Install Jellfin in a Proxmox LXC with no 3rd party Scripts

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welcome to virtualize everything today we're going to be taking a look at how to install jellyfin on your proxmox container that's right we'll be installing jelly fin in an lxc container on proxmox this process is pretty straightforward and simple so the first thing we're going to do after we browse to the Jelly fin. org website is to click on documentation at documentation we're going to click on installation and then we're going to click on lenux this will give us a list of the jelly fin document for installing jelly fin as you can see I'm scrolling down and I'm going to find Debian and aunus and they have an automatic installation script so let's take a look at what's required to use this automatic installation script inside an lxc container on proxmox the first thing we're going to need to do is head over to our proxmox web interface and we're going to need to make sure that we have the template for a bunto so let's click on local and then we'll go to CT templates and you can see that I have the 22.04.2012 will enter a password for both the confirm and the password Fields then I'm going to hit next and I'm going to choose my template my system already pre-selects local if your templates aren't stored in local you'll have to change that for your system under templates we're choosing the 22.041 gigs this is entirely up to you and what you think your demands for your media server will require now I'm going to hit next I'm going to give it two CPU course and 2 gigs of RAM 2 gigs in mega megabytes is 2048 then I'm going to hit next I would highly suggest that you fill in a static IP address if you were using a static IP address it would look something like and then you notice the BLX stays red that's cuz you need to add your CID are mass to it and in most cases for 192 168 do something do0 to. 254 Network which is basically your standard Class C Network it's going to be sl24 this may differ if you have a different network and I hope at that point that you don't need me to explain CIT notation for you if you do drop a comment and I'll help you out for your gateway you're going to do the same thing but today I'm going to use DHCP for my network as it's just a little bit easier you also may have to configure your bridge if you have multiple Bridges set up on your proxmox server as I do if you don't the default of zero will be fine for you now I'm going to press next DNS will stay the same as my host in most cases next we can look through our settings make sure everything's okay and press finish proxmox will now build your container for you now that we have task complete we're good to close this screen and continue on with the process we're going to select our new Jelly fin server in my case it was called 107 we don't need to remember the name for this project but it's good to identify it by then we're going to press start and we're going to open our console now that we're inside our console we're going to log in with root and the password we set up when we created the container the First Command we're going to issue is a command that will update our repositories and install any out ofd packages we will string them together with an Amper Stam a update and and a upgrade Dy all right so now that all 135 updates have been applied and installed to our auntu container we're good to start trying to install Jelly fed first thing we're going to need to do is install some dependency software so we can execute the script and we're going to do that with ap install Carl and we'll add that- y to the end now we're going to copy and paste the script that was provided to us from jellyfin for the automatic installation what this script does is it reaches out to a repository that jelly fin owns and it downloads an sh script and then it executes it using bash we're going to press enter jelly fin tells us some information about our container and ask us to verify it yes we're on an amd64 system we're using Jimmy and we're using aun 2 press enter and the installation process takes a few minutes all right so jelly Fin's finished installing and it's giving us a little bit of information about how we can access their web interface which is going to be on Port 8096 and they want us to use HTTP but if we were to copy what they've given us right here and then paste it into our web browser like so and try to run it we're actually going to get a Ser because it's an invalid address so what we need to actually do to find out how to interact with our jelly fin web server is to identify our IP address now if you set it up static like I suggested earlier in the video you're all set you know it and you can skip ahead a few minutes and I'll show you what to do with it if not and you set it up with DHCP like me you're going to going to enter IPA and it's going to tell you the IP address of our container now we're going to copy the IP address of our container and we're going to head over to our web browser again now this time in our web browser we're going to start by typing HTTP and notice we're leaving off the S and then we're going to give it that IP address that we identified either through the static in that you set up with your proxmox server or using the IPA command then we're going to add a colant and and we're going to add that 8096 to the end press enter and we're into our jelly fin container we're going to use English so I'll press next then it's going to ask you for a username and a password and we'll press next we don't need to add a media library you may want to I won't be as I said this is a demo on how to get Jelly fin up and running and not using jelly fin so I'll be pressing next my language is English and my country is United States so I'll press next I'm going to allow remote connections to This Server so I'm going to hit next and I'm going to hit finish now it asks us to log in and here we are logged into jelly fin we go to home we go to dashboard you can see that everything is set up and running and we can begin using jelly fin now I'm going to leave you off at this point in the tutorial because we've successfully got jelly fin installed inside of a proxmox lxc I hope you enjoyed this tutorial found it useful and you're now able to start enjoying jelly Fen as always have a good night
Channel: virtualize everything
Views: 3,089
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: FtvobJjptbs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 58sec (478 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 19 2024
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