Demons And Evil Spirits

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[Music] rise up in jesus name open eyes and heal the land rise up [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] rise up do what he said [Music] rise up amen as we said god bless america today especially god bless texas amen texas is a leader in liberty i think it's a two-horse race between texas and florida uh but we're we're we're getting out there so but um you know we got to let our light shine amen and there was uh that was listening of course to the testimonies and i hadn't i hadn't heard these testimonies uh i get testimonies in they get testimonies in and sometimes we don't get to talk about them beforehand and there was a couple things he mentioned that uh where we talk about today as a matter of fact but i remember when i was in south africa at one point went over with the team and we were there was a apparently a very wealthy family uh lived in a very nice area and they invited us well they asked us to come to pray for the woman that was there who had been sick for a period of time it was really serious i'm trying to remember i believe it was cancer i'm trying to remember exactly the situation but because you know glory to god you know when you have so many testimonies it's hard to remember which is which that's not a bad thing amen and so well we went to her house and like i said it was a beautiful home gated community everything was really pretty and they had uh a worker there that they had a crew there that was working on the yard and so we went in to pray for the woman and she got completely healed was up moving around joyous and then when she walked us out they had not seen her walking before and so not in uh it'd been over eight months uh since she had walked and so and then when she could try to walk she would try to come out and tell them about the lawn but she had to use this walker thing because she was just so weak and so here she comes out now she's just full of life and they're looking at her like what happened to you and the man and it was a actually the guy that was there i think he was actually australian or had been from australia at one point and so he saw her and he's just teared up i mean teared up and so he he was telling us about the woman next door that he did their yard too so he said that woman next door she she needs you and so i said well would you introduce us and so he said well yeah i guess so so he walked us over there and this woman had a walking cane and she she couldn't walk except with that cane she was very the whole side of her leg whole side of her body was stiff and so he went in he was standing at the door and actually he stayed outside so he could smoke a cigarette because she wouldn't let him smoke in the house and so he went outside to smoke after he introduced us and he was standing there watching through the door and so i had another couple other brothers there with me and we just started commanding and then about the time one brother was standing there he said well here if you're healed you don't need this and he took her cane and said now walk and so she just took off walking and was completely healed and the man standing outside just threw down his cigarette and started looking at it and then we walked outside and he was i mean by this time he was he was so much it wasn't like tears were pouring down but he was right there and he was doing you know he was in his probably in his uh 60s i guess trying not to cry trying to be you know very masculine and not showing the emotion but he was just you could see his eyes were tearing up and so he said he said well you know there is another family around the corner here so that's it and that's what reminded me of this testimony that uh brother athena was telling us about how it just goes from family to family to family and from person to person and so we ended up all getting in the car in the van we were in and then we followed him to the next place which was around the corner and prayed for another family there and while we were there they got healed and this woman this woman was cooking food had her apron on was cooking her husband was there and they invited us in and she said oh you know i wasn't preparing for this but you know we'll make do for fruit no we're not here to eat uh it smell good but she's we said we're not here to eat so we're just gonna we're gonna pray for you and uh because she had been sick for several years herself and her husband was just standing there and as we started praying god started healing her and then started healing her husband which we didn't even know about and then he goes over and grabs her and they're just they're both totally healed and they're both so excited they just grab each other and hug each other and we're kind of like okay we just kind of left them alone and just kind of walked out the door but he just went from one thing to the next to the next and then when i went back outside the man that had brought us there uh was sitting in his truck and he didn't want to faith because we went by and talked to him so what do you what do you think about all this and he said i'm not not much for all this religious stuff and i said no i mean neither and he said he said he looked at me kind of strange he said but god god was here today and i'm like i got news for you he's here every day i said if you drove around with us like this is what we do the whole time we're in africa this is what we do and and he's sitting there and he kept looking away and wiping his eyes and he'd look back at me and talk some more and he'd look back over and wiped his eyes and so as i started to walk off one of our other brothers there was a african he went to him and said you know can i pray with you and started praying with him and the man had never the lady at the first house knew him and said yeah he's not you know forget it i mean he had a bottle in his truck and his life was very uh as well as he said non-religious but that way and um but she said yeah he's not into any of this but before we left our other brother got to pray with him and he gave his heart to christ because he saw god because he saw god moved so so it is amazing just before i came in also i was reading some of the testimonies you know i've been reading some of wigglesworth's testimonies and different things and i was reading about mother etter about her meetings here in dallas and there was a young boy that was there that was what they call deaf and mute and he was deaf in both ears and could not speak and they said whenever they brought him forward for her she it's so funny because the boy okay spoiler alert he gets healed okay i'll just tell you because he was the one telling the testimony and he said that when sister etter came up to him she put her finger in the back of his mouth and touched his tongue at the root of his tongue right so just picture that right not your normal prayer right she i mean can you imagine head back sticks her finger down his back and then put her other finger in his ear and but now notice here's here's why i'm bringing this up he said when she commanded the deaf and dumb spirit to leave me god opened my ears the spirit left and i regained my speech and he began speaking instantly right so why do i say that because today we're going to pick up uh where we left off and if you'll