Can Cubase Show Consolidated Rests in the Score Editor? | Club Cubase March 12 2021

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hi welcome to the march 12th uh 2021 club cubase live stream we'll get started here in just a couple minutes i'm going to do a quick audio test make sure everything is coming through okay hi welcome okay so um we will get started here in just a couple of minutes uh my name is gregundo i'll be the host for the hangout or live stream today so we'll get started in a couple minutes as people get logged in if you have not attended a club cubase live stream before uh how it works is you could submit questions in advance to clubcubase at or you could ask questions in the live chat field so and once again my name is greg undo i work for yamaha corporation of america as a product specialist for steinberg products so um i'll be the host where to hang out today i'm in you base the united states and we will uh so i'm based in the united states and alexandria virginia so you will get started in just a couple minutes so if you want to while people are getting logged in for those people that are getting logged in if you want to um if you want to introduce yourself i'm seeing maybe a little bit of confusion with uh it might be an hour off just in some of the comments it could be with daylight savings time sometimes it switches in different countries on different weekends so i think we're going into our daylight same times the united states but we'll get started here in just a couple minutes um so let's go ahead and uh just a couple little notes so tomorrow at noon eastern which is one hour earlier from today we'll be doing a club cubase live stream so this will be noon eastern in the united states time so it's like 23 hours from now so uh we will go ahead and this way we could have people that maybe uh have obligations during the week and we could go for a couple hours tomorrow for those of us that want to do to meet some of the other participants in the hangout so we can go ahead and do that so if you want to email me at club cubase at i will uh send you the zoom invite link and i'll try to put it in uh one of the comments in the live chat uh for today's hangout that you could use as a reference so that will be on march 13th starting at 12 noon on us eastern time so there could be an hour difference if there's daylight saving times uh that are changing in other countries because we haven't changed in the united states yet but i believe we will be uh doing it uh coming up in uh on this sunday night but we'll go ahead and uh get started in just a couple minutes so let's go ahead and see who is on the hangouts okay so we see sir robert from atlanta we see sable winters from bay area we have jan from cubase index so if you want to search for uh different uh topics that have been covered on hangouts yan has been kind enough and gracious enough to create a website for that okay so we have uno from finland all right so we have jazz dude i believe he's in heidelberg germany we have robbie bowling from dallas okay we have john costigan from kenosha all right we have soren from sweden millard brown in pennsylvania just outside philadelphia all right so ace amadeus from texas all right so we have edward from chicago all right so we have matt from london we get some more people getting logged in so just a couple other little ground rules uh my family is at home while i'm doing this i'm doing this from home so there may be an interruption my son has his uh virtual learning at home today so i may have to help him out with something once his school is done or he'll come down and tell me his weekend has started while we still have many hours to go and you may hear my wife working above me so i'll apologize for any interruptions that we may have uh the ability for people to ask questions will far exceed the ability of me answering them in real time so if you ask a question and you don't get an immediate response it could be that i'm just catching up so it could take a little while to catch up but we'll try to go through all the questions in chronological order uh my chat field may jump on me if i get if there's so many questions i may jump and periodically i may lose a couple of questions so but we'll try to avoid that as you ask questions it's sometimes helpful if you could indicate if you have a which version of cubase that you're running as well as you know if you what platform so you say i'm running you know cubase 11 pro on mac i'm running um or i'm running cubase elements on 10 on pc so all right just getting some messages coming in i just got a text from chuck ainley so solution i was able to help him out with yesterday worked out for him on a record i think he was recently he was telling me he was just doing uh nancy wilson of heart down at muscle troll studio recently so it's good to be chucking lay okay okay so we'll get a couple more people logged in and let's see who else is on alright so we see sub 403 from british columbia we have milena from brewster new york um all right so all right and if you want to all right so we have uh redwin redwan or redwan from uh dubai all right and we have alex morgan from la you may be able to hear my son getting a bit crazy above me all right so wait just a couple more minutes and get started here so if you want to go ahead and ask questions we could go ahead and and start that in the chat field let's go ahead and see if we get started um okay so a question from ace amadeus hi greg hope you are doing well using cubase 10.5 could you please suggest tips on how to achieve maximum loudness without getting distortion in the final mix down of all tracks in a project so you know it's kind of the uh ever uh ever-present question that people always try to do is to have kind of the loudest tracks possible but let's just say if i wanted to um i'll just remove this track but let's say if i have tracks that are [Music] say something like this it's a track for my friend and colleague dom cicchetti so uh just play just a little bit of this and we'll just wait for the drums to kick in here [Music] so you know what a lot of people do is run you know different multi-band uh you know compressors and dynamics and limiters on the uh main bus here so let's say if i just wanted to take this particular track and i'll adjust my control room down [Music] and let me just check my audio routing here all right and [Music] just get in my control room one more time make sure all right so let's say if i have this so you know one thing that people will do is often just kind of run it through different plug-ins uh on the final stage so if you go to like your dynamics i could come over here to like a maximizer [Music] and then we could put this on even so if i just wanted to bypass this plug-in or deactivate it [Music] so let's say if i wanted to just kind of so running like a maximizer or limiter is a pretty common technique for this one thing that a lot of people just kind of forget is uh if i wanted to just take a little portion i'll just do just a small portion of this and i'll do an audio mix down of this particular section and i won't do the whole thing just for ex times sake but as we wanted to come over here i could do my audio mix down excuse me and i will choose just to do a stereo mix down and let's add it to the queue and i want to after the export i'll just put it