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[Music] [Music] I want to welcome everybody that is here both physically here present with us and those that watch them by internet those that will later be watching this on television and many of you may not know but we are also on local television on was it DirecTV I think it is every Sunday at 2:30 p.m. here so other areas also but you're welcome to watch the programs there so this morning in the well we've already been talking about the nine o'clock service where we were actually talking about the four principles of being a new creation how that functions and a couple of weeks ago we talked about the four principles essential principles of the DHT and so whenever we by the end of this service you will have the notes from the morning service out at the front door that you can pick those up and all the scriptures and everything will be there so be sure to grab one of those so that you can study it out this week and go through it and I give you something to think about but right now we want to discuss being stewards of the grace of God now when we say stewards of the grace of God we're not speaking specifically about grace we're talking about being stewards of the grace of God meaning that we are stewards of God and that what all he has given us we are stewards of and that we are to live our lives as stewards now I won't be able to cover everything today probably have to turn it into a couple of sessions but we need to realize that we are to be stewards of everything God has given us as it just said and that means both spirit soul and body it means every area every realm of our life because we're not our own we were bought with a price we have been purchased by Jesus we're not to live for ourselves but to live for others and so in that we have to learn to be stewards how to steward the things of God and there's a specific area that we want to hit on this morning to kind of open this up so if you have Bibles you can turn to first Corinthians chapter 6 verse 19 and we're gonna look at verse 19 and 20 and first it just says what know you not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you and notice it it says the Holy Ghost is in you and that makes you his temple that will also says that we are the habitation of God through the spirit so the Holy Spirit lives in us which allows God to live in us and because we are a habitation of God that means he dwells in us and one of the principles of being a new creation is understanding that he is always with us he's always present and so we need to recognize this and start to live accordingly now in here in verse well verse 19 miles will read all of it it says know you not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you which you have of God now notice you have the Holy Ghost of God so God gave you the holy spirit to live in you right he gave it to you I say it's a he I mean obviously it's amazing you know the Holy Spirit has many names he's known as it right he's known as something you know you ever hear that well well I don't know just something just told me I should not okay well that was the Holy Spirit right his name was Holy Spirit right it's not it it's not something as all these he is a person right he has a personality he can be grieved he can be made joyful he has a full range of emotions so it says that you are Oh your body is a temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you which you have of God and you are not your own that means you don't get to call the shots for your own life and people say well you don't understand this is my life I get to do with it what I want to not if you're a Christian if you're a Christian I always tell people your last free will action your last free will choice was making Jesus Lord after that there there's from then on it's just yes sir right it's just that simple all right most Americans don't like that most people don't like that it's not in our and in our basic general nature to like being told what to do and not really having much choice in it but guess what God is God right and he gets to call the shots if you're his if you're not if you want to call your own shots well you know have fun with that and see how it works out for you all right so he says in verse 24 you are bought with a price therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit which are gods you notice he didn't say soul there he didn't he didn't include soul but part of that is because he couldn't you have to realize how accurate the Bible is he couldn't actually say that about your soul if he's going to say which are God's because your soul even though it's a you are a spirit and you have a so you have a soul God doesn't have your soul you have a soul God has your spirit but your soul you are still in control of and that's why you have to have your mind renewed and therefore as long as your mind is being renewed technically your mind / your soul um using them interchangeably at this point but your mind or soul are actually still under your control and therefore they are not gods we understand that so all right now he says now go with me - well first off notice this what we're talking about it says that you're not your own your body is a temple you belong to God you were bought with a price so all of this is saying you don't get to call your own shots alright next one the first Peter chapter 4 I'm just kind of laying some groundwork here and then we'll tie it all together first Peter chapter 4 verse 7 Peter writing says but the end of all things is at hand be therefore sober and watch unto prayer and above all things have fervent charity or love among yourselves for charity shall cover the multitude of sins notice love charity here when it uses the word charity it was the best word they had at the time in 1611 basically to define a love that was self sacrificial one that gave without the idea of getting back and so when it talks about this notice it says that if you that we are to have fervent love says that the love we are to have will cover a multitude of sins right now that goes right in the 1st Corinthians chapter 13 where it even the whole idea there is that love is not quick to judge it's not quick to condemn it's not quick to do these things but it is actually it is given to help encourage and to pull forward to believe the best to help not to cut off not to be the worse that kind of thing alright now then he says verse 9 use hospitality one to another without grudging now imagine he said don't grudge yeah you know how hard it is whenever someone tells you not to do that it's like I'm trying not to judge and not to grudge but I'm grudging right but because that's in you he says don't do it so that means you can choose to grudge or not to grudge all right and that's not proper English but I believe you get my meaning so verse 10 as every man notice that underline every man hath received the gift now what gift is he talking about well there are several gifts but it's a gift of the Holy Spirit that you get but it's also the gift of salvation and if you have to get the salvation then you have the gift of the Holy Ghost in the sense that you are born again by the spirit so even so as every man has received the gift even so Minister the same one to another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God and this is where we get our title from of course but I also want to emphasize this now here's the thing a lot of people want to claim mark Matthew 28 or mark 16 especially laying hands on the sick and then recovering they want to claim that and as I said before it's not the best way to say it but regula understand it we have a lot of part-time Christians and want full-time benefits and we need to realize that there is a responsibility that we have for most of what you hear today especially in the area of identity teaching things like that it has to do with how great you are how good you are you can do anything and it ends up becoming basically just a good motivational you know self-improvement speech and we have to realize and with the balance these things because all those things are true you know you especially if you're born again you are truly amazing because God has put himself in you you truly can do anything you can have faith in God and with faith all things are possible I mean all that is true if you're with God and that's the real key because a lot of times we see people that have a just a false sense of security they think they're with God want or not with God and so and they think well I said a prayer well but it but being a disciple of Jesus is not about saying a prayer it's about a life and it's about living his life and that doesn't mean walking the shores of Galilee all right then me walking around in a robe and and you know sandals and a can thing I'm not talking about that I'm talking about taking on his nature his character Jesus even said if you want to take get to take on my life and you have to give up your life and he said and I want you to lay down your and this is in the actual Greek it goes on to say and I want you to lay down your lower life with your goals and objectives and I want you to come up and take on my higher life with my goals and my objectives that's what the Greek says right so when you get that's what I love about the Greek when you get in I'm not a Greek scholar but I know people who are and I read after them many times and you can get back to the original Greek when you do it's amazing there's really no questions about it when you get to the Greek is so specific and so we need to realize that when Jesus was calling disciples he did not say go into all the world and get people to say a prayer he said go into all the world and make disciples in other words reproduce my life in these people they're like they should be living my kind of life you know you can watch we were talked about this Friday night at my house when we were we had a little get-together and in that you can get around people and you can tell usually how long someone has been around somebody about how much they act like them and you can tell people people have been married a long time they have similar characteristics and so they start becoming more and more like one another and there there's definitely times whenever you can hear dr. summer all coming out in me because the time I spent with him but it's the same time I had a lot of input by other people and you can hear that at times I can definitely hear it at times like say ah yeah you know it's the Spirit of God bringing that out you know and so but you can tell that with Jesus he wants us to be like him and our character our mannerisms should be more and more like him so that we can truly be know that people can know that we are his disciple and the number one illustration number one way or characteristic that he gave for that is love not judgmentalism not cutting people off to make a mistake but actually giving people a chance and matter of fact even all discipline in the New Testament is always geared toward restoration it's always to try to restore right it's never to punish why because all of that is left up to God vengeance is mine saith the Lord if that's him that's not our job amen so he says here and I notice as every man has received the gift then even so every man the sentence would say should so Minister the same one to another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God so what we're talking about here is that every believer is if every every person who has received the gift from God they are to minister the manifold grace of God to other people that's every believer that's not just preachers right and technically every believer should be a preacher right you may not quote/unquote make your living preaching but every believer is to be an evangelist every believer is to bouncey to be the full fivefold ministry to some degree should be coming out in every believers life now usually the person you sit under they're teaching the most whatever they are you will start to take on the characteristics of that ministry and so that's but that's usually why you're drawn certain areas that's why you're drawn to certain people there are people that I was drawn toward to listen to that I didn't like the sound of their voice there boy I mean just graded on me and I really didn't like listening