notice we're i'm actually doing two series at the same time i'm doing and they kind of vary of whether it's the nine o'clock series or ten o'clock series because i'm not doing them in the order in other words i'm not doing the nine o'clock in order one two three that way or the ten o'clock one two three i'm doing because we're doing two series one is uh you can be healed and the other is we are not alone if you remember the other week when we started that and we talked about ain't yeah i know yes and we started with the uh the soundtrack okay um and so uh so we're talking about these two different things and it kind of alternates of where they fit in the service and i believe god shows me what to bring out when so today we're picking up this morning we talked about uh you can be healed and how to stand for your healing to now we're going to be talking about literally we are not alone and this will be part two and last time we talked about angels and their ministry to us and through us and for us and that kind of thing uh but today we want to talk about something that a lot of people don't even talk about today at all don't even believe in anymore and that's demons and evil spirits and so you'll notice in both the testimony that i just gave with sister etter that had to do with demonic spirits the testimony of othniel had to do with a woman being delivered of an evil spirit and so evil spirits are real that's one of the problems why people in judicial circles or court circles that kind of thing they don't know how to deal with certain things because they have not accepted the reality that there is evil and so they look at certain things and they always try to make evil some type of mental illness which is a honestly it's a very disrespectful toward people that are dealing with mental illness or dealing with a situation with somebody that actually has a mental illness and so because they make it seem like all people with mental illness fall in that category and it's not one of the things that i'm thankful for is that i was blessed early in my formative years of my christian life to be with dr lester sumrall and dr sumrall was an acknowledged expert in the areas of demons and demonology and um well just deliverance put it that way and when i say he was an acknowledged expert i don't mean in the church he was acknowledged in the church but courts would call him as a expert witness to go into court cases and testify on the reality of demon possession and or demon influence and what that would do and what could be the result of it and so and it's recorded in many court cases that he went to that it was recorded in the court files of particular certain cases of demon possession and aspects of it and so he is the acknowledged expert in the church but also even in the world of the reality of demons the devil there's the devil if you look in the king james bible the word demon is not in the king james it's devil or devils and now we have to realize that there is a devil the devil and then there are devils which are demons so there's one the devil satan and then there are demons that are his workers his messenger so to speak and so we're going to talk about that this morning so when i read this i'm going to go through a lot of facts here but i want you to get a hold of it because the main point about this is this i'm going to read some things to you and you're going to see how demons work and their some of their influence and things like this now as i read these things these are all from the bible and they are proof that demons did this or caused this now let's be very clear though if i say something here what the bible says that this demon did this or said this or caused this you have to realize if a person you know is having that thing go on i'm not saying they are possessed do you understand because there is a difference between possession and really it should be called influence and there's a spectrum and so you can be influenced like peter when peter you know said jesus said well we've got to go over it no that's not going to happen we're not going to let you do that jesus spoke to peter and said get behind me satan why because the word satan literally diablos diabolos uh literally means an an adversary it means a a slanderer an accuser i'll give you all the words in just a minute but it means an adversary so at that moment it didn't mean that satan had come in and possessed peter and now he was possessed he was being influenced at that moment to say that so that little statement no we're not going to let you go get killed jesus said you're an adversary you're being influenced by my adversary that's trying to keep me from my divine destiny do you understand that peter was not possessed but he was influenced so it shows that many times and you need to think about this and i really hope that what we speak about today really settles into you because you need to realize that the devil or devils depending generally hear i would dare say probably most of the time the devil doesn't have direct interaction with you or influence in you personally uh usually it would be demonic spirits evil spirits that kind of thing that would be trying to harass or different things going on um so in saying that that there is an influence so the devil can influence a person to make a statement in other words just at that moment that person is susceptible in their mentality and the devil can whisper in their ear a demonic spirit can whisper in their ear and they'll have a thought and they'll say that and that thought is against the bible it's against god it's against his purposes and it was uttered under the influence of that demon spirit and then that spirit's gone in other words it's not whispering it's not standing there whispering that person that person's not necessarily demon-possessed they're just influenced at that moment because most people's minds are not renewed enough and not stable enough or strong enough to resist influences right and they're eas most people are easily influenced uh both well generally he's more easily influenced by demonic influence than sometimes by god's influence and so anything that has a statement or makes a statement that goes against god's purposes or disagrees with the word of god technically would be classified as a doctrine of devils all right so this is a very serious subject that we're talking about today because many people now have educated themselves to a place where they don't even believe demons exist anymore i've heard preachers say that the idea of demons was all because the people back in those days believed in them and so jesus came along and was saying that he was casting out spirits because he understood those people believed in them but in reality he was just trying to get them to think right okay so and this was these are preachers saying this but if that were true then jesus was also part of deception because he made them think that he was casting out a spirit and so i go with the bible there are spirits jesus casts them out and whatever preacher says that kind of stuff probably needs some cast out of him just that simple so now i've ran into people that don't like talking about this they don't want to talk about demons you know everything's got to be good and i don't want to hear that and if i don't talk about it it doesn't exist okay that's