into an audio track so we'll just export this it's going to place this file directly into the project window and so a lot of times when people get this one thing that you know that people often kind of forget to do is to just select the particular file and if you see like the amplitude is down you could also come and go to your audio to processing so we'll go to processes and then just choose normalize so at this point you could say okay i want this to be at a specific loudness unit so if i was doing broadcast i may want it to be a minus 23 lofts or we could just say you know make it minus minus 1 db and at that point it could automatically process that file so that it will uh you know be kind of the maximum gain that way so you could just take kind of the final file and kind of normalize it as well and if you do this with the loudness meters that way you know that the particular file so we could have it you know maybe go from there or we could just kind of look at the amplitude of the particular audio file and then that would be you know louder of that i'll just solo this [Music] and if i wanted to undo that so you know depending on the file so that's another thing that you do so you could do kind of your master effects processing or just do you know running like a limiter or maximizer plug-in or just coming to the final stage and doing kind of some offline processes with that all right so i see uh jazz dude's kind enough to mention that the uh the there is a update so if you're still on 10.5.2 uh for mac and pc for cubase that this week the 10.53 uh was released it was a lot of the maintenance stuff that kind of come that were you know fixed in the 11 point x generation for features are applicable for 10.5 generation so with that um so make sure if you're still running cubase 10.5 that you get to 10.53 so that way you have kind of the latest uh fixes for that so i think it's great that steinberg will still update the previous versions of software after releasing a new generation so that that's a great thing to do for them all right uh also just on some other new things there's a new pad shop 2 expansion released uh apollo by uh dom segales who does lots of wonderful videos for cubase so if you're looking for some new very kind of atmospheric and soundtracky type of sounds it's a wonderful library and also the imagineer by online music foundry so those are some and that he gary who's uh involved with that he just released a whole new bank of like truly wonderful presets for retrolog sounds that you didn't think would be possible in that synthesizer you know it's really wonderful set so check out some of those new releases as well all right okay my time my chat field just jumped on me all right all right so we see that sub 403 was hospitalized because of a prescription error uh we're glad you're doing okay and glad to have you back so we missed you while you're gone so okay so we have question greg is there a preference uh slash way setting on an init track so that new midi parts have expression and modulation data written on them so they have a starting point a node et cetera cubase 10 pro so a lot of people when they're working with this may have like a template i could show you kind of a way that a lot of people do this so i'll just do a new project i will just come right over here so let's say if i add a midi track so you could always start with a um or i'll just start with an instrument track rather so if you always want to have like a particular setting set for values like you know you mentioned uh you know so you have expression and mod kind of starting at specific points so there's a midi plug-in so if we go to like your midi inserts and you could just come over here to midi control so you could say okay on modulation i want the value to start at 100 and let's say on expression i want it to start at a value of 80. so at this point uh once that part plays those particular values will be uh kind of the default state so you could save this let me see if we can save it as uh a preset so you you know so what a lot of people will do is let's see if this is saved in a track preset okay so i'm going to come here and learn how to type better sorry all right so i'm gonna just load this particular track preset and then we can see that those values from this particular uh midi plug-in so as soon as you hit play it will automatically transmit the defined modulation expression so you could just save that as a particular you know track preset or many people i know many composers that always want to start with a set known starting point will just have this kind of written in directly on in the midi inserts and we'll just have it as part of their template all right so we have sound foundry studios you guys saying hello from the southernmost town in canada all right sorry someone's mowing grass outside my window okay so question uh if i'm using send say rev first then delet reverb first then delay does the rev does the reverb go through the delay if not what's the best way to achieve this all right so if we have um let's say a audio track here and on this audio track i'm going to go to send and let's say if i add a reverb okay and i wanted to now add a delay oh let me just let me just get rid of that quickly sorry about that okay so let's say we'll just do this as our mono delay so if we have so when we have the audio and it's going through this particular channel you know it's going to basically send these out in parallel so it doesn't necessarily send the reverb to the delay or the delay into the reverb so it doesn't cascade it but the signal kind of goes through these through these in parallel to the different effects channel returns and then out to the output if i wanted to feed let's say the uh delay into a reverb instead what i could do is just go to my effects return channels let's say i wanted the i could go to my delay and you know when we look at our effects return channels we could think of this as you know these will just be the effects are just kind of routed as inserts so now i could have my delay if i wanted to feed it into a reverb this one send can now you know so as we do this this would go through you know without having to have it in parallel i could then send this to this end and this end has the delay and we could edit you know the amount of the mix here and this delay then feeds into the reverb so that way if you wanted to you know or if you wanted to just you know swap the order have the reverb delayed so you could do stuff like that so if you wanted to have the effects cascaded and kind of go more kind of you know in like a particular path just you know go to the effects channel return and you could add up to 16 different effects uh all accessible through one uh send that we would see here for the particular channel so this would feed all 16 channels on the re on the effects channel it's being or group that's being sent to all right great to see taylor from pine grove pennsylvania okay so a question uh is there a way to extend the tale of offline processing like reverb or delay beyond the end of a clip so let's go ahead and take a look at that i will just come over here and okay so we will just go ahead and solo just this uh effect what dimension am i in okay so if i wanted to apply direct offline processing to this a lot of times what people will run into is i'll come over here