The BIGGEST MISTAKE You Make When Breeding Mutations ► Ark Survival Ascended

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in this video I'm going to be talking about the biggest mistake you make when breeding for mutations in Ark survival ascended so recently I made two breeding guides for how to do mot mations whoa the rain just came out of nowhere so recently I made two breeding for mutation guide videos that go into details on how to do this effectively but there's one thing I said that a bunch of people didn't really understand why I said it I always said do never breed with females that have mutations some people like to just ignore and kind of do it anyway in this video I'm going to kind of explain why and like what happens to the mutation counters and how that can mess up your whole breeding process I'm also going to show you how to fix it in case you've already done this so while I'm not going to explain the entire breeding process from the previous videos I recommend you check those out in the link in the description to catch yourself up if you do want to understand what I'm talking about in this video because it can get quite complex and can confuse you really quickly so in this video I'm going to try to dumb it down as much as I can so here we have our first pair of dinos that have zero mutations each right for example if we go on the dad over here and we go click show ancestors this is where we're going to be tracking the mutation counters you can see here now you'll see on every single dinosaur you'll see its ancestry where it came from who its mother and dad were and on the right hand side you'll see the Petr lineal ancestry line for the random mutations this is out of 20 this is for if the father passes down a mutation on the left hand side we have the matrilineal ancestry line for their mutations out of there which will also be out of 20 which you'll see as we go further down the list right now this mom and this Dad do not have any mutations now eventually we braid them until we got a mutation in melee and this is their son which remember we always focus on having Sons with melee mutations but down the line I'll show you what happens if we have a female but let me go show you the ancestors of the sun with one melee mutation you'll see there is now a mutation counter it is one out of 20 this actually means the mutation drops from the farther side onto here that stays on the petrol lineal side whereas the metral lineal side is zero out of 20 now this is great in all we have the melee mutation which if we use the binoculars you can track there you can see that the number two in the brackets there is the indication of a melee mutation for this dinosaur now we braid the sun with the mom that has zero mutations as you always do we ended up breeding a another male which is going to have two melee mutations now this is a rare chance of occurring and you can see here it's melee damage has gone up in its mutations you'll see there is two mutations out of 20 on the petrol lineal side and zero on the metral lineal side and if I look at the binoculars you can see there is a four in the brackets over there for the mutations for the melee so we have two mutations over there giving us four extra stats again we braid this male with his mom that had zero mutations and we got a another Sun this time with three melee mutations stacking all the mutations from before and adding its own melee one on top of it and this creates a sun that you'll see has a very interesting ancestry that you might be questioning now this one you'll see it has two out of 20 mutations on the petrol lineal side and on the left hand side it says one out of 20 for the metrol lineal now what this means is that every single time you get a mutation it can either come from the father and if it does it will go into the Petr lineal side and if the mutation comes from the mother it will spawn on the metrol lineal side in this case he managed to get the mutation for the M from the mother's side but he kept the male's mutations from his dad on his side too so it stacked and made three mutations even though it's split like this now this is where it gets very important to have females that have zero mutations because you're going to see a little interesting trick that that's going to occur here with the game all right so now I'm going to make a female that has mutations and I'm going to eventually breed it with this one this male that has mutations to show you what happens when you breed two dinosaurs both male and female and if they both have mutations how it messes up those mutation counters very badly so as always the son who melee 3 has two mutations in pineal one in the metrol lineal line there which is fine you should know that when you breed the males with a female that has zero mutations for example the mom remember has zero Z mutations there's nothing at all it will always move the mutations from the male on the metrol lineal side over to the petrol lineal side for the next time it breaths now you can see this indicated in the next child that we made here which is a female in this case with the three melee mutations and one stamina mutation but if we go ahead and we look at the ancestry you can see here that one in the metrol lineal from its father is now on the right hand side it moved over to the right over here but we still kept the stat increases so it's not disappeared we still have three melee mutations and we also have a new stamina mutation that also landed and came from the farther side and that's why it's over here so if you follow my previous guides to the T the metrol lineal side will only ever go as high as one out of 20 and as soon as you breed it with a female with zero mutations that one will move over to the Petr lineal side and the only other chance you get for another one here is when you get a followup mutation so this will never go higher than one if it does you've done something wrong you're breeding with females that have mutations now you're probably asking why is that a bad thing why don't you want to breed these together okay so we have this female here has four mutations in the petroline side and if you recall on the sun over here it had mutations two over here and one in the metr lineal side now if we breed these two together the sun melee 3 with this female over here basically its daughter and we make a creature we end up getting this mixed counter one which if we go ahead and we go here you'll see now we have four on the left and three on the right it basically brings down the mutation counters from both of its parents so now you're reaching that zero that 20 counter on each side very quickly in this case you can see it says