15 Console Commands For BETTER FPS and PERFORMANCE in Ark Survival Ascended!!! 100 FPS on ULTRA!!

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yo guys what is up it's teach here coming at you again with another video over on Ark survival ascended and in this video I'm going to show you a bunch of things that are increasing your FPS and it increase the quality of game that you have and make a little bit of a better experience so whether or not you have high settings or low settings these are things you can turn on or off in order to make your game Run much much much smoother like percentage gaps I'm going to start off right now with five major things that you can do in side and then I'll do another 10 after that that will also help you but these first five are going to help you on such a ridiculous level it's almost funny like we're talking 10ish per better performance per one of these things that I'm uh showing you right now so I'm going to go ahead and do stat FPS so you can see what I'm talking about oops stat FPS you didn't know what stat FPS does is in the middle right of my screen essentially what it does is it opens up a uh FPS tractor you can see that I'm currently at 45 so the First Command that we're going to do is r. Conta Shadows wow I just typed in contract r. contact Shadows now if you type in zero what this is going to do is it's going to prevent things from causing Shadows now this is going to jump up the FPS and if you put it at zero you'll notice that everything tends to get a little bit brighter now this increases mine so it's consistently sitting I don't know a couple FPS higher but notice how that burning wave is going to cause that problem um so but that's kind of the point of this so when I'm not having that burning wave that's causing the whole you know screen to shake it's going to increase really really really just a lot so um but I can also get rid of that super heat um stop super heat W you're not going to do that for me stop super heat uh super heat wow PC stop super heat there we go all right so it's going to actually reduce the actual uh temperature so it allows it to get a little bit more of an FP FPS boost now obviously you can still see in the distance it's causing that but you know not a big deal so let's move on to the next one so that's going to be a huge one for you so r. Dynamic and this is there's a lot of commands that have this one Global illumination method and what you're going to do is type in zero so you can see that essentially Global illumination can be baked into Maps it's going to essentially just change a few of the things for illumination you can see that it kind of immediately made a big difference we're at 53 FPS right now so that's another good chunk of percentage right now that we've gained and it doesn't look that much worse it actually looks just fine now we're also going to go and do another one r. Lumin notice how there's a ton of Lumin commands Reflections see where it says allow r. reflection or r. Lumin do Reflections do allow then you're going to go and hit space and then you're going to hit zero now what this is going to do is it's essentially notice how we're going to get a little bit more FPS we're climbing into the 53 range it's just going to cause the light Reflections to be removed again the game looks just fine still there's no major differences you're noticing that that I can kind of turn a little bit better and I'm still sitting in the 50s instead of dropping into the low 40s so that's a pretty big difference now we're going to move again another big one so R and these are on by the way I'm on Mac settings shadow. CSM now this is a big one and Max Cascades now this is the number of Cascades that will render Dynamic directional Light Shadows now if you set this to zero it's another one of our little boosts that we're going to use you'll notice kind of a little bit of a difference and it's going to climb up see how we're hitting the 51 now kind of moving around just a little bit and these are big changes so next up r. nanite now here's another one nanite Max pixels per Edge now this one right here um you can do however you want my recommendation is to set it to four and notice how that is an immediate thing that changes it now we're sitting in the 60s right so if I'm moving around there's 63 and essentially that just changes the triangles that you're seeing now again it doesn't really make a major difference with your um game in my opinion it seems to be pretty like these are like you're still having a map if that makes sense and I still have a pretty goodl looking game and I'm now I'm sitting in the high 60s right now if I turn depending on the way I'm looking now we're sitting at 70 and if I look way off into the distance and my my view distance is maximum I'm still sitting in theid uh middle 50ish now those are five really strong ones now if you don't mind if this is helping you a little bit even if you're using some of these commands smack that like button leave a comment below for the algorithm and then consider subbing to the channel now I'm in the heat so it's going to cause me to take a little a little bit of additional damage so I'm going to go ahead and hide my character just for a second here um because I don't really want to do that you know I'll just go into GCM mode that'll that'll make it a little bit easier so we don't have to worry about some of this stuff so now that that's gone away that should save us quite a bit so now we're sitting in the mid-50s and I want to go to the next one so this one is another one that's kind of r. density scale and then it's basically the multiplier on grass densities if you set that to zero give it a couple of seconds to kick in but this is going to set your uh FPS off a little bit you can see 60 we've just made a massive jump now we can also run some commands like R do this is a hilarious one so I'm going to show you R.G grass SK uh size scale I can set this to like 10 and it's going to make grass insanely High notice that oop kind of crazy right now I can also if you really want to mess with this grass do size scale again you can set that to zero and if you set it to zero it's again going to give you another little bit of a boost and we're sitting at the high 60s right now so just keep watching that FPS tracker now next one we're going to type in is r or I mean not R show. instan grass instance grass and some of these can be used in combination um wow did I just type it in wrong show dot I'm just going to type it in this way instan um and then we're going to type in Grass see it so show I I don't know why I was doing Dot whatever it's just a my brain show. instance grass or show instance grass I guess show space instance grass and it's going to hide more grass and then what we can do directly after that is show instanced foliage and you can see that right there that's going to hide the foliage on the map that is is uh now again this is hiding stuff you can pick up but if you're going for Max FPS we're sitting at 70 right now and you can toggle pretty much all of this we're going to go ahead and go to show instanced