to it but I would listen to him anyway what because I was drawn to them sometimes for the message they had sometimes because of a strength of character a strength of of will of strength of spirit that they had that maybe I didn't even recognize I needed it but the Spirit of God in me knew I needed it he said I got to get you around this person so you can pick that up because some things are taught some things are caught and you catch it by being around somebody you catch them not just by listening to him preach now you can go a long way just by listening to someone preach you can pick up certain things from them and carry that on and you can be a disciple even at a distance you know it's amazing to me how we think that people have a certain idea of what discipleship is they think you know it has to be like this has to be like this and there has to be this going on that is not true discipleship is anything that makes you more like Jesus I'm talking about Christian discipleship and that means whether you are being discipled by someone individually on a daily basis on a weekly basis whatever it is or even if you were being discipled let me put this way it might be that you're being disciple by someone that they know their disciple in you but a lot of people are disciple by people that the person is doing the deciphering doesn't even know they're discipling anybody right I got people around the world that write me all the time and say I'm one of your disciples in South Africa I'm one of your disciples in and and you know that scares some people the word disciple that kind of thing but that's only if there's you know abnormal or unethical control exercise or something like that we've seen that stuff go on but when a person what what these people mean is I listen to your DHT you know 20 times and that that's not an unusual email that I get there so I've listened to the DHD this many times I listen the new man this many times I've just got a hold of mine renewal I'm starting to listen to it I'm doing this and man they know my stories better than I do have them you know sometimes I'll be telling a story and I'm trying to do it in a hurry so I'll leave out details and they'll come up letting it go you know you left out this detail and you left out that time like it's my story I can leave out any detail I want to okay so that's kind of you know that that's what but even in that people are being discipled and in some ways I'll be honest with it now when you were if Jesus were here walking in the flesh like he did you know during the first you know in about 80 30 if you could get to Galilee and walked by him that would have been awesome that would have been the best discipleship you could get well and put this way if you were in the crowd and the multitude that'd be like the third level of best discipleship you know it'd be better if you were one of the seventy it'd be better if you're one of the twelve really be good if you're one of the three right I mean that's the best you could get right there but even the twelve one of them was a devil right and the best teacher in the world Jesus with the help of the Holy Spirit couldn't even change that person right so sometimes it's not the teacher sometimes it's the person right so there's an interaction there but even that being the best form of discipleship why would that be the best one because it's Jesus but let me tell you sometimes the best form of discipleship I can tell you by experience that there are people that I'm glad I was discipled through there well back then it was cassette tapes right now CDs or mp3s or whatever is but it was it was better that I was discipled by them do their cassette tapes and I didn't know them personally why because if I'd have known them every day and walk around of them every day I'd also saw their mistakes because guess what they were human and if they do make mistakes that mistake might have taken away from what I actually learned from them but when I heard them teaching that got their cassettes and listening to it I was hearing the best of them I was hearing God flowing through them and I was being discipled by them but I was being to something about the best of them that makes sense so in many cases you know people that get a hold of material listening to it and listen to it and listen to it and drilling it because I'm gonna tell you if you came you know someone moved here and they said okay I came here just to walk around with you and be with you now teach them the DHD I'm not gonna walk around all day teaching one person a DHD I'd say go to the bookstore to give you one and you can get it and go listen to it listen to it and listen to it listen I'm not gonna repeat myself you know over the next six months 15 times to you what because I'm moving I'm ministering to people and I'll be glad to answer questions I'll be glad to help you but I'm not going to focus on you and let the rest of the world you know either die sick or die and go to hell not gonna happen what and if you want to walk with me as we do this I guarantee you you'll learn I guarantee you'll pick it up you'll see it and you'll catch it you'll see it taught and caught right do you understand what I'm saying there it's just a matter discipleship sometimes we have this idea this in honestly most of it's just a romanticized idea of what real discipleship is you know real discipleship is not you know sitting on the ground while somebody standing talking and you know you're talking to a little circle that that's movie steps that's what you picture in your head it's not real life real life is that while you were moving boxes from one building to the other you're moving boxes - and we're fellowshiping that's real discipleship it's not near as you know fancy but you get it right and if you're just gonna stand there and watch us walk by you carrying boxes I'm not going to stop he's just selfish a few much all right it's not gonna happen too much why cuz you're too lazy you're standing there you're not doing it jump in and help you don't stand in watch somebody else do something you jumpin in hell I mean I know I just went off over there but that's okay now still true right so now okay now notice we are to be stewards good stewards of the manifold grace of God not just the grace of God the manifold that means several different aspects of this grace of God we are to be good stewards now I want you to get today what we're talking as being a good steward that means you have a responsibility of what you do with the grace of God right now the grace of God in covered it literally entails and includes everything that God has given us shown us what he does for us what he does through us everything everything we do is the grace of God the fact that we can do anything for God is the grace of God the fact that God can use us at all is the grace of God nobody deserves to be you nobody can be holy enough nobody can you know live a life disciplined enough to deserve to be used it's by the grace of God and whenever you start trying to do something to deserve it now you've just got out of it and now you've got over into salvation by works now you should work and you should have works those are called fruit and every tree is known by its fruit so you should have that but you have to realize you that's an aftereffect you don't have that and that gets you saved you get saved and then you have that right if you put it in the wrong water now you're trying to get into you know salvation by works that doesn't work right so now notice it says that we're to be good stewards of the manifold grace of God it says if any if any man speak let him speak as the Oracles of God now we're just saying the pure word of God say just what God said be bold about it don't don't mix it with anything else he says if any man minister let him do it as the as of the ability which God gives the word you don't you don't even minister out of your own strength you minister out of the ability that God gives now you may have to you know step out and say in the flesh you may you may have to to make that first step and you have to reach out and help somebody but the minute you step out the power of God is there to meet that person's need sometimes the power of God is displayed a lot of times I should say always actually the power of God is displayed through them to the love of God sometimes the power God has displayed through acts of power healing miracles raising the dead you know there's miracles sometimes the power of God is displayed by just stopping and helping a person that's changing a flat tire right stopping and helping a person that you see man that person you know they're walking looking they're dragging a you know a piece of luggage bottom or something and in this heat looking man they're just I got to do something so you you either stop and pick them up and take them get something to drink and take them where they ought where they need to go or you go to the store and get something to drink bring it to something just your heart goes out to people sometimes that's how the power of God that's how the grace of God in your life is actually demonstrated seem too often I remember one time my daughter was talking to a person actually went up they were going to they were going to interview me on the television program and while we were there I had to go and talk to people and she waited outside where there was a bench and a little tree and everything and there was a lady sitting there and so my daughter was sat down next to her and started just kind of sitting to started talking and this lady just talked to her and talked to her and talked to her and I came back out a little bit and this lady was in the middle of a story so I'm standing there waiting for me get done and waiting my daughter when I was just listening and so when the lady finishes and we start to leave and it was a she had a real revelation there she said you know everybody wants a ministry of doing she owes some people just need a ministry of listening because some people just want to be listened to just the fact that you listen to their story you know okay men just so you know when women tell you a story they don't always want you to fix something sometimes I just want you to hear it we men we hear we think okay what do you want me to do how can I fix this write what you know get to the end tell me what do you want me to do belong it's like I don't want you to do anything I just want you to hear me I want you to listen to what I'm saying so you know sometimes we just need a ministry of listening which is really a whole lot harder than a ministry of talking right don't you don't ever get much claps on that one or just go around on anyway okay so now but notice he says if any man speak lence because the Oracles of God if any man minister what does that mean that means that everybody is supposed to be doing this let him do it as of the ability which God gives that God in all things may be glorified through Jesus Christ to whom be praised in Dominion for ever and ever is it why are you doing it so God can get praised why are you supposed to be doing that so gawking why why should you minister so God can you pray why would you speak the Oracles of God so God can get praised and so it's always for that purpose now in 1st Corinthians chapter 4 verse 1 it says let a man so account of us as of the ministers of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God stewards of the mysteries of God now think about this you know there's different stories about the Ark of the Covenant some say and you can go back and study where the last time it's in the Bible and where it was gone and you know people figured these things out and many people say that it was taken into an area that would now be called Ethiopia and that there is a place there and this is a true fact there are there is a place where there is a group of people that guard a certain area and they don't let anybody in and they are known as the guardians of the Ark and they said that Ark is in there and that they're there it's passed on from generation to generation that whoever did it before their children are raised up to do this and they are dedicated to that and it has gone on they say since the time of Solomon and so and it was actually taken into the area where the Queen of Sheba lived and they said it was