and let's add a plug-in like a long delay so i'll just set my feedback up here so now as we do this and we could notice that it's going to just kind of cut off a bit unnaturally kind of at the original length so now we want to listen to [Music] so i'll just go ahead and i'll remove this processing what dimension am i in so if i wanted to cascade longer that's why we have uh where you could extend the process range or you could add the tail so let's say if i wanted to add detail i go to the plugins if we watch the length of this and i'll just kind of move the cursor to the end of that particular file i'll just put that delay on again let's set the feedback really high you can see that the length of that particular part has now extended you know and i have it set to 1.4 milliseconds so now as we listen to it [Music] so you could just have the tail just done directly here so just within the offline processing you could just make that adjustment and have it go beyond the length of the particular part okay so i just see a question hello how are you my cubase element 11 mac pro not loaded songs um all right so i'm not sure if i understand so um so it says uh hello how are you my cubase element 11 on mac pro not loaded songs so i'm not sure if it's not loading up your songs that you're using or what maybe uh things from delian williams maybe if you could uh maybe ask the question in our way yeah i'm sorry um if i don't understand okay so uh question when comping if i do remove all unused media what happens to all the takes will all the takes still be left thanks yan so let's go ahead and take a look at it i will come over here i'm just going to assign this to a group and i'll just put this into like a cycle recording all right so we're gonna route this track i won't monitor let's go ahead and just do a quick uh cycle record here what dimension am i in what dimension of my hand what dimension am i all right let me just check my routing on this uh i'm just gonna route this out to the group [Music] what dimension am i in what dimension am i here okay so let's say i just want to do a quick uh recording i'll do just some cycle okay so say we'll just have like take four going on all right hang on i'll just make it so we could hear it so i won't arm this for record sorry about that what dimension am i in what dimension am i in what dimension am i in all right we'll do one more pass what dimension am i in what okay so now i will go ahead and look at this in our lanes so i will go ahead and just do a quick horrible comp take here okay so now let's say if i go to my media menu and remove unused media so i think that these segments will still remain because basically this is one long recording that's been you know has regions built in it so that's why we kind of see um but it's this one recording but if we chose so that audio file since it's still in use uh but when we do a backup project we have the option and i will just but here you have the part where you could choose to minimize audio files so that would get rid of the unused regions and i think let's just take a quick look if i wanted to come here if there was a minimize audio file so if i have the file selected here you could choose to minimize file um so you you could do it like that but since it's generally a cycle recording even though it looks like there are separate distinct recordings there's actually one recording uh that's that's long so if i just drag that one recording out we could see each of the takes but each of the regions has just kind of been placed so the that file is being used but you could minimize it or as you're archiving choose to minimize the files and that will get rid of the unused parts okay so uh a question uh hi i have a problem hopefully someone can help me when i try to load a sampler track cubase 11 it crashes if i start it with all third-party plug-ins disabled it works but not otherwise so i would try you know i haven't had any problems ever doing uh was you know using sampler tracks so if i wanted to come here and just drag files in it's no problem so probably if you're doing if you're saying if you started with the third party plugins disabled it works but not otherwise i would try to you know maybe activate particular plug-ins at a time and see if you can find a culprit one other thing to do is as you start cubase especially if you're maybe on a windows platform if you right-click and maybe choose to run as administrator um but you know i wonder if you know what if it's a third-party plug-in that's kind of causing it you may be able to isolate it a little bit by loading up a certain set of plug-ins and maybe you know removing the plug-ins or taking your and if you have any vst you know any 32-bit plug-ins are being bridged i may look there first and see if it's um working but you know so i would try to a to run cubase as an administrator and see if that makes a difference so um and you know try to isolate it to see if you could find one particular plug-in that's causing it to crash but you know generally by default i haven't had that happen okay so all right so we had a question from tanmay's kind of further discussion uh last week from so about creating just a quick midi file to see everything all right so um so what i'm going to do is i'm going to just set up my left and right locators and i will export this as a midi file so tammy wanted all 16 parts to be in one particular track okay so we'll export it as a type zero midi file okay so i'm going to import and we'll choose our midi file here so there's our tamay for midi now open it into new project and now if i double click we could see all 16 midi channels on one part um but you know and you say and this was because um so i won't say that for now but um it says it helps me in sound design by giving me an idea what the overall main sound of the track is going to be which goes well with all the chords and melodies so i'm you know from seeing that you know again each midi track can only be sent to one separate midi port um but you know so i think and you know maybe if you could tell me what uh when we look at this in let's say our key editor so i'll just look at i'm just going to select all the parts let's say in the brandenburg concerto here and let's look at it in the key editor and i'm going to just colorize by part that you know here i could see all of my parts and be able to edit them against each other and you know if you wanted to uh you could actually you know see the chords as well so i'll just activate this quickly [Music] all right so let's say if i wanted to come here so you know if i wanted to see what was going on harmonically what was going on chord wise i can see the cords at top [Music] here [Music] so i know lots of composers you know who just kind of live and die in this you know particular view viewing multiple parts i know like hans zimmer this is like his favorite part of cubase that he could have you know his whole orchestra and be able to kind of you know visualize it on a macro level uh and be able to see all the parts and then when you wanted to edit a particular part you could just click on it and then that would be your particular instrument or you could just say okay now i just wanted to edit my base you know and you could you know cycle between these different editors here to make it the active part so um so i'm not sure what you get