How to Identify With Christ

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[Music] rise up in jesus name open eyes and heal the land rise up [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're crushing satan's head it's time to rise [Music] it's time to rise how's everybody doing all right well we are going to get right into the word first though the testimony i received in the mail it says dear j.j lim team thank you kindly for the prayer cloth it has immediately begun bringing healing and restoration in jesus name would it be possible to receive another they got one they want to give away so and it gives the address of where to send it to here in the near future well if you were at the conference i mentioned what people call prayer claws and that is one of the areas that we have had just tremendous testimonies of healings and it's you know in acts 19 it says that god wrought special miracles by the hands of paul in that they would come and take aprons and handkerchiefs from his body and not his body not like he was dead but off of him okay and they would send those out and if a person had demons they would be delivered and if they were sick they'd be healed all because the cloth came near them right and it's really amazing because some of the greatest testimonies and healing miracles that we have received have been through prayer clothes and what people call it it's not really not a prayer cloth there's nothing in the bible that says paul prayed over his clothing or handkerchiefs and aprons and things we just call it that it's you know it's an old pentecostal term i guess um maybe not even pentecostal just you know term uh from church but the one of the the amazing thing about it if you want to see how can i say truly miraculous now reason i say that if you want to see it prayer clause is one of the best ways to do it because prayer clause prove god's willingness to heal anybody because we have actually sent prayer claws out to people they would request them or come get them at a meeting or something and they would put them on themselves and they would get healed and then when they went back home then they would pass them around to other people and other people would get healed that those claws went to so there might well i know of one case where a lady had a brain tumor and she was part of a support group for people that had cancer and had different types of cancer and she brought a handkerchief and we laid our hands on it and just released the life of god as we generally term it and gave it back to her and she put it on got healed went back to her group and everybody said you know how did this happen and she she wore it it was a couple of days maybe even a week or so and then when she went back to doctor doctor couldn't find anything so she went back to her support group told them what had gone on they're all like how how did this happen well remember that handkerchief i was wearing because her head was had already been shaved in the whole bit and uh she'd lost hair but then they shaved her head to do some more scans and things and so she was wearing that handkerchief all the time and she said remember that handkerchief well i got that from a preacher over in dallas and so she actually everybody said well where is it at we want it and so she brought it out and started passing it around to every person in her group and eventually everyone in her group got healed wearing that cloth and so now again the reason i like that is because that cloth was for her when we laid hands on it we intended it to go to her we weren't intending it to go to other people but god did and god is not limited he's not limited in space and time he's not limited you know really the only limits he have are the ones we put on him and so it's amazing and it's just it just goes to show prayer claws are similar i would almost say they're like a modern pool of bethesda that you but you can pass it around it's not where you have to go to it you can actually bring it to you and so that's why i say if you really want to see truly miraculous get a prayer cloth pass it around give it to different people and watch what god does it it's just amazing so anyway now let's see i've got all my things right here we're going to do some things today we mentioned this a little bit earlier about how important it is to identify with christ and so this morning you know jesus we're known for showing you how not just telling you this is what you need to do this is what you should do but to actually show you how and so that's what we want to do today we want to show you how to identify with christ because every area you identify with christ in you take on his life for that area and his life and his nature is released into your life through your identifying with him and so today we want to talk about that a little bit so i brought this out and we'll be looking at some things and i'll be writing some things up but first go to second peter chapter one excuse me ii peter chapter one verse one says simon peter a servant and an apostle of jesus christ to them that have obtained like precious faith with us through the righteousness of god and our savior jesus christ grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of god notice how do you get grace and peace multiplied to you through knowledge do you hear that through the knowledge of god and of jesus our lord according as his divine power hath means what past tense already done it right hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness through the knowledge of him that has called us to glory and virtue now that one verse remember last week we talked about the best faith biggest faith greatest faith is to take the broadest general promise and apply it to your specific problem am i right and so this is that broad general promise that according as he has already given them to us everything that pertains to life and godliness so now think if god has already given us everything that pertains to life and governments if he has already blessed us ephesians 1 3 with every spiritual blessing in heavenly places what is there left to give you anything no so there is nothing more for god to do for you to have everything that pertains to life and godliness is that right so in other words it's already been given okay uh you should have got your little notification in your spirit that says your package is in the mail it's it's being transferred it's being you know and they give you the updates along the way well the bible does that too right and you ought to know that these things have already been sent it's just up to us to receive that's the key how do you receive by believing what is believing well if you're here this morning you know that believing is actually consciously holding a position right with confirmation by or which is confirmed by corresponding actions so that means if you have received by believing then that means you have to act like you have received isn't that right which means if you well you know it's kind of funny because i i can't use some of the illustrations i used really years ago even back in the 80s and 90s you know back then we had these huge stereo systems i mean big remember the big stereos and you get the big speakers and i mean that it was just huge it's like you needed a room just for that right and it's funny because the illustration i used to use was okay for instance if you want if you needed a stereo system and you were going to get it by faith and you had to believe that you received it so that means you had to go make room for that you ever you heard this right you go clear out your space because when as soon as it arrives you're going to stick it into that spot so if you're not cleaning out of space you don't really think it's on its way so the corresponding action is to clear out a space perfectly fitted for that stereo system well nowadays you just need a phone this doesn't take much space anymore right but the whole whole idea is that there has to be a corresponding action so if you're going to identify with christ and we're going to talk about how to do that and what it means to do that you're also going to have to have corresponding action of your identification right so i'm just going to wrap some of these things up real quick let's see if i can do this i don't know how i'm going to do this but i will figure it out there we go okay i want a minute back too far all right you know what i should have chose a volunteer somebody can write good i write quick generally okay so we're going to look at there are two categories i don't want to do this i really didn't think that's three okay i'm sorry put your podium on it oh yeah i could do that well i only write with one hand though so i'm good that you can read anyways all right with the other hand you can't read it okay so we have let's say we'll do here we'll just do this one this is going to be adam and then over here we will say this will be in christ okay now notice two categories you can find this really in john 10 10 right in john 10 10 because everything over here is adam but it's satan's nature now remember sin s well don't know where to do this now we'll do it here first sin s-i-n okay this means this is satan's intrinsic nature this is who he is right so he's trying to get you to do this right and now in adam i guess i should have done this side and adam it would have been here right so in adam you have sin john 10 10 we know what the difference between these two are if you're living over in adam you're living under satan's rule so to speak then you are being well stolen from killed and destroyed if you're in christ you have life and you have it more abundantly amen isn't that simple so let's look at a couple of things yeah here we go okay so what do we have in adam well one of the first things is we have death boo death right okay so all right now all right