Reacting to the WORST "Good" Handwriting I Have Ever Seen.

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do you know what I just realized last night I realized that this lamp has lasted longer than most of my friendships [Music] okay today we are looking at the worst best handwriting I have seen this handwriting went viral on YouTube some subscribers I think like sent it to me or something it's gives me chills okay let's look at it all right cute nice pens yeah no oh my God oh my God no please [Music] I'm gonna cry okay let's Okay excessively round excessively perfect excessively uniform everything every single letter is uniform to the other all the spaces are uniform so handwriting can kind of be on a spectrum of is the writer more concerned about form and what it looks like or a writer can be more concerned about speed and a lot of us fall kind of in the middle if you're more concerned about form it means you're more concerned about okay how am I coming across I want to be understood and I want to be understood the way I intend to if you're more on the spectrum of speed I care more about speed than form and you're more concerned about like okay like we getting stuff done don't really care what you think about me but I do care about the hustle and the grind and the money no in general these people are a bit like more forward with their emotions and like if you know if you don't like me like and there are different extremes the extreme of your handwriting is so fast that it becomes illegible it's like you are impatient with others you are impatient with yourself you are unhappy and you just don't give a [ __ ] anymore about how you are coming across in general when you have a lot of variation in your handwriting or a little bit of variation in your handwriting it indicates like you know how emotional you are so it's like when people tell me they're like oh my handwriting is so different all the time it's like don't worry you are not crazy you're human if it's super super like all over the place varying it means you are really emotionally unpredictable people probably have a hard time being around you because of that and then the other thing that's super uncommon that's kind of like the other side of the spectrum is yeah someone who has such perfectly uniform handwriting that has no variations at all you're really trying to like be Miss Perfect that you were just like not gonna let those emotions come out that's really hard to do you kind of notice a little bit in her handwriting you notice the line quality is like a little bit shaky it's very subtle and it's hard to see but there is just a little bit of a wobble and that's not because of Any Tremor that's not because of Any you know anything wrong with the pen someone in the comments could be like oh it's probably just like how the pen Works no like there is like a little bit of wobble to her handwriting and you cannot deny it there's just a little bit of wobble and that happens from being so hyper tense and so concerned about being perfect that like all your muscles tense up because you're trying to make something perfect and and then ultimately at some point you are gonna snap you are gonna lash out because that's just not sustainable okay let's pretty [Music] yeah she's absolutely right your energy level does change like your energy and level of fatigue will change your handwriting she says yeah it changes based on who's going to read it that's definitely true yeah so absolutely your handwriting does change a lot based on who's gonna write it you're going to write differently to your best friend than you are going to write to a lawyer everything has context and that's why when you're analyzing someone's handwriting it's good to look at a variety of samples so that you can see like okay what was situation specific what was emotionally specific otherwise okay yeah yeah yeah oh such a really oh my God okay we're good we're good she's gonna be okay you guys she is gonna be okay I was worried for you girl for a second I was like girly I'm gonna come to your house and I'm gonna give you a therapy session yeah this is a much healthier handwriting the other thing that I'm seeing is it's her handwriting consistently floats above the Baseline this is the line of reality usually people that float above it are either a really imaginative B really disconnected from their reality she's kind of making a different category for herself within that she kind of places her handwriting like kind of perfectly in between both lines uh which I have heard of before I'm gonna call that an exception like I think it's possible that she's a bit detached from her reality but I I'm not gonna like push that hypothesis because I don't see anything else in the handwriting that would support that so that's why I'm like I'm not gonna argue that she's detached from her handwriting and honestly I don't see anything in her handwriting that indicates being like super imaginative that sounds mean but I I just don't I don't see a super high eye dot I don't see this I don't see that but I'm gonna account it for another indicator of her perfectionism of like placing it like perfectly in between the lines she is very creative though yeah excessive roundness too there's a lot of excessive roundness in this handwriting roundness indicates being friendly and combatable and angles indicate aggression curves indicate friendliness compatibility this is overly curvy handwriting which can be an indicator of immaturity but can also be an indicator of people pleasing and also the chunky middle zone right the middle third of her handwriting compared to the top and the bottom is also very dominant so it means she really cares about being compatible and being communicative and getting along with others and being a team player so when you notice like that quality of like the chunky middle Zone with wanting to be a team player with the excessive roundness which indicates really wanting to be friendly this is also an indicator of people that struggle with being assertive and asserting themselves so I'd say that there's a lot of that going on as well I bet she struggles a lot with asserting herself I feel like she struggles a lot with being accepting of her own mistakes but I think she is probably so friendly to be around her handwriting also completely changes on a dime like yes you do write differently for different reasons but this is such a drastic difference that is very extreme so I'm wondering if if she can like really code switch and suddenly just like you know be a completely different person depending on what is needed out of the situation or what is needed out of the social interaction look at the other thing that she talks about because she had another video that oh yeah how to write neatly also this is this video is not me hating on her this is me genuinely reacting I hope no one interprets me looking at her handwriting is like hating on her but you know she put her handwriting out there so I'm gonna say something about it I am the handwriting girl interesting [Music] I don't know it's after learning so much about handwriting now it just like gives me a completely different perspective on how you know how teachers will just like tell students like hey have neater handwriting and now like having the perspective that I do that kind of offends me now that I understand that handwriting is so personal and so connected with what is going on up here that to me it feels so insensitive to tell someone hey make your handwriting different which is something I would never expect myself to be like offended by out of all the things that could offend me handwriting is so personal and it is so connected to someone's traumas and is so connected to someone's bodies it is so connected to someone's physical state mental state spiritual state it is so connected to a person's personality that to me it just feels so disrespectful to ask a student hey make your handwriting better I do think that if you are working with students that have some some pretty illegible handwriting I think it's a great idea to encourage them to make their handwriting more legible but being sassy about like oh your handwriting sucks I know I'm saying this after like reacting to her handwriting and being like I'm a hypocrite anyways I think uh I think that's how I'm gonna end the video [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Leah Eckardt
Views: 423,957
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: GbRWGR4Deg8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 56sec (536 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 26 2022
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