Attractive eyes from A to Z

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these are the current beauty trends for eyes despite being so different they all are undeniably attractive have you ever wondered what is the scientific explanation for this let's start from the roots youthfulness is one of the main characteristics that makes your eyes beautiful it was investigated that youthfulness or as it's called in scientific Society neurotene has significant impact on people's perception of facial attractiveness and there are several traits that indicated in the eye area the first one is full and convex upper eyelid the upper eyelid should have a healthy full appearance with neither a significant fat prominence nor upper eyelid hollowing which means sunken eyes all of it make your eyes look juvenile in contrast increase in the visible crease height leads to an increased perception of tiredness and sadness therefore older look low fat tissue deep and high eyelid grease remained desirable features during the last 60 years patients usually underwent a traditional upper blepharoplasty includes of which a great deal of fat in the upper eyelid was removed by volume depletion resulting in sunken and high eyelids nowadays there has to be a long narrow eye with the absence of the Shadows around the frame area that creates an element shape it represents a youthful look the upper border of the frame comprises the high peripheral Shadow between the upper eyelid margin and the eyebrow it consides with the upper eyelid crease in this particular model lower border comprises the tier 12 grease and the lower eyelid to cheek Junction the narrower the frame the more attractive and juvenile The Gaze according to researches average dimensions of young people eyes can be characterized as long and narrow while the aging process pieces makes your eyes rounder from scientific perspective facial Beauty can be defined not only by neootene but by facial averageness since faces with proportions close to those of an average face are perceived as more attractive ones and there are several options that can help you get closer to the element-shaped eye appearance the main one is element eye surgery however it's possible to create an element eye with the help of cantoplasty and correct makeup another characteristic of a young eye is a slight muscle bulge located directly under the eye it's known as egg yourself in Korean options to accentuated are grafting surgery dermal filler injections cosmetic tape or you can enhance the Zone simply with makeup a lower portion of the eyes can also contribute to an older look with aging the lower eyelid margin shifts down it gains laxity that's why there should be no at all or May minimal Square show between the lower lid and Iris on the direct gaze for more youthful look in fact some scler show can create a dramatic appearance that some may interpret as attractive such eyes are engaging in character and their attractiveness usually possesses an aura of non-holy or sadness but the attractiveness of melancholicai stands to deteriorate with time because of attenuation of the gentle tendons and Progressive desenses of lead posture and it's impossible to describe the lower eyelid without taking the mid face into consideration there should be a gradual transition of Contour from the eyelid to cheek without the double convexity that may arise from bulging fat pads and tier 12 deformity they detract from the overall aesthetic presentation and give the appearance of fatigue or dissipation a deficient infraorbital rim predisposes to the attitude of deformity this Rim located in the lower margin of the eye socket a deficiency once again accompanied by Mark's clearer show beneath the iris that worsens with aging in addition High prominent cheeks with youthful fullness are aesthetically desirable and important for the eye area support as an option for Toyota of deformity consider fat grafting filler injections and info orbital rim and plants fat pet removal for excessive fat pads and for the lower eyelid correction lower eyelid retraction surgery cantoplasty or combination of several surgeries candle tilt which refers to the relative position of the outer eye corner to the inner one is another facial feature that contributes to the youthfulness of an eye because of its modifications caused by aging the inter-cantal excess upward inclination is a distinctive feature of a beautiful eye and creates a similar effect in both males and females also studies show that preference for a candle tilt depends on the age because beauty trends are generally determined by young people and both horizontal and positive inclinations are considered as attractive at similar rates interesting fact and I feature that makes an illusion of a greater middle to lateral tilt is upper lit crease tapering toward the middle canthus which is the inner corner of the eye this is aesthetically pleasing characteristic in agents but can be found in other races too in contrast most Caucasian lead faults lie in parallel with lead margins and don't tilt toward the inner eye Corner the best options to achieve a more exotic look are candoplasty upper eyelid surgery for Sharp shaped upper lip crease or you can just imitate it with cosmetic tapes there is also a trick for a steeper eye inclination if you intend to take a photo of your eyes tilt your head downwards towards the camera lens this perspective is highly beneficial for your candle tilt making it visually more positive and without any doubt