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yo guys what is up it's teach here coming at you again with another video over on Ark survival ascended and this one is to increase your FPS now specifically this is aimed at console uh users that just got access to the game but it'll also use be useful for PC players as well if you haven't had any luck with this but it's just making making your overall Graphics run smoother and better because they have a limited access window in order to use your stuff in order to make your your Xbox or Playstation run better and this includes PC as well so I'm going to go and show you all the settings that you can adjust and what will make your pc/ console run smoother and I'll go ahead and show you that right now if you don't mind smash that like button leave a comment below for the algorithm and then consider subbing to the channel I'm getting close to 100K and that's been my dream all along so what we're going to do first is we're going to go and type in fps what you should do is you go to this one right here stat FPS um and if you don't know how to do that I'll show you how to do that in just a second on Console but that's going to track the actual frames per second on the right hand side of your screen that you're actively getting so you can actually see the difference that it's being made by the individual changes so that way you can kind of sit in a happy medium of good graphics and good quality at the same time so that's what we're going to start with right so the first thing we're going to go is right off the bat you're going to go into your settings no you will not have a lot of these fancy settings over here that PC users have but you will have a few things over here that are very important to turn off you will have motion blur turn that off it it is so so wasting on FPS turn off your light bloom turn off your light shafts and then you'll have color grading and film grain as well those are kind of up to you in my personal opinion um I don't really care if those are on or off but these three specifically the light shafts light Bloom and motion blur are very costly on your actual um machine cuz trying to render those things is very very difficult so those are the major things that you need to check out right now obviously that's a uh important thing to be able to check out right um so so just make sure you have those those three turned off now you don't have access to RTX you will have access to UI now if you go inside of UI there's a few things in here that you can also change in order to increase your actual FPS in general you can see that mine's just hovering right around there but a minimal floating name setting turn that on because that's going to basically make it so that it's uh it's not costing you a whole bunch of um issues on your screen I don't know if you know in Arc if you haven't played much if you've got like two 300 dinos inside of your base it's got to render in all the names levels all that kind of stuff if you turn on the minimal floating names that that is huge and saves you a ton of space it's very very important especially for those lag bursts when you get near your base um chat box some people are claiming that that causes issues it does not now the next thing that you can also do if you're struggling floating names turn it off that is one of the biggest things that you can do switch that off because that's going to basically hide everything from above as well if you if this doesn't help the minimal floating names just totally turn that thing off and that'll help you a ton when it comes to like the chunking loading Graphics that is going to be a huge one these are just simple settings right I'm going to go into more complex settings towards the end of this by the way so that's just just so you can see that now you also have this side on the right over here um these aren't major things that you're going to change these are all like tool tip settings doesn't give you a whole bunch of um changing here you can see hide floating player names I would keep that on personal opinion I mean so I guess leave it off I mean make sure you can still see player names tames don't matter as much that's why you can turn that one off but leave that one on so you can see enemies and friends um so you can track them through walls cuz it's a lot of fun to be able to do that um but outside of that that's the m major one right there right so make sure you have those now once you've gone through all of those none of these settings are super important um the the big ones that you already have turned off are going to be huge if you're looking for a little bit of an extra boost you can mess with these just a little bit but that's up to you um more importantly once we get into this Advanced section the reason that we want to do this is we want to turn console access on click that to be on because that's going to allow us to make our bigger changes overall um the only other thing really over here that you could really mess with is the blood visuals you can turn that off um that can help you just a tiny tiny bit right that'll give you a little bit of a boost um but make sure you have all those selected right I'm going to go back because I don't really care too much about it but what the console does is now that we're back in the Escape menu it's going to give us access to the console command list and that's where we're going to actually do our editing for our Xbox now you're going to have to type this in whether you have a keyboard or just on your controller whether it's PS5 or Xbox this will work for both of those you want to enter in certain commands right these are all commands that everyone knows if you don't know how to use these commands um there's a whole list of them online you can also just I mean a lot of my videos have a whole list of these things you can hit tab on PC in order to get these um but the big commands you're going to want to hit right now these will save automatically as well when you use this so you don't need to go back and forth you can just hover over one and hit enter so material quality level right this is a huge one zero is the lowest setting you can have one