by you know having it all in one single part or viewing multiple parts within a single editor so um but you know you can try doing it as exporting as a type zero midi file i just have my left and right locators set to the same spot in uh tuesday's hangout so all right great to see pablo on the hangout my favorite spanish drummer all right all right just my chat field jumped on me so let me just scroll back all right great cj vi on hangout so we have a question can i use the same license to install the software on two machines one pc and one mac so if you have the usb e licenser you could you know install that on a hundred different computers if you go to your friend's house you know you go to the studio you can install and disconnect your usb uh e-licenser and so that's what holds your license but if you're running like cubase elements ai le and you're using the softie licenser that's kind of tied to the particular machine but if it's you could have that license on a usb e-licenser and then just simply move it to whatever machine you want to without any any worries all right so i've seen your request for zoom meet up so i'll send that out after so again if you want to be on the zoom uh meeting tomorrow and we'll do 12 noon eastern uh us eastern time so and you know maybe check if you have like on your phone or an app because it could be daylight saving times it's always tricky this time of year when we have international conference calls in certain countries or on daylight savings times before others uh i remember one time traveling through europe i i flew over it was uh daylight saving time in england on my way out the morning i left it was daylight saving time in germany and a week after it was daylight saving time in america so it was it was tricky to make sure i got the right times for all my flights all right so we see millard brown uh he got the apollo and imagineer yesterday all right so i just see a comment for robbie bowling while i've moved to pro 11 still have 10.5 and i tend to hedge my bets so i did the update so okay so we have a question uh ignore if this is a dumb question there's no dumb questions uh i'm new to cubase i have a question basically what control room does what does control room do if i turned it on media bay will go silence thanks so control room allows you to have kind of a different stage of the mixer so let's say if i wanted to jump back um to this project and a lot of times when we see people that are working on a particular project they may you know get into some different aspects where [Music] they as they're working and let's say they're in their mix console a lot of people have powered studio monitors and they treat their master volume meter as kind of their monitoring volume so but this actually affects kind of the gain structure of the mix you can see that as i drop you know this is kind of what my final mix output is here so when i do this so if i wanted to adjust the volume of what's being monitored what this allows me to do is to come right over here and i could adjust the monitoring volume without affecting the gain structure so if we look at my master fader as i adjust it's going to only play it's still not affecting the gain structure but this is just my monitoring level we could also have this uh i could set it to known volume levels we could also just dim it like you know someone calls you you could just hit one button at this point there's also different downmix presets so if i want to listen to this to see how this is folding down in mono or stereo you could do that now another thing that's really handy is we could just come over here and say okay i just want it to dim so if i solo a track all the our tracks will get kind of silenced and muted but i could also just put this into listen mode now the air tracks are still present but just [Music] softer so let's say as we're here so i could hear it in contacts and i could just do a listen dim amount and instead of the air tracks being muted we could kind of hear it in context now certain things will also go through the media bay so if i wanted to let's say scrub uh my audio i could just kind of come here this gets routed through like the listen bus and not through a particular channel and when we go to audition loops so now that we're here i could just say okay i wanted to listen to and preview my different loops since these aren't assigned to a particular channel they get routed through kind of the audition bus or listen bus if you will so at that way at that point we could hear those particular changes now if we have more than one set of computer speakers monitors that we're listening to the media bay is also great at this because we could have multiple speaker configurations and we could just switch between our different speakers so if i could just click here i could say oh i have my yamaha hs7s and now i wanted to go to jbl's or to genelecs or you know monitor four so instead of having to have a piece of hardware we could take the inputs and outputs of our audio interface and we could take in this case for speakers we could take the outputs connected to our monitors our speaker monitors and be able to just seamlessly switch without having to buy another piece of hardware which will just color the signal so you could do that and then if you're while you're tracking the media the control room will also allow you to have kind of separate headphone mixes so if you wanted to create kind of a more me type of headphone mix you could do that quite easily uh just using the control room so that's kind of a quick rundown and stuff plus you could also like while you're tracking you could define an input so that if you're tracking and you have people like spread throughout the studio you could hit talk back and your microphone could just say all right so you know try that take again and everyone could be listening to that in your headphones so you could configure even a talk back so a number of different uh uses for the control room uh but it's a really handy thing and it's you know something that differentiates a lot of large consoles from you know other large consoles is being able to have this type of functionality uh hi greg uh so we have a question from ace on those new steinberg library releases for patchopp or hallian um so yeah for pat the the ones i mentioned for pat shop and retro log uh can they be used license free to create original music for commercial projects certainly yeah there's no problem with that so um you could definitely do that all the content that we get with steinberg is set up that way because uh in the past you know i've seen some companies where uh they get dinged afterwards you know uh i had a friend who had a big had a pretty significant hit and used uh a loop from a program and they didn't have clearance for it and he got sued for it had to give a bunch of money up uh because of the company so that that has happened in the past uh i think even at one point there was a i think if legend if i remember the story right you know there used to be like expansion cards for some of the roland kind of rompler's like you know the the 1080s and they used at one point they released rack mount versions of just the expansion cards and i think it was on an atlantis more set song someone had used a loop from that and it got dinged and they had to uh the story i heard was they had to stop