How to improve your IELTS Speaking at Home

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hello in this lesson I'm going to show you how to improve and develop your out speaking at home so many students tell me that they cannot improve their English because they don't have a foreigner to talk to so I want to show you that it is possible to improve your speaking at home on your own for free now the first thing I want you to do is to get a list of topics the common topics for speaking part one speaking part two and speaking part three if you cannot find a list please go to my IELTS blog WWH and you will find a list of common topics difficult topics and the questions as well so you need to get a list of these topics and develop ideas I don't want you to write down your answers I want you only to develop the ideas so for example if the topic is the topic of whether you can develop ideas about the kind of weather you like what you do when the weather is like that also how the weather makes you feel different kinds of weather or maybe the transportation problems that come because of that weather so just develop ideas that you can use for that topic the next thing number two is a word list so vocabulary if you have the topic of whether you need to have a range of vocabulary for that topic so for example hot weather hot is a very low band score but you could use boiling scorching sweltering there's a whole range of vocabulary that you can build to impress the examiner for that topic so you need to get that list of vocabulary and learn it number three your next step to developing your speaking get the topic whether choose probably about let's say six questions for that topic take your telephone and answer the questions recording your voice it's very important that you do the recording rather than writing the answer when you write answers usually you think more about the grammar you think more about the vocabulary and often you make less mistakes when you speak it's direct so when you record your answer this gives you a chance to find your weaknesses finding your weaknesses is very important so that you can improve so you need to record your answers to those questions on your phone after that I want you to listen to your answers listen and check now there are four things that I want you to check for I want you to check for fluency vocabulary grammar and pronunciation this is what the examiner will check you on now each one in the exam is 25% of your marks so that all equal they are all very important and the examiner is going to check your answer for each one now let's have a look at what you need to check for each one fluency what does that mean well the first thing that you need to check is the length of your answer did you give a very short answer or could you develop it a little bit more when you develop your answer a little bit more that is a higher balance score you're offering the more language but you're showing the ability to speak fluently so develop your answer more higher band score another thing that you can check for your fluency is how many times you say [Music] these are hesitations and we don't want hesitations in our answer so you need to check how many um how many hours that you have if you have a lot that's a problem I'm afraid and you need to find a way to practice more so that you get rid of the UNH's and us so we've got the length of answer and the UM and earth another thing that you can check for fluency is how many times you are silent often when students start speaking they can't remember what they want to say and suddenly they stop it is not good to stop and be silent in the middle of your answer you need to fill it you need to keep speaking naturally with a good flow and that will give you a good van score so those are three things that you can check in your answer for your fluency now the next thing is vocabulary what do we need to check in the vocabulary for your answer well obviously the first thing is the range and the range means how many different words are you using I'll give you an example so paraphrasing are you repeating the same words again and again or are you using different words to describe the same thing so again we use the example of hot you could say boiling scorching sweltering those are three different words that we can use for the meaning of hot so you need to show a good range vocabulary that's from your word list and you need to paraphrase and show the ability to use different words for the same meaning when you paraphrase well you are looking at bounce cross 7 and bounce Co 8 another thing you can look at with the vocabulary of course are mistakes now one way that you can check your mistakes is by when you listen to the your answer listen and write down the words that you say that way you can check more carefully if you're making any mistakes with words are you using the wrong word are you using the wrong noun with the verb what problems do you have so check that in your answer another thing to look at of course grammar and with grammar you need to check again the range so for example the range of tenses are you giving only present simple now I know maybe the six questions that you have are present simple questions but that doesn't mean that you can't give another tense so for example what kind of weather do you like I just love hot weather scorching weather last week it was perfect so it was a present simple question but I gave a little bit of past simple in the answer so you can practice doing that and develop the technique of putting different tenses into your answer another thing you can look at is sentence structure and that means how complex are your sentences are you using a lot of short sentences so forget listen to your answer write down the words that you're using and then check how complex the sentences are you can perhaps start using some linkers and start extending the sentences and of course another thing for grammar again mistakes this is very important the more mistakes you make the lower your ban score will be so remember that the examiner is listening for mistakes with vocabulary and grammar so please check what mistakes you're making and correct them and practice and of course the last one is pronunciation so what I what is the examiner looking for for pronunciation well the first one of course is word pronunciation are you pronouncing those words correctly if you're not sure about that you can go online there are free dictionaries online so that you can listen to the pronunciation of the word so check that and make sure your words are correct another thing are individual sounds so for example Shh are you pronouncing these sounds correctly and again you can find practice online for that and one other thing for pronunciation is intonation intonation is if your voice is going up and down or if you are speaking like this if you're speaking very flat this is not good for your bank score you need to learn to use intonation in your voice we often use intonation to make something more interesting or to show when something is important so you practice that at home and try to improve it now the last part the last thing once you have got your topics and your ideas you've got your vocabulary for the topic you have your questions and you record them you listen and you check your answer don't forget you can write down the answer to check what you say write down the words you're using check your fluency vocabulary grammar and pronunciation and then after that practice practice and practice find your weakness get rid of your weakness improve your strength in your practice and record again don't forget to keep recording your voice keep recording your answers get used to that I know it can feel uncomfortable to sit in a room alone and record but really it's good practice you need to do it right well that's all for this lesson I really hope that you practice this at home honestly the more you practice the better your IELTS will be particularly if you check your answers correctly well keep practicing good luck and I'll see you in another IELTS lesson
Channel: IELTS Liz
Views: 2,968,420
Rating: 4.9436374 out of 5
Keywords: IELTS Speaking Tips, Develop your speaking at home
Id: 61izqh7ZBww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 37sec (757 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 09 2014
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