by the way is like a normal setting I think one is uh so one so zero is the lowest you can have it's kind of weird how it works one is high two is medium and three is epic so if I was to go to three right it's going to change it a little bit and give me epic overall uh material quality so that's going to be a v big drain on your system you can see I dropped down a little bit right there but if I was to take that oops sorry I'm not using tab I'm showing you guys how to do it on Console if I was to go and go to material quality level zero just to you an example right this is the lowest one that you can use um that level zero let go and click enter on that and you can see that it drops it literally to non-existent um so that's obviously not what you want but you can toy with it just a little bit um and use those four numbers that I just talked about right so I can go to one which is technically High actually so instead of going to those epic settings it'll go back to high and you can also use two to give you those medium settings now that's a great code that you can use um and if especially if your Xbox is struggling or overheating a ton you can use those three commands to actually change how things look now the next thing that you can enter and this will help you at a ton right this will let you see through the water it doesn't matter too much volumetric Cloud zero that is a huge one the what it's going to do is going to take away the clouds in the sky and see how my frames just like instantly went up 10 right off the bat huge huge huge huge you do not need the clouds in the sky it's only a pain in the butt that's all it is right now that's that's one thing right so now that we've taken off the cloud you can also type in volumetric fog so I think I have one saved down here if I don't I can just type it in here so if I go in here and type in volumetric fog zero oops that's not the right command zero and you hit enter on that it's going to take away the fog as well and notice how I jumped up another like five or 10 those two right off the bat by the way are going to give you a massive boost because rendering those is very difficult for your uh console slpc whatever you're working on console users that is going to be a huge change if you use that command um and that's just going to give you massive massive boost and it's just going to help you out a ton so that's a big one right so now let's say you want to get a little bit more funky with it right there's a lot of custom settings that you can actually hit if you drop the shadow quality down to zero this is going to give you a massive boost as well it's going to turn see how it like Turns Super grainy when I do that um it removes all Shadows inside of the game but it gives you a massive boost when it comes to your actual um FPS and lag so if you're experiencing lag issues dry those three three things that I just showed you the cloud the fog and the Shadows yes it doesn't make your game pretty anymore but it's going to give you a massive boost in your actual um ability to play the game right now if you're also having problem right so there's a couple things you can do show instant foliage but that's not one you want to type on um official networks because it's going to hide everything what you can do and I'm just going to show you the different commands that you can do with this right so if I type in Grass you can see where it says grass enable right here if I click zero on this grass. enable Zer what it's going to do is it's going to take away all of the grass it takes a second to render this by the way it's going to remove all of the grass on your screen and this is going to drastically improve your performance um notice how it's all going away now see how I've jumped up to almost 100 FPS right there grass is there's no value to having grass by the way it's just making your screen look pretty it's either zero or one zero means it's gone one means it's there removing that is so massive that it probably gives you no matter what the other settings are a 20 FPS boost which is going to make your console run exponentially better now I say exponentially people hate that word I love that word um I kind of use it all the time so yeah those are a massive massive changes those alone those settings will make your console run smoother right um so make sure you check those out especially if you want to kind of Tinker with some of those settings and kind of adjust it how you see fit what I like to do is I like to get those settings to the exact specificity that I like because some people don't like they like clouds and they don't like the grass I like grass I don't like clouds I usually do the clouds and fog off and I leave the grass turned on so those are settings that are massive things that you can change um definitely check those out definitely use and take advantage of those settings because people on PC definitely are um so you should be for sure doing the exact same thing so hopefully this video helps you out I know you guys just got the game cuz you're going to have a lot of issues loading and stuff like that try and take that um issue off of your machine and put it back on the server because if the server have problems everyone's having problems if your machine is having problems people aren't affected so these are the settings that will help you with that hopefully this helps you out and other than that teach [Music] out [Music] a
Channel: Teachers Game Too
Views: 31,806
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ark survival ascended breeding guide, ark survival ascended breeding settings, ark survival ascended breeding changes, ark survival ascended mutation, ark survival ascended mutations, mutations, breeding, breeding ark, mutaitons ark, ark mutations, mutations ark, mutations ark guide, mutations ark mobile, mutations ark for dummies, mutations ark 2023, oviraptor ark, oviraptor ark egg boost, oviraptor ark taming, oviraptor ark use, oviraptor ark ability, oviraptor ark the island
Id: UnI3NaQohq4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 10sec (610 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 22 2023
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