selling the particular unit as a result of that so all the content that you have with cubase is you know royalty free so you could use it in your original compositions without any warrior issues okay so how to select all events and tracks with one click so if you just hold down uh shift i think and double click that will select all of your events if we have a number of midi tracks so say if i have midi information here all right i'll go all right so let's say i have this in my midi part i think even just holding down shift and you could select all of the notes on that particular key from there but you could also just you know come over here and there's select all you know just even just a you know control command a would select all of the events um but you know so and there's also like let's say there's a number of guitar parts here and if i wanted to select all these on the project window i think you could just come over here select all on tracks or all unselected tracks so at this point i could just come right over here go to edit to select and there's keyboard shortcuts for this you say you know all on selected tracks and then all those particular events are um selected for you all right great to see uh captain energy music on the hangout hope you're doing well all right so we have a question hello uh does cubase five artists capable of getting chords from audio track from clearwater florida so the cubase artist 5 doesn't do that um so you know right that cubase artist 5 is probably 11 or 12 years old now as well so all right so see from uh tanmay how to make scroll sensitive uh low uh within cubase app when i'm within cubase the scroll becomes super sensitive and this only happens with cubase 10.5 not any other app so i think like as i'm just using my scroll wheel here so i'm going you know vertically this way if i'm you know going horizontally it's kind of about the same uh sometimes it could also depend upon you know your zoom factor maybe but you know as i kind of just do this let's say if i'm you know zooming in and out it seems seems pretty consistent to me so if you so let's say if i zoom that's consistent i go up um because i go vertically horizontally and i'm just using a little you know twenty dollar mouse that works on three computers at once or just a generic mouse so um so it seems pretty consistent to me with that so um i know that some people and there's a lot of issues with like the match the mac uh apple's magic mouse uh some of the sensitivity stuff could be weird and there's problems with like the apple magic mouse in many programs so it's not just a cubase thing you know so if you're using a magic mouse you know try you know spend twelve dollars and get a logitech and see if that makes a difference for you um but there's lots of people have issues with the magic mouse i you know i can't stand using it i really dislike that one particular mouse and i've had people that you know as soon as they switch to like a really inexpensive logitech you know stuff is just worked really well so uh so let us know what mouse you're using okay so question uh is there a way to revert audio tracks after bounce selection sometimes i make uh fade mistakes and would like to get the original track back all right so let's go ahead and try it okay so let's say if i'll just come here i have this particular audio file i'll activate the project and i'll make it just a little more colorful so it's prettier for us all right so i come i've now will just do let's say a fade in and a fade out and i'll bounce selection okay so i think if we wanted to go back so so right there i just undid it and it just showed up in you know with so just doing an undo has done that now if i wanted to come over here let's say if we go to our pool window um i'll just i'll just do this to a new file quickly and give it a particular name so we could we could trace it here but you know just the standard undo will work i'm too tired okay so i'm gonna come here all right so i'll bounce it and then i'll make this into its own separate file okay so now we'll look in our pool window okay so here's our bounce replace test file and i will go ahead and just put in fade ins and fade outs here and i'll bounce the selection again all right i'm gonna go ahead and replay so now i do this we don't see the fade handles but let's go ahead and look in the pool so you can see that this is the bounced file uh and this is probably so we can see that this has the fade in and fade out uh but the original file is just so the working file will just be re named like zero one you still have the original file and we can see that this is the file that's being used so we can see that this is being used once in a project and this isn't so the original file if it's like after you saved and you wanted to go back you could just see the original file in the project where there's no fades on it but if i wanted to [Music] again come over here and if i take this particular audio file and we can see that this will have i'll make this just a bit larger to make it more obvious that we could see the fades applied to this one so the original file is always going to be in the pool and the you know the one you did the bounce selection will be just simply renamed uh with like a zero one extension so you could just drag it in and if you wanted to just you know go back to where it was um and if you have that used multiple times you could take that file hold down the shift key and uh like while you drag it in so let's say if i open up the pool um so drag this in let's see if this works so yeah and you could just drag it right into the same spot as that particular file so give that a shot so the when you do the bounce selection it's gonna rename that file with the zero one and the original one will still be in a pool that you could access and as jazz dude mentions you could just do it through the direct offline processing as well thanks for all the great questions if you've learned something new make sure you hit the like button and if you haven't subscribed to the channel make sure you do that as well uh it's a question is it possible to change the default midi port in setup to not be windows midi microsoft gs wavetable synth when inserting a new midi track uh so i think you know so that is the onboard soft synth that's on most audio or yeah most audio interfaces so it may show up first but i think if we go to studio setup and you go to midi port setup that you could just kind of come over here i would see if you could just make it invisible so i think you have a visibility setting here and then try just to make that particular port visible or invisible so um so that's what i would try to do and then it may not show up as the first choice uh but sometimes you know when we do the midi it's kind of goes by what uh the computer's operating system uh puts out because we tie into the midi timing engines for windows and mac os so it could be kind of predetermined sometimes by the operating system but try just simply you know making it invisible and then i think it may stop that from showing up okay so let me just open up another project for our next question here okay uh so question i'd like to export individual tracks that include their entire routing including master plus groups but when i select that option it exports some of the tracks as a master stereo mix so when you do this