now over here of course we have life yay all right okay we're gonna have to raise the dead here yeah that's wrong okay okay okay yeah over here okay we've got cursing right there you go you're catching on okay and over here we have blessing there we go okay anyway now over here we have there you already know look at it there's a certain already boo don't even know what i'm writing yet but it's but you know it's on this side so we don't want it right so and now this of course would go along with death but sickness would go along with death or we could even say disease right we don't be over there over here we have healing there you go and health amen the only thing better than healing is health amen all right over here we have poverty also known as lac okay there you go and over here we have prosperity remember you get it to the degree you yeah no i'm just kind of let's get out of it [Laughter] and abundance all right now then over here we have sin in the right and what is normally known as unrighteousness there we go and over here we have righteousness [Applause] there we go now again over here and this is not a uh conclusive or total list but it's enough to get you started you have fear over here you actually have love you say well shouldn't faith be there no no see perfect love cast out fear the opposite of fear is love see if you're in fear it's because you don't know god's love if you understand god's love you won't walk in fear amen now then you have another aspect we have doubt and belief and here you have what faith there you go now then we have mental anguish right horrible okay and then we have peace amen now from most of these you know for instance this was purchased for us in the garden and when jesus sweat dropped the blood because he went through the mental anguish that if we don't have his peace we will have that if we have this we don't have this right if we have this we don't have this if we have this we don't have this you see the picture right so all of these now notice these are in christ in him right not just by him but in him then over here all of this is in adam right now this is the way you're born everybody is born in this everybody comes through this you might say everybody is born wrong okay but you get born again right amen yeah okay now let's look at this a little bit further in uh excuse me second peter chapter one it says in verse three we just begin it but he says according as his divine power hath past tense given unto us all things all things right on this side that pertain unto life and godliness through the knowledge of him that has called us to glory and virtue by which by which what okay by the knowledge of him okay by which and by his divine power are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises that by these by these what these exceeding great and precious promises you might be partakers of the divine nature why because over here you had satan's nature right over here you have god's nature okay we're just good yeah wherever that's good that'll work okay now he says yeah by which are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises that by these you might be partakers of the divine nature now notice what he says if you're a particular of the divine nature you having escaped the corruption the degeneration the degrading the falling apart the dissolving the uh you know trying to think other words go along with it that is in the world through lust because that's what it came from and that's what it leads to now and besides this verse five giving all diligence that means being studious it means being uh aggressive toward it all right giving all diligence add to your faith virtue now that's not saying you don't have virtue okay he's saying but you add to this you develop it because it's there it's very similar to what god told adam to tend or to keep the garden remember when he told me to tend or keep the garden was to give diligence in making sure that things kept moving the way they're supposed to so here it says to add to our faith our yeah faith virtue and to virtue knowledge now notice to each one of these things it's like building blocks and we could actually list them out now he says this divert your knowledge to knowledge temperance to temperance patience to patience godliness and to godliness brotherly kindness and to brotherly kindness charity or love as we know for if these things be in you and abound and that's why he's saying that you have them and that you are to be diligent to add more to it in other words to increase all right if they if these things be in you and abound they make you that you shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our lord jesus christ now notice if you're not barren or unfruitful in the knowledge of jesus christ that means that everything that you know about him will be in your life do you get that his nature will be in your life now notice how all these things are tied together you have knowledge you have these character traits or nature traits but it also says that by these precious promises so we know all of these are promises that are given to us but we have to have them living in us now we know that we are born again complete because we are complete in him so these things are in us but now we are to grow them and to have them added and increase in us if we have that in us then at that point we will have in us the nature of christ the nature of god and we'll be partakers of his divine nature now all that means is you're going to start walking and talking like god would walk and talk well if you people say oh you can't do that well wait a minute jesus did and he's our example so we're supposed to walk and talk like he did and he walked and talked like god walked and talked amen so we're supposed to and all that all this means is simply this agree with what god has said that's all it means and even the idea of confessing the scriptures and confessing different things all that means is just to agree with what god has already said so if god has already said that he has already blessed us with all every spiritual blessing in heaven and places then all we have to do is agree with that amen now by these precious promises we can find out what those promises are what those blessings are and then we can start to get them into our life now move on let's read the rest he says in second corinthians chapter 1 just to make sure you know by these exceeding great and precious promises right we just read second corinthians chapter 1 verse 19 for the son of god jesus christ who was preached among you by us even by me and savannas and timotheus was not yea and nay but in him was ye right now notice he said the son of god jesus christ was preached by us to you and he then he said who us is right paul and savannah's in timothy as we know and he said and this jesus christ this jesus christ the son of god that we preached to you he was not yes and no he was yes do you see that i'm just reading it i mean it's king james but i'm just basically interpreting it but now notice look at verse 20. how do we know this for all the promises of god in him are yes and in him amen which means what so be it right now notice this last part see people forget this unto the glory of god by us when we believe his promises [Music] and we take his promises and we become a partaker of his divine nature we bring glory to god by us doing that see the problem has been okay religion dead religion i'm talking about i'm not talking about true pure undefiled religion that james talks about dead religion will always keep you a pauper it'll always keep you down it'll always keep you uh lacking because it wants to keep you dependent on it do you understand it will always keep you down you always say you're no good you can never be any good you can never do anything you can't change you can't and then it'll turn around and they'll read scriptures that tell you that you're different that you were recreated it'll tell you all these things but it'll always put it off until over there somewhere over there over there is not when you need to be righteous you need to be righteous here so you can get there because if you ain't righteous you ain't getting there amen so he tells us here's what i want you to do i want you to take my nature my characteristics and i've given you promises that show you how and what i am god's saying and as you believe my promises you're going to see my nature worked out in you and therefore that will bring glory to me because other people are going to see you because your light is going to shine and that light is him and as his light shines in us then they will see him in us and it will reflect god amen now we know that they gave us god gave us himself in the sense that he gave us all of his names all the jehovah's names which were covenant names which is simply him telling us what he wants to be to us and how he wants the world to see him through our life so if he's jehovah jireh that he wants the world through these promises we take these promises and say you said that you would meet all my needs according to his riches in glory by christ jesus so i thank you for it and then you identify with that promise with that nature of god because it's his nature to give we know that why because god so loved that he gave right and that he gave him while we were still sinners he gave jesus to die for us and that was before we did anything right right so the nature of god god wants his nature exhibited through our life and that's every individual person's life that's not this special person or that special person no every individual christian god wants his nature seen in their life so you can really know what his nature is by looking just at even just at the jehovah's names right and there's different numbers depending on who you want to believe uh but we know there's jehovah jireh the lord our provider