hidden there because it would have been safe there except anyway that's one of the stories and there are people that actually guards something there now I will tell you this if they are guarding the Ark of the Covenant as we know it you could go in there today open it up touch it whatever and nothing would happen what because it's not the Ark of God anymore we are we are the Ark of God right now he dwells in us not in in a tabernacle made of hands but of flesh right so you know it's not going to be ready to the lost art and the thing came open and things come out and people's flesh melting all right that's it's not gonna work that way okay so so reason Mateus is because what it says is that we are stewards see these people that guard that place they are stewards their job is to guard that thing and depending on how good of a steward they are that's how well protected or guarded that thing is well we are stewards of the grace of God we are stewards of the mysteries of God mysteries that have been hidden as Paul said from the before the foundation of the world God has given it to us and this is one of the things that when I sit and dwell on these things I see so many Christians that don't think this way and I'm not saying I always think this way I will admit it's a big part of my life but we too often we just look as if God is you know honestly most people treat God like Santa Claus you know I hope he brings me good gift so if I get some good stuff you know that kind of thing or they look at him just as they used to say the you know an ATM in the sky or you know just some celestial vending machine you know you'd pay your tithe you put a lever and out comes blessings and that's the way people see him is that he exists to bless us that's that's reversed see when you think that way you have made the the creature above the Creator he is not here for us we are here for him now in the process of that yes he so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son yes he gave first and because He first loved us we love him so but we didn't know he was there but the fact is we were created for him and our lives are to be for him we're not our own were bought with a price he paid for us he bought us and now nobody made you get saved he paid the price even if you're not gonna get saved he paid the price for you but if you when you get saved now you are returning that favor so to speak and saying you died for me I will live for you see but too many people look at salvation from the aspect of you died for me thank you very much thanks for letting me live forever and then you want to live your life over and and God you got a blessing I get letters all the time from people well you know I was prayed for by this person I was pray for that by that person and I didn't get healed so you know forget God forget all this God stuff I don't believe any of that and you know they think I'm gonna write back and go oh no please don't feel this way God loves you that is not the response you're gonna get from me I can tell you right now usually the response is go ahead that's how you feel you're done with God go to hell I've written that and they've written Bango what we does I've never had a preacher tell me go down I said you you just told me you don't want nothing to do with God that means you don't want to go to heaven there's only two places so you're choosing hell instead so you know it's sad God didn't want you go there but you're choosing it so that and then I write you and say who do you think you are that you're gonna say oh because God didn't do this oh because he didn't do that you're not gonna serve us and you have to realize you're the creation he's the creator he doesn't have to promise us anything he was good enough to promise us many things but even if he didn't promise us healing you know there was a song I grew up within the right over here and uh the church was in box Frings here and it was called a Liberty Baptist Church and there was a song they used to sing there and I'm not gonna sing it for you today I'll spare you that but it basically says it's been worth it it says if heaven never was promised to me it's been worth it just having you in my life right and so it says you may ask me why I serve the Lord you know is it for this or is it for that no it's because you're in my life and it says you brought I was in darkness and you brought me into light and so we have to realize that's one of the things that charismatic s' as charismatic so many times we should learn from our non-charismatic brothers and sisters you know that guess what if all you if all they have is getting born-again and going to heaven that would be enough now that's not all he said and and we can thank God for it but we should never get to a place where we said oh but if that doesn't come to pass well just forget God I'm just gonna go on my way you're not hurting God when you do that you're only hurting yourself right we are here for him okay and but many Christians don't think in terms of I am a steward I've been given this treasure and it is my responsibility not to keep it and hide it but to steward it which means to oversee its distribution that's really what a steward does is it you know he oversees his masters Goods and oversees their distribution and a good steward always brings profit and so if we have this this treasure in these earthen vessels which is what the Spirit of God the life of God salvation healing all these things we have these then we are to be stewards of them which means we are to be responsible for how they're distributed but we're also responsible for bringing profit that means when we sow the reaping comes back to the kingdom of God now we get it because we're in the kingdom so it's part of us yeah but the key is that we are to profit the kingdom amen God did not create this just so we could be profitable he created this system that he has so that the kingdom could profit and he gives us these treasures these mysteries so that as we give these mysteries out it will bring profit to the kingdom of God see not a person in there yeah please hear me I'm not saying that God doesn't care about your job doesn't care where your work doesn't care about your house didn't care about your girl I'm not saying that all I'm saying is that those are not his priorities amen they're not his parties he is not staying up at night he never sleeps but anyway heeding that he is not staying up at night trying to figure out how to get you a better house how to get you a better disor better that you understand what I'm saying his mind is always on the world now you're on his mind but he is also saying but okay I look at my children okay they're taken care of that's good I've already blessed them I've spoken the blessing that's great now but what are we gonna do about these that aren't my children what are we gonna do about them see until you get saved it's about you once you get saved it's not about you anymore in that oh man it's kinda like the military you know they love you they want you to recruit they want you to sign up and then once you sign up all of a sudden their whole tone changes right from then on us know like hey we think you'd be great here oh yeah we can give you good education from then on it's how high to jump and when I mean every day when you get up when you go to bed when you eat and you run everywhere I mean and that's what they tell you so the whole thing changes once you get in right now with the Christian it gets better once you get in but it's still not about you anymore because if true love means what Finny called dissing benevolence that means if true love is true charitable meaning that it's not based on what you get out of it then true love means that you have to look beyond what you can get to actually what you can give amen they've already taken it I think they've already received the offering so you know I'm not talking about an offering right okay so what so what we're talking about as being stewards of the mysteries of God being stewards of God of the grace of God it means that we have to be aware of and serve accurately the will of God to make sure that we are bringing profit to the kingdom amen that means now what is profit to the kingdom souls getting people born again getting people getting people healed getting them delivered getting them to see the goodness of God the grace of God that's why we're stewards of the grace of God one of it is to show people the grace of God so it means it's up to us to give out the grace of God to show people people it is amazing to me when I talk to people in the world well I I don't even know if they're Christian or not I mean they haven't seen things so and based on certain things you would assume that they're not but it's amazing as soon as they find out I'm a minister somehow and I don't always tell everybody especially not right when I meet them because that's the best way not to get to know him right all you'll get is their church face right and their church language so if you keep that silent for a bit and you know be a listener and talk to them and ask them questions and then they start opening up and then when they finally say well what do you do and you say well I'm a minister you ought to say I mean they change that quick everything changes but one of the things that changes first off they put on a good face they put on their church face right and they start trying to talk holy it's amazing it's a you know they if they know any King James it starts coming out you know and and then they take a whole different everything you know one minute they're talking yeah man I'll tell you we didn't really we were doing this now and it's just no one and next man oh you're a minister oh well you know I I go to church and let their whole their whole speech pattern changes I mean the tone of their voice changes everything and it's like everything just dies down you know and it's like and they'll say I've been in church all my life and usual I said well I'm sorry you know and then you look at me strange you know because it's like wow you must have been through a lot because the next thing they do after they put on their church face is they they almost always drop your head why because there's shame and guilt because they know your minister anything and the fact that you're a minister they think that they're not living where they should and that gives them shame and guilt and that shouldn't be what they get from us say we shouldn't put that arm but that's what they're so used to receiving from the church and we have to realize when people were drawn to Jesus right you're not drawn to people that put you down you're repelled from them and so that's why church people have to chase the unsaved even talk to him about Jesus I think I chase him down the street Oh No thank you nothing no but I just wanted to how does want you to read it no no no no no no no thank you you have to chase him almost it shouldn't be that way we ought to be purveyors of the grace of God we are doing the love of God the peace of God we have everything that they're chasing problem is most Christians don't even walk in that and we're so busy most of time trying to get Christians to actually walk where they're supposed to be then we don't have time to actually change the world and then and you know then when you go out in the world we want to make ourselves feel good about ourselves and so we look at them go well I'm not as bad as that and then that's exactly the type of attitude that comes across when you talk to him you know kind of thing you look down your nose at him like a you're a sinner it's like well you're a bigger sinner because you just called him a sinner right you just judge them so yeah anyway so another thing anyway y'all getting anything front so he says here no watch first Corinthians chapter 4 verse 1 let a man so account of us as the ministers of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God moreover it is required in stewards that a man be found faithful that a man be found faithful now think about that if you're going to be a steward it is required that you be faithful that means that you faithfully do what you're supposed to do it means that your heart is faithful in this case toward God but it means that you well I'll give you the other scriptures I'll give you a couple more than what