How To Hide In A Ghillie Suit - Tips For Ultimate STEALTH

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yo what's going on guys Airsoft steeney here back with another tutorial videos I am an Airsoft sniper that's kind of my main role I never use aegs or anything like that I always use my knob Ridge ssd10 as well as my knowledge SSX 303 and my sidearm is a Tokyo marui mk23 that's fully upgraded obviously right now I'm in a custom crafted ghillie suit this is the cam CS Brown 2.0 ghillie suit that has the winter crafting kit and then I also Inked certain parts of the suit green and then I'm also using cam CS balaclava in today's video I'm going to be giving you some tips and tricks on how to actually use your ghillie suit to its full advantage different hiding techniques so that you guys can stay more concealed in a Ghillie suit now before I get into all this when you get into custom crafting with a ghillie suit the biggest thing that I can recommend and tell you guys in custom crafted suits is that you need to trust your suit by this I mean you need to trust how your crafting job is in your environment now of course you got to do some field testing make sure that actually does blend like if we're playing in a summer environment don't use just a brown suit with you know Brown Cottons like toss on some green AGM or something of that matter on there no matter what no matter how good your suit is I don't care if you're kicking Mustang and you're a professional skilly crafter or silly Gilly or Airsoft camman if you are moving people will pick up movement it's just so natural because when you're playing the game of Airsoft every other enemy player and person on your team is looking for human movement or something moving so when you're moving your likeliness of being caught and seen by an enemy player goes up like crazy so it's when you're in a position and you're staying still this is when your human silhouette is broken on your ghillie suit obviously if you've crafted it and this is when people are scanning the field and they skip over you because you're not moving I'm gonna go behind this barricade now a lot of the times as Ghillie snipers we're always behind some sort of cover so we have this natural barricade now something I used to make the mistake of all the time is peeking my head up by that especially with my sniper I would peek my head up and I would snipe now this is okay if you are in a really good position maybe you have some high ground and you know for a fact that enemy players are not looking in your position now this also exposes you it kind of looks a little unnatural right you could blend in with a natural wood barricade like this but when you're moving around like this and scoping and scoping the field and scoping your environment this is enough movement for somebody to pick you apart very very easily so what I like to do instead of peeking up and down or going like this like this is something that'll get you caught really easily too it's when you're peeking up and around like this because you know people are going to see the top of your your ghillie suit so or your balaclava so what I do simply is I back up from the back of a barricade by about a foot and I simply go to the side like this I go to the sides I scan I scan if I see somebody that's way too far to my left I'm gonna crawl all the way to the left side of the barricade I believe the right side on your screen and then I'm gonna pop out on the left side of the barricade here and this I'm right over here right so now I'm on the left side and I can take that shot and why what this does is I almost blend in better with the sides of the barricades rather than poking my head up bringing the rifle out and boom rather than doing this whole movement I'm simply slowly making my way to the side poking my rifle out and blending in with the side of this bearing all right guys so the next high position is when you have a natural barricade whether it's a wood barricade or something else any sort of barricade I like to personally sit on the sides of it because like a lot of people when they see natural barricades and they sculpt them they look at the sides as well but more importantly they look directly at the front of the barricade like somewhere over there they don't really think that somebody's going to be sitting right next to a barricade especially if you're in a crafted suit that is actually blending in and breaking your silhouette your human silhouette so what I like to do is I like to get in very unnatural positions here so like I'll have my one foot kind of kicked up make sure my foot here is hidden kind of behind cover but I'm kind of have my leg over top of this piece of wood my other foot here is kicked all the way out somewhere around here and then my rifle sits right up against my leg because my rifle is also custom crafted so as well as my my like here so I actually placed my rifle right next to my leg I hug it next to my leg and I let it blend in with the environment on the ground so this is kind of like my I guess you could call it um my scouting position so I have a good peripheral field of view I don't have to move my head too too much to give away my movement and I literally just sit here