um you know and this is one of the new things that was kind of added in version 11 so let's say if i wanted to uh take all of my drums here and i'm going to route it through a group channel that's going to have like processing on it so i'll just take all my drums routed to a stereo group and so say as we're doing this i'm just gonna squash our drums so say i just wanted to and let's say i just want to put like a bit of verb on my guitars so i'll add an effects channel track okay so i have groups i have a group effect i have sends so if i wanted to export and this is one of the new things that was kind of found in cubase 11 now when i come over here to my export audio mix down uh we could choose uh like your so we want to make this multiple to kind of start off with um and at this point i want to we'll just say i wanted my i could have my groups be rendered independently my effects channels but i could also just take all of my audio channels and under the effects section we could choose to em to export the master group and send and now all the effects processing of eq on the groups uh you know all the kind of the full channel process will now be embedded directly into the audio files themselves so when you make the individual stems all the processing throughout the entire signal flow so if i put like a you know a magneto tape saturation plug-in on my uh master bus that would be included and the effect of that would be included on all of the tracks so make sure that you have you know and this is in version 11 this is one of the new things with the job cues export we just go to effects and just choose master groups and sends and at that point that would allow you to do all the processing as you want okay so question what's the best way to remove all unwanted takes and unused audio in a pool just to keep what i have in the workspace all right so i'll just create a new project here to share this so we'll be creative with our names and call it audio one through five all right so i'm gonna put these into a quick folder track so we can just arm that so let's say i'm now recording just audio here all right and let's say now i wanted to do another pass okay we'll do a third pass all right and let's say we now just want to do one particular track i'll add one audio track and now i'll just arm this one and let's say i wanted to do just some quick like quick cycle record mode all right let me put it in cycle this time it would be helpful sorry okay so we'll do a couple passes here and again remember that this even when we do multiple passes this will be one audio file that's broken down into regions okay so we have that and let's say i now want to erase files all right so we should have 16 files in our in the pool so we have audio you know zero one so we could have all of our different takes so at this point uh if i wanted to just come here to say remove unused media we could move it to the trash or remove it from the pool so at this point you know we could just say remove unused media for the project and let's say remove from the pool and then those particular files you can just be placed directly into the trash we could empty the trash and that way you could get rid of the unused files directly in the project pretty easily so i see from ali guys do we have zoom today so we're gonna do tomorrow at noon eastern uh so i think i sent you the zoom link if memory serves me right so uh but and it's noon eastern in the united states and i realize that there's probably discrepancies with daylight saving time so just uh so you may want to just check but it should be in your invite and if you don't have an invite please send me an email to club cubase at steinberg dot d e and i'll try to put it in the comments field of the hangout or the live stream from today later tonight as well okay uh let's see hi greg everyone i have a question is there a way to edit multiple cc's across multiple midi tracks at once or is only a way to copy and paste manually thanks so right now the best way to do it is to manually copy paste what i see a lot of other people will do is let's say you know we just have um so let's say if i have a number of instrument tracks and i have these in you see i'll just put these into a folder um is you know what i see a lot of people also do instead of like copying everything they may just you know put all the tracks into record and then just record like your modulation data so i'm just moving my mod wheel uh so as we look at this let me just you can see all of my modulation so you know i know some people that will painstakingly copy and paste and some people will just select all the tracks and just like for the strings move move like your modulation wheel or expression wheel and just record that data and you can record that cc data uh across multiple tracks so or copy and paste it so all right um okay my chat field just jumped on me let me just scroll back okay uh from ace amadeus uh greg could you please give an example of proper way to do routing and buses thanks okay so we'll just jump back to you know there's there's a number of different ways to approach it uh so there's no absolute right or wrong way so a lot of times what i do you know some people will have temp you know very specific templates set up um but what i often do is let's say if i have all my drums and let's say if i have these outside of a folder um you know i'll show you one trick that a lot of people don't know so i have all of my drums in a folder but if i wanted to there's a macro that's here and what this will allow you to do is you could take selected tracks to new folder and add group channel so i could just come here okay let's call drums and now these all be placed into a folder track and route it to the group track right there so that's pretty convenient so now i could take all of my drums and increase or decrease their volume and process them as a collective entity so if i wanted to come here and just you know eq all my drums [Music] you could do that quite easily or run dynamics processing so that's you know easy ways of doing it now if i wanted to send other tracks to you know to that group i could just take the output tab here and send it to the group or if i didn't want to affect the outputs we could go to descends and i could also send to a group and activate to send and and set the amount of how much of that signal is being fed into the group now groups could also be routed to other groups so let's say if i had a vocal group i had a guitar and bass group i could come here so just right click another method is just saying uh add track and we'll say add a group channel to the selected tracks so now i've just added a group channel to my selected track so i have my drums group and my uh my guitar base group and if i wanted to select these two groups um just hold down control i could add a group channel to that and now group three is kind of controlling the volume of the guitars and bass as well as my drums and we can do this all without any fear of latency issues being introduced and then some people may just you know when you have like some of my engineers where they have you know 10 channels of kick drum mics um they'll just come over here and basically mix with groups only so okay i need the drums louder i need the guitar and bass or i wanted to see all the channels you could do that as well so it's a couple tips for