gets them a one but one of them is in Timothy where he tells him a person who a good soldier of Jesus Christ does not get entangled in the affairs of life and yet everybody seems to me and it's so easy because the enemy tries to come in and tries to get you you know hooked in this area hooked in that area he tries to grab ahold of you somehow and get you just entangled in the everyday stuff and many times we're so entangled in everyday life we don't know that the person next to us just got a doctor's report and it's terminal you don't even know it and you're so wrapped up and you know well we got to make sure we do this yeah and your your entangling the everyday affairs of life and you don't know what's going on around you and then many of you may even be in a industry or something that is so intense or so cutthroat as they say hey man you can't let up for a second or you'll you'll get passed up or you'll lose your job or something else and that is all geared by the enemy to keep you entangled right so he says well actually go with me to Luke chapter 16 Luke 16 in verse 10 it says he that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in mush and I notice you're either faithful or unjust there's no neutral there's no well faithful that's awesome I'd love to be faithful but you know I'm just average I'm just right here know you're faithful or you're unjust if therefore you have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon everyday stuff it's amendment in just money but it's in everyday life if you're not faithful in the everyday things who will commit to your trust the true riches I don't take too long in this but one of the things I've noticed even when I was with dr. summer all the people that came around because I there were people that showed up there while we were there that if I named him you'd know him today because they've made a name for themself at some place but it was it was watching some of these people that come in and they all want to get close to dr. Sommer all they were all trying to you know do something to get next to him trying to travel with him or whatever it was but it was amazing because he would be walking to the building doing things and they would constantly be either asking questions or something and not helping him do what he was doing which you could tell then they were there just for themselves and honestly most people go there you know when I went there I went there for myself I went there good well in there one he told me to go and so I went there and I expected to learn something but I also knew that if I'm gonna be there and if he's going to pour into me then I it has to be reciprocal I couldn't just stand around and wait and just try to get stuff I had to help him as much as I could in whatever he was doing and sometimes it meant assuring sometimes it meant helping receive the offering sometimes it yeah you know whatever need to be done we worked the prayer lines overnight because nobody else would do it and so my wife and I volunteered to do it was we're there all night and our children slept on the pews while we because we were one room over and they would put him to sleep on the pews there and they just saved her to the next morning but it was I was there yes I wanted to learn yes I wanted to be around him I wanted to see this you know John of faith how he operated but at the same time I also knew I'm not going there to be a burden I'm not going there to slow him down and he doesn't exist to answer my questions I was going there to help him fulfill the vision that God had given him and but I've never seen anybody I've never seen God promotes someone to any type of position of influence that didn't first serve somebody else and they help another person accomplish their vision more than being concerned about their own vision and that's that's even what we've seen here we've seen people come and go to be able to come in that want this they want that and they see this as a stepping stone to accomplish their vision but your vision cannot grow until it goes into the ground as a seed and dies a seed has to die before it can grow so until you can to that and help you know the vision here grow your vision will never come to pass and some people don't wait that long some people want to make it quick and so they come in they get upset and then they leave and you know they go try to do something and half the time they end up showing back I'm going yeah I messed up and when they do we you know welcome them back and say god bless you and you know keep on moving forward but there has to come a point where it's not about you it's not even about your vision it's a it's about the people now if your vision is the people then that you're least you're a step up above many right because most people whose vision is not about people it's about how to get their name on a you know sign somewhere or do something to be important and we have to realize that has nothing to do with Christianity Christianity is about that we are stewards of the grace of God that were stewards of the mysteries of God there were we have a responsibility so in Luke chapter 16 verse 10 it says you know we just finished first I'm sorry verse 11 if therefore you've not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon who will commit to your trust the true riches and if you have not been faithful in that which is another man's who shall give you that which is your own no servant can serve two masters now notice I mean I know how we normally take this but he's talking about two people is talking about you and someone else and he said listen you can't serve this other person and serve yourself so you have to decide who you're gonna serve for either he will hate the one and love the other or else he'll hold to the one and despise the other you cannot serve God and Mammon so again he goes right back you can't do both now let me give the example you can have a job or you can serve no matter where you are right see if you have a job generally you get paid to do that job but they're not paid you have to realize companies don't exist for you to have a job they exist to get a job done and if you will do that job and serve in that job then you will have a job and generally you will get promoted but remember a promotion doesn't from just your job it comes from God God can promote you out of nowhere I mean it is amazing what God can do seeing things that I could give you some stories of people that were promoted that should not have been promoted but it was God we say should not I mean that by all reasoning there was no reason for them to get promoted but they did because of God because they were faithful where they were and you can even look in the Bible people like Joseph people like Daniel feel like that that you know come into a situation very bad and then they eventually get promoted one because they they always saw themselves as serving God not in the situation they were at so now so you can have a job you can serve all right you can have a job or you can have a mission you can you know I tell people all time I don't have a job or a career I have a mission I have a purpose and I try to arrange things in my life that will help me accomplish that vision that mission and so that's why the only reason we have dhts there's only one reason a phd's one to help me accomplish the vision God gave me of bringing healing and health to sick people around the world that's the only reason if it's not just so people can have a title right it is so that we can sit in a lot people as they said well you know we don't like reporting and we don't like doing this to get certified it's okay well I'm sorry but it's not about you right the reason we need you to report is so that because we are trusting people's lives into your hands people call us and they write to us and they want prayer from you know from us and we pray but if you're wanting to help people we have to trust you with their life this didn't you know walking somebody's dog this is a life that will that if you don't get it done they're gonna die if you don't take it seriously they're gonna die we have to know you're serious reporting is the least way to tell you're serious anything well I just don't want to do reports then don't expect us to call you and have you pray for anybody well I'm not going to give them to you if you don't have the commitment to even so you know three or four or five questions once a month you understand its commitment and so there has to be that level of commitment that's why we do that the reason we have DBF one is so that we can train effective ministers of the gospel as quickly as possible and get him on the field right what because that's a vision God gave me God didn't give me a vision to have a Bible School so I could have a Bible School he gave me a vision of a Bible School so we can touch the world it has nothing to do with well you know we're a ministry so we gotta have this we gotta have that we got out of there nothing again nothing to do with anything by now one thing you should know of me is that I don't go that way I don't I don't look at things that way we put things together that help as we need them and if they ever see serving the purpose will do away with him why because it's all just a vehicle you know JG Lim that name doesn't mean a thing Jeonju Lake didn't hang on a cross for me it doesn't mean a thing and the day it quits serving the purpose of reaching the world with this message of Dominion and victory we drop it why because I'm not gonna build a monument to a man you know especially any man other than Jesus amen so yeah but now listen I have a mission I have a purpose but the reason I do is because I have a why as we talked about for it there's a why behind it what is your why why why do you do the things you do why are you doing what you do do you have a greater Y in you right if you don't know that then you never get too far in accomplishing the will of God you know really our why should be because he first loved us we loved him that should be a big enough wine for everybody really but many times we have to wait until there's something else so in cautions 3:23 it says and whatsoever you do do it heartily as to the Lord and not unto men knowing that of the Lord you shall receive the reward Amen see what we do what I was doing for doctors some wrong I wouldn't do it just for doctors and wrong I did it as under the Lord that means I did it the best I could and I just by the way I never received a paycheck from dr. Sam Roth or from his minister or anything else I worked actually two jobs at one point while I was serving at the church there I'm not up here to pat myself on the back I'm trying to give you the the understanding that I have noticed this pattern in almost all of the men of God that I've been around I've noticed that pattern in that they they went to help they with a sauce of it and they went to help and so when that happens God notices that he God doesn't bless laziness he doesn't bless well let's just get by let's just do enough you know well that's good enough that's enough we don't have to do any better no he wants you should always do your best and tomorrow you should do better than today this isn't a pressure of I got to measure up to God or he's going to kick me out no this is you being grateful to God and showing that gratitude in constantly becoming better at being steward to the grace of God amen this is every individual believer wherever you are most people you know they want to quit their job and go into ministry that's a that's for the most times that is a wrong idea but as TL Osborn used to say you don't go to India you grow to India whenever you get so busy doing ministry that you can't work a job that's whenever God says okay I'll support you why because you're busy doing the work before I paid you so now I'll pay you to do this see it's just like anything else you have to make yourself valuable for a company before they're gonna increase or promote you or give you a raise well guess what make yourself valuable for the kingdom of God how do you do that you learn more you know more you do more that the kingdom of God is very simple it's it's an acronym for the word low right all it is is number one is listen obey execute that's what you do you listen to God you obey God you do what he said to do