childish and foolish okay just because you know it's like saying you can't see me because i got my hands over my eyes no just because you don't want to admit it doesn't mean it doesn't exist then you got people that you know would say well there's a demon behind every doorknob if you grew up in the charismatic community uh in the charismatic movement back in the day that was the thing oh there's a demon behind every doorknob and then came with a statement of well i don't believe there's a demon behind every doorknob i think there's two you know and that's the other thing all right but here's what we do know no matter how many of them there are we outnumber them and greater is he that is with us and in us than he that's in the world amen so this is but see the thing is and and i've told people this before because people say well i don't want to talk about that i don't want to hear about that that's probably because you got one that would be a number one reason why you don't want to talk about it because you start talking about it it's going to get stirred up and so we can tell a lot of times and then people things happen and especially when you start talking about these things things start happening and phones start going off and babies start crying and you know which really makes me mad to think that some you know demon pinched a baby just would cry in the middle of a meeting but we've seen this kind of things happen i've been in meetings where light bulbs started blowing out uh when you talk about stuff why because the devil wants you to get your attention off of him and he wants you to believe he doesn't exist because an enemy that you think doesn't exist has free reign so you have to know your enemy so that you can make sure that you defeat him right and so jesus beat him every time he turned around and so should you and so can you amen so but if you know how he works and sometimes you can you might not think it was a devil a spirit a demon but it was now here's our problem we have educated ourselves into unbelief why because we've watched too many things that talk about how this thing is a natural thing and that's a natural thing and this is a natural thing and that's caused by this and you can beat that let me tell you people will say well look at medicine medicine has beat polio medicine has beat this disease it's beat that disease no it has not it has caused the effects of the disease not to be as prevalent but it's still around and it still happens and anytime that you're not in that area with that particular medicine whatever that disease will rise up again so it has not been defeated it has only been submitted to a large degree now people say well if it's a demon how like okay listen carefully i have to be so careful how i say this because listen it is never my intention to ever in any way hurt anybody or make anybody feel bad in this thing other than sin if you're doing sin i want you to feel bad and repent all right just that simple okay let's just be honest but if it comes a sickness or a disease or some problem like that look to me it's like a flat tire it has nothing to do with you so let's just change it get you fixed and get you running again amen i don't think in terms of oh you got this disease so oh you're a bad person because of whatever no that disease is bad that demon is bad this this thing is bad you are under attack and my job is to get that tire changed and get that flat tire gone and get you back on the road amen so if i mention something that you're going through please understand i'm here to help i'm not here to condemn or put you down i want you free all right because there is nothing like freedom amen i hadn't even planned that for today look at that anyway now but for instance there are diseases that doctors can't diagnose problems different situations and when that happens it's always spiritual if they can if they cannot diagnose it with all their instruments and all their great knowledge if they can't figure out what it is it is always spiritual it is usually a spirit of infirmity which is the word infirmity means sickness so it's a spirit of sickness and we can we're not going to talk about that too much today but because i don't i just don't have time because of the list of things i got to give you but i will tell you this for instance you take a situation like epilepsy the medicine for epilepsy or the treatment for epilepsy does not cure epilepsy if you have epsilon epilepsy and they give you medicine you will have to take that the rest of your life according to the doctors right it's that simple it does not cure it only causes parts of your brain not to be able to function so that listen carefully that spirit cannot make your body move that way and if you don't take that medicine that spirit because all it does is it numbs i'm using a very generic term i'm sure a doctor would have a much better term for it but it would no it numbs the part of the body that would allow the effects to be seen so it is not fixing anything it is merely hiding the effects do you understand that now i've dealt with this all over we've dealt with epilepsy uh since we've been in ministry uh i don't know of any particular case of epilepsy we've ever ministered to that wasn't healed but it's also because we don't just say be healed it is because we deal with the spirit and there is a spirit and people say well no it's because of lesions in the brain yep that a spirit caused and they said well but but it's well because we don't know what caused it or we don't know i know what caused it well it's called a demon right it does not mean the person is demon-possessed do you understand that okay it means that that person is influenced by a demonic spirit it generally has no especially epilepsy has nothing to do with the person nothing to do with them that has all to do with the enemy and what he's trying to do that's why you tend to see well this would almost sound kind of ridiculous to say it this way you almost always see epilepsy pronounced epilepsy in children but even when you see it in adults guess what they were children at one point so it still goes through um so in any time i see something that affects children predominantly uh automatically i hate it and i know it's a double automatically why because only a devil would attack an innocent child right only a devil is that cruel and that evil and so i have no problem now when i deal with children that have uh demonic influences or situations going on then obviously i don't talk about devils and stuff to him and i don't have to why because the devil knows it's the devil i don't have to call you know if i talk to you i'm going to say excuse me human human excuse me i don't have to do that you know you're a human right i don't have to call you a human so if i talk to this this thing that's bothering this person i don't have to call it what it is especially if it's a child because i don't want to you know children can have ideas and it can scare them and so we move away from that so i a lot of times you just tell them listen i'm fixing to i might get loud i might sound kind of angry but i'm not talking to you i'm i'm talking to what's bothering you and when i get done you're not gonna be bothered anymore and i explained that to him and i said so don't you don't pay any attention to anything i'm saying because i'm