kind of routing tracks to groups so so i hope that's helpful uh so you see a question from kai hey greg can you tell me how you turned on the corn the current chord displayed all right and one second just all right so seeing some more uh zoom invite emails coming through thanks we'll get those sent after the hangout all right so let's say if i'm on [Music] let's say i'll just open up this project here okay so let's say if i have uh the chord so what you could do if you wanted to see like the chords for this particular kind of what's going on if we go to the little setup window in the upper right hand corner you can see kind of the uh i think it's called the status line and then once you have the status line you can just see the chords of the piano just indicated right there i could also take uh this piano part and if i wanted to just go to my project menu and go to chord track i could say let's create chord symbols that will make a chord track for the piano part and with version 11 one of the great additions was the ability of global tracks and now i could see the chord track uh directly within the editor as well so so you get an idea of exactly where the chords are happening so i can make editing much easier so that's a couple of different ways where you can see the chord tracks uh kai okay so to see a question can notes be recorded at one track with different colors yeah there's lots of different color options so let's say let me just [Music] all right so let's say if i wanted to record uh directly within the editor so say if i come i'll just kind of create a blank part here okay so i'm just going to record within the editor and we could choose to colorize based on pitch or velocity so if i wanted every pitch to just be colorized i will come here and let's go ahead and just record all right so now [Music] so and now each of those each of the pitches could be based on color or you could colorize based on midi channel based on the part uh based on the sound slot or the voice or based on velocity so or if what notes are within the particular chord uh or scale that you want so that's how you could choose to kind of the criteria for how it's colorized i think it defaults to velocity so if you have like a really loud velocity the note turns more red and if you turn um the velocity very soft it gets bluer so that's always kind of a a good indication for a lot of editing if you just kind of flubbed the note and your finger got a little lazy they could do that or if you want every single pitch to be its own color you could do that as well okay so to see uh can i like loop record on one track in each loop with different note colors let's give it a shot okay okay so i'm just gonna come over here to my midi record mode um and i'm gonna just have it do new parts and i'll just put it into all right so i'm just gonna put this into record [Music] [Music] all right so now if i wanted to look at these we'll just blow this up so you could do it um you know if you have these automatic i think that the let me go into our editors here so let's say let me just switch my record mode um in cycle to i'll just do stacked sorry okay so now it's kind of based on i think that these would all be kind of the same colors but you know depending uh i think that the colors here are going to be kind of global for all of the lanes but let me see if i wanted to just change the color for each of the parts so let's see if that's going to be global as well so i will select this let's make that one yeah so all the same ones are going to be so i don't know way to do that but let's go ahead and now that they're all on separate tracks we'll go into our editor and i have this so it looks like if we have this set per part that each of those could be independent there you could also separate it by pitch but you could try setting this by part as well and that might give you independent colors so give that a shot okay just reading through comments um okay uh so we see question is there a way to record scrub and use it as a turntable scratcher um so as jazz dude mentioned right underneath you could try uh the uh loop mash effect but let's go ahead and give it a shot here all right let's do some new project because is that tempos in six eight okay so let's say i'm going to route this to a particular audio trying to route it to a group okay so let's just say this is playing all right so i'm going to switch to my scrubbing tool this may stop the playback as we do it yeah so i think probably the best way because as we do this the position may move let me see if i could see if i could maybe get a preference to see if that i think as soon as i go back to scrub that that the playhead position might move so probably the easiest way let me just i'll just take one last scour through preferences so i think probably the easiest way for this would just be to as jazz dude mentioned just using one of the plugins and you can find this under other and just go to loot mash let's say if i'm here and we get that kind of the timing of this if not so let's say if i just want this to loop over and over again and you could set kind of the tempo so yeah two different kind of and these could each be set to different rhythmic values it's not that stuff like that so um so that's probably the best way to approach it all right so we have ram free checking in signing in from arkansas great to have you on hangout and each of these little settings you could just trigger from a midi track and you could just do it from midi itself so you could actually kind of play it all right so just seeing uh hey greg my cubase 11 uh pros crashing because of quick controls but i don't know how to delete them can you help me please all right so if you have quick controls probably what you need to do is go to your studio menu to studio setup and in here you'll see uh your track quick controls and vst quick control so probably all you need to do here is just choose these to be not connected and then no midi information will get sent through the quick controls area um so i just see loot mash is audio only and this is probably with the what we just did uh but i've dumped everything on one midi track and was hoping to separate all notes and their events so if you need it to separate notes and events so let's say if i have an instrument track here so what you could do if you needed to separate those you could just come right over here and if you go to midi choose to dissolve part and then you could separate pitches um into individual tracks if you need to but you know if it's a virtual instrument you know you can still run the loop mash effects on it to do uh the scratches and processes just like that okay uh so you see i'm thinking of purchasing cubase what version are you able to extract chords from an audio track thanks so currently we could uh we don't have extraction from of polyphonic material from digital audio a lot of the systems are a bit suspect that i found so none of the versions have that but if you have you know cubase pro you could take any of any monophonic source like a vocal or bass line and have pretty highly accurate uh extraction into midi but it's not designed to work with chords all right great to see gareth on the hangout all right reading through comments uh so i see which is best for cubase windows or mac os as far as operating systems they run pretty much at parity um