how to improve your handwriting without hurting your soul

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so are you trying to improve your handwriting without hurting your quality of life when improving my handwriting hurt my quality of life of life and say that the reason pencil is because a lot of the qualities of perfect handwriting actually aren't positive they're often just a reflection of the writer's inhibition and fear and only exacerbate perfectionistic and otherwise limiting behavior I'm a handwriting analyst and I know that there's a lot of skepticism when it comes to this topic but there is a reason why certain people's handwriting looks like this in certain people's handwriting looks like this if you want to learn more my channel is all about learning about yourself so check out my videos subscribe for more I'm really close to 100 000 subscribers so I would really appreciate if you subscribed so now given what I've said what can you do if you want to make some healthy improvements to your handwriting without encouraging perfectionism or otherwise restricting Behavior this is where I bring out the second camera so if this thing blocks my face I'm sorry all right the first thing I want you to do is to check your equipment I'm talking paper and pens for paper use lined paper let's say you're like oh but Leah I only like dotted paper I only like paper with flowers on it where I only like cardboard you can always go back to whatever paper you prefer in the future for whatever aesthetic reason but for now while you're developing your handwriting I want you to practice on lined paper if not to help as a guide then to help you understand how you position words on your page or on the line also you'll want to find a pen that you like for me a good pen is a pen that creates lines easily this seems obvious but there are a lot of pens that are like half broken or for whatever reason the ink doesn't flow evenly which isn't going to help you if you're already struggling with legibility if you prefer pencils just make sure your pencil is sharpened or you have plenty of lead in these mechanical pencils are you happy with your equipment okay now we can start right what I'm gonna have you do is I'm gonna have you do a legibility test you can do this by yourself but I encourage you to have someone else help you do the legibility test because if you do your own legibility test you're going to have a lot of personal bias that first set of eyes wouldn't have oh this works you're going to give them an entire page of your handwriting and you're going to ask them to Circle or underline any words that they have difficulty reading or are otherwise illegible from there what you want to look for is are there any recurring letters that are eligible each time like maybe you're having issues with every time you write an A or every time you write a y or a g that can help you know okay maybe my handwriting isn't as bad as I thought maybe I just need to focus on these areas however if you do the legibility test and your friend is like all of it it's all illegible I'm having a hard time with literally every letter then you're gonna need to go for it a little differently maybe you're not having difficulty with specific letters maybe it's more of the all-encompassing Rhythm or flow of the handwriting rhythm is difficult to explain but easy to see let me show you some examples so this handwritings Rhythm I would describe as as tense angular and compressed this handwriting I would describe the Rhythm as as like a looping round uninhibited type of Rhythm this Rhythm I would describe as kind of a jerky Rhythm so let's say all of your handwriting looks illegible because it all looks like this it has a lot of angularity it has a lot of compression where angles and compressed forms come from is they come from overly tense muscles you can't create a curved form if you have really tense tense muscles so for this person what I'd suggest specifically practicing is practicing making looping in curved forms so just practicing this or this these curved forms if it's starting to turn into this you're getting compressed again you can go as slow as you want and speed it up later but you want to make the effort to have it be as precise without being tense and you really just want to focus on making those curves what this is doing is this is getting your hands used to being relaxed while holding a pen slowly but surely your handwriting is going to get used to being relaxed your handwriting is going to start to get less compressed when you use this in conjunction with drills with structured drills that brings me on to my next point so now let's say as opposed to your handwriting looking like this it actually looks like this or like this unfortunately this kind of Eligibility isn't easily solved with just oh you just need to relax your muscles a lot of it is relaxation like especially the jerky Rhythm jerky Rhythm also comes from having overly tense muscles so you will need to make a conscious effort to relax your body but in general for improving the legibility of these kinds of handwriting you're just going to want to go straight into practicing drills and I know you're thinking oh blah blah that's boring and it's barely going to help no because you're doing it my way structured drills we're going to start by drilling letters just individual Letters by themselves you can go as fast or as slow as you want as long as you're being conscious of uniformity legibility and not holding tension you can use paper that's lines like this if you would like I don't think that kind of paper is super accessible to everyone so I'd rather just keep my tips to lined paper really all you're trying to go for is uniformity legibility and not holding tension from letters you're going to move up and start working on Words a lot of people have a hard time putting what they've practiced into their writing because a lot of these like practice books don't totally understand that writing isn't just pretty letters writing is sentences that are comprised of words that are comprised of letters with these Progressive drills I'm breaking down your handwriting at the smallest level so you can slowly build up from there so for drilling words you're taking the same things that you practiced while practicing letters but this time you're also paying attention to spacing between your letters and it's funny a lot of the times when I look at someone's handwriting the only reason it's illegible is because letters are too close together sometimes to make a handwriting a little bit more legible all it needs is enough spacing between the letters and then the handwriting has improved a lot so really just the only things to watch out for is being too close together with your letters being inconsistent with your letters and being too spread out with your letters can be an issue too I don't see this a lot but I suppose it's not impossible next you're gonna move up another level to practicing sentences the thing that you need to keep in mind when you're making a sentence is even spacing between words and keeping an eye on on the Baseline of the handwriting so the Baseline is that imaginary line underneath the word some people have bass lines that are like this sometimes bass lines look like this this is where the lines of the page and using lines paper is really going to help you and it's okay for the bass line to have a little bit of wave that's totally fine in fact I don't think it's healthy to have a handwriting with a perfectly straight bass line but I think those are really the two things you want to look for is uniform spacing between words and a relatively straight bass line some people say that a space should be two letters long the width of two letters long I think that's a little bit too precise to think about so I don't really recommend hyper fixating on that but you'll find what feels right for you and then the very last level from there is doing multiple sentences when you're practicing multiple sentences what you want to watch out for is tingling between the lines that's what happens when words intersect because they're too close to each other and then then the other thing you want to watch out for is trying your best to have even margins different countries have different Norms when it comes to margins I'm just going to speak from my experience which is the United States in general you want to line up your words at the left margin and then the blue margin you can go over it a little bit but in general you don't want to see like like stuff like this happening where it's like super inconsistent okay I'm getting the camera away from me some advice to remember from here relax the wrist arms and fingers you still don't want those tense muscles because it does create a wobble in your handwriting because the muscles are so tense there's like a slight wobble that happens you want relaxed body relaxed mind relaxed handwriting next thing is write every day a lot of people have really illegible handwriting or struggle with handwriting because they're just out of practice your muscles will lose that dexterity if you're not practicing writing so use it or lose it next is remember we are not looking for Perfection you want to strive for a balance of efficiency and legibility good handwriting does not look a certain way there are a million ways to have beautiful or otherwise good handwriting lastly be patient with yourself you could be dealing with obstacles that no one else's whether that's chronic pain mobility issues poor eyesight or maybe you're writing in a language that isn't your first language so you're dealing with that whatever it is there are so many unique challenges that you will be faced with that you'll have to work with and you'll find a way to to work with or work around or work through whatever just be patient with yourself and appreciate your progress okay let me know if that makes sense and thanks for watching thank you bye
Channel: Leah Eckardt
Views: 4,122
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: QO2bV-LOs8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 3sec (603 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 24 2023
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