not talking to you right and so then whenever i deal with that thing i tend to get loud and sometimes i'll even leave the room and i'll go to another room and deal with that thing in that child why because i don't have to be in the presence for them to be free and that way i can get as loud as i want to and get as mean as i want to and it's not going to scare the child amen why because god is that big he can set somebody free from another room amen all right so let's look at the rest of this now as i said dr sumrall was a an expert witness and we're going to show you something in just a minute also but in every country that we have been in we have dealt with demonic entities uh you know demons and people demons and animals uh we we have dealt with these things and we've seen them and i really want to emphasize though we must okay look i'm not saying that when science says this is why this disease is here or what it's doing i'm not arguing with that i agree that disease is there it's doing that okay what i disagree with necessarily is maybe how it got there or what started that see they only start with the symptom i go past the symptom and go back to the to the root and the root is the devil it's always the devil amen i don't care what it is now that doesn't mean there's always a spirit with every sickness it doesn't mean there's not there can and there may not be it just depends on the individual circumstances but here's what i know we have dealt with this in every country and in every people and i've had people when i was in um actually i was in tanzania and in kenya whenever i had a woman speak to me in perfect texan not english texan i'm talking about y'all you know yonder things like that right i'm talking texan and this woman spoke only swahili the pastor knew it he i mean he knew her and he knew she couldn't speak english and let alone texas right and so but she spoke to me in perfect texan and then i grabbed her and cast the devil out of her and she couldn't understand me anymore but she could whenever she had a devil amen so it shows that there is a spirit aspect that was there now we were in germany and we had a situation we got the the video ready for that if they will show you the this happened in germany it's very short it wasn't planned obviously that's not germany that's a shield germany will be coming up momentarily tick tock no not that one waiting still waiting don't tell me the prince of the power of the air did something let me keep going five minutes all right okay well we'll keep going for five minutes set your timer okay okay now so the subject of spiritual warfare warfare between the kingdom of god and darkness is real the war is carried out against humanity and against god's people especially throughout the bible we see that the enemy we face is the devil and his agents known generally as demons the word demon is not the king james as i said instead the word used is the word devil there is one devil but many demons technically the word translated as devil in the king james version is the greek word demonian right which is texan for greek if you just translate that out now the word used for satan is usually diabolos or diabolos it means adversary false accuser slanderer and devil in 76 places in scripture so this is not some small little thing it is in 76 different places where the word devil or devils is found it is used to refer to evil spirits or demons now listen carefully listen carefully the devil satan the devil not demons but the devil has an angelic body and cannot enter bodily into anyone so anytime it talks about the devil the devil not a devil but the devil or satan or a person or entering into somebody it does not mean he bodily entered into it means he entered they entered into union together in other words he entered in by influence and convinced them to do or say something does that make sense because he has a body now it appears and i say appears that demons do not have bodies hence that's why they want to possess a body so that they have movement because they generally are relegated to only what they can do through a body now the body can be a body of a human or an animal right or or a bird i guess if you don't want to classify a bird as an animal but one of those you generally one of those two things now and well there's so many there's so far we can go on these things but i'm trying to hone it in today just to give you kind of some basic facts and understanding now um yeah so first we're going to talk about the nature of demons all right now this is their nature this is their character remember this and i'm not going to give you all the scriptures we'll be here all day but i will go through them and there may be some scriptures i bring out number one they are evil first off number two they are intelligent in other words they think they plan and generally they are smarter than most humans do you understand that smarter in the sense of information and especially smarter at manipulation and deceiving and things like that okay number next okay they are powerful you can find that in mark chapter five verse one they possess men or people and can be cast out they are individuals right they have knowledge they get well before we go to the next one they got the video ready we're going to play the video this was in germany this was not expected this is what happened in a prayer line go ahead [Applause] [Music] that's him afterwards we followed him on through i took four men to even try to hold him down and they couldn't really hold him down but we got over to him cast the devil out of him and then at the end of service uh they he the man that's the man that brought him that man picked the man on the right picked him up and brought him to the service because he knew he had problems and so he brought him to the service and then after he got free uh asked if we could meet and so we got a chance to meet uh to meet with him and so but that that is just a mild situation where it starts to manifest but didn't do anything uh he was in the healing line and didn't do anything until we started using the name of jesus and when we got there and started saying uh well actually what i did was i prayed that he would be free and be made whole i had no idea what the situation was then that started uh recently as i've told y'all uh the other the other day while we were in minneapolis people came to us afterwards uh there were two women that came to us afterwards after the service one night during the healing line uh tom shkarelli no that was good no but um thomas gorilla was ministering to people he called me up to help me or to have me help him minister and i went over on one side was ministering to people and then these two ladies came up or one lady come up first and describe situations going on with her and said she need to be free and it was a horrible situation been gone in a long time and as i began to and i'm just standing there and i said okay and i was going to hold her hands i said no okay just hold your hands there and then i just all i do is simply get ready to set her free and then i explode on her and that was it it was just i'm standing there and i'm talking in the name of jesus you'll be free i'm going to set you free in jesus name right now we command the devil to leave we command all of his works to cease and we commit and then i just kind