are there promises that promise that he will meet our needs yeah philippians 4 19 of course and then of course if you go back into matthew 6 33 he tells us your heavenly father knows that you have need of these things right and there he says you don't even have to ask for him he's going to provide them right but now look at this you go and you look at well for instance then you've got jehovah rapha i am the lord that healeth thee that's another nature see that's the thing that people don't get healing and being a healer is god's nature that's his first response that's his first if he sees sickness his first response is to heal now unfortunately now he either has to get that person to come to him or he has to get his people to go to them that make sense why because he's not here in the flesh to touch them so he needs somebody here that can touch them or he needs them to actually invite him in personally to do that but then they got to know what he's like and if they go to church most of the time and get dead religion then they're not going to think that he's that his first response to sickness is healing they're going to think his first response that the sickness was his first response and he made you sick so that he can teach you something so that he can make you a better person or something like that and we need to realize his nature is to heal now your nature is what you are prone to do and that right if you say that person's generous what does that mean that means they are prone to to giving to helping to do is that right well that person is is hospitable that means they're prone to being hospitable right so anything a person is that's what they're prone to do so if god is jehovah rapha he's prone to healing he is toward healing that's his first response to us to any type of if you're a parent and your child hurts themselves your first response is not usually okay no i mean i understand their circumstances okay but you know and sometimes that i told you so wants to just kind of come out right i told you not to run with that didn't i you know you have that but if you're a parent and they're hurting bleeding or something like that your first response is help them and they're right your first response is not to turn it into a lesson that comes afterwards i mean that right i mean if at all it comes afterwards right right then you're trying to alleviate pain you're trying to help them that's god and see that's the spirit of god in a person in the parent doing that and wanting to help first right now so if we look at this now every one of these we could attach god's nature to right because this is not just what he did this is who he is he is life isn't that right he is the blesser why because he is the giver jehovah jehovah jireh is that right he is jehovah's sycamore the lord our righteousness right so he is all of these things god is love am i right so these are aspects of his nature so these are just some now this isn't all there are you know a lot of promises in the bible and each one for a different case and there are certain numbers i can't quote the numbers that just apply to christians because there are promises made to individuals that are not made to christians necessarily right just because of certain i'm talking about old testament more than new testament but so notice here in in hebrews chapter 6 verse 10 for god is not unrighteous therefore he will not forget your work and labor of love which you have showed toward his name in that you have ministered to the saints and do minister or serve right and we desire that every one of you do show the same diligence to the full assurance of hope unto the end that you be not slothful lazy slow moving but followers of them who through faith and patience faith and consistency would be a good way to say it inherit the promises now remember promise is plural not promise singular through faith and patience you inherit inherit you get that what do you inherit from your parents usually from a natural standpoint genetics right to a degree now i'm talking about from the natural now in the spiritual course we can offset that but i'm just saying notice he says inherit so when he talks about this is how we inherit the promises then that means that we are getting promises from him but now notice how are we partakers of his divine nature and of these promises by these precious promises we go to these promises and we say oh there's a promise here's what he said he would do here's what he wants to work out in my life this now notice if god wants to meet your needs because it's in his nature to meet needs then that nature he's going to work that nature in you through a promise so if he promises to meet all your needs according to his riches in glory by christ jesus philippians 4 19 if he promises according to matthew 6 33 that seek first the kingdom and all these other things will be added to you these things will be added to you is that right that's the nature and you get his nature by these promises so if you put these promises into your life and it's going to work out his nature that means that if he gave you're going to give because that's his nature do you get that so we can't be thinking uh take in and just take in we have to be thinking okay if i want the nature of god he's so loved that he gave so i'm gonna have to sow love that i give in other words just like i was talking about this morning faith believing will always have a corresponding action so if you believe that god loves you and therefore you have faith in him to meet your needs then the best way to have corresponding action with it is to find people with needs and meet their needs when you meet their needs now i'm not saying that god won't meet your need until you meet others i'm not saying that right what i'm saying is this that when you start meeting the needs of others then you are taking on god's nature when you take on god's nature guess what else his nature is absolute abundance no lack he never he doesn't even think lack right he thinks what do you need and if you start thinking along those lines you quit thinking i need this i don't have that what do i not have well what do you want to do well i want to start a business okay well that's good well what do you need to start the bill well i can't start the business well you just said you want to start a business yeah but i can't why well you know i don't have the education for it i don't have the money for it i don't even know i don't even have a building for it i mean i just i just can't start a business okay you just told me everything you don't have now let's look at the other side see this this is the okay you just tell me what you don't have so that means that's in in atom right but that's not you see you are over here so you have abundance now you say would you have a curry come on let's be real i don't have abundance that's why i want to start the business i want i want to have a bonus but i don't have abundance no no you have abundance but you but it's not seen in your life yet because it's still a promise but the promise will become reality once you take the promise and by faith and patience inherit the promise and that promise is his nature do you see that god's promises were not things number one it was him now he blesses us and he can bless you with things that's as long as it you know well he'll bless you with things as long as you own the things and the things don't own you right and and so we need to realize because the bible says that the blessing of the lord maketh rich and adds no sorrow amen so that you you look at some rich people you can tell if somebody got their riches by god or by the world yeah because if they got it by god there's no sorrow added with it but if they get it by the world they'll be worried about it trying to keep it trying to hold on to it thinking everybody's trying to take it away from them and trying to figure out how i can pile up more when they've already got more they can use anyway that's it adds sorrow to it but when you take god's nature then you realize that it's not how much you save up but you become a conduit and it's how much you can let literally uh the wealth of heaven if you want to use that term and i know i'm going to get letters and all kinds of stuff from people but if you in other words if you want to let the nature of god flow through you then you're not going to think in terms of lack or don't have this or don't have that so that's that's one of the things here i have here now think about this now we don't have you know money stacked up in the sense of that uh you know we're looking for somewhere to spend it you understand i'm talking about the ministry and that kind of thing now listen whatever we need we don't make decisions based on money we find out what god's will is and then we make that decision then we head that direction and we don't check according to what's in the bank to determine what we're going to do we find out from god and when we find out from god what he wants us to do we head that direction knowing that every step along the way when we need finances or things or whatever it is it will be there we don't wait till we save it all up and then move on it we move toward it and it's paid out as it goes as we need it right now and everybody like here at staff see that's the thing this is funny because i have i've never yet okay no one on staff that's ever came to me and said we need to buy this i've never said oh we can't afford that we that no no staff member they're all sitting right here no staff member has ever heard that come out of my mouth you know now what i will tell them is and they'll say uh we need this we need that they tell me the thing okay i have no idea what it costs so what do i tell them my answer is always the same give me a number give me a number and and no nothing they have ever asked for okay if it advances