no scripts so go ahead and follow along and maybe you might find a fun project as of today February 7th the day of filming home assistant 2024 point2 released so let's take a look first at where we're going to find home assistant to download it and then I'll show you the steps of how to install and set up home assistant VM in an extremely easy manner that requires no scripts first thing we're going to do is click on documentation and go to installation and we're going to scroll all the way down to install home assistant on other systems and we're going to click on the tutorial at the top of the tutorial page P it's going to give us three VM options virtual box KVM proxmox VMware esxi vsphere we're going to choose the prox KVM proxmox we're going to right click on it and we're going to copy link address now we're going to go over to our proxmox web interface and we're going to select our server then we're going to select shell with our shell open we're going to type w get and we're going to paste that address and we're going to press enter this will download the home assistant image directly to our proxmox server now that we're done downloading the proxmox image we're going to temporarily close our shell and we're going to prep our proxmox system for the VM and we're going to do that by clicking create VM and giving it a name I'll call mine ha today you can call yours whatever you desire I'm going to hit next and for OS we're going to select do not use any media next and we're going to select a bios of UEFI and we need to select a storage location in my case it's going to be local lvm because I have no other drives attached and we're going to uncheck pre enroll Keys then we'll hit next and we'll go ahead and delete the disk drives press next Pro MOX home assistant requires two CPUs and 2 gigs of RAM and 32 gigs of storage the 32 gigs of storage will be provided by the dis image that we download from home assistant so we need to worry about the two CPUs and 2 gigs of RAM heading back to our proxmox web interface we're going to give it two course so we have two CPUs then I'm going to hit next and we default at 2 gigs of RAM we can up this for better performance if we choose but I'm going to leave mine as two gigs today Network you'll need to configure your network for the settings that you have set up inside of pro MOX my most likely it's going to be bridge vmbr0 on a default system system my Network's a little bit more complex so I'm choosing bmbr 3 and I'm pressing next and then I'm going to hit finish and this is going to create us a VM once our VM is finished being created we're going to head back to our shell and at our shell we're going to enter LS copy the file name that downloaded you can type this if you so desire I like to copy and paste though and I'm going to type un XZ space and I'm going to paste that file name press enter this will take a couple of minutes to run when it finishes it'll return you back to a command line we can hit LS and you can notice our file name has CH changed from ending with. XZ to just. qcow2 we'll copy that name again then we're going to enter qm import dis the file name or rather import dis then the VM ID number minus 102 then the file name then our location which for a default install using lvm will be local lvm we'll press enter and now that we've returned to the command line our dis has been imported into proxmox and we can return to the proxmox web interface at the proxmox web interface you'll show that a unused dis zero has appeared under Hardware so you'll select your VM hardware and then you'll see your unused dis zero we'll select our unused dis zero press edit and this will allow us to turn it into a hard drive all of these settings should be good but if you are on an SSD you should check discard I'm on a platter drive so I'm not going to be doing so going to click add and this creates a hard drive at scuzzy zero now we'll head to options and boot order we're going to press edit we're going to uncheck Network in cdrom and we're going to check scuzzy Zer once we've done so we can go ahead Press Start and open our console home assistant will begin booting up and now that home assistant has booted up you're going to get a screen that looks like this you want to pay attention to the IP address mine is going to be 192 16828 and this port number 8123 so with that we can go to our web browser and we can enter our IP address 1921 16828 and then a coland and 8123 press enter and if you get a screen that looks like this home assistant is up and running and ready for you to configure it I'm going to conclude this video here as the configuration process is going to be personalized for you and there's other great videos on YouTube that pick up where we left off I hope you enjoyed tonight episode and you found this educational and were able to get home assistant up and running quickly as always have a good night
Channel: virtualize everything
Views: 2,847
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Bw6O4BNhmbY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 18sec (378 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2024
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