of grabbed her by the head and kind of moved forward and then i mean it was loud and bam hit and as soon as i turned loose she went straight down and was there and um then she got back up and she was completely free then the other woman that had come up uh came up and i started talking to her and this had been going on for a while with her and as i started at this at this point i didn't touch her i knew it was the devil and i started commanding her to be free and as i did that she started growling and saying some things and so but immediate and i just got so mad and just all i did was stand there and i said cease feast shut your mouth and instantly she stopped and then i grabbed her and commanded the devil to come out and she fell and when she got back up she was completely free and she could tell she was free didn't even know exactly where she was and so we've had these situations uh go on we had the other situation probably heard me talk about it before uh where the i was opening day of a dht and i was praying and the woman came forward and started screaming and i hate you i hate you i hate you in iceland i thought okay you know i knew she had a devil i mean anybody that hates me has to have a devil i mean what's not to love come on no i'm crying no but loved or hated but never ignored that's what i say you know either way but but um i had somebody tell me that one time they said well you know i don't like you very much say well that's good neither does the devil you are friends so anyway so just leave it at that but we've had situations like that and that one was completely free and didn't even know where she was at when we got done so we've seen this on every continent i mean every every country we've gone to um but and i want to emphasize this we as a people we want to think we're smart and so when people give us reasons to to not believe the bible but to try to explain something we want to go with that a lot of times and you know what i'm just going to be honest with you because i mean i love studying i've read a lot of different things uh you know gaining knowledge wanting to know certain things and years ago and i probably told you this before also that i was watching the show house about the doctor that thinks out of the box kind of and i really liked the way he thought and that he was a little kind of rough and brusque and way down like i can identify with that so i'm you know i'm watching the show and then one day i came home off of a trip and so i started watching the show and as clearly as anything i heard god speak to me and he said if you keep watching this you're going to hurt your faith and so i paused it and stopped and said okay why he said because every show he has a natural answer for everything and he said and you're going to think that way and he said and you're going to start thinking when someone comes up to you for prayer you're going to think of the natural answer you know for that and he said that's not why people come to you and so he said you'll start thinking it's a natural answer when they're not always natural answers and now are there some natural yep to a degree some things can help but nothing beats the devil except jesus and his blood and his name amen that's the only thing that beats him now so i quit watching that now the thing is though because of that we tend to educate ourselves to a place where we move away from the from the bible and i have decided even recently redecided you might say i recommitted a lot in my own life there's a lot of things that i don't i'll just be honest i don't care i there's things i don't care about going on in the world and stuff why because that that hasn't it has nothing to do with why i'm here i'm here for a particular reason and let me tell you if faith in god can fix anything then i don't care about the reason and i don't care if it right i don't need to know all these details that the world wants us to know i would rather know nothing except christ crucified i'd rather know that i'd rather go back to that well you know you're going to be closed-minded you're not going to look at this if need be if i if i have to block out natural knowledge so that i can walk in faith and get more people free i will do that i don't care about the knowledge amen amen so uh you know i'm just i'm seeing this stronger and stronger and so i'm focusing more and more and so i'm going to be saying some things that probably some people will but that's this or that's think what you want but remember if you're in my healing line what you know don't work for you so if you come to me you come for me to give you what i know to give you and that's what i'm going to do and what i know to give you is the name of jesus and faith in that name and and faith in god amen and so that's the direction i'm going so uh anyway i gotta move on here so go with me to james chapter two for this next point remember we're still talking about the character of demons james get over there there we go james chapter two and second find it here yes okay in uh look at verse 17. it says even so faith if it hath not works is dead being alone yea a man may say thou hast faith and i have works show me thy faith without thy works and i will show you my faith by my works look at verse 19 thou believeth that there is one god thou does well the devils also believe and tremble do you hear that devils believe and tremble which i always say that shows they're one-up on most christians why because at least they tremble christians believe and don't tremble but now there's a reason to believe because it's a fearful thing to follow the hands of an all-consuming god amen to fall into his hands now you can walk into his hands that's one thing fall into his hand that's totally different and so demons believe in god and yet now get this okay get get ready to have some theology squashed if it's only believing they get you saved every demon's saved because they believe amen that's the verse after you say you have faith and i say show me your works isn't it right but he said but i show you my faith by my works so when people say oh all you got to do is believe nope devils believe it don't get them saved so there are works that must accompany salvation believing for you to be saved do you understand that is that clear pretty simple isn't it yeah okay now so devils believe so if devils believe we have no excuse am i right if they can believe and they're evil you can believe right all right next one they fellowship there's there's talk in first corinthians chapter 10 in verse 20 it talks about the fellowship of demons right they have doctrines doctrines of devils the bible says first timothy 4 1 they have wills in other words whenever remember whenever jesus started to cast the demons out of the the boy and he they said oh send us to this these pigs that was their will they had a will and they wanted to go into the pigs right and now it which again shows you know they always say that pigs are smartest animals and they're real close to humans and how smart they are i think they're smarter in some ways because pigs wouldn't even live with the devil in them ran right off in the ocean right now watches hard to see there they have wheels they haven't get this miraculous abilities demons have miraculous abilities and in revelation chapter 16 verses 13 through 16 you will see that they