the kingdom if it makes things even more efficient i'm for it god's for it so if somebody asked me for something and you know they want me to release it which a lot of times they don't even have to come to me for that but if they want me to release those finances or whatever they a lot of them don't even know what we have or what we don't have but as far as they know we got it why because i've never turned them down not one person has ever asked me for money to do anything needs to be done and i said we don't have the money we can't do it not once so why because we may not have it on hand but if we need that thing we will have that thing because god will provide the finances or the thing itself one of the two amen so the key is just understanding that all i need is a number you give me a number we'll move on it right if they even have to ask me like i said most time they don't even have to ask me so the whole idea though is we don't i don't have a poverty mindset now that doesn't mean i'm rich by any stretch right but i'm rich in faith which means whatever i need i can get why because i know god's love for me see if you don't know god's love if you think that everything you're going to get is just by this in other words if i can get enough faith i can get whatever i want you're always going to have a problem wondering if you have enough faith right but if you know this god's love for you because here's the other thing you say well i got faith okay i got faith oh but man yesterday i messed up so i got to kind of work my way back i got to see that's how people think is i got to work my way back up to god's good grace right rather than just repent and go god i'm sorry is this why i messed up sorry you know cleanse let's start again let's go and and then you kick right back up now so if you're focused on here understand faith is important no doubt about it but if your faith is in your faith your faith will fail you but if your faith is in god's love then you'll know that even if you mess up he still loves you he might not approve of what you did he doesn't condone what you did he may not back up what you did but because he loves you he's still he's not going to not feed you you understand he he doesn't send you to your room without food as punishment right that's only humans right that's what we do sometimes but god loves us right and even his overwhelming love often draws us to repentance have you ever messed up don't have to raise your hand understand have you ever messed up and i mean right after that god does something amazing for you it and now think about it how does that make you feel because right then you're like oh god you're so amazing you know because you know you don't do it because it's like cut i don't even look there just they're over here god just don't even look at what i did but thing and i know you're not cause look what you're doing you ever notice how he will bless you he's not blessing you for messing up he's blessing you because he loves you right and and and his goodness will draw you to repentance why and it's amazing sometimes how that's timed so perfectly that it just takes you to your knees and you just have to worship amen and so because he's that good but if you understand his love then you know that he's going to meet your needs that even if you don't you know okay the word for sin literally means to miss the mark okay to miss the target to miss the bull's-eye to miss the target so any sin is missing the target so you know you missed by an inch missed by mile it really doesn't matter it's not like darts where they have different levels okay oh i missed it i just missed a little bit so i get 90 of god's blessing you know oh man i mean i was completely off the dark board i ain't getting nothing right that's not how god does things now i'm not saying that he blesses disobedience but i'm saying he will keep you and move you toward obedience and he's not vengeful in the way that he's just looking for a reason to hold back he's looking for a way to get his blessings to you why because his blessings come in the form of promises that come that deliver his nature and he wants his nature in you does this make sense to you okay so now watch watch us uh in yeah in verse 12 that you be not slothful but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises for when god made promised abraham because he could swear by no greater he swear by himself saying surely blessing i will bless you and multiplying i will multiply you now notice he swore to he swore against himself or on himself he didn't swear on abraham's goodness or even technically on his total obedience because abraham still messed up how many of you know abraham messed up even after he received the promise right i mean it's amazing he's the father of faith and yet you can't name on one hand all his mistakes he made quite a few actually and big one i'm not talking about little ones i'm talking about big ones right uh his first big mistake was ishmael was that right son after the flesh not after the spirit yeah he wasn't the promised child is that right now and then he even lied abraham lied here is a prophet lying about his wife being his sister and then you know a heathen king uh takes her in to become one of his concubines basically and god has to intervene and go uh you're a dead man and the heathen get this god is talking to a heathen king he isn't talking a spirit-filled tongue-talking believer and yet you got spirit-filled tongue-talking believers i can't hear god's voice well a heathen king could hear his voice amen he said my sheep know my voice and the voice of another they won't listen to so really what you have to find out is whose sheep are you come on just say it all right anyway all right let's keep let's keep going now ephesians chapter 1 verse 3 blessed be the god and father of our lord jesus christ who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in christ notice the word hath hath not gonna amen that means it's already done it's already released it has been sent it just has not been received yet amen then he says according now in other words how did he bless us well his blessing is according as he has chosen us in him before the foundation of the world that we should be holy and without blame before him in love having predestinated past tense us unto the adoption of children by jesus christ to himself according to the good pleasure of his will now notice i want you to think about this remember the two sides in adam in christ okay we were orphans and that right not technically i mean we had a father called the devil some cases it's better to be an orphan but anyway uh we had a father but now we have what we have received what adoption into god's family we've been translated out of the authority of darkness out of the power of darkness into the kingdom of god's dear son is that right transferred translated moved from one place to another that means the other place has no authority in your life whatsoever now to the praise now watch he adopted us according to the good pleasure of his will to the praise of the glory of his grace he adopted us while we were bad while we were not good right to the praise of the glory of his grace showing how great his grace is that he allowed us to come in right wherein he hath past tense made us past tense accepted in the beloved you hear that so now so we could even put over here we could put accepted and over here we would have to put rejected is that right so if you feel rejection you're still operating under adam if you're dealing with rejection you're operating under adam why because if you're born again you have been accepted by god and if you've been accepted by god who cares who rejected you amen well i just found out i was adopted and i don't know who my birth parents were and i just feel and how old are you i'm 45. and you're feeling rejected now because somebody put you no but you were adopted right yeah i was adopted then somebody loved you more than somebody rejected you and i can tell you god accepted you more than the devil rejected you amen so if you are dealing in rejection you need to realize you're no longer in adam now you are in christ and in christ you haven't been made accepted in the brethren amen well i go around my family you know and it's just then get away from them why why do you want to go back there when all they do is put you down cut you down talk about you whatever it is instead hang out with people that love you why where where is your acceptance in the beloved in the brethren get around believers amen they say well i've been around some church people and all they do is reject church people not believers there's a difference there's a difference between being a church member and being a member of the body of christ and you can show it by how you treat people amen and so just understand you're accepted keep listen if you can't find your acceptance keep looking for the group that shows you acceptance amen you know now well that's a whole nother thing i don't want to get off into it too far okay yeah i'm just saying do you realize this is how here we go okay so do you realize this is how cults grow i got a witness hey amen is this right this is how you know right now while we are sitting here there has probably been a jehovah witness knocking on your door at home why because they prey on people that don't go to church because they know the people that stay at home aren't in a body and it's the it's the lone banana that gets eaten amen if you notice see that's how the enemy does he will separate you from the flock he'll make you feel abandoned he'll make you feel rejected he'll make you feel uh isolated and then he'll send somebody after you to finish you off because remember the eyes of the lord roam 2 and 4 upon the face of the earth looking for those in whom he can show himself strong well guess what