How to Import a Character and Animations From Mixamo into Unreal Engine 5

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what's up guys welcome to new Unreal Engine 5 tutorial and today I'm going to show you on how to import characters and animations from Maximo and import them into a new engine it's going to be a very easy video to follow so let's get started but first check out the link in the description to get out with some Unreal Engine courses on winfox alright so of course the first thing that we have to do is go ahead and go into and you will need to sign up or sign in if you already have an account and then we're gonna start basically getting the characters that we want on our animations and basically start downloading them so first of all let's go ahead and get a character on top here see two tabs we have characters and animations so go ahead and search up on characters Channel you will see that we have a whole bunch of collection on them so you can choose whatever you want them um into your game now I do have to mention one thing and is that you can actually import your own um characters from other places and then how to rig them in maximum and use maximal animations on them now if you want I can make a video about that and but in the future so if you want to see that leave it in the comments but I'm going to go ahead and continue just picking one from miximo so let's go ahead and just pick a simple one that we basically uh kind of like all right so for example this Knight over here now when you will go ahead and select any character this warning will appear that you know it will override then the previous character which is okay just use new character and now you will see in the seconds that we have the new character over here so now the first thing that we have to do is download the character itself so just go ahead and click download and now it will select the format that we want in our case for Unreal Engine it will be just a normal fbx binary and then the post will make sure that it is on t-post and now we can just go ahead and unload our character alright so now that we have our character downloaded we have to go ahead and get some animations into it so we're gonna go into the animation step and now we need some of them so for example we can get I don't know whatever like for example this one the double Digger step we can just go ahead and select selected and then we want to do is go here and the load that and now we want to again select fbx binary now the frames per second are my command you know cranking this up into 60 because it will just feel a bit better and skin we're going to go ahead and say without skin because we actually don't need the mesh itself because Unreal Engine will automatically apply it as it will detect that it has the same skeleton so we're gonna say without skin fpx binary 60 frames per second and then a keyframe reduction just a none I'm gonna go ahead and download this so now of course you can pick whatever other animations you want and stuff and you have different options on here about I know the angles the upright is the speed if you want to mirror it Etc you know you can play with it as you want I will not cover that in the video alright so now we're gonna go ahead and open up on Blue Engine and want to open up our folder with all the characters and animation that we basically have downloaded so you can see here that I have this too um the character and the animation now there's one tip that I'm going to show you that is basically to First import it separately the character so it will generate the skeleton Etc in Unreal Engine and then later on and you will import all of the animations so why we will do this is just because there's sometimes errors when you try to import them all together and then we just generate different skeletons anyway so first of all we can go ahead and select the character okay and just drag it into Unreal Engine so when we open up Unreal Engine we'll have a few different parameters that we can change in order to basically import our character now we're gonna go ahead and reset to default and when I leave the skeleton as empty because we're going to go ahead and generate a new skeleton so make sure that these two are are ticked and then pretty much all the other things are gonna go ahead and disable it now import animations is not needed because we are just importantly character and then we have to change anything else we can leave aircrafts create new materials and locals so already uh you know assign all the materials was Etc so just by resetting to default is okay for us and then we're going to say import all so import all the textures and things that it basically needs to now we may have a warning which is okay about the smoothing group this is just warning it's okay um it would not do any damage and now you will see that we have the character with um what basically the skeleton and all the materials Etc and everything will be automatically assigned for us as we already mentioned there to create the materials for us and stuff so you can see the the cat over here so now we what we want to do is basically import our animations into this character that like I mentioned before it is better to first of all import the character separately and an important after all the animations just in case we get some errors now it may not always happen but it's just making sure that everything just be better okay so we're gonna go ahead and get the animation now I want to do is drag it again into Unreal Engine into the gun to browser and then again we will have some um options in here so we're gonna go ahead and resend them to default and now the most important thing over here is the mesh now this skeleton will was automatically assigned for me but it may be just cleared and you can see that actually you can import the animation so what you want to do is just select the same uh character that you basically imported from XML because now of course the bones will you know be all over the place and then pretty much you can leave everything as default again you can just press reset to default just in case but basically we don't really have to touch anything else and we're going to say import uh import or import all it doesn't matter if you have more than one animation it's important at the same time just in Port all and if you have one animation and just say import it doesn't really matter but now you will see that we have the animation imported over here and you can see how it is about playing the animation with the character that we have downloaded from mixomona you can go ahead and use it in your game for whatever you know you're gonna be um playing so yeah that's it guys if you found this tutorial useful I will share your collect video And subscribe to my channel I have lots of Unreal Engine 5 tutorials with this one so go ahead and check them out and now yes with all said bye bye [Music]
Channel: Gorka Games
Views: 91,120
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, videojuegos, unreal engine, unreal engine 5, ue5, mixamo, tutorial, quixel, megascans, unreal engine mixamo import, mixamo unreal engine 5, ue5 import character from mixamo, ue5 mixamo import tutorial, ue5 how to import a character from mixamop, unreal engine 5 import animations, unreal engine 5 how to import a character with animations, unreal engine 5 mixamo character tutorial, ue5 mixamo animations tutorial, import character and anims in ue5
Id: PyXeB1QtC0A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 27sec (387 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 09 2023
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