have the ability to do miraculous or wonderful works in that sense miraculous works they have emotions that's acts chapter 8 verse 7. they have desires that's in matthew 8 verse 28 through 31. so these do you do you see that they are why do they want to inhabit a human because they have so many human-like qualities and there's all kinds of debates on where what they are are they falling angels are they disembodied spirits are they different things okay i'm not getting into that today because that would be a whole thing by itself and that's not the purpose of this what you have to know is this number one in christ you have authority over them through the name of jesus end of story don't care where they come from you got that now but now let's look at the work of demons what do they do now this is just a bible list of what demons do so if you are going through this experiencing this or anything else this is the work of demons in your life do you get that it does not mean you're demon-possessed if you do these things yourself it doesn't mean possessed because possessed means owned but possession we talk about it on the spectrum of influence but a the more you allow influence the more that thing starts to own you does that make sense and so when you see it by the time dr sumrall gave seven steps or seven uh levels of influence or possession or demon influence we would say and it starts with just basically being oppressed even just the enemy's just oppressing you and making you feel a certain way or giving you certain attitudes and things like that just an oppression but it goes all the way up these steps up to full possession and now two things by the time you get to about level four after level four or roughly level five you generally can't get free by yourself up to up to level four you can free yourself you can get rid of that thing yourself level five and on you generally have to have somebody else help you somebody else has to come in because that thing has so much control over you that it even has control over your mind to the degree that you would even think you don't want to be free and you might even think that you are free when you're not and so now when you get to level six and level seven most of you will never meet a level six or level seven possessed person why because they by that time they have already done so much evil that they are usually locked up either in prison or in some type of mental institute so most people never deal with them policemen deal with them more than anybody else policemen and then of course uh mental health workers would also deal with them too and so but that is a person this is a person that jesus talked about what does it benefit you to gain the world and lose your soul because these are people that have lost their soul all right and generally their personality is completely submerged and the only personality that that you would encounter would be this demonic influence now there are times when it will imitate them or and there are times when they might be able to kind of get through and ask for help you can see that in the case when jesus saw the man when he come across uh the the sea there the man came running to him and fell down and worshiped him and the man demons didn't come running the man came running to him and then the demons said what have we got to do with you jesus in other words they didn't want to be there and they even said have you come to destroy us before the time so they know there's a time coming see they're smart enough to know there's a time coming and they were actually probably testing him because if he had said yes i'm here to destroy you now then that would have been before the time and that would have been wrong and then they would jesus would have lost the authority over them so there is a process all right does that make sense so now let's look and see what they do first thing they possess people and cause dumbness being mute not able to speak and deafness now you can also find reasons why a person can't hear or a person can't speak there can be physical reasons going on it does not mean that that was not caused by a demon the the problem could be caused amen now and i'm not going to give you all the again all the uh scriptures for these i'm going to go through them they cause blindness right they cause grievous vexation i will give you that one matthew 15 22 so you can look that up they also couldn't remember if you're going through any of this or you know somebody is it does not mean they are possessed it means they are at least under attack and it's and the way to get rid of it is to cast it out right they cause lunacy and quote-unquote mania right a manic situation they cause now get this one and this is by far the number one thing oh boy you're going to see this once i tell you they cause what's called uncleanness uncleanness 21 times in the new testament and that's out of 76 times total i think it is uh 21 times it says that a person had an unclean spirit and then if you look at that unclean spirit they're almost always uh unclothed almost always out of their mind always almost always loose usually sometimes they'll be in chains not people you would necessarily see but they would try to cut themselves and they tried and their their language is very foul okay now this is one reason why christians should have no corrupt communication coming out of your mouth corrupt communication means anything that does not bring life there's life and there's corruption anything that is that does not bring life is corruption and it is part and what it does now at that point you may not have an unclean spirit but if you keep having unclean words you are calling unclean spirits that situation now all of these other situation uncleanness falls under almost every sexual sin almost every sexual sin falls under uncleanness what we're seeing right now is widespread uncleanness in america where every sexual sin and aberration is being accepted to where now they're willing to actually allow people to marry animals seriously that these these laws are being enacted and passed right and so that is uncleanness and that goes into every type of basically every type of sexual sin so now uh and it's called unclean spirits and there's a lot more to it we'll probably have to break some of things down at some point but just not today next they cause supernatural strength and that is particular you can see the case in the video we showed you but is also the case with jesus where it said that the man was in the caves constantly crying screaming out and think about this this was just outside the city he was in a cave which meant that it echoed forward into the city so these people could hear him in the in the city they could hear him out in this cave crying yelling screaming and he had an unclean spirit which means he was saying foul things we had a situation in canada where i started cast out a devil at this boy and he fell down the floor and you may have heard to me let me tell the story how he kind of crawled around the floor and slithered like a snake and pretty much crawled out of his clothes for the most part and so he when he hit when his head hit the platform he turned like a snake and slithered down the side and so we had to stop him and started commanding that thing to come out and anytime uh really not with the men but anytime