the devil is also looking for people it says that he goes about looking as a roaring lion looking for those that he can devour and let me tell you when you're alone isolated cut off and feeling sorry for yourself you are easy to devour this is why he said forsake not the assembling of yourselves together why because if you stay home i'm not listen i'm not telling you church is going to save you jesus christ saves you amen but i'm telling you that if you stay home and forsake the assembling of yourselves together there'll be somebody knocking on your door you're going to feel like you have to open it and somebody's going to be there to tell you about jehovah's kingdom and they're going to start talking to you and they're gonna and they're gonna love you right but it's a false love why because it is satanic because the point they don't love you for you they love you to get you in to their group and if you reject that they won't love you that's the way it works and unfortunately some christians that way too or at least professing christians right but you have to realize that that's what they do they and that's okay listen cults and gangs work the same way they they take people who and they they look for listen the devil goes about looking for people he can devour he's looking for that child that feels a little different it feels a little off feels a little separated feels a little rejected feels a little bullied or whatever it is and then that gang will bring them in and say listen we'll love it we'll be the family that you've been looking for all you have to do is prove that you love us too here's this gun go shoot this person go do this go rob this go steal that and that's your initiation and then you're in and you will never get out because we won't let you out they don't tell you how they won't let you out but then they but they have this idea and you have a a fellowship there among them and but it's a false love but it's the only love you know if you haven't received love from somebody else okay [Laughter] there we go okay so that's a whole i can take off on that too anyway um 57 000 yesterday at trump's yeah 57 000 okay [Laughter] okay okay oh the letters i'm going to get okay well let's get back in it now notice to the praise of his glory this is in verse 6 wherein he has made us accepted in the beloved in whom we have redemption so what do we got we got redemption over here is that right yes so if we have redemption over here what do we have over there rejection yeah you know okay uh bought into we could say we're sold into slavery because that's what redemption is being brought or bought out of slavery okay now watch he says here having let me get the right place there we go in whom we have redemption through his blood the forgiveness of sins according to the riches of his grace wherein he hath abounded toward us abounded in all wisdom and prudence now notice so in him we in christ we have wisdom so in adam we have ignorance because that's what he actually said he said that back when we were in our ignorance we did not recognize god right and he winked at ignorance in pastimes but now he has revealed christ to us so now watch he says in verse uh yeah yeah having made known unto us verse nine the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure which he has purpose in himself so now notice it is his good pleasure to bring us the knowledge of the mystery of his will so we are not to be unwise but wise knowing the will of god do you hear that so we know the mystery of his will in christ in adam we are unknowing unwise isn't that right okay i'm just showing you so i'm showing you the difference in how then i want to show you actually how to bring this into your life okay to work it out verse 10 that in the dispensation of the fullness of times he might gather together in one all things in christ both which are in heaven and which are on earth even in him in whom also we have obtained past tense and inheritance being predestinated past tense according to the purpose of him that works all things after the counsel of his own will in other words he knows what to do and he knows how to do it he's going to do what he decides is right okay now what that means is we have an inheritance but if we don't have it in christ we have an inheritance but in adam we are destitute we are without hope isn't that right now in that we should be to the praise of his glory who first trusted in christ in whom you also trusted after that you heard the word of truth the gospel of your salvation in whom also after that you believed you were sealed with that holy spirit of promise which is the earnest down payment we might say of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession under the praise of his glory so now we have the holy spirit within us until we are fully and totally redeemed to the consummation till we are glorified spirit soul and body and now and at that change then there will we will have no more need to change because we will have been completely totally redeemed right now we have been redeemed we are being redeemed and we shall be redeemed we have been saved we are being saved and we shall be saved do you get the idea there right now so yes okay in verse uh let's see 15. wherefore i also after i heard your faith in the lord jesus and your love unto all the saints cease not to give thanks for you making mention of you in my prayers that the god of our lord jesus christ the father of glory may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him the eyes of your understanding being enlightened now notice in christ your eyes are enlightened but under adam they were darkened and your knowledge was darkened amen okay now listen carefully anything in the bible that mentions darkness is always evil isn't that right so everything so we have to understand god is light with god our future is bright and when we say i mean come on the path of the right just grows brighter and brighter into the perfect day is that right so we have to realize so everything good is light and whatever's bad according to the scripture is darkness amen okay so then he says in verse 17 that the god of our lord jesus christ father glory may give you the spirit of wisdom revelation in the knowledge of him knowledge of him notice wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him what does that mean that means that you understand and you know what is in christ because this is your inheritance which is what he's talking about because he says here that the god of our lord jesus christ the father of glory may give you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him i keep emphasizing that because once you realize the wisdom and revelation that you need is not wisdom and revelation about end times or what's happening next i'm not saying that we can't know or shouldn't know i'm just saying here we are promised wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of jesus christ i'm more of a foolish why because he was the perfect revealing of the nature of god and the character of god right now watch then he says in verse 18 the eyes of your understanding being enlightened that you may know so here's what this enlightenment will bring that you may know what is the hope of his calling why because his calling is your calling why because as he is so are we in this world and what or we could say are the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints do you understand his the the inheritance that jesus received by being raised from the dead is in the saints do you get that his inheritance is in you what does that mean that means that everything he inherited is in you and now because we're in him we inherit these same things which is the nature and character and blessings of god amen this is reality this is who you really are because if you drop dead right now if your spirit left your body your body would be dead and you would go be with god and you would not have to change one bit to step into god's presence directly in front of him why because in the spirit you have been recreated you have been justified you've been regenerated everything that needs to be done in the spirit has been done now all you need to do is work on your soul and your actions that's why he tells us have our mind renewed to the word of god and tells that we are to raise up holy hands and they're right that we are to do what present our bodies a living sacrifice amen now he says uh and what is yeah verse 19 and what is he wants us to know okay the exceeding greatness of his power toward us who believe according to the working of his mighty power so he wants to know he wants us to know this exceeding power that he has released toward us on our behalf and he wants to do it and notice and it's going to be according to the working of his power yeah that's what he tells us to be for us to be strong in his power amen not in our own strength how much power is this verse 20 tells us this is the power which he wrought in christ when he raised him from the dead and set him at his own right hand in heavenly places so what does that mean that means that we have resurrection we don't have death we have resurrection amen far now where are we seated we are seated far above all principality and power and might and dominion and every name that is named not only in this world but also in that which is to come now let's say you let's say somebody is sending you something you don't want right they called you and said hey i'm sending you that special fruitcake i'm sending it to you it's come to but you don't want it so what do you do you don't answer the door maybe you go on a trip you don't even want to be there right you're you don't even care it could be something more than a fruitcake all right but whatever it is you don't want it now you have to understand that whenever he we were raised and seated with him in heavenly