static message and we're going to go ahead and you can see static message now that does make a major difference but obviously you're causing big problems at that point so keep that in mind but again these are commands we're looking for maximum right I'm sitting at almost 80 right now but just to show you what they do and we can do r. volumetric now volumetric cloud is a very good command to get rid of because it's going to get rid of the clouds again we're sitting at 95 now let's go ahead and r dot volumetric now instead of doing Cloud we're going to go ahead and type in fog this time and uh basically it's going to toggle that feature r. volumetric fog notice how we're in the middle 9s right now um and then we can go and type in Shadow oops Shadow quality um you can do r. Shadow quality is probably one of the best ones um and I'm going to type zero into that shadow quality is now zero we're sitting at 110 now again these are all commands you can do whatever you want with this information by the way so use the ones that are going to help you I want to I want to mention that now we're also going to do water water dot oh man single layer and zero now essentially what that does is it takes the reflections off of water and it prevents water from having any Reflections to it just exists on your map notice how on high settings technically I'm sitting in 100 and solidly into 100 FPS so that's not a problem now the last thing that we're going to do is r. material quality level you can see it up there you can scroll to it zero corresponds to zero now again this could cause problems um but they mostly removed all of this anyways um so it's not going to be able to change much so again you can see that we are very bare bones inside of Arc right now which you can pretty much see through anything that's kind of a little bit of an unfair thing but I can like Cruise across the map and hover above 70 FPS now that is all the commands now I'm going to quickly talk about what you can turn on and off in order to make your life just a little bit easier so obviously you see that show. static me uh show dot show static messes well show static message um this one these two obviously make major differences right so you want to be careful about this so I'm going to go ahead and turn that back on by the show instanced static meshes that essentially removes all mountains by adding those back in I've essentially added back in part of the lore of Arc and I've kind of just kept some of the basics out now another thing is you probably want to have the show instance foliage command on because the show instance foliage command is going to remove things that you can pick up so notice how those go back in and anything that I can pick up is now on the map but things that I can't pick up are not on the map so rocks um you can see I got the cactuses down there plants things like that that can be picked up are nearby so those make major differences just by turning everything that I just had off and then turning those two things back on I'm consistently sitting in the mid90s right so this is on high settings ultra settings actually across the board so these are major things that matter a ton so things that you can do to kind of increase this and the quality of this without noticing too much of a difference is changing the Shadows just a little bit right so those attack shadows and you can just type in Shadow and you can get a lot of those Shadow commands um you can see the show Dynamic Shadow uh Shadows that can be useful anything with shadows that we're turning on and off is essentially going to make the game look prettier but uh honestly you can play it like this for those of you that are on Console Commands by the way um those of you that are using those console commands the ones that I just showed you you can just type those in by hitting Escape going in a console command and then you can type in whatever command you want I can type in let's just type in I have to click on the thing I forgot about that uh let's remove or add back in let's just sayit grass right so show instance then type in Grass show instance grass and then you hit enter and it'll bring grass back slowly back into your game now again these are things that you can all enter those commands as long as you type them in correctly so how I would do it if I was you just go back to the the time that I was talking about look in the bottom left side of my screen to what I was typing and and uh that's probably your best method in order to go through all of these commands now all of them are pretty useful I would definitely use those first five that I talked about the contact Shadows the dynamic Global illumination the lin. reflections. allow shadow. CSM Max Cascades nanite Max pixels per Edge and those are the big kind of big chunky ones that you're not going to notice a whole heck of a lot but they make a big difference and then the ones that actually change your gameplay are going to be the ones that I kind of listed after talk about those five with its density scale of grass um the grass size scale the show instance grass show instance foliage show instance static message volumetric cloud volumetric fog Shadow Quality Water do single layer which again kind of just makes it so you don't have Reflections on water and then r. material quality level which I think they removed from the game cuz I just entered that one and it didn't do anything but you can use all of those commands in combination with whatever feels good for you and especially people that are on Console I highly recommend it because are going to get I mean even though it's not the prettiest it still looks like it's running just fine right now but I'm averaging 76 frames per second which makes me very happy so definitely keep that on on your plate so the one thing that does suck is every time you go back into the ark you're going to have to uh run those commands again so what you can do is copy and save them somewhere literally copy paste um as long as there's an enter between each one of them or you can put a uh what's it called a little bracket thing between each one and then that'll apply them all at the same time so that should help a ton and hopefully this video helps you out if you have any other questions let me know and I'll do my best to answer so anyways hopefully this video helps out [Music] Peach [Music] he
Channel: Teachers Game Too
Views: 23,210
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Keywords: ark survival ascended, ark survival ascended 100 days, ark survival ascended ps5, ark survival ascended base build, ark survival ascended trailer, ark survival ascended gameplay, ark survival ascended mods, ark survival ascended pvp, ark survival ascended review, ark mutations, mutations ark guide, mutations ark 2023, ark ascended, mutations ark mobile, mutations ark, breeding ark, ark survival ascended mutation, ark survival ascended breeding changes
Id: 2REaqu8ZSZs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 36sec (756 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2024
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