and I'll scan and it might be a spot that is kind of hot for enemy targets so if I do see someone I'll lock in I'll make sure there's nobody to my left to my right I'll zero back in on that person over there and this is when I will slowly bring up my rifle readjust a little bit and when I take the shot so let's say I take the shot and let's say they look and they're looking they heard something like a little BB Tech I literally will sit here I'll sit right still looking in my scope and I'm just analyzing where they're looking when they look away that's when I rock the bolt back put it back slowly right they're now looking the opposite way maybe they start shooting their AEG so you can you know they're not going to hear the noise of your sniper when you know shoot so they start shooting boom and I hit him out or we hope I hit them out so this is just another really natural like looking spot that I like to hide in sometimes I'll do very unnatural things where I get into like a little bit of uncomfortable situations or or positions where I'll kind of like shimmy myself in and I'll put my head kind of to the side this is a very unnatural feeling position and you know it instantly just breaks the silhouette even more because you just you can't see that I'm like here honestly like this is like you just never think that there'd be an enemy player just backed up into the side of a wooden barricade like it just doesn't make like sense to be like a good spot to hide but when you're obviously in a Ghillie suit and you also blend in with this natural foliage well you know that's when it's like game over and you start to you know really really blend in and become invisible on the field but just know that the second that you're starting to sit here and you're you're looking around and making sure there's nobody behind you to the left to the right in front like that gives away your position guys so like just like chill out find a spot to just camp out at you know make sure your rifle is kind of hidden and just stay still and wait for movement once you see that movement don't get trigger happy you can just slowly move stop off bring the rifle to here stop bring it up here I take the shot all right guys next one I'm going to cover is simply crawling calling something that I tend to do a lot because we just have so much natural foliage at the local field that we play at so I crawl a lot like when I say I crawl a lot like half of the game I'm literally on my belly crawling so um I've gone really good at staying very undetected when crawling and there is a little bit of technique that goes into it so basically what I'll do is um I like to face my eyes down while I'm crawling so I'm going to look up very slowly scan scan scan if I see people maybe 30 40 50 feet away from me I got to be a little careful with how much body movement I have here because they're constantly scanning this area and I don't want them to see me and maybe I need to get a little closer to be able to take a more accurate shot so what I do since I run a sniper is I actually push the sniper forward first and I push it all the way forward so now the rifle is about a foot in front of me I take my elbows and my leg I take my my good leg my right leg could be your left and I push I lift up and I push and I settle my chest down onto the ground nice and slowly I bring my right hand out to my rifle left out in front of me to the left side of my body and then I stop and I scan I scan through the same spot I've only moved about a foot and a half two feet and now I take my rifle I push it Forward again the forward up onto my forearms push with my good leg and what I do is I actually put my my goggles down right while I'm pushing so I put my goggles down I lift up do a little bit of a plank push forward a bit saddle nice and slowly this is what it would kind of look like like if I was in um an actual game forward plank nice and slow analyze push this forward stop now when I get to this position if I'm ready to take a shot I'm staying very very low right it's much easier for somebody to pick you up when you're in a Ghillie suit like this doesn't matter if you're in a Ghillie suit or not somebody will pick you up so what I like to do is I stay as low to the foliage as possible break that silhouette I try to have my face as low to the ground as possible ever so slightly point my rifle up and I take that shot all right guys so I'm going to show you how to kind of walk around in a Ghillie suit so my whole rule of thumb is five to ten steps Crouch listen do a little bit of a panoramic view of your area keep listening if you don't hear anything proceed to walk another five to ten steps and you just keep repeating this process but you're slowly walking so this is an example of what I would do so one two three and keep in mind I'm not standing straight up I'm crouching over this helps especially on a Crawford suit it breaks your silhouette you don't look as human when you're crouched over rather than standing straight up right so two three four five six watching where I step seven eight nine and ten so I'm right over here I'm gonna Crouch down and I'm literally just gonna look left to right and I'm gonna listen for a good five seconds if I hear