if you do those three things if that's all you ever do is listen obey and execute you will fulfill the will of God in your life it is that simple right but most people listen some obey half-hearted and some never get to the point of execution you know I know a minute a person right well can't say norm right now cuz I didn't see them sometime now but the last time I saw him for about 17 years he was waiting on an open door he just way every time he said how you do I was waiting on God to open door I'm I'm gonna go past her soon as he'll open the door and he's still in the same church he was that you know 25 years ago he's still there he just waiting on God to open the door and it's amazing it said look I definitely look at things more like John Wesley the world is my parish I don't have to wait for a door to open right I have an open door anywhere in any street corner you can preach on amen you have to have a pulpit to do it so that but you have to know that what you do God reward and and you have to realize that what you do God is rewarding so if you slack off on this area guess what God can't reward you the way he wants you because you're not doing it unto him you're doing it as unto men and he sees that and we were told to do it as unto the Lord right so in Matthew 13 verse 3 it says about Jesus and he spoke many things unto them in parables saying behold a sower went forth to sow now this is also in the Mark chapter 4 is the parable people thought the parable of the sower should be the parable of the seed really but it says and when he sowed some seeds fell by the wayside the fowls came and devoured them up some fell upon stony places where they had not much earth forthwith they sprung up because they had no deepness or depth of earth when the Sun was up they were scorched and because they had no root they withered away some fell among thorns and the thorns sprung up and choked them but other fell into good ground and brought forth fruit some one hundredfold some sixty and some thirty four now notice here all these okay how many of you know that Jesus is not talking about soil amen you got that what's he talking about he's talking about dirt he said what's the difference man is made out of dirt he's talking about man okay I just do that in there see no but he is talking about man right he's talking about four different kinds of people but now notice out of these four different kinds of people out of four cons okay you got a 100% now out of that 75% do think 25% are the only ones that produce anything out of that 25% you got some that produce 30 some 60 and some 104 so so one out of four is going to do anything you go that I mean just about statistics one out of four so the other three they're not even in the game not even counted after that the only soil that counts is the soil that produces 30 60 hundredfold read the whole story it talks about it so the three and notice all for soils heard the word three types of soil did nothing with it they tried but notice they received it with gladness and but they had no depth they had no commitment and it fell out and they ended up falling away when when the heat was on when the pressure came they fell away so the three types of soil produced nothing they're not in the kingdom not part of the kingdom but the one type of soil is the only one that that that actually is in the kingdom as we would say but now notice how do you know the difference when the two one produced fruit the other three didn't so to be in the kingdom you have to produce fruit it that's when Jesus comes he's gonna be come looking for fruit yet he's not coming for people that what oh here take me you know I said a prayer he's not looking for prayers he's looking for fruit I know this is a hard saying but it's true no matter what and and it's I'd rather tell you the truth then to have you you know jump in shouting and waving handkerchiefs and leave out of here believe in a lot amen so now notice he says here look at version I need to realize we were talking with this the other night in this world today it's too politically correct there's things you can't say there's thing and if you do same you get all kinds of flack for it and in in the politically correct New Age Jesus idea people would say what Jesus you know he opened his arms to all he did these he didn't make any distinction Jesus made lots of distinctions he said I didn't come to bring peace I came to bring a sword he said I want to divide families he said I'm gonna I want to divide families amongst himself think about that that's not the general idea that you get about Jesus he had distinctions you know we we've been called here at judgment we've been called elitist you know that we think we're better than this person but we've never said anything like that we cast it out there we throw it out there and we see who wants it and we say if you want to join in join in we don't keep anybody out we don't go oh you're not good enough you're not there that's what the elitism is but the fact is this we have Jesus made distinctions between people right let me let me let me show you in verse nine he said who hath ears to hear let him hear and words not everybody but now notice and the disciples came first him and said unto Him why speakest thou unto them in parables he answered and said unto them because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven he's talking right here now then but then he says but to them it is not given what not Jesus that's not fair that's not fair Jesus said that it's been given to - to those guys to hear it but not to me but now notice he said if you got ears to hear he said it's not i'm putting the word out there and if you're wanting this you can come and get it but notice he also said don't cast your pearls before swine he said well who's he calling a swine well pretty much anybody that would turn in trample you you see we had this idea of Jesus they just walked around you know had a little lamb in his arm head of staff and walked around everybody and so it's safe things good you know had the you know I'm okay you're okay type of philosophy that is okay when Jesus showed up here wasn't nobody okay anybody was messed up right he was the only one that was okay but we had this idea that for you know it's amazing we think that the kingdom is democratic in the sense that well you know it's all fair it's all right no a kingdom by nature has a king that dictates things that you might not go along with and I can guarantee you God's idea of the right way to do things is not a democracy it's a theocracy where he's in charge and it's not where the majority the people rule in God's kingdom we don't have a say in how things are run all we get to do is choose to obey or disobey that's the end of the story I see people don't like that oh I know I wonder Jesus that lets me do whatever I want to do and when I need him he'll show up you know well why don't you just run that over to the antique store and buy you one in a little bottle that you can rub on maybe a genie will come out because that's actually how you're trying to treat God you know go back in your bottle God I'll you know I was on church on Sunday heal me bless me and but don't show up in my work you know what I'm sitting there trying to to work you know don't don't bring a word of prophetic word on me or anything because I'm not going to give it to anybody my work so you're just wasting your time why you do that on Sunday that's why we treat God and God says what hey wait I thought you made me Lord see we have to realize did we make him Lord we say a prayer and he said that every knee will bow and every tongue will confess he is Lord amen so notice this he says but it because it is given unto you know the to know the mysteries remember we are the steward of the mysteries right the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven but to them it is not given and whosoever hath to him shall be given and he shall have more abundance but whosoever hath not from him shall be taken away even that he has therefore because of that speak to them in parables because they that listen carefully they seeing see not and hearing they hear not neither do they understand now watch we'll pick this up here I wanna give you some detail and in them is fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah which says by hearing you shall hear and shall not understand and seeing you shall see and shall not perceive for this people's heart is waxed gross why didn't they see why didn't they hear their heart had become hardened and their ears are dull of hearing now watch this and their eyes they have closed ona C so it's not God picking and choosing it's the people they have closed their eyes and because of that God's putting it out there for everybody but not everybody responds God made distinctions now it's not God saying yes you know you know it's pretty much here it is now what who wants to come who comes into this so he puts it out there but God is smart enough to know that many are called but few are chosen he's smart enough to know that he's going to give a call to everybody but only a few are gonna answer know that right there this one the thing that's been on me really heavily for the last probably two weeks is the many are called but few are chosen and we're gonna look at that in just a second also so he says here their eyes have they closed one lest at any time they should see with their eyes hear with their ears and should understand with their heart and should be converted and I should heal them but blessed art now this didn't talk about physical healing here he's talking about being brought back into union with God right but blessed are your eyes for you see and your ears for they hear for verily I say unto you that many prophets and righteous men have desired to see those things which you see and have not seen them and to hear those things which you hear and have not heard them hear ye therefore the parable of the sword so now he's going to give you the explanation when anyone hears the word of the kingdom why does the word of the kingdom it's the mystery of the kingdom God is giving out Jesus gave out the mystery of the kingdom in the form of parables and understands it not when you hear it and you don't understand it then comes the wicked one and catcheth away that which was sown in his heart so what's important getting understanding and then what Solomon said and all that getting get understanding what because if you don't understand the word of the kingdom the mysteries of the kingdom of God the enemy comes immediately and steals whatever word whatever mystery was revealed so it's now understand it's not just going oh okay I see it no it is understanding it means being able to bring it out in your life and do it you don't understand it until you can do it this is he which received seed by the way side but he that received the seed into stony places the same as he that hears the word and anon with joy receiveth so he got Vila receive it oh man that's awesome that was great yet he has no root in himself what does it mean bounces from one place to the next bounce it from one thing the next bounces from one teaching one type of teaching to the next but dureth for a while for when tribulation or persecution arises because of the word by and by he is offended now let me ask you this you know the Apostle Paul when he was saw he served under the feet of Gamaliel and as he served and he learned from that having even a well-known rabbi but now think about this there were rabbis other than Jesus in Jesus's day there are a lot of different rabbis what how do you think let me put it this way and I'm not even going to talk about the rabbi himself I'm talking about the student of the rabbi the disciple do you think how far do you think that disciple would have progressed if he had said listen Jesus you know man I love your teaching this is awesome this is amazing listen I'm not gonna be here tomorrow because there's another rabbi over here that you know I really like him too and I'm gonna go listen him tomorrow night but I'll be back Wednesday oh you're not doing anything Wednesday okay well you're not gonna be here okay well you know I'll catch you next time you come around because I really like your teaching but you know I want to be well-rounded and and so you know there's about