a woman would would come near or anything like that he would say foul things to her and so every time he did we just you shut your mouth in the name of jesus and then he would stop and then another woman would pass by in a few minutes not even nearby but just passing by and he would start saying these foul things and finally we had a quick thinking uh deacon there that had a bottle of oil and every time he had started foul stuff it blew right in his mouth and it blew a little bit he couldn't say anything anointing anointing oil has several purposes all right so yes no and i'm like that's good that's smart thinking hey just shut him right up there you go so you know his olive oil ain't gonna hurt him right so now but it can cause supernatural strength and it says that this man was in these tombs crying night night and day cutting himself and men had tried to chain him and hold him but nobody no chains could hold him supernatural strength next one suicide they cause suicide right now i'm not saying that if a person commits suicide they were demon-possessed and therefore they go to hell that's not true i'm not i'm not saying that the person didn't go to hell i'm just saying that because they commit suicide didn't necessarily cause them to go to hell does that make sense so um now they cause fits fits okay like epilepsy things like that they cause these things they cause lust right strong um i can say strong desires that cannot be uh satisfied yeah that's it so if in in these it can be in different areas see most people think of lust in the sense of the sexual area it's not just that it's anything uh covetousness is lust right and that can be brought on by demonic spirits so they cause counterfeit worship counterfeit worship think about that they cause error in thinking in teaching in believing okay they cause according to matthew 4 23 and 24 and acts 10 38 they cause sicknesses and diseases okay they cause torment they cause deceptions these are all the works of demons they cause lying they cause enchantments in witchcraft they cause heresies they cause false doctrines which could lead to heresies they cause wickedness they cause fear any of these things if you're experiencing any of these things that i'm naming out here we will be glad to minister to you at the end and set you free but i will tell you this once we set you free as per the nine o'clock you got to stand and not allow what you were doing before that gave way to that stuff okay i'll tell you another one yoga if you do yoga you need to be set free you have the influence of demons in your life it's that simple right there is no person that does yoga that does not have the influence of demons in their life right it is a false religious practice of false idols and false devils or false gods right so and then people well i do christian yoga no such thing okay no such thing they cause now get this one they cause worldliness a christian that's very worldly is under the influence of demons that's first john 2 15 to 17 and first corinthians 2 12. they cause bondage romans 8 15 they cause discord right that's why unity and being in one accord is so important they cause violence they can be very violent they cause betrayals they cause oppression they cause sin and if a person moves into sin that the demonic uh entity sees what you're drawn toward and that then they will present you with the temptation for that right so they cause persecution they cause jealousy they cause false prophecy right they literally cause every evil to try to come to man for the purpose of hitting it god right because they want man to be as evil as possible so that so that it makes god sad i mean i know that's very basic but it's just so that it gets to god because there's nothing that gets to god like you hitting his kids just like any good parent amen so demons can do these things they can teach they can steal they can fight they can get mad they can tell fortunes they can be friendly and attached to families also known as familiar spirits okay they can go out and come back in until they are cast out now if they're cast out then they have to be accepted to come back in but if they're not cast out and they leave that's why many times the problem you have doesn't come to church with you i'm not talking about your spouse or your mother-in-law okay i'm not talking about that okay i'm talking about whatever ailment or situation you had going on in your life that situation knew that if it stayed with you and you got in the line and we cast it out it can't go back unless you accept it but if you have it and it leaves and then you come down and we pray or whatever and we do what we do and then you go home it can come back in so many times as you're telling me the situation i'm hitting the real problem and not the problem you're telling me about that's why when we see a situation like that we cast it out then it's up to you to decide whether you're going to let it back in or not because it may it'll come back it'll try to come back in it will come back in but this time it does not have free access because it has been cast up now it has to convince you to do whatever was you were doing before that let it in the first time right because according to bible the curse doesn't come without a cause in other words meaning you don't have a problem without some you know put it this way there's no reaping unless you've been sowing right and if you sow to the flesh you will love the flesh reap destruction and that's how these things come does this make sense to you okay so hopefully you're aware that's what i'm wanting to do i want you to be aware that there as as we have angels all around us there are also demons that try to get to you but we outnumber them at least two to one at least two to one amen and so we're good in that but all god is doing he's waiting to see which one you're gonna listen to you've got an angel standing there saying no be strong and then you've got a demon saying nah go ahead do it it'll matter go ahead go ahead you know and so you have to decide which way you're going to go because you're the deciding factor now so uh it can they can imitate the dead usually familiar spirits will also imitate the dead and they will many times familiar spirits will go from a dead a departed loved one that possibly had succumbed to influence and if a child is born just before that person dies many times that spirit will go to that child in that family if that family is not living before god living for god being right with god being born again is the only true defense do you get that so those things are there now uh demons can travel obviously they go walking about and drive places so we know they can travel they speak they spoke to jesus many times and they do many other things when in possession of bodies through whom they can operate they are called devils familiar spirits unclean spirits evil spirits and even seducing spirits which gives you an idea of what they can do they are made subject to christ and believers by the redemption that jesus provided by the name of jesus and by the holy spirit and i can give you all these scriptures what i'll try to do is have them put on the church website and we'll just load this up so you can go down through it to be an excellent study for life teams also thousands thousands of demons can enter into and take possession