HOW TO EPOXY GARAGE FLOOR // DIY Epoxy Flooring Tutorial

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[Music] French oh they're going tools on today's episode we are refinishing this old disgusting grudge for you all learn how to do it people watching let's start it now yeah as you can see right off the bat there is a lot of stuff in this garage it's my workshop I do plenty of projects and it's kind of a mess right now just because I have so many products going on all at once and there's a lot of stuff on the floor which we need to remove so let's get that started now as you know obviously see yes there are quite a few things in this garage and every single item that's on the floor needs to be picked up for this project and this is basically also a good time just a Maria condo my life or in this case Maria condo my garage because this does feel satisfying just getting rid of a lot of junk now recently I did do a garage makeover series on how to install a garage hoist lift and if you want to know why I'm so happy to have this garage hoist lift this is why this wood lathe is at least 400 pounds and I didn't have to throw my back out trying to hoist it up because I have my own garage hoist now you will first want to remove all the dust particles on the floor as much as possible at this point and a leaf blower makes quick work of that now one important step on this project is making sure that you don't have a moisture issue with inside your concrete now this is a Moisture test which is just visqueen and duct tape you leave it over for 24 hours if there's condensation after you pull off the visqueen then you have a moisture issue and you probably don't want to do this to your garage because the epoxy won't adhere properly and it might fail later on down the road now at this point make sure you remove any excess debris and after that it's time to degrease this bad boy now this is a cleaner and degreaser from rust-oleum full concentrate and I picked up this nice scrub brush that just makes quick of a large space I pour the product directly onto the surface now the product does state that you want to what the surface first and then pour the degreaser all that however I found that it was a lot easier to figure out where the degreaser is going first and then wetting the floor properly after that now I scrub this thing vigorously and I do mean vigorously and make sure you don't let any areas completely dry out and if you have it make sure you are using a power washer because it comes in extremely handy in this application also make sure you have a good squeegee not a cheap squeegee get a good squeegee and what its gonna cost you like 25 bucks it is a lifesaver okay maybe not a lifesaver it's a time-saver though yes now just to reiterate and remind everyone that the prep work for this project is the most vital part of this entire project you can do a perfect job when applying product but if you're not prepping the surface properly first then it could wreak havoc on your garage and that is never good so make sure you take your time in due diligence with washing it down as well as itching now this is etching and all this is a package that's actually provided with your rest' Oleum epoxy shields kit and you mix it in with two gallons of water stir it make sure all the granules are actually broken up and dissolved in the water and then pour it onto the surface then scrub it down and thoroughly pressure wash all the etching off the concrete slab now you may have to wash this slab off a couple times to ensure that all the etching is off but just remember that this is citric acid so it might irritate your skin as well as the fact that it can actually literally hear it fizzing off the concrete so it must be doing something right yeah good prep okay yeah that was a process it is a process cleaning but you know what the prep work is the most important part of a project like this so just keep that in mind because if you don't have good quality prep then your system may fail and that that is not wanted in any case and will just wreak havoc on your garage after that but in any case prep done now let's let it dry now you honestly you want the slap to try at least 24 hours I waited 48 hours for it to fully dry and now it's time to fill a few of these holes now we have a couple large cracks as well as this large area right here which Lee needs to be repaired slightly which is why I take my grinder and a diamond blade and just scuff up the area as well as smooth out any large divots then I take my grinder and I start grinding away some of the odder areas in which I want to make sure we have proper adhesion whether it's paint old oil spots that I know a car was parked there originally you want to grind these areas down to the bare concrete because you can ensure proper adhesion of the epoxy or at least ensure proper bondage as much as possible at this point now this is restores concrete repair and patch kit which is basically just too thick versions of epoxy that you mix together thoroughly and then apply it to the concrete surface it only has about a 30 minute working time so if you can't get to all the areas that you want to within a 30 minute period just make sure you're not mixing the entire thing together but the nice thing about this is that it is two different colors which makes the mixing properly portion of this project very DIY friendly which is always appreciated now it's alright if it's not perfectly smooth just know that later on when you come back to it you can sand it after it dries for at least eight hours now as for the cracks I tried to repair and fill the larger cracks that were significant but the smaller cracks I just left behind and painted over which seemed to work out quite well for the most part now after eight hours I then came back and sanded any of the high spots and the rough areas that may or may not have been caused by my self stepping in it when it was wet but easy to sand now it's time finally time before our restore epoxy shield garage floor kit now we have multiple kits because inevitably have a large garage and it comes with a few different packs this is the actual paint color itself this is the etching that we actually applied to the surface earlier and then of course the paint chips now the paint chips are optional so you don't have to use them but I definitely do because it reduces the variances that you see in the garage for drastically you'll see now for this project we are going with the dark gray and the really nice thing about this two-part component is that it's actually packaged together and all we have to do is push on one end and then significantly your mix up the solution however you get to mix it up in the pouch itself I pour it into a bucket and I do stir it around a bit just to ensure I have it properly mixed thoroughly but you don't have to do this step based upon the directions now as far as applying I have a couple different papers to see which one actually works better also have a high impact high quality roller that I do the bucket but it's also due the fact that I can also dunk it in there and then apply to get