four or five different rabbis I really like to listen to now let me ask you how far in any one teaching do you think that person is going to get they say that's the product people have become you know jack of all trades and master of none because I hear this and hear that and I try to put it together and you end up with a frankenstein gospel you end up with something that has this arm from over here and that's right and and the main thing you're offended as soon as you put two together you're gonna find a contradiction that's the way it works what the key is you as an individual you have to listen to the Spirit of God and say God where do you want me because if you're supposed to be here then great if you're not great god bless you adios wonderful you know we'll help you pack I mean come on yeah you know what I mean but because the point is I'm not as interesting that we cast the seed to everyone but what I'm looking for and you'll see I have biblical reason for this what I'm looking for are those people who will say I will commit to this I will commit to this one because I'm whoever does that I'm gonna commit to to make sure you know this well enough to save lives but if you're not committed I can't be committed saying I can't be committed to you if you only show up certain times and then you miss for a month I can't I can't be committed to that well because you'll miss pieces that make sense to you I'm not being harsh I mean come on wouldn't you rather me to be truthful with you then for you to just stay at a baby level and never really grow never really get what you're here for I mean with me it's just like I remember when I was teaching martial arts I had that at my school right here in the well right in Richardson's matter of fact and I had some people come over that were studying talk window at the time and they and another guy that was studying something else but and he had paid a bunch of money he'd paid like five years in advance and what he was learning was garbage I mean garbage okay he was getting ripped off and so he came to me and said do you mind if I said it's just out of school and I said I don't mind I said but what's going to happen as I said that other guy's gonna mind I said because what you're learning here you're gonna end up doing over there when you when you get to a place where you're under pressure you're gonna respond with what I teach you and that guy isn't gonna like it and so he said okay well I'll do it as long as I could no I didn't really appreciate it but at the same time I'm gonna tell them no so but then I had another couple of husband and wife that came to me and they said we want to study what you're doing but we're we got this contract that we've already signed up for we got a pass we want to go it was attacked with new school and so they came in and after they've been there about about two months I guess it was because every so often they would do sparring at the other school and we did support an iris too but when they would do sparring over there they said this guy you know they would have two people there whoever they were sparring against and the guy was there and he would start and step back and they would run in and basically the way it worked with them was that they kind of come in tag one another you know make a puncher and then they would back out which is never the way a real fight goes anyway and a real fight two people clash and stand there until somebody falls that's that's a real fight anything beyond that you're just playing tag okay so anyway they what they did was I started doing theirs their sparring and they clashed and whenever the guys started trying to back up the guy that I was training moved with him he didn't back up he followed he went right they run on top of him and he was going after me and he finally got and the whole time because this is what I taught my students I said while you're moving forward you're hitting and you're saying I said here's what I want your opponent to hear submit or die so he's moving forward saying submit or die submit or die and this guy's getting scared because they're just sparring right and he's thinking this guy's crazy and he's fixing to kill me and so he just all he did was he covered up and turned and that's what we taught him you keep hitting them till they turn when they turn you put a choke and you take him out that's that's what he did so anyway he said whenever he was moving forward and he was going after this guy and his instructor there told him said okay like he kept coming and going break break break but he didn't break he just kept going for a little bit and kept hitting this guy and kept going for and he said I did not hear my instructor say break I never heard it until they actually jumped in between us he said all I kept hearing was your voice saying finish it finish it finish it right and so he said it was weird this guy is talking to me right then and I did not hear him all I could hear was you and I wasn't even there but it showed that by them training with me that I had drilled that into them you don't stop until it's over right now how many of you know that's the heart of God you don't just play at getting somebody healed you have to finish it or they die because I've seen too many people or they pray a prayer that people get better and they go oh okay it's over and then that thing hits again and kills them why because they didn't finish it you have to finish it but you have to have that commitment now you don't get that by hanging around and just having tea and talking you know good social Christianity you get that by being around somebody and getting that that's what I got from dr. sim wrong I got that strength of spirit that strength of will the strength of character from doctors a lot because I had the knowledge before I went to him but I didn't have that and he was the only man that I ever found that had that and I went and I stayed there until I got it and whenever and I didn't know that I actually had at that point and I heard it later with coming out of me and I realized this is what when I got it was I look back at that time I go wow that's where I got that from I see there had to do that you don't get that by just showing up and going through a bulletin on Sunday morning you get that by being a steward of the things of God the things that I give you doesn't I'm not here just to Bree I don't get any I don't get a salary from the church at all I get nothing from the church I'm not here to this is not a transaction where I preach and you pay me that is not what this is I'm here to raise up an army of Christians that know how to defeat the devil any time they see them defeat sickness sin disease that can beat it anywhere anytime and they're not ashamed of it and they'll do it at work even if it costs them their job that's what I'm looking for I'm looking for people that are committed like that but you don't find that in most Christians most Christians just want church on Sunday right and then they want regular now listen if you don't want that that's fun I'm not gonna make you do it you'll hear it so often that you're probably get tired of hearing it but I'm going to keep preaching it but the few of you that really want it you will gravitate closer and you'll get it and and what will keep you know what will keep feeding until you decide you won in or one out or you just want to hang around either one that's up to you I'm not gonna make you do it I can't make you do it I'm not gonna chase you around and make you do it but if you want it I'm telling you it's available but that's on your part because I'm doing my part and when you show me you're committed I get committed to you you know right now I'm committed to being here I'm committed to helping you grow but I can't commit individually until I know you're committed but I guarantee I'm as committed as you are I can guarantee you that and if you want it you know it's funny because even here everybody here works you know usually 9:00 to 5:00 or something like that and you know we were talking with this the other day that even in ministry you know you get off at five o'clock you want to go home well guess what other people do too but they still come to life team or they still come and they gather up people say well yeah I'm trying with you guess what everybody's tired yeah but how bad do you want it you know do you take into a mindset of well I worked all day and you know I'm in the ministry so I don't have to go to that no it's you know just like back whenever I was training man every time the door to school was open guess what I was there if I got there early the door open I got you know a free lesson if I stayed late I got free lessons you know private instruction or whatever was so but I wanted to be there one because I wanted it was the same thing when it my daughter died not buried her I wanted truth and I went and I did I quit jobs to go to a camp meeting you know I quit a job I had for you know six months or a year or whatever was just so I could go to a three day camp meeting because they wouldn't let me go wouldn't let me off so I just quit what because there are some things that are more important than other things and it all comes down to priorities how bad do you want it how much in you do you want are you satisfied with well you know if I get sick maybe they'll pray for me and you know but it's funny because the people that are serious if it's this way the people that are not serious are always banking on the people that are serious right because when you come to me you want me to be serious you don't want me to well how much time did you spend with God that's what you know in the ministry so you know I don't really have to spend time with God I mean I work for God all the time no you want me to spend any time we're starting to hear myself talk like Jack now you need me on that wall I'm on that wall you want that one but do you understand the meaning here because mediocre doesn't cut it mediocre lets people die and you don't get serious you don't get the results of being serious by not being serious you have to decide what's important whenever my daughter died I decided what was important I took jobs that were less paying jobs they were bad jobs just so I would have time to spend my time studying the word why because that's what was important to me now the good thing is what it took me thirty years to learn I can pass on to you in three days but you still got to have the same commitment the same level of determination to walk it out as I did to get it or it won't work amen ain't no this may be a wake-up call to some of you but that's what it comes down to there are people that are serious and people that are not and right here Jesus is giving us the the soil and the different kinds of soil but the only one that produced was one that was serious not the others that hung around and heard it disappeared so he says it and watch this he says yeah oh yeah I want to get back to this yeah okay John chapter 6 verse 59 I'm just about finished here John 6:15 on these things said he in the synagogue as he taught in Capernaum many therefore of his disciples many of his disciples here that many of his disciples when they heard this said this is a hard saying who can hear it when Jesus knew in himself that his disciples murmured at it he said unto them does this offend you what and if you see shall see the Son of Man ascend up where he was before it is the spirit that quickeneth the flesh profiteth the words that I speak unto you they are spirit and they are life hear what he's saying he didn't say there doesn't offend you I'm sorry I know what listen let me explain that you know that's not what I meant I didn't mean to offend you he said now listen did this offend you what just say offend you let me tell you the flesh doesn't like this but the words that I speak to you they are spirit and they are life the flesh doesn't like it but it's a spirit that does good so I'm not gonna apologize for preaching the truth to you what I'm gonna tell you is stick if you stick it will work for you fiddles if you will just stick it'll be what you need it will work out in your life but if you don't stick you can't get it so you have the one thing you have to you have to have that grit to be able to dig in and go you know what I mean you know if I show up