places we are above all power principality all these dominions all this stuff we're above that and that right we are also seated above every name that is named not only in this world you get that but also in that which is to come now so that's two worlds this world and the world that is to come and we are above every name that's in any one of those worlds either one of those ones is that right yes okay what does that mean okay so give me a name of something here that you don't want top 10 answer okay survey says okay now i know what i can say okay what was it what was it huh cancer sickness there you go that's a name and you're above that right so if you're above it you're not below it right so if you're above it it can't touch you but you can touch it and make it flee amen but you're seated above it so if you're seated above something okay there are people that are in degrees of power that literally can't be touched is that right i'm not saying it's right but i'm saying it is okay i mean i'm saying that there are people there are people for instance okay i'll give you an example if many times if you're in the government and you're like an ambassador or you're in another country on governmental or diplomatic basis you have what is called diplomatic immunity which means now for minor things technically uh you know you can't get a speeding ticket you can't get a parking ticket you can't do things like that and it actually goes up pretty high i mean it's a pretty high level but for the most part because you have diplomatic immunity why because you're above that now we don't like the idea of anybody being above the law but there was a reason for making that so so that bad countries couldn't uh hassle or harass diplomats going in there and just bog them down or arrest them for small things you have to realize that we are ambassadors and because of that we have diplomatic immunity and that diplomatic immunity means that anything below us we do not have to answer to do you get that okay anything that has a name that is of this world system in the sense of sickness disease poverty these things that are spiritual enemies we do not have to answer to or allow them in our life we have diplomatic immunity because we are seated far above them does that make sense so that thing once you realize that thing can't touch it's amazing if you don't if if you don't know that you can't be touched you still have fear of being touched but once you know that you can't be touched it's amazing how bold you'll get right i mean you know you look at it you go to a zoo and they got the gorilla cage right and the old days they had these bars right you know but you could get up there near it i mean the gorilla could get there but he couldn't really get through it but he could you could touch his fingers i mean you know he was close enough right but now they made it where it's just glass a glass enclosure or it's way down and they can't get to and it's amazing how bold people got because when that gorilla would come up to that fence uh people stepped back you know because you just wasn't too sure but when they put that glass up there and they knew that thing couldn't get through man they'll go there and make faces at it and do all kinds of stuff and you know and then the gorillas get smart and start throwing things at you anyway that's you can find that on the internet monkey's throwing stuff at people i'm just saying but it's amazing how bold you will get if you know the enemy can't touch you and yet the bible says we are to have boldness am i right why because the righteous are as bold as a lion what lion the lion of the tribe of judah amen now notice here in verse 21 22 sorry it says not only in this world but also in that which is to come and hath past tense put all things under his feet which is your feet because you're his body and gave him to be head over all things to the church which is his body the fullness of him that filleth all in all you see you are the f the bible says that all the fullness of god dwelt in jesus bodily am i right and now we are his body so all the fullness of god now dwells in us because we are his body his physical body left here and he sent back his spirit and the spirit of god now fills us so that all the fullness of god is in us because we're his body you got it and that means if we're his body then under our feet is everything that's under his feet amen now in romans 16 verse 20 it says it and the very god of peace shall bruise crush satan under your feet shortly isn't that right so that shows that he is to that we are to be bruising satan's head right under our feet so in ephesians chapter two verse one and you you hath he quickened made alive who were dead alive and dead right live on the right hand side in christ dead on the left hand in adam who were dead in trespasses and sins wherein in times past you walked according to the course of this world according to the prince of the power of the air the spirit that now when is now now is when paul wrote and now too but it started it was back then also in ephesians after the resurrection and they're right which now works in the children of disobedience so if that same spirit was working the children of disobedience then it's still working in the children of disobedience today so among whom also we all had our conversation or lifestyle is what the greek word means in times past in the lust of our flesh fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind and were by nature the children of wrath even as others notice we were children of wrath so you could still be filling out this whole list right here children of wrath now we're what now we're not we're children of god am i right but god who is rich in mercy for his great love wherewith he loved us even when we're dead in sins hath quickened us together with christ for by grace are you saved and hath raised us up together and made us sit together in heavenly places in christ jesus that in the ages to come he might show the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness toward us through christ jesus so as good as it can be right now in the ages to come it's going to be even better isn't that right now that does not mean that it has to be awful now so it can be good then it's good now we've been redeemed now we've been saved now we've been pulled out of the myrie clay and our feet have been put on the rock to stay am i right so it doesn't have to be bad and doom and gloom now i'm not saying everything's gonna be perfect i'm not saying you're not gonna have storms i'm just saying that you will make it through the storm if you have made your house built on the rock of jesus's words by doing what he said amen now all right now let's look at this he says here in verse yeah to raise this together let's go down to verse eight there it is for by grace are you saved through faith by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of god not of works now notice lest any man should both in other words you didn't work your way there it was by grace you got in and once you got in you worked accordingly you had corresponding actions that matched what you were saying right matched what you're believing for we are his workmanship created in christ jesus unto good works which god has before ordained that we should walk in them so there are good works that god has for ordained that every believer should be walking in amen now your good works can be acts of kindness it can be all kinds of acts but some of your good works walk past you and you don't even see them some of them walk past you and have needs some of them walk past you and and you can see they have avenues but you don't reach out to them those were some of those were good works that were for ordained that you should walk in but you still have to walk in them all right now over 130 scriptures concerning what we have in christ are in the new testament over 130 okay you can look them up actually in the in the new man we cover every one of them every one of them they're all listed in there and it's any scripture that has in christ in him in whom by whom for whom all these these are all scriptures that have to do with something that we have so you can go through and look them up you can take the new man manual like i said they're all listed in there in session 6 and session 12 session 18 we actually have them listed and you can go through every one of these and we'll show you how to actually incorporate them now here's how you do it okay first off you have to learn and know okay then you have to believe and speak then you have to act and do right which means what obedience so this is the key so first you have to learn this is the process you have to learn and then you have to know how do you know you now listen when you're learning you don't know you're learning about but once you begin to speak and say and act and do then you know so you have to learn and know you have to believe and speak because we believe therefore we speak right having the same spirit of faith spirit of faith believes and speaks right first corinthians 4 13 what we have in christ okay and then you have to obey because as he is so are we in this world that's first john 4 17. now remember and i said this earlier but you have to understand the way listen you don't get okay you don't get away from this and end here by just reading the bible or even just agreeing yep that's true yes oh that's wonderful that's here's my promise you get your little promise out of your promise box here's your promise it's like christian fortune cookie you know you pull it out here's what it says about you and you oh i got a good one today oh this is good okay you have to realize you got out of here when you got born again you were translated to here now this is your spirit okay this is positional it's where god sees you but over here you can still be operating