a nice solid coat so let's see how we do oh and I suggest starting on an area that might not be as well seen as all the other places just to you know get all the kinks out first right yeah now I found that the best brush to use was just a flat ship paint brush one because it applied the product very easily and well two they're cheap and they're disposable so if I had more of them I would have used them for the entire project but I only had this one however it worked out perfectly and it was four bucks so better doing that than a nice high quality paint brush now i submerge my roller into the epoxy shield and then apply it evenly and consistently all the way across the floor now this product does cover very well but this is a one coat location so you need to be diligent and consistent with your application to fully coat the surface in one coat I personally like to work in a W pattern where I'm applying a thick coat first and then back row in that entire area so I know I have an even coverage over the entire surface at this time go ahead and broadcast your paint chips evenly and consistently all the way across but once you start applying the paint chips you will realize you do want to work in smaller areas because no matter what you have to be able to broadcast the paint chips across the surface and you can't work in such large areas where you can't broadcast on evenly and consistently now the one thing you do want to think about prior to applying this product to the surface is the temperature now the outside temperature does play a factor with epoxy shield based upon the directions and therefore you should have a temperature between sixty degrees and 85 degrees now there are specific resting times you need to be aware of based upon the temperature outside so think about the temperature prior to applying this product in this nice little chart that they provide in their directions is very handy now as you're applying that paint chips I actually suggest applying the paint chips as far as away from you as possible first and then applying more paint chips that are closer to you afterwards now this did take a bit of practice prior to actually learning this but I found that it was very handy with the fact that you're not over saturating the areas closest to you because the chips will fall wherever they may and it is a bit of an art form to have a consistent coverage of paint chips all the way across the surface it's what I like to call controlled chaos yeah very controlled chaos another thing to think about when applying this is making sure that you have a wet edge as you're working in sections because you want to have a consistent coat all the way across and to ensure that you want to have a wet edge so it dries evenly and consistently then a personal note I did have to apply this epoxy paint at two different times because I had to some large items in my garage that I couldn't move so therefore I did as much as I could for the first day then came back and applied the paint to the last section hopefully you don't have this problem but that's what I had to deal with on this project I waited 24 hours so I could have normal foot traffic and then applied my last section of paint just remember you do need to wait at least three days before driving on this with your vehicles because of the weight distribution I made quick work of this small little section because obviously I'm just becoming an expert at applying a pocke shield at this point but guess what after we have this thing curved let's let it dry whew okay yeah that was quite the process and it's not a short process however as you can see it looks amazing now all of you do let dry now after wait 24 hours for that coat to dry and then take my epoxy shield clear finish coat and get this mixed up now there is an anti-skid additive that you can add to the mixer but preferably I did not because I wanted a very smooth surface that I can sweep off easily and the anti-skid just wasn't needed at that point now a nice quick tip on a paint roller at this point is actually applying some tape to it first and then just removing the tape so you get all those small little fuzz balls off prior to actually soaking your roller in epoxy now I'm doing this the roller specifically on this coat because it is a clear finish and this is our finished product so we obviously want to make sure we have a good consistent coverage with as little imperfections as possible I mean we are trying to go for perfection right well let's just be honest anything on this floor it would have been a better solution than what was on there existing right now the one thing to think about when applying this product is the fact that this product is not used for exterior as in it's not supposed to be in direct sunlight as well as into the elements however I did apply it to the six inches of area in which the garage door does not cover it it's going up against my asphalt driveway right there I personally just wanted to see if that was gonna be an issue over time and I wanted to be a guinea pig for it so I notably it does say in the directions do not have it in direct sunlight however I will be noting this on an Instagram at some point so if you do want to see what actually happens after months years down the road I will make sure and showcase this on Instagram at a later date now also just remember if you are so inclined and you want to actually purchase this product I do have links in the description box below I'll mark to actually find them as well as any other tools or products feature on this channel but guess what after we have this coat finalized and taken care of we are done [Music] I never really realized what a product like this truly does to the environment that you're working in I work in my garage all the time and the fact that I applied this makes it feel completely different and it feels like a true workshop a very professional looking product as well as look at that before and after it makes a massive difference and you don't even see large divots at this point now there's a reason why I'm doing a garage makeover series on this entire channel one because I wanted to fix up this garage but two I just wanted a more professional look and this product and this product alone transforms my entire workspace and it just feels different and that's what I call one beautiful sexy beast oh yeah how did I miss this spot with clear coat come on Brent
Channel: BYOT
Views: 785,588
Rating: 4.8123446 out of 5
Keywords: byotools, diy, how to, tutorial, start to finish, byot, HOW TO EPOXY GARAGE FLOOR, DIY Epoxy Flooring, epoxy garage floor, epoxy flooring, diy epoxy, garage, garage makeover, epoxy floor, garage epoxy floor, how to epoxy a garage floor, diy epoxy floor, garage floor coating, garage floor, garage flooring, garage floor epoxy, best garage floor coating, floor coating, epoxy floor coating, epoxy floors, rustoleum garage floor epoxy, epoxy shield, rustoleum, rustoleum epoxy shield
Id: SMMf1kcqr7M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 21sec (921 seconds)
Published: Sat May 02 2020
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