four mutations on the counter out of 20 for metr lineal and three out of 20 for the petrol lineal now the kicker here is that it doesn't actually have mutations the counters like breede down but this creature of over here only has three melee mutations it it managed to pull down the three melee mutations it didn't get the stamina from its mom because we we didn't breathe enough times to actually do it perfectly for the sake of this video I'm more focusing on that counter so even though it says it might have like technically seven mutations it only has three now this is a male what if we breed it with its mom who had the four mutations in the petrol lineal side and we make a new baby which ends up being this male over here who now has four metr lineal mutations and seven Petr lineal mutations but the kicker here again is that we're breeding down the counters but you can see we only still have three melee mutations so this dinosaur even though it has it's listed like for 11 mutations on those counters in total it only has the exact same amount as the sun with three melee mutations over here which has the two and the one if you get where I'm going here this kind of creates a huge a huge drop until you eventually end up getting to like you know big numbers here like this is the follow-up baby that has four mutations in metr lineal 11 in petrol lineal and a follow-up baby from this one since this one was female we braid it with this male that we had before and we ended up getting a insane one that has 11 mutations under petrol lineal and 15 under metal lineal it sounds insane sounds like oh my God I'm doing this great I'm great at mutations but but no no this this creature over here only has three melee mutations which is a huge problem now the reason why this is a problem is because when this counter goes like the left hand side here where it says 11 if this goes over 20 you're no longer able to get stat increases from mutations you can still get mutations and and get color mutations and this counter will still go up but you won't ever get stat increases like mutations from the father side and if you keep stup reading with moms that have mutations the left hand side here is going to fill up too if you end up having both of these sides where it says 15 over 20 if this was like 20 over 20 and this was 20 over 20 or like higher than 20 for example you won't ever be able to get stat increases from your mutations anymore it it will it will only ever be three melee mutations or whatever you had before that counter those counters right out now I just want to remind you that this this male over here with 11 petroline mutations and 15 metal lineal mutations is exactly the same as its original dead it is a level seven it's exactly the same as the sun with three melee mutations right over here where it just say two and one like we've theoretically avoided making that mistake by only breeding with females with zero mutations to keep the line very clean and if you do it this way and you breed with females that have zero mutations you will fill up this Petr lineal way over 20 this doesn't mean like oh you can only have 20 mutations here and then it's done you can go as mad as you want because every single time you breed with a female that has zero mutations and you only keep Suns that have mutations to breed with their mothers afterwards this counter here can go up to like thousands millions billions even in the old game it used to go into like a negative billion it was crazy because every time you breed with a female with zero mutations it will move the one on the left hand side onto the right hand side you will have to note that every mutation you get on the father side will no longer actually give you stat increases but every mutation you get from your mother side after the side is filled will still give you mutations so you always want to keep one side open so that you can still get stat increases and then you know when you breed you end up passing them across now there is a way to fix this right so we have this this this one over here this one that we really messed up with 11 mutations here and 15 on metrol lineal right you can take this one or breed until you eventually have a male again right this is a male it only has three Malee mutations but let's say this is the only male you have left in the line or like the only creature you have and you're like ah you've messed it up so far how do you fix this it is possible you need a male and you also need the clean females that's the one of the most important things you need the moms that had zero mutations now if we go ahead and we take this this really messed up dinosaur here and we breed him with a mom or female that would has zero mutation you'll see the baby of that which I called fixed over here this is a female but essentially you'll be going for a male again and if I go into its ancestry over here you'll see all of the mutations from the metral side which there were 15 of have moved over to the right hand side now and you can see here it says 26 out of 20 now this is still only three three melee mutations right it's only three melee mutations you can see by that six by the melee counter over there but you'll see that the metrol lineal side is now open so every time you breed this with a female that has zero mutations you're going to have to hope that it gets a mutation on the metrol lineal side so that the baby must have a one out of 20 here and every time you get your next breed or your Next Mutation that one will move over to the petrol lineal side still giving you the stat increases still letting you progress your dinosaur but it always requires you to use females that have zero mutations now as confusing as this all sounds it's it's all just simply avoided by using females that have zero mutations that's that's why you don't do it guys so everybody who's been commenting on like I did this don't do this because this is why so yeah I hope this helped explain that if you are curious as why you want to don't want to do that it is a lot of information to take in and understand but I hope I've done Justice and explained why you don't want to do it and thank you so much for watching this video
Channel: ConCon
Views: 36,708
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ark, survival, evolved, ascended, epic, asa, game, gameplay, how to, mutation, mutations, new, change, changes, stacking, stack, complete, explained, ingame, move, breed, breeding, guide, don't, mistake, biggest, mistakes, avoid
Id: QfNXm3mTSa4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 34sec (754 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 28 2023
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