the makeup that highlights the inner and outer corner has a side effect of creating an illusion of more oblique eyes beauty trends influence people's perception not only in the case of gentle tilt but in other aspects too so it's essential to take into account preferences of each race in contrast with East Asian standards Caucasians do not seem to prefer big round eyes however in East Asia there exists a preference for a less deep eye inclination with a great exposure of white but without pauses in the west there is a demand for narrower upturned eyes just like those of a Jaguar we can highlight four subject objective factors that influence perception of facial Beauty they include cultural preferences racial preferences Personal Taste and current fashion trends hence it can be difficult to name an aesthetic standard for everyone however it has been found that the perception of a human face attractiveness or beauty is largely consistent between The Observers regardless of their age sex or cultural background other specific facial characteristics that contribute to their attractiveness of a face are the Symmetry and proportions ice should be equidistant from the midline and have equal height the perfect inter-cantal distance must be equal to the width of an eye but the mild increased intercontal distance can be an attractive quality in females it gives the impression that the orbits are larger and creates a stunning look this observation tends to correlate with anthropometric findings of the most attractive female faces eyes judged to be the most attractive typically demonstrate a greater total orbital width and occupied a greater proportion of the facial width when we talk about beauty traits it's important not to forget about sexual dimorphism that refers to the differences in male and female facial features and is related to the attractiveness as a potential sign of Developmental stability and health so how can it be applied to female and male eyes the traits associated with female facial morphology are characterized by a rather aggressive structure with bigger more prominent eyes and cheeks super candle tilt with wider and flatter orbits and brow ridges in contrast male facial structure is generally more robust with smaller reduced eyes and cheeks Square orbits and prominent brow ages men compared to women have statistically much higher values of width to hydration when it comes to ice in other words men have wider eyes and these differences are substantial regardless of race overall it's confirmed that the orbital region has a larger importance for attractiveness in women than in men studies show that the most attractive female faces have differences in the measurements and proportions of the orbital and mouth regions attract the female eyes have a larger Iris and its visible height it was found that the large visible height of the iris is an attractive feature because once again it correlates with youthfulness whereas doses-like appearance induced by the loss of a muscle tone indicates aging the visible height of the upper half of the iris is reduced in older persons given the laxative also studies show that large pupil diameter and bright Square positively correlate with attractiveness and youthfulness whereas scholar doesn't play a major role in aesthetic presentations although modification of these features to achieve a more attractive and Youthful gaze is not aesthetic surgeon's disposal yet you can enhance your iris and pupil with circle contact lenses that visually increase their diameters and in addition the remaining three attracts the features that we discussed previously positive candle tilt bigger and wider eyes full and convex upper eyelid is evidently an attractive feature as we discussed it previously and in case of males upper eyelids appear more masculine when they are Fuller and more redundant that is due to the fact that the eyelid grease tends to be slightly lower in males all previously mentioned sexually dimorphic features in the eye area also make a male appear more masculine and physically attractive but if a male has more feminine eyes it still contributes to handsomeness as it brings nyota to his face studies show that male neotinous features including bigger eye area are significantly correlated with attractiveness well today we've discussed attractive flies I hope you enjoyed it I tried to make it as valuable and brief as possible without any unnecessary details it's my first video so I would be truly grateful if you wrote what you liked and what you didn't in the comment section it will help me raise the quality of the future videos and make more interesting content for you and don't forget to subscribe to the channel and click the like button to support my work see you in the next video
Channel: Alurfia
Views: 10,604
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: attractive eyes, attractive subliminal, beauty science, siren eyes, doe eyes, hunter eyes, prey eyes, masculine eyes, femenine eyes, almond eye shape, beauty analysis, eyes, the best eye shape, the most beautiful eyes, facial aesthetics, plastic surgery, beautiful face, how to become more attractive, blepharoplasty, double eyelid, how to have more attractive eyes, attractive eyes men, how to get attractive eyes, Physical attractiveness, attractive eyes traits
Id: TTWndMvb3Z4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 48sec (708 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 21 2023
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