of one person at the same time thousands we know that from the story of legion with jesus right thousands now they must be discerned tested resisted and rejected by believers right he tells us to test the spirits we're told to discern amen and we're told to reject they have more than ordinary intelligence they have a personality they are satan's emissaries they are numerous they enter into people and animals to control them to do their will demon possession and demon influence are different things as we've already talked about demons know their fate and they know those who have power over them as we see whenever the seven sons of skiva tried to cast out devils jesus we know paul we know who are you so it shows they know who has authority over them now they fear god as we know from james we already read it they inflict physical problems and illnesses and according to ephesians chapter 6 verses 10 through 18 they make war on the saints they influence people okay all now listen carefully all unbelievers are more or less influenced or possessed by them all unbelievers why they have no defense now i will admit many unbelievers are so living so nothing lives that even the devils don't mess with them much because there's no need to right most of them already have the character of satan because they have his nature and so they're just they're already living out satan's will to their limited influence and so many of them don't even need demons to do satan's will do you understand what i mean by that now uh christian resources against him are primarily prayer self-control and the whole armor of god as we read at the beginning there are demons now listen carefully there are demon spirits for every sickness for every unholy trait or characteristic and for every doctrinal error right there's a demon pushing that they must be cast out to get relief from them now i'm not again i don't have time to go into this but diseased germs are really living forms of corruption okay and though that comes into the bodies of people because we live in a fallen corrupt world you understand but that does not mean that these diseased germs it's almost like as you breathe there are water particles in your breath and this may sound real simplistic but diseased germs are like that in the sense that they are just simply the breath of demons okay just think in terms of that now i mean please don't make that some weird thing all right and especially now with mask everywhere and get it how it's got a demon demons coming no no no no go spread your demons somewhere else no don't be saying that to people right but you just need to know that demons are real they hate you they would listen they don't necessarily want you dead especially if you're a christian they only want you dead if you're a christian if you're really doing damage against satan's kingdom if you're not they want you to live sick defeated why because you're a walking billboard for the fact that god can't keep his promise and so they would much rather keep you alive and defeated than have you die they're also parasitic they live off of your energy so they don't want you to die the problem is just like parasites they find a good host they'll overwhelm you to the point where you eventually die now they got to go find somebody else that's how sickness and disease happens right and that's what spirits of infirmity do a spirit of infirmity opens the door for many other spirits to come in and usually you end up having to cast them out so listen bottom line remember you have we are not to fear anything especially a defeated enemy like satan and his demons we have authority over them we can speak in the name of jesus and they will obey now they will try to convince you they don't have to but you have to decide before you ever open your mouth how this is going to end and it's going to end with that person or yourself being free amen yeah so finally yes finally just as garbage breeds maggots so man in his fallen state of corruption breeds germs through unclean living and through contact with corruption in a fallen world it's the same way that it works okay having willful contact and or communication with demon spirits is strictly forbidden in both testaments old and new right that means no fortune tellers no psychic hotline listen if you go to fortune tellers listen to fortune tellers even if it's a joke even if you think ouija boards things like that you say ah demons you do things demons like guess what you get demons it's the way it works right you are a servant of whoever you serve and whenever and if you're just playing with something like that whether you're playing with tarot cards or there's all kinds of little things like that that the enemy uses and i don't know if you've noticed or not but lately if you go to a bookstore used to what was hidden is now on every end cap about witchcraft spells everything it's all out there about and it's all the stuff and and it's usually right next to the um self-improvement you know section and which is a total lie anyway but you need to realize you start messing with any of this stuff okay as as we used to say uh knock on wood okay that is a form of superstition that was meant originated to scare away demons right things like that you say well that's just a minor minor thing yeah and it's the little things that add up and so your life should be clean it should be holy it should be right amen and if you are right and clean and holy before god you can use the name of jesus and defeat every spirit i don't care all the way down from the little imps that are nothing all the way up to principalities it makes no difference amen why because greater is he that's in you than he that is in the world amen all right father we thank you your word is absolutely true we thank you father that we are commanded not to fear and we thank you for that command because we know if you command it then we know we can do it and we know that you will empower us to do it so we can live free of fear we can live now free of fear of even of satanic influence because we we have caught this thief and we make him restore and repay meaning that he has no influence in our life and we are watchful that we're not ignorant of his devices but we know how he functions and so we can watch and we can cut these things off and say nope not in my life so father we thank you they're right now in the name of jesus you give us peace you've given us power you've given us not a spirit of fear but of power love and a sound mind the mind of jesus so father we thank you for this and i thank you right now for the ability to share your word and to expose your enemy so that your people can win every battle and quench every fiery dart by their shield of faith in the name of jesus amen amen
Channel: John G. Lake Ministries
Views: 20,415
Rating: 4.9315705 out of 5
Keywords: John G. Lake Ministries, JGLM, Curry Blake, Divine Healing Technician, DHT, New Man Seminar, Life Teams, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Dominion Bible Institute, Diversities of Tongues, God's Son Man's Servant, Renewed Mind, Healing in the Atonement, Killing Sacred Cows, iChurch, JGLM Media
Id: hXbDD93X-84
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 9sec (3969 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 20 2021
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