why is BOY and GIRL handwriting different from each other?

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having a channel that's all about handwriting I get this question a lot why does girl handwriting look the same why do girls have neater handwriting than boys why does girl handwriting look better than boys of course not all girl handwriting is neat and not all boy handwriting is messy but it is a pattern that is noticeable to me as well as people that don't even look at handwriting all that closely so I thought today I'll share my personal Theory why we see this difference between girl handwriting and boy handwriting and the reason I'm putting girl and boy in quotations is because gender is a social construct that's a whole other video but what I'm really talking about is people who were raised as girls people who are raised as boys if you're new my name is Leah a lot of people believe that handwriting is just how you're taught to write however it has a lot of subconscious as well as nervous system related influences so subscribe I am very close to a hundred thousand subscribers Please Subscribe it's free you get to watch these videos I put hours of work into for free it's very very good deal but let's get to the video first we need to break down what makes these two handwriting Styles different and what are their defining characteristics that set them apart so ladies first what are the defining traits of girl handwriting firstly it's very round there's little to no angularity in this style of handwriting secondly it's very middle Zone dominant if you're new to handwriting analysis all this means is if you were to divide the handwriting into thirds then that middle third would take up the most space and that's why we would call it middle Zone dominant and the last defining characteristic I notice is that the writing is very form conscious and all that means is instead of the emphasis on the writing being on how fast it is AKA it's speed there is more of an emphasis on what the handwriting looks like AKA its form so that's why I would call it form conscious so these are the defining characteristics that I see there may be more that I'm missing but these are the main three that I see now let's do the same for the boys what are the defining traits of boy handwriting firstly it's far more angular than the girl's handwriting there's a lot less roundness to it now for boy handwriting there's a lots of variation of what boy handwriting can look like so it's kind of hard to sum it all up in defining characteristics but the last defining characteristic that I notice is that it has a lot of emphasis on speed as opposed to the form AKA getting the words on the page as quickly and efficiently as possible even if that comes at the expense of what the writing looks like so we've defined all the characteristics now according to handwriting analysis also known as graphology what would this indicate so for girls roundness indicates friendliness compatibility when it's combined with a chunky middle Zone it would indicate struggling with asserting yourself and what that middle Zone dominance would indicate is it indicates being social being focused on present day and again when combined lined with a round form indicates being less comfortable asserting yourself and for that emphasis on form it indicates caution as well as placing more of an emphasis on how you are coming across now for the boys we have that angularity which indicates being energetic vivacious but also aggression and anger and then that emphasis on speed what that would indicate is someone who's a quick thinker vivacious but also impulsive and less concerned with how they are coming across so now that you see what I see let me ask you do you notice anything anything particular anything may be about gender roles anything maybe that this is exactly how men and women are socially conditioned to behave [Music] this is where my theory is going so on my channel I never talk about gender and how this affects how we're like socially conditioned to behave but this question that I get so often requires it so let's let's let's dig into this shall we social conditioning for both men and women people who are raised as girls are socialized to be kind patient and compatible and be a good team player but not necessarily to be leaders that is of course changing but with less women in positions of power it's embedded in a lot of cultures if you're from a country where this is similar or different please like the comment section is all yours but this would support why you see a lot more round forms and big middle zones in the handwriting of girls more so than boys because both of these traits indicate compatibility friendliness not so much future planning leadership or assertiveness qualities that aren't really celebrated in women next point I'll make girls are socialized to be very aware of how they are coming across which would support why you see a lot more form Consciousness in the handwriting of girls as opposed to boys because that form of Consciousness indicates exactly that being aware of how you're coming across and being aware of how you're coming across doesn't just have to do with how you behave what you say what you do it also has to do with what you look like with how your appearance affects how you're coming across there are entire Industries dedicated to influencing a woman's appearance with hair nails fashion skin care even cosmetic surgery there's probably even more that I can't even think of but with that being said there's a lot of emphasis in American culture as well as many cultures worldwide that condition women to place a lot of emphasis on how they look and this also exists for men but I don't believe it exists on the same scale as with women which would also support why a lot of handwriting of guys doesn't have nearly the same emphasis on form as the handwriting of women's have then circling back to not looks but the other aspect of how you're coming across how you behave women are not allowed to experience certain emotions the same way men are for example women are not allowed to throw Tantrums the same way men are women are not allowed to experience anger the same way that men are because if she's angry then she's a or she's crazy but when a man is angry it's actually normalized and to the extreme at that in that anger is one of the only emotions men are socially allowed to experience any pain sadness disappointment loss should all be masked as anger anger being the more socially acceptable emotion men are able to experience so let's look back at the handwriting again for guys this would support why it's more common to see angular forms in the handwriting of men given angles indicate anger so to sum everything up why does a girl's handwriting often look different from a guy's handwriting given my background in handwriting analysis given my understanding of the world I believe it all boils down to social conditioning and has nothing inherent to do with a person's sex but it just has to do with qualities that are more or less celebrated by Society for either gender so this has been my theory I know gender can be a very emotional and sometimes triggering subject so I appreciate you watching Until the End let me know if you have any thoughts or feelings in the comments down below thank you for watching thank you okay bye thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Leah Eckardt
Views: 53,336
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: axQTnk8fJUs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 3sec (483 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 26 2023
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