in your soul and operating here and all of this will be sitting dormant because these two can't be functioning at the same time you're going to do one or the other now you may be you know over here maybe you have life in the sense of eternal life but over here you know in the in the soul you're still experiencing sickness or death which means you're not experiencing life to the fullest of the abundance that he wants you to have amen does that make sense so you can be functioning in your soul see this is where people get what this has done people have taken this and because they don't understand that they're operating in their soul they think that they have a generational curse and in reality you don't if you're born again you don't have a generational curse because your generation only goes back to jesus no no curse in jesus right only blessing so if you have what people see as cursing in your life it's because you're still living in your soul it's not a generational curse you don't have to go break anything you have to go in and renounce anything you have to change and quit living this you have to choose not to believe this you know we're not you have to choose not to walk in doubt and unbelief of this you have to choose to believe this and quit walking in this and you have to decide to renew your mind to the word of god and then you start acting like it's true you start talking like it's true and it becomes now i understand it's true the whole time in your spirit but then it becomes true in your soul and it becomes true in your body and that's whenever your soul gets saved see a lot of times we say well we're going to go soul saving no you're actually going to go spirit saving right because the soul they're going to have to do themselves to renew their mind but your soul is saved to the degree that your mind is renewed to the word of god and your mind is renewed to the word of god to the degree that the bible dictates your daily action you might want to write that down or get the recording because i don't know if i can say it again okay now but as i said earlier today the road to hell is paved with good intentions the bible is very clear jesus said there's gonna be a lot of people basically he said there's a lot of people seeking life and he said but they can't find it do you get that people seeking life and cannot find it and they because they're on the broad path and not the narrow path see people think that they're going to dictate to god the conditions by which they serve him and you can't do that you have to find out what is the path of life and walk in it and when you do everything you do is blessed because if you walk in the path in the broad path that leads to destruction then you may have some blessings here and there miraculously but you're not gonna walk in the blessings and you're gonna and it's not gonna be the way god intended you to live does this make sense so how do you do that you find out what the what the bible says about what you have in christ you begin to agree with it then you start to act like it and usually when you act like it you have to start okay the bible is very clear god is not mocked isn't that right man's gonna what reap what he has sown in that whatever man sews that's what he's going to read now god gave before we sowed he gave right but and we received without necessarily sowing technically right so the grace of god overrode that principle if you want to say it that way but you have to understand that in that now that we're in now we can start to sow correctly and usually if you're going to receive you sow first right but you have to have something to sow with what god gives you to sow with that's his blessing and then you sow that and then you reap more of it so usually if you're gonna have these things in your life it's gonna okay if you if you want these things in your life it's probably because your life doesn't look like you have these things does that make sense so if you want them it means you have to start where you are with what you have and you have to do whatever it is here right if you want healing you got to give healing so i mean well but i'm sick how many well then that's definitely sowing and reaping you definitely want to slow some healing if you're sick right because then you'll receive healing now i say man i it's so funny i hear people hey you know if i won the lottery i'd tithe i'm like okay i just don't even go together but anyway well you know if god if i had a million dollars you know i would give you 10 no you're lying if you don't give him a dollar when you have 10 you won't give him you know 100 000 if you want a million you won't do it right because if you find it hard to give up the dollar you're gonna have real hard to give up a hundred thousand right why because you gotta be faithful and little before you be faithful and much amen the good thing is usually you can start with a lower amount it may feel like the same see that's the beauty of even like tithing and things like a lot of people it's amazing listen people write me all the time uh give me scriptures that shows where tithing is the law i'm like oh there's a bunch of them in the old testament a whole bunch of them it is law and i said but if you need a law you're not saved see the law couldn't get you saved and yeah you're trying to go back under the law to make it what you what you want to do is you want me to not be able to prove to you you should tithe right and why because you're selfish and you don't and stingy and you don't want to give it up and that's your and that's fine that's good you know because we don't pressure anybody offering's already been received so there's no offering right just so you know right but i'm just trying to to tell you that when people say that they go show this do that okay if you need a law okay because tithing was under the law but there are scriptures now understand it's i understand it having the principle of tithing is the perfect giving system because it's percentage right so everybody might not give the same amount but they can it's you know not the same uh giving or same amount but it is the same sacrifice because everybody gives 10 if that's where you're at now understand too that under the law you only had to give 10 in the new testament we have to give him our life which means i don't know if you know or not but your life includes your wallet and your checkbook okay so everybody's like well it's so much easier on the day no not really you know jesus didn't make things all that much easier all right he put more restrictions on there so based on not just what you do but even how your motives behind it but all i'm saying is that many times when you start you have to start while you're in the negative and as you sow then you begin to reap more and that's the way it works it works across the board it works in everything i don't care what it is if you don't have much food at home then find somebody and feed them and watch what happens when we first started years ago and i'll finish with this when we first started i think it was started when we launched out put it that way we'd been studying listening up to that point but in the summer of 1980 we went to tulsa we had no way to get there we had no i mean nothing and there was a family over in garland didn't know us we had never met them but we had been confessing we were going to tulsa for a camp meeting and somehow they heard about it and called us and we i had lost my job at the water plant we had nothing we had two children both in diapers and we had nothing and that's when every many of you have heard me tell the story about when i rode the bicycle over and put money in the offering at a church over in farmer's branch and then on the way back crossed coit and beltline and found exactly the amount i was believing for 300 exactly that in the middle of the road in the middle of the intersection if you hadn't heard the story uh you can probably find it on internet or something but i i could tell another time but god met our needs and then all i had was a basket my van i had a van and the van broke down and it was such a piece of junk that i just left it and and they towed it eventually so basically all i had was a 10-speed bicycle 1980. i was 21. that's not good when you got a wife two kids one has a serious medical problem that requires machines and all this kind of stuff and you got nothing you lost your job every and there's no job in the town i was in there was no jobs but we were believing god and i'm telling you we confessed we were going to camp meeting and we said it and said it and said it somebody would ask so what are you what are you going to be doing and so we're going to can't meet and so we'd talk about and somehow these people heard it and they called us up and said and asked us do you have we heard you're going to camp meeting yeah we're going to camp tulsa yep do you have a transportation up there remember i didn't have transportation but i had believed that i had received so i couldn't say i didn't have it do you get it i had to because i had to say what my confession was i could not negate my confession right and so i i answered in a truly uh faith camp way okay and i said yes bless god i believe i do well what was i doing that was faith talk for i hope you understand i'm not sitting in my transportation but uh i'm believing that i received it right that was just it's faith talk right and so the person got real quiet and then all of a sudden they go oh oh and i'm like they got it they got it okay they got it because i told god i would never ask you know and then and they said well we have a a suburban and we have a 32 foot travel camper that we want to let you use to go to tulsa i'd never met them i'm 21 years old and they called me and and they said can you come over and get it i'm like yeah i'll be there so now i don't know who