How to Increase your FPS Performance in ASA â–º Ark Survival Ascended

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in this video I'm going to show you some settings that you can change settings that I'm going to change in this video to give yourself more FPS one of these settings actually gave me an extra 30 FPS I went from like 70 up to just over a 100 in some cases now in my previous video there's a few people who shared some very nice commands that change how like some of the clouds and the fog works in the game and one of those settings in fact both of them are huge game changers so the first major one is actually a command that we're going to use the console for which is the Tilda key which is next to your one button on your keyboard just under Escape if your keyboard's laid out like that so press that it will open up the command panel at the bottom there and then you're going to go ahead and type the command it's also in the description down below you can see it's r. volumetric cloud and then space zero right when we turn this off it actually turns the cloud off in the distance as you can see then the game starts to look like this and you can see I'm at over 100 FPS right now which is really nice now while it does give you extend standed visibility of everything it does come with a few downsides in my opinion like the biggest thing for me was like the view distance right like here especially at the Snow Mountain it starts to look a little like I don't know like I I feel like it was it it was it was really interesting when it had it on right like this the snow area really suffers when you turn this off everywhere else though I guess it like gets rid of that like murkiness and does increase your FPS like you my FPS just went up like by almost 20 just by turning that off now the other setting is is actually fog now fog is like what you can see with that dust in there but the biggest reason I would recommend turning fog off is look at this right when you go into water in Arc survival assed it is very murky and if you're in the ocean it is hard to see when something like that is coming towards you you like you don't even know if there's a Megalodon nearby but if we open up the console commands and we type r. volumetric fog and we turn it to zero also in the description down below for you to copy and paste you'll see it turns the fog off it does kind of like ruin a lot lot of the forestry like makes it look a little green and if you look around it basically just gets rid of all the the air particles in the game now while most of you might actually prefer those particles to to enhance your gameplay if you're really struggling with FPS these are the two things that should go first because they they're probably going to hold you back the most and I think this fog one specifically for water like look at the water now I can see everywhere I can see clearly now the is gone so I think for me the fog one being off is a a like a def it must now if I hit escape and I go into my settings over here and if you have an RTX graphics card there was somebody who commented in my previous video saying I should turn on frame generation this basically makes fake frames in between frames and uses your graphics carde to kind of process a a few things alongside your CPU now at first you might not be able to turn this on it might say like you'll have to enable Hardware accelerated GPU scheduling which if you're like me you're like what the freak is that so if you go ahead and you hit Windows key and I it will bring up this over here then you're going to go ahead and go to system you're going to go to display and you're going to scroll down until it says Graphics settings over here and you'll see here it has an option to turn on Hardware accelerated GPU scheduling turn this on and then you'll need to restart your computer right after this so obviously go ahead restart your PC and then open up the game and you'll be able to turn frame generation on this increased my FPS by 30 from like 70 to 100 immediately so if you have this option I highly recommend it it it feels great and talking about some general video settings that we can change over here you can see right now I am on high for most things over here you can see motion blurs turned off I have Max frame rate unlocked so it's it's it can go as high as it really can I decided to turn light Bloom back on since I was getting rid of clouds and fog the light Bloom at least gives a little bit more detail to those things in the distance with a bit more like you know light on the left hand side over here you can see here these are the settings I'm using I'm using a 4080 RTX so if you're using that or you're using something lower try taking all these settings and going one lower each time until you find something that suits your comfort the one here that I'd really put lower than most is the foliage quality I put this down to medium because my god when you have it on high it's just physically too much the gross is too much in my opinion it's insane so here's what it looks like right now on medium right this is this is fine with me if I set it back to Epic you get this like just it's just you you physically cannot there's just so much stuff just it's just too much it's just too much gross this is insane how do you see anything it's just too much so I set this down to medium you can even go to low I think that's one thing that you can safely get rid of because it just kind of reduces how much foliage there is at least that's what it looks like and then for the interaction with foilage I set these two multipliers and the distance limit down to two not sure if this changes hugely but it's it's it's something I barely even notice anyway so that's that's what I'm using and you can see I'm getting over 100 FPS 110 when I stand still 100 when I'm moving which is which is pretty good I'm happy cuz in my previous video I was like stuck at like just barely hitting 50 so this for me is a huge change and I think it will be a huge change for you guys as well and I really hope that you get the FPS that is playable for all of you and thank you guys so much for watching this video
Channel: ConCon
Views: 102,881
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ark, survival, evolved, ascended, epic, graphics, comparison, then, now, eu5, new, best, setting, settings, visual, graphic, change, gameplay, smooth, smoother, better, fps, increase, performance, how to
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 27sec (327 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 26 2023
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