How to Tell OPINIONS based on Someone's Handwriting

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how people write words on a page has subconscious tells that are easy to pick up on if you know what to look for today I'm going to tell you all the patterns and pattern changes that I look for when I'm trying to tell a little bit more about what a person actually thinks based on their handwriting if you're new my name is Leah I'm so close to a hundred thousand subscribers so please subscribe if you're new special thanks to Anna Louisa for sponsoring this video I'm so excited to tell you more about them but more about them later one of the first things I look for is size change if someone is writing normally but then they make one word in specific bigger or smaller every time you know they think a little bit differently about that word so if one word specifically is larger it indicates importance they're letting this word take up space if it's the opposite and you notice a word shrinking it indicates they don't want that word taking up a lot of space in their life by making it smaller they're minimizing it diminishing it you know that there's some sort of negative association with that word whatever it may be when I'm talking about specific words I'm not talking about words like the or and I'm talking mainly about big nouns or proper nouns like names some examples would be like school work Mom Dad money any sort of subject that a person can have an opinion on next thing I'll look for is a shift in the Baseline the Baseline is the imaginary line underneath the words so is it Rising all of a sudden on certain words specifically is it dropping on certain words specifically if it's rising it indicates positive feelings it indicates excitement like their hand is lifting off sometimes it indicates someone who's like too excited like a little overzealous they don't really have their feet on the ground but generally a positive thing to see if you see that a sentence is dropping especially if it's on a specific word it indicates depression fatigue General feelings of negativity if it's happening the whole time then that's some something else completely but if it's just happening on when they're just talking about their Flamingo tattoo you know they feel negatively about that tattoo versus do they feel negative in general no if it's just happening in that word there are different nuances to this trait like like words that go up in steps or words that Arc upwards or Arc downwards that's pretty advanced stuff but also if you just see individual words that are lifted a little bit or dropped a little same thing are they enthusiastic and giving it importance or are they not so excited about it foreign Louisa is a sustainable jewelry brand based in New York they make some of the most beautiful yet simple yet detailed affordable jewelry with the fairest prices for some high quality jewelry this this is amazing so check them out click the link in the description box use my code to get 20 off they sent me the gorgeous gorgeous green pendant they also sent me the ring version of this to match so I gave that to Liam so we can I don't know we can imagine it's very romantic we've got the simple flat beautiful flat gold plated chain and this simple chain which is just another example of like the beautiful simple details of their jewelry they also offset 100 of their carbon Footprints all of their packaging is so simple no plastic beautiful reusable no plastic on the tags either just a little bit of string they offer a two year warranty you're not totally satisfied those things your replacement or reimbursement no questions asked such an amazing investment I may even use my own code because I kind of want more of this stuff thank you Anna Louisa again for sponsoring this video foreign spaces this is a little bit different you're specifically looking for where spaces are longer than usual if there's a sudden long space it means the the writer took longer to think about what they're going to write next so they were really thinking about what that next word is going to be it can indicate lying in fact it often indicates lying but moreover it indicates someone who's thinking and not being as spontaneous for whatever reason and it happens because as your brain is coming up with what you're gonna say next your hand is still moving across the page until you figure out what you're gonna say next thing I'm looking for is slant changes this is pretty straightforward to pick up on does the slant Lean Forward suddenly on a certain word it indicates they're excited about what they're talking about they're emotionally forward they're leading with their heart being spontaneous and free and they're they're generally excited about what they're talking about does it suddenly change from being forward to a upright to straight no no slant this would indicate head over heart thinking more logically they're kind of reeling themselves back in now does the slant change all of a sudden to a back slant this would indicate instead of someone reeling themselves in it means they're withdrawing they're emotionally withdrawing from what they're talking about or what they're writing about I often find this happen in Diary entries where like the first couple sentences in the diary entry is them just kind of stalling stalling stalling and then they talk about something awful that happens that day and then you see the recline the emotional withdrawing happening because it's hard for them to write about next up changes in angularity if I showed you two different samples of handwriting one that had a lot of angles in it and one that didn't really have any ankles in it and I asked you which writer is more likely pissed off you would probably say the one with angles you would hopefully say the one with ankles so if you notice and someone's handwriting that suddenly the handwriting gets angular on certain words or while writing about a certain subject this indicates feeling angry about what they're writing about you don't know what specifically they're angry at they could be angry at the person that they're writing about or the thing that they're writing about they could be angry at the situation itself they could be angry at themselves it just indicates anger in general because it's like tension it takes a lot of bodily attention to make angles and go in One Direction stop go the other direction stop it just indicates anger there are more subtle ways that anger can be present in handwriting and that's the presence of anger ticks it looks like at the end of a line little flick or a little tick at the end of the line and this can be useful to know if you're looking at someone who has very very controlled handwriting so it's it's harder to notice these pattern changes but if you know to look for anger ticks and you see there are anger ticks happening just when they write the word work there's all these anger ticks happening or just when they're talking about their day at work and you notice all these anger ticks and everywhere else there's no anger it takes it's like you know they feel angry about it next thing change in pressure if the pressure gets firmer it indicates passion but also frustration it usually couples with angles so it's usually another anger indicator but in general it just indicates like a lot of passion a lot of energy towards what they're writing about versus if pressure gets lighter this indicates anxiety nervousness especially if the writer can barely keep the pen on the page like the pressure's so light that the pen is lifting off the page this is an indicator of some pretty severe anxiety next more fun thing to look for is designs designs are decorations around certain words is a huge clue to someone deeply liking what they're writing about and some things have more obvious meanings and some have less obvious meanings Parts indicate love Stars indicate importance smiley faces are different they essentially indicate this every everything is fine message smiley faces are not subconscious like the way someone writes the word mom is they are done intentionally they are put there for a reason so usually that reason being either I mean no harm or everything is fine doesn't mean the smiley face isn't genuine it just means it's intentional next thing is anything phallic with the exception of like children or teenagers if you see adults somehow having phallic imagery in their handwriting usually it's on accident like someone's signature just happens to look phallic or someone the way they Circle something or the way they draw a heart this indicates a need for male attention next thing is illegibility if a certain word each time is illegible it means they don't really care about it that's also why deeply illegible signatures often indicate depression because it's like the signature indicates the self and like the Public Image if it's a legend it's like you don't care about yourself there are so many other reasons for signatures and handwriting in general to be illegible so I want to make that very clear but I bring it up anyways next margins is the left margin moving forward then they're excited about what they're talking about they're so excited that their risk keeps going keeps moving forward each time the other reason could be that they're on a time crunch and that's why the margin is moving forward if it's moving backwards if that left margin is moving backwards it also indicates this person emotionally withdrawing it indicates caution nervousness whatever they are writing about it's not easy for them there's something else going on so that's everything thank you for watching I hope you had a good time bye so glad I got to work with them anytime they want to work with me out I'm obsessed with them thank you Anna louvisa you're a queen [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Leah Eckardt
Views: 13,066
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vQ-oVMGue-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 55sec (595 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 03 2023
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