had more faith me or them because when i got there here's a 21 year old kid riding up on a 10 speed to their front door that's going to drive off in their suburban and their camper i think they had great faith amen and so and when i got in and we started up it was empty and i had no money to put gas in it and the guy looked at goes oh my son was supposed to take it to get fill it up and he forgot let's run down here and i'll fill it up on your way out and i'm like all right we can do that so but we ended up going to tulsa and we had no place to park so there was a big park area right not a parking area but a park where basically all the homeless people slept and it was right directly across from the civic center which is where the camp meeting was held and so we pull up in there and there wasn't anywhere else park anyway and so here we are with this big suburban this big camper right in the park and we're there and we get there and within a day we're out of everything we have no food no money nothing we had had some money along the way a little bit here and there we got there had nothing we went to the grocery store and with what we did have left and we bought some food and diapers for the babies and stuff but that ran out real quick but now when we started cooking now we were eating cheap we're talking hot dogs right i mean that's what cheap thank god those days are gone anyway i work at oscar meyer i do not eat hot dogs i'll just tell you it ruined me i will not generally speaking i will not eat a hot dog but and it's kind of hard sometimes to order a chili dog with no wiener anyway um they look at you strange but so we get there and we run out of food but well we have the food at the beginning we're starting to cook and all the homeless people came up because they see us cooking we can't turn them away because i mean i'm believing what the bible said i was just 21 years old just foolish enough to believe what god said is exactly what he meant and we started doing it and when they would come up and we fed them when we ran out of hot dogs real quick and so we go me my wife we go back into the little camper we have our babies there we have no diapers no food nothing no money and we you know that's the time when you start to get that okay you know your heart starts to flutter and i kind of stuff and all right and so we grab hands and we pray father you brought us this far you gave us this you did this we fed we we have need we need this we need this we need this and we thank you for it we believe we're receiving jesus we were following the formula that we have been taught right while we were praying on the camper so i opened the door and there's these two little ladies there with all these sacks and they said uh we saw you yesterday at the camp meeting y'all here for the camp meeting right which yeah and when we went to the grocery store the lord said and told us what to buy for you and so we started emptying this stuff out now two things we had two children different ages different size diapers and they bought the exact right size diapers they which most of you know i have unusual eating habits right my wife says i eat like a toddler okay but i eat simple right without any of the pizzazz well you know the other stuff and i don't know how you can get it wrong but people do all the time i don't know anyway i digress okay so i started pulling well we started emptying these sacks and the food i eat all right they didn't know how i ate but the food i ate was in there and the food that my wife and my children ate was in there right that's what my wife boy says she has to cook two meals anytime i just eat simple anyway but be i firmly believe that the reason those two ladies knew what to get was because while because they were at the store while we were feeding the homeless and while we were sowing we didn't know it but they were reaping for us to bring our reaping now that's the grace and mercy of god amen and we had money and we had food to carry us through and and then we were in the camp meeting and they made a big announcement if you're parked in the park the police are towing all the cars in the park here we go out there and thank god ours was the largest thing in the park and kind of two pieces so they had to get a special truck and they couldn't tow it so we got to it before they towed it other cars are being towed left and right but they couldn't tow us because we were too big and we had two pieces basically and so we got over there and got it but then as we were leaving at the end of that there was a couple that walked up to us from indiana gave us their name and said we have to go back but we rented this hotel room but we have to go back early we want to know if you all want it so they put us in a hotel room and we got to spend the rest of the camp meeting in the hotel room and we had a place to park our camper in the parking lot at the hotel and so we had that and well i could go on and on but those people also i mean they even gave us some cash and listen we never told a single person what we needed or that we needed anything and we didn't dress like we needed anything we dressed with the best we had and we dressed in a way that and we just didn't tell people we told god why because this stuff is either real or it's not god meant what he said or it's not and we have proven it and we have seen it and i'm telling you it doesn't work for me because i'm a preacher there's lots of preachers it ain't working for why because they ain't doing it they would rather beg they would rather you know put out some type of gimmick or something but i'm telling you he says to let your request be made known to god amen to your heavenly father and i'm telling you we have proven it and to this day it is one of the principles that we operate by we never tell people what we need or even really what the ministry needs i mean i don't know if y'all know that or not but we you don't see things on even on the website you know help this is what we need and this kind of stuff we don't do now i have done it for other ministries and other people but not for us why because i had to know that god would meet my needs and that he heard and it because if you tell other people you don't know if it's just sympathy and maybe that maybe that doesn't matter to you if it's just sympathy but for me i have to know this is god because if my faith can't bring it in then i can't do what i'm supposed to be doing by faith and i won't and and that's what happens if people don't know how to trust god then they'll end up begging her something else and when that happens usually the money is misspent because it wasn't their faith that brought the money in but when your faith brings the money in you know it's god's amen so i'm telling you these are these are some basic principles i've learned but this is how you learn to do this and you you bring you have to identify with him in every area of your life to have his nature and his character and his provision in your life amen did this help you amen all right okay well [Applause] hey guys hey i just wanted to welcome you i'm curry blake general over here at john jay lake ministries we are so glad that you have decided to take the step to investigate life teams becoming a certified divine healing technician getting plugged in and taking the responsibility to enter into the life that jesus has actually died to give us so the next step now since you've come this far is to simply sign up that's how to get started just sign up and when you do now you're going to go and check your email box and you're going to get instructions on how to become certified dht how to start a life team uh but you know and maybe some of you are already within jglm and you're already a leader at some level and you're saying okay why do i have to do this well it's very simple we're putting everybody into the same system so that it works like a well-oiled machine like we've talked about because we want to make sure everything is working very well together so if you are an existing leader within jjlim we can tell you nothing's going to change we're just gathering the information so it's all in one database and we are going to be able to communicate with you a lot better this is this is going to really solve the communication problems that we've we've had over the past but this is a new day and you get to get right into it so sign up do it now don't wait do it now and then check your email box it's just that simple so listen i really appreciate this jesus appreciates this because you're plugging in and you're wanting to take responsibility so i look forward to working with you we're gonna have a great time events in the kingdom god bless you [Music] we would like to thank our partners and friends for making today's broadcast possible if you enjoyed today's message or would like more information and resources please visit our website at [Music] rise up and fight the fight if you are considering partnering with us and would like to support our mission please visit forward slash partners proceeds will go toward the cost of the television broadcast and our mission work around the world [Music] visit to watch this program and more at any time subscribe for full access 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Channel: John G. Lake Ministries
Views: 21,015
Rating: 4.8292685 out of 5
Keywords: John G. Lake Ministries, JGLM, Curry Blake, Divine Healing Technician, DHT, New Man Seminar, Life Teams, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Dominion Bible Institute, Diversities of Tongues, God's Son Man's Servant, Renewed Mind, Healing in the Atonement, Killing Sacred Cows, iChurch, JGLM Media
Id: Lw6AT5Sw8pM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 33sec (5493 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 16 2020
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