How to Import Mixamo Animations to Any Character in Unreal Engine 5 New Easy Way In UE 5.4

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in this video I'm going to show you how to import mixl characters and animations into Unreal Engine 5 and map them to any character that you want in really just six clicks an Unreal Engine 5.4 you can do all of this in just six clicks and I'll show you how to do that so this is a a basic third person template uh project and Unreal Engine 5.4 preview onen 5.4 is going to officially release by the end of April but you can actually use the preview version if you want right now so we have two characters here I have a metahuman and I have the mannequin and I just wanted to bring two different uh kind of characters here and I'll also show you the mixo character as well so that's the basic setup of the project so you're going to go ahead and open mixo all right so once you're in mixo you can choose the character that you want to choose and an Associated animation that you want to import so this is the one that I'm going to import it's called the pointing gesture and the character I'm using is Olivia and at this point you're going to hit the download button here and you're going to have a bunch of opt options here so the important one that I want to talk about is the skin and the format so the format you want to choose fbx and with the skin option if it's the first time you're importing a animation and a character into Unreal Engine you want to make sure you choose which skin so it also downloads the skeleton of the character the skeleton is important because that's how Unreal Engine can map from one character to another because obviously any movement that we do depends on our body so I move differently than you because we have different body types so this the same way that animation Works they it works with the skeleton of the character so the first time you're downloading you're going to choose with skin but after that we can choose without skin and I'll show you that as well so we're going to choose with skin and then we're going to hit download all right so once you have your file downloaded you should get a file like this I have point gesture. fpx and what I'm going to do is in Unreal Engine I've created a new folder called mixo just for organization purposes and I'm just going to drag this um fpx file into this folder here once you do that it'll give you this box here fpx import options and when you choose to U download with skin this is the uh dialogue box that you should get and you want to make sure and it should be by default but the scle mesh and import mesh should be ticked and we don't need to change anything else we're just going to hit import so you do get some errors and warnings here uh but we don't need to worry about that for now we can just close it and you can see we get a bunch of stuff here and a lot of them are materials that are used for the character so we don't need to worry about that too much what we really care about are the following so we have the skeletal mesh which is the skeleton that we were talking about and then we have the actual animation which is the point pointing gesture animation so you can double click it to check it uh everything is fine and that's good so what's the next step so let's say we want to use this animation on our mannequin here so here's the steps and this is why I said it's only six clicks so once you have your animation chosen right like this you're going to right click so that's click number one you're going to come to retarget animations so that's click number two so in this top folder you can see the source skeletal mesh is the is Olivia and I want to Target it at the mannequin so I'm going to choose the manne in here just going to search for it so that was click number three so I'm going to find skm Quinn which is right here so make sure you're choosing skm Quinn because SK mannequin is for UE E4 you can you can read the uh path of the um character here so I'm going to choose skm Quinn here and if you double click on on this you can see the preview of the animation getting retargeted and the last click key you need to do is just click number six is you want to export the animation so I'm going to hit export animations and I'm going to put it in the characters folder I'm going to hit export and you can write click export again and I have my animation here so if I want to play it on the mannequin I can just add this animation to it I'm just going to click on the mannequin right here click on search for animation blueprint or just search for animation here so you can see right now in the animation mode it's using animation blueprint but instead of that I'm going to say use animation asset and I'm going to choose that animation that I just created I can just um I'm going to close this I'm just going to drag the animation on top of that so as you can if I hit play right now you can see my mannequin is using that gesture all right so just to show you how it would work if you don't want to download the skin because once you do it the first time you don't need to do it a second time so let's say we go back to mixo and I want to choose a different animation that I want to use as well so I'm going to go into animations and find something else that I want to do let's say we want to do hip-hop dancing like like this one right here so now let's hit download and since we already have the skeleton we don't need to download with SK anymore so we're going to go ahead and choose without skin and we're going to hit download all right so once you have it downloaded again you're going to CH you're going to get an fpx file just like we have here again you're going to drag it and drop it into your mixo folder and this time you can see that it asks you it's the actual dialogue box that you get is different than before where you had to like tick the skeletal M and everything instead of it it it only asks you what skeleton do you want to use and we want to use the skeleton of the um of the character that we imported and in my case it's called pointing gesture skeleton which is right here right and I'm just going to hit import and you can see instead of downloading all the other like material and skeleton it just downloads the actual animation itself now you can double click on it and you can see the animation is there and again it's really simple to add it let's let's add it to the metahuman this time just so I can show that it works with everything so we're going to click right click go to retarget animations and we want to Target it at the metahuman skeleton this time so I'm going to go ahead and try to find it it's the this one right here and we can again play the animation just so we make sure everything is working and then we're going to hit export animations and this time I'm going to store it in my metahuman uh animation folder I'm going to hit export animation and I'm going to press okay and I have my animation here so I'm going to click on my metahuman so I'm going to click on my metahuman go to its body and I'm going to add instead of Animation blueprint I'm going to do use animation asset I'm going to drag this right on top of it and now if I hit play we have our metahuman doing the dance and our manic doing the pointing gesture and of course you can also add the meta you can actually add the actual mixim character itself as well so the way you would do that is you would create a blueprint so let's go let's go at the top level right here and into the characters let's create a new blueprint here we're going to make it a character and we're going to call this BP Olivia and once inside here um let's actually add a mesh which is right here we're going to click on this mesh here and we are going to choose um Olivia so we're mine is called pointing gesture right here so I'm going to choose this guy Olivia right here and you can rotate it and fix it so I'm going to rotate it minus 90 and also lower it down so it's fitting into the capsule it's not too important to do this in this demonstration but I'm going to compile and save and now I'm going to choose Olivia and also drag it onto the screen and we're going to rotate her just like this maybe bring her forward a little bit all right so now we're going to choose Olivia and in his animation we're going to choose use animation asset and we can choose whatever animation that we want so let's go to mixo and let's say we want her to do the dance as well and see if if it's better than the metahuman so now let's hit play and now we have all three characters doing the animation so I hope you saw how easy it is and you can import any animation that you want from mixo and Target it to any any of the characters that you want in UE 5.4 with really just six clicks hope this was helpful and thanks for watching
Channel: SipAndCode
Views: 3,461
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SipAndCode, Sip&Code, How to Import Mixamo Animations to Any Character in Unreal Engine 5, How to Import Mixamo Animations to Unreal Engine
Id: 923_9cuOT9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 35sec (575 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2024
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