in curry says you know the this is not further you know not for the dogs I don't care if he calls me a dog I don't care I'm I'm gonna get this you know what that's whenever you get it whenever you make that decision that you're not going to be offended that you're that you don't care Sidda listen whenever I my daughter died I didn't have the luxury of being of accepting an offense I had to you know go places do things I couldn't supposed to bless God you know if I want that I guess they should come to me or I should you know any wasn't like that at all you know and many times you try to talk to somebody and they ain't got time for you and they got this you know and you stir I think wash but I still listen to him why because they had the words of eternal life where else was I gonna go and so I had to decide to be able to stick no matter what and I had to develop thick skin and when I got in the ministry I really had to develop thick skin you know I always said man I'm so glad I'm not a singer performer because you know they because if you get rejected that's you they don't like you they don't like your song they don't like your music I like you but I'm thank God that you know I'm not in that you know because I preached the word and I don't care anybody likes it or not and if you reject it you're not rejecting me you're rejecting it so I don't care it doesn't hurt me one bit but I had to develop thick skin to begin with because people would say things about well if that was true why is this well if that's true what and I thought I'm just trying to help you why are you wanting to fight me you know it is amazing people would would fight me to try to stay sick and I'm just I'm just trying to help you you know and so but there comes a point where you have to decide you know what you're not gonna run me off try to cuz I'm I'm here to hear what you got to say that's what I had to do is there are certain people I had to get that way with and like you know what I don't care what you do what you say I'm not I'm I'm not paying attention to what you say to me I'm listening the words come out of your mouth because I know it's pretty God is speaking through you and that's all that mattered to me at that time right because I didn't want to lose another daughter and seven years later I said Matt you know second well my last daughter my third daughter but the second daughter to die falls out of a second-story window but this time it was different one because we'd had seven years to develop the grit to not panic and just grab her up and try to get her to the hospital where they would have taken her away from us like they did the first one and we wouldn't have seen her again to the funeral instead we had the grit to stand there go oh no you don't you are not gonna die you're gonna live and not die and we had the grit to stand and fight even though my head was screaming all kinds of stuff you have to get that grit that's having depth deepness within you that the Bible target if you don't have that whenever the Heat's on you will fall away you've got to dig in and say you know what I don't care who believes this who doesn't believe it I don't care how many join with me or how many if everybody leaves I mean and then what is it says right here let me go and read it he says in verse 64 Jesus but there are some of you that believe not for jesus knew from the beginning who they were that believed not and who should betray him and he said therefore said unto you no man can come unto me except it were given unto Him of my father from that time many of his disciples went back and walked no more with him imagine can you imagine people leaving Jesus if they're gonna leave Jesus guess who else are gonna leave they're gonna leave you friends are gonna walk away from you yeah that's that's crazy I'm not going to believe that and they're gonna walk away oh you're too hardcore you know and the fact is it's funny because you never call yourself an elitist but they'll call you that and the reason they call you that is because you are serious and they're not that's a special forces soldiers are not special because they're special kinds of people they're special because they do things that anybody can do but most people won't you look at the people that go through Navy SEALs and graduate they're not the the brawny Estonia they're not the smartest the brightest always in that sense but there are the ones that have the grit to keep them going those are the ones that finit and and half the time you can't spot them you can't pick who's gonna make it and who hidden so here his disciples went back and walked no more with him now let me ask you this what do you think Jesus would have done if they had all left him if everyone had just walked off what do you think he did do you think he would have said well and I got to rethink this man ministry just went down the tubes you know what man what am i what am I going to do I mean you think you'd have thought that way or he would have said I still have a mission I still have an appointment with a cross here in the near future I still got that you think he would he just give up you think he would you know walk around kicking rocks and you know crying about it no he wouldn't he would have said father who are the ones you've given me I need to find them because he's obviously ain't them and he would have kept walking amen he ain't gonna change is not gonna change for you and I he's not gonna go no wait and listen to him look let me help you understand this see I'm not trying to be mean I'm just let me make it easy for you no he knew if he made it easy for him they would die many of them heito people he said you're gonna you're gonna travel this path guess what they're going to tie your hands they're gonna nail you to a cross they're gonna persecute you he warned him of everything he tried to tell him how how rough it was gonna be see if you if you go into military some type of military unit specially Special Forces maybe something like that we take you don't want a drill instructor that says all right well you know y'all just you know safety you wake up when you get up in the morning then come see me and you know we'll walk around and talk and I'll tell you some neat war stories and yeah that's that's not the drill instructor he will get you killed if he treats you that way the drill instructor you want is one it makes it harder on you and training than it will ever be on the battlefield because you know it's better to to sweat as they say a gallon of sweat in the gym than to bleed an ounce on the street amen you know honestly yeah well I'm finished reading this and see if we getting closer in my time here from that time many visits disciples went back and walked no more with him then sitting now here's Jesus's response is an answer to what I just asked you then said Jesus to the twelve will you also go away you guys leaving too he once in hey wait listen if y'all think about leaving wait listen let me tell you the parable let me tell you what it meant he didn't say that he was you you want to go y'all going okay he there was no sign of him everything Jesus did pointed to trying to keep people away you ever notice that he was like I'll follow you anywhere really well guess what birds have nests remember that he he always told people he that he did not give him a some type of sales technique you know he was constantly telling them did listen it's gonna be rough are you sure you got the grit to handle this cuz yeah you know this isn't a year you know your grandma's Sunday school we're talking about real life here we're talking about people they're gonna hate you people are gonna do things against you people are going to persecute you people they're going to try to they're gonna kill you and think they're doing goddess service think about that one because it was a religious people that persecuted Jesus wasn't us wouldn't the worldly people wasn't the sick sick loved him why could they he got him well that's why I've never had a sick person that we ministered to that whenever they were well that ever said oh those guys are too militant they're too aggressive you know they're too hardcore that's never happened you know what they say instead we were so glad you were so militant we're so glad you went after you didn't quit when all my friends quit whenever my family quit when my church quit told me I was in denial you guys didn't quit why because there is no quit there's only win won because Jesus is already won and until what we get matches what he got we're not done yet it's not over until we say it's over amen so he said will you also go away then Simon Peter answered him Lord to whom shall we go you have the words of eternal life so there are essentially two kinds of people that committed in the uncommitted I should say probably those that should be committed so anyway that's another thing but the disciples the twelve were committed those that walked away when they got offended or not to the committed the mysteries of the kingdom were committed that's what the Bible says to you the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven were committed not to them well guess what if you ever notice it I didn't even notice this till the other day when I was reading scriptures it says to you will be these mysteries these parables these mysteries will be committed to you they're being committed do you know why they were being committed because that's sowing and reaping the disciples were committed and because they were committed they got something committed to them see sowing and reaping works in every area most people want to reap what they have not sown it doesn't work that way no notice so this is simple sowing and reaping because they sow commitment they reap commitment because they poured themselves into Jesus meaning walked with him he poured himself into them Jesus had the seventy he had the twelve he had the three nor was he showing favoritism was he being an elitist was he or actually was he committing to people that had committed to him now notice this in yeah now I'll give you some real quick hard sayings Jesus said he that has ears to hear let him hear that's a hard saying I have all the scriptures for these we can get those for you in John 2:23 it says now when he was in Jerusalem at the Passover in the feast day many believed in his name when they saw the miracles which he did but Jesus did not commit himself unto them because he knew all men and he needed not that any should testify for he knew what was in men in Matthew chapter 7 verse 13 that says enter ye in that's a strait gate for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction and many there be which go in thereat because Strait is the gate and narrow is the way which leads to life and few there be that find it now notice many are seeking to come in but few are going to find you give that you never think about that many or seeking to get in many are seeking to find life but few ever find it now think about that if if only a few of those that are seeking actually find it that's not even including the people that aren't even seeking you give that and what does that sound like that's not like four kinds of soil right mini that's the three kinds seek it but only a few the one can actually find it now what you have to decide is because everybody thinks I'm one of the few of them actually gonna find it cuz I have found it right and that's Jesus and I've said the prayer and so I'm good no it's not about that is have you truly found life in Christ or are you just one of the many that have found religion because that's what that's the dividing of just finding a religious pattern of doing things now notice it says in Matthew 22:14 but many are called but few are chosen in Luke 14 28 Jesus said count the cost count the cost that means there's a price to be paid he said well Jesus already paid that he paid the price to let you in now you pay the price to walk in it right and that means you have to decide what you're going to leave out and what you're going to do what your priorities are finally in 2nd Timothy chapter 2 verse 19 it says nevertheless the foundation of God stands for having this seal the Lord knows them that are his and let everyone that names the name of Christ depart from iniquity but in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver