EVE-NG on Proxmox - best way to study for CCNA or CCNP

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hi guys what's up welcome back if you were here last week you will have seen that we built our proxmox server so that server is now up and running and it's running version 8.1 the next step in my labin journey is to build an EV VM whenever I was doing my CCNA or my ccnp I used to build Labs all the time and was one thing that really it just really got the content into my head was actually getting hands on and Building Things So today we're going to download the iso we're going to build the evng VM on pox Mox and then we're going to upload an image and just make sure it works if you go to the EV website e.net uh I'm just going to click on download I'm going to go to free Community Edition and then we're just going to download the iso here so the one at the bottom the next thing we need to do is download the Linux image that we want I'm going to download a Cali Linux image so just click on documentation then click on how to create images and then if you just move down to the bottom you should see something down here for Linux Linux images now the good thing about Linux images on evng is the guys from evng have already created a bunch of images so we just need to download them click on this link and I am going to download the C Linux image so it is here the next thing we need to do is upload the Evy Community ISO to proxmox so then we can use that to create the VM and build evng so I'm to click on my storage and click on ISO images and upload and select file and open the iso and just click upload okay so that's done let's just create the VM so click on create VM I'm just going to call it evng I'm going to go next I'm going to select the iso that we've uploaded go next next again I'm going to change this to 160 gig storage next one thing think to Beware of the spack of the VM that you need to run a lot of different images within an evng you really need a high speack machine to run multiple Labs or run lots of things within a lab so for now I am just going to two sockets and four course that's going to be okay for me for now I'm going to cck on next I'm going to give this machine 64 gig ram so 65536 I click on next I'm going to keep it on this bridged Network so that will allow me to communicate with the VM from my home network and click on next and then finish let's click on start and we will start the build process I'm just going to select English then done I'm going to leave the network as DHCP and the reason I'm going to do that is cuz I'm going to make different changes to my network if you want to give your machine a static IP then feel free to make the changes now but for me I'm just going to leave it as DCP for now done I don't have a proxy address are you sure I want to get continue absolutely okay so that's going to build the VM it will reboot a number of times so the VM is built I just need to go into hardware and remove the iso okay and then just go back to console so whenever the VM reboots just leave it for a little while it will eventually bring up a blue screen so after about 30 minutes or so of the VM being built it will eventually reboot and it will bring you to a login screen that will ask you to log into evng the default username is root and the password is Eve once you log in and it's going to ask you to enter the rot password again and it's going to take you through the evng setup so I'm just going to keep all of the default so hting evng DNS going to leave the same I'm going to leave at DHCP ntp I don't care about that direct connection to the internet is fine next and then it will reboot so that should be it that should be the VM built so you can see uh the console screen here tells me that the IP address of evng is 192168 0.220 so let's just test that 0220 so the default usern man password Here is admin and Eve so it looks like the the machine itself is built let's just go back to proxmox because I want to show you this warning message that I've got and the reason I'm getting that is because nested virtualization is not enabled on this VM so for nested virtualization that just means you're running virtual things on a virtual machine so for evng I'll be building switches firewalls um probably a number of different VMS so in order to run those virtual environments on a virtual machine you need to have nested virtualization enabled so there's two things we need to check here we need to first of all check that nested virtualization is actually enabled on the physical server that I have so I'm just going to click up here to the host I'm going to open up a shell and I'm going to type in a command I put these commands in the description below so you can easily find them but once you have your shell prompt open and it's going to paste the command in and that is actually going to check if nested virtualization is enabled on the host um my server has it enabled so that's why I can see a y if you don't have nested virtualization enabled then that would show a no the next thing we need to check is the VM itself so the VM has to have a particular setting to tell it that it is a machine that will have virtualized things inside it so it is very easy to do that so I'm just going to click into my VM that I've just created I'm going to go down to hardware and then into CPU this one I'm going to click on edit what we need to do we need to change this type this this thing in the corner here we need to change this type to host and just going to highlight that type host and then okay and then I need to go to the server and I'm just going to give this a quick reboot we've rebooted and the warning message has now actually gone so so far we have built the eveng VM and we've confirmed that nested virtualization is actually up and running and it's enabled the next thing we need to do is test the platform to make sure things actually work the Linux image that we downloaded from evng we need to upload that to the EV gvm and then we are going to make some changes to it and fix permissions and then we will actually build that within EV and that should really just make sure everything is working so in order to upload the Linux image to EV we need to use a tool like when SCP or if you're on a Mac you can use a tool called cyberdoc I'm on a Mac so that's what I'm going to use so if you open up cyberdoc we need to open up a new connection so we're going to change this to SFTP and I'm going to type in the IP address of the server and then the default username and password which is root and Eve hit connect and it's going to say allow and I'm going to click this to go back to the primary directory and then within here we need to upload the image so let me just do that the opt unit lab add-ons and then going to go into this one at the bottom the next thing I'm going to do is just drag the Linux image in there so then it will start uploading to the VM so let's just do that so the upload has completed now we need to make some changes to the actual file itself so open up a terminal window and we're going to SSH to the VM so SSH rout at 1816 0 to 220 I'm going to put in the password again it's Eve so we need to navigate to a certain folder I'll link to the Linux image page on evng that way you're always going to get the most upto-date commands that we need so we can see the image that we uploaded is there the next thing we need to do is unzip the [Music] file press tab to auto complete that is done let's just check you can see it's there we can now remove the Linux image that we actually uploaded to the machine cuz we don't need both okay the next thing we need to do is fix the permission for the VM itself there's a command you can actually run and again this is listed on the EV website so I'm just going to copy that and paste it in so that's done that should be it the next thing we can do is log into EV create a new lab and then we'll add a Linux image and then just power it on and see if it actually works so back in evg I am just going to create a new lab so new lab ni test lab I'm going save that and then I'm just going to right click anywhere and click on node and type in Linux so we can see that the C Linux image we uploaded is there which is good I'm going to I'm just going to leave this as default for now I can save let's just start this one so it's started and then we will open it up and see do we get the login and all those details so this is opened the default username and password according to the EV website is Route and T 00r So as you can see that's actually worked which is really good um the last time I built some images on evng there was a lot more hustle involved and converting the image and making certain changes to permissions and which just took many more steps but this is really good so that said evg is up and running um we've tested Linux image which looks good I'm planning to use this lab environment to build a lot of networking Labs back when I was doing my CCNA and my ccmp I used to use evg all the time and it's just a really good place to play around with new technology different versions of firewalls and it's just a safe environment where you could just build and learn really evng is not officially supported on proxmox but it is simple to install so hopefully if you're looking to install it on proxmox then this video will help again thank you so much for watching and I will see you next [Music] week
Channel: Gerard O'Brien
Views: 2,901
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eveng, proxmox, ccna, cisco
Id: BmuZHjkNCt0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 47sec (647 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2024
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