something I just continue to listen they stay nice and still if I don't hear anything I proceed to move again so one using branches and stuff to make you a little more quiet use your natural environment to your advantage or five I was a little loud if something's really loud I just stop and stand six seven eight nine big step over here ten I'm gonna stop I'm just gonna Crouch another rule of thumb is that you can use your rifle you can see it over here to push trees to the side so that you can get through them right you can use your rifle as like a poking stick to move things so uh yeah that's that's basically what I do when I'm creeping up onto somebody or if I can hear people around me or I'm just trying to move silent to a new position all right guys so this is probably one of my favorite hiding positions in a Ghillie suit because people would just think you're absolutely stupid to hide in a place like this you always hear about people saying hide behind cover stay behind cover get behind cover so that's already kind of in people's heads even when they play video games play Call of Duty and they come out here to play Airsoft you know you want to hide behind cover and not get hit by a BB and get hit out now when you're in a custard crafted suit instead of hiding behind cover hide in front of cover if your suit if you're very confident in your suit and you're confident in the ability of your crafting of your suit then definitely try this out I think that it's really fun to try out I have absolutely Blended in with my environment doing this like literally laying in front of cover mostly because people least expect back to you to be there right so what I'll do is I'll literally post up in front of cover like this I'll spread my legs a little bit to make me seem a little less human silhouette and what I'll do is I'll lay my rifle across one of my legs I'm right handed so I lay it across my left leg and instead of having my head out like this I lean my head back and I tilt it and then my head is resting against the barricade and when I want to scan I slowly rotate my head left to right to scan the field now if I see somebody that's like danger close I'll probably pull up my sidearm my Tokyo Mari mk23 and hit them out if they're not danger close and I think that I can take the shot what I will do is I'll slowly slowly but surely bring up my rifle readjust my shoulder then I'll take the shot from here this is a really good spot to be at just to ambush people squads are rolling through and you're just literally leaning up against a barricade it's actually pretty funny when you hit people out and they notice where you're at but another really good spot too that I really like to sit at mostly for ambushes is literally right up against the barricade so what I'll do is I'll lay usually like this and I'll just lay straight up right across the barricade like this I'll put my head down and usually my side arm is in my right hand here and I'll just lay here and wait for people to pass through and I'll just have my sidearm on me pop pop with my mk23 go back to a high position this is a really really solid position for ghillie suit players just because like especially when they're crafted because people again would never notice such like laying right in front of the barricade um just hiding right people are looking to make sure there's nobody behind the barricade not so much in front of it alright guys that wraps up this video on basically my tips for hiding and actually playing in a Ghillie suit I feel like a lot of these things aren't really talked about too much in terms of like Airsoft Ghillie sniping so I thought that I would shed some light on them some of these techniques are things that I personally use that work for me not everything will work for you there's some more that you play in your suit and the more confidence that you have in your suit in the environments that you're playing in is when you're really going to pick up on your own tips and tricks or maybe you'll use some of these tips and tricks to hide and Ambush the next one passes through so guys if you enjoyed this video be sure to like comment and subscribe and let me know which type of video that you want to see next if there's any other Gilly related videos you'd like to see or maybe gameplay videos I am coming out with more of those but if there is any specific content you want to see me do on the channel let me know in the comments down below catch you guys in the next video peace
Channel: Airsoft Stini
Views: 8,928
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Keywords: How To Hide In A Ghillie Suit - Tips For Ultimate STEALTH, how to hide in a ghillie suit, ghillie suit, how to use a ghillie suit, how military uses ghillie suit, military sniper, military snipers, how to hide in airsoft, how to be stealth in airsoft, how to play sniper in airsoft, how to become an airsoft sniper, how to custom craft a ghillie suit, how to custom make a ghillie suit, airsoft sniper, novritsch ghillie, kicking mustang ghillie, best ghillie suit, airsoft, sniper
Id: lmUpL1r4IHk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 34sec (934 seconds)
Published: Mon May 15 2023
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