but also of wood and of Earth and some to honor and some to dishonor if a man therefore purged himself from these he shall be a vessel unto honor sanctified and meat for the Masters use and prepared unto every good work now he also told him told Timothy flee youthful lusts follow righteousness faith charity peace within they call on the Lord out of a pure heart he says but foolish and unlearned questions avoid knowing that they do gender stripes and the servant of the Lord snots tribe but be gentleman to all men have to teach and patient and he says in meekness instructing those that oppose themselves if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth and that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil who are taken captive at his will this know that in the last days perilous times shall come men shall be lovers of their own selves covetous boasters proud blasphemers disobedient to parents unthankful unholy without natural affection trucebreakers false accusers incontinent fierce despisers of those that are good here that despisers of those that are good that sounds kind of like the political situation today right it's been that way a long time not just today but we have to realize we are living in these last days he says without natural affection oh I wanna go back then yeah traitors heady highminded lovers of pleasure more than lovers of god having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof from such turn away now yeah we have to realize that we have been given this stewardship it's given to us we are ambassadors for Christ the last thing I want to read to you is 2nd Timothy 2 verse 1 now therefore my son be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus and these things that you have heard of me among many witnesses the same oh look at the next word commit the same commit thou to faithful men not just anybody but to faithful men that we preach to anybody but we commit these things to faithful men who and here's here's the requirements of what a faithful man is who shall be able to teach others also so now notice the only people that Timothy was told to teach - were people that he knew were going to teach it to other people he never said teach it to everybody think about that what if I made you sign a contract than when you walked in the front door I said now are you gonna teach us somebody else if you're not don't even come in we're not gonna let you in I'm just gonna I'm only going to teach people who are signing a contract saying they will teach this to other people imagine the whittling down we would see you know that's what somebody said if you had a church with 20,000 people in it what you know what would you do I said it probably haven't whittled down to about 30 or 40 in a couple of months what because I'm not gonna go in there and placate the the mini I'm not looking for that amen let me tell you you can have 10,000 people with you and at the first sign of trouble they'll all disappear better to have 10 faithful 10 people you can count on 10 people you know that if you turn your back to when you turn back around you won't have a knife in it right better have 10 people that are committed than 10,000 that are with you you know well we're with you yeah well it's funny I don't see you out here you know well we're behind you all the way yeah way behind me way back there waiting for me to plow the ground first okay notice these are the requirements she'll be able to teach others also they'll therefore endure hardness there's another requirement as a good soldier of Jesus Christ no man that wars in tangles themselves in the affairs of this life that he may please him who has chosen him to be a soldier and if a man also strived for masteries yet is he not crowned except he strived lawfully no word you got to play by the rules you got to do what it says you don't just do what you want to do and if the husbandmen that Labor's must be first partaker of the fruits consider what I say and the Lord give the understanding so yeah we are looking for a few good men and women right it's just that simple we are militant we are aggressive we are militant aggressive against sin against sickness right against disease against doubt and unbelief I wrote down here I'm looking for wells to fill up not puddles it'll dry up as soon as the Heat's on I might want to think about that right there so I'm looking for faithful men and women that will endure hardness as good soldiers of Jesus Christ and will be faithful to pass on what I teach to others now you don't have to be in that group you can follow at a distance you can learn it'll work for you you'll still be a Christian you know just because you don't want to go further you know I'm not saying you're not a Christian it's just you know there are people that you know and don't to get sued necessarily but you know there I'll just use this term anyway because maybe you'll know what I mean there are what I would call CrossFit Christians and then there's Christians that want to sit on the couch eat donuts and watch exercise videos that's kind of how the church is right very honestly we're looking for more the CrossFit type people they go you know what push me push me to my personal best every day and if you commit to that we can too because I can tell you it'd be easy to commit to that because there's so few one because many are called but few are chosen it's just the way it works so I will be honest with you I was reading so it was in the book our new book I was reading it and in it jump there's a letter with John Lake says I'm 58 years old and I'm going through this and going to that I'm like why I'm older than I'm older now than he was then when he wrote that right cuz I'm 59 I started thinking about that it's you know you get older you think about stuff like that and it's funny because I am getting older and what that probably means is there are more years behind me than there are in front of me alright you know barring the Lord coming to you know whatever situation so I'll be honest with you I don't have time to waste I wasted a lot of early years and then I started catching up and started running as fast as I can and now I'm just getting up a good head of steam and I really don't intend to slow down to let people jump on the train so if you're gonna jump on you got to jump at full speed running with me it's just that simple now will help you will love you will bless you will teach you will share things with you and we'll do all that but I'm telling you if you if you want if you want to go into all the fullness of God I'm telling us where I'm headed I mean I said I'm walking in it sense where I'm headed if you want to go there we can go there together if you don't want to go there you're welcome to watch you know as the train passes by it's just that simple but I do not intend what because I owe it to God to be a good steward of the mysteries of the kingdom and that's what I'm trying to do I have a mission I have a purpose I have my wife I'll help you find your wife the bottom line is you got to be committed I cannot be committed for you I can help you and if you're not committed and you get sick you need me to pray for it I'd be glad to pray for it we'll get you healed but it's the same time it's much better not to be a spiritual hitchhiker and to get it for yourself and that's what we do we train you how to get it for yourself amen and we'll keep praying for you if you don't want to do it we'll keep praying for you we love you right but I'll always be pulling on you to go further what because God has so much more for you we've got to get beyond the fear of crossing that religious line that the devil has drawn because we think God drew it and God didn't draw it God said come on in experience all of me and we only want to experience him as far as our religious ideas let us that's not good enough amen that means we're gonna have people say things against us say we're crazy say we're off whatever you know so what guess what they're also the ones that call you when their babies get sick that's the way it works be like Jesus be gracious don't blast them keep moving forward amen if people leave say you know what rest you want to go alright go ahead you know I don't know who's on the other end of this camera watching by Internet of water I assume it may not be anybody right but I don't know and if everybody left guess what I'm still gonna stand up here and preach that camera whether there's anybody on there or not I don't really care right why because I'm gonna do what God called me to do now if I do that I believe like John the Baptist God will make people even go out into the wilderness to get this message so there you go so jogging anything out of this this morning all right well I hope you know think about it and pray about it well you don't have to pray about it but you can think about a whole lot because I can tell you pray about it he's gonna say go for it that's what he's gonna say right but if you if that is you then we're gonna go places we're gonna do some things and but I can't know for you you have to let me know that you're in that you're committed that you want to do this you have to let me know what you want to do because I don't know individually unless you tell me Amen now we're going to let me finish here we'll have anybody that needs ministry line up and we will get you free amen and so if you need ministry feel free to come up and that you can fill out the cards bring it up with you when you can just helps us to continue to pray do what we need to do those of you watching by internet by watching my camera right now we're gonna pray so all y'all agree with me you can take part in this to write whatever we get done if you're a part of it it goes to your credit too so just jump in there and believe father we think your word is absolutely true it is the only truth and we believe you we believe your word we choose to believe your word and walk in your word we read we listen we hear we obey and we execute your will so in the name of Jesus right now every person under the sound of my voice that you hear me you see me now right now in the name of Jesus we set you free we command all sickness and disease you will bow your knee to the name of Jesus you will leave these people now you will go and never return you have no place in them they were bought with a price they belong to Jesus they do not belong to you so you will go in Jesus name now right now I set them free in Jesus name be healed be free now in Jesus name it will be this way no other so be free be healed now if you have not made Jesus Lord of your life you need to do that now count the cost know what the cost is the cost is your life you give him your life when you give him your life he gives you his life so give him your life total control make him the Lord right now in Jesus name just say you say how do I do it just to Jesus I make you lord I give you my life I will do what you tell me to do and I will study your word and I will do everything I find in it in Jesus name that's that simple and at that moment you are born again you are recreated you're a new person old things are passed away everything's and everything in you is of God and that means the devil's got nothing in you and cannot and honestly if you just stay hitting Christ he can't even find you to put something on you so just decide now in Jesus name Amen amen all right god bless all right if you need ministry then feel free to come down front our staff here will arrange that and I'm gonna put my stuff up here put it back in my office and I will be right back so Chuck anything out of this today all right all right not that it matters but you still love me y'all mad at me okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: John G. Lake Ministries
Views: 13,742
Rating: 4.8405795 out of 5
Keywords: John G. Lake Ministries, JGLM, Curry Blake, Divine Healing Technician, DHT, New Man Seminar, Life Teams, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Dominion Bible Institute, Diversities of Tongues, God's Son Man's Servant, Renewed Mind, Healing in the Atonement, Killing Sacred Cows, iChurch, JGLM Media
Id: uMs1Ppz343A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 22sec (6082 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 16 2018
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