you know people will have their personal preferences uh so but probably the most compatible you know you know for current systems you know is going to be you know one with an intel processor there's still a lot of stuff that isn't compatible with the new mac processors not just from steinberg but plugins and audio interfaces so um you know so the os they run i go back and forth constantly and they think that it's pretty much you know identical so but you know the intel processors have far more compatibility with you know wide variety of third-party hardware and plug-ins uh so we have a question is there a way to have the racks in the mix console to remain open instead of folding unfolding when you click on them okay so let's say we go to our large mix console sorry we hit the okay so probably the behavior now is you open up the eqs and then if we kind of scroll up and down uh we can see that if i open up my channel strip that the eq so by default these will kind of you know you could have multiple elements open here so if i want to see inserts and sends we could do that but there may be just a little setting in here let me take a quick look okay so maybe uh if you see this little breakdown this little window this little drop down arrow here i think if this is set to exclusive expanded rack that you only see one of the racks open at a time but if that is unchecked so this little drop down arrow you see exclusive expanded racks that now i can see my routing my inserts and my sends and they could all remain open so just where you see the word racks in the upper right hand corner just come here and choose to uncheck exclusive expanded rack and that should do the trick all right uh so i just see i have a strange feeling there was a one hour difference wrong time again so i i think it might be i can see that uh i'm kind of looking at my screen i may have scheduled it to start like 40 minutes late but it could be maybe a daylight savings time issue when it happens in different [Music] countries uh so is there a cube a cubase self-clean function to get rid of unused files yeah so because so all you have to do is go to your media and just choose remove unused files uh so you see from jeff sabelski i was spoiled with using my imac for 10 years love my new pc build and install but it's not silent uh and that's why i use mac for 10 years what are the strategies for pc tower placement because of noise um i have mine kind of pretty far my studio pc i have it it's not the quietest pc but i have it uh in uh kind of far away behind a rack and that's kind of muffled a lot of noise in my previous studio i had it in a closet and i could just close the closet door and it had enough ventilation um but there's probably also you know like different fans you may be able to get so you know like there are different levels of fans uh for loudness and you know often you can get like quiet fans for your processor so and jazz dude who does a lot of pc configurations you know yeah so using cpu passive coolers and a huge case and power supply so all those things can add up okay uh on cubasis pro does it have a cloud file sharing for example if i captured a track on the ios version and saved the desktop version would be able to open a file from the cloud to continue edit and work with it in the desktop stronger environment or vice versa depending on where the magic is captured so if you know so it's not necessarily like uh you know set up however you could get the files back and forth so a lot of people use like icloud or dropbox to get your files so once you have it in your you know once you have it you've captured something in cubasis you know you could just you know save it to like many people save it to a cloud solution and then just simply you know import the project directly into cubase by just you know once you have the cubasis project importer you could choose to just import the cubasis project right here um but it's it's really just you know opening saving the file somewhere that the uh desktop computer could access it and or be able to download it you know just like that so that's all you have to do all right so i just see a comment from gareth did a recording today something went voodoo and i suddenly had about 500 layers maybe it was a really short cycle all right okay so i just see a question uh is there a way in midi recording to stop recording and when i record a new take it would mute the last previous take all right so let's give it a shot i think we could do that says try one of the new imagineer sounds here real quick mmm [Music] so okay so let's say uh so i'm in retro log and i'm just going to [Music] all right so i'm going to just come here and i'll start playing let's say okay so i'm sorting down the c note here all right so now i'm gonna just switch my midi record mode and let's just choose to do a new part so now i'm going to record again and i'll just play like a major third up from that so let's just say i'll just i'll just try something with the sound it might be a little more obvious than this sorry maybe just one single note bear with me [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so i'll just okay so we have that one note and let me just put this into [Music] okay so i'll just come over here and hit record again so now i'm just you're hearing the second note and let's go back i'll just put a low note in so as soon as i start recording so you're not hearing the other notes so uh and now let's see if i done this i think that just just replaced it but let's okay so if you do this in cycle record mode so let's go ahead and try that so we'll just come right here and we'll just choose to go to stacked so just kind of start off below just holding down the c note here and now i'll just hold down the fifth the perfect fifth of that so if i just activate cycles or just make this a smaller cycle so i think if you wanted it to be muted that the you know you may have to just kind of place it into a cycle mode and just choose uh the cycle mode here which would you know it's the stacked and that would automatically just um allow you to go back and forth between the different takes and have those previous ones muted so now you could just kind of as you're playing you could choose to just have each of those notes uh be muted as you work with that all right sorry my my chat field just jumped on me bear with me scroll back say i have lots of questions in my future okay just finding my place thanks for all the wonderful questions uh so a question uh whenever i copy over a midi clip the automation doesn't come with the clip is there an option to have the automation follow all midi events when you copy and paste so if uh so i'm not sure if it's automation that's actual automation or if it's so let's say if i have um you know let's say i'll just start a new project here and let's go and listen to one of the apollo presets here for pad shop [Music] all right so let's just because there are a couple presets so you guys can hear okay so say with this patch if i move the mod wheel we can get that sound all right so i will go ahead and we'll just do a quick recording here [Music] okay so say i've recorded my midi note um so we have one midi note and we look at we have modulation data so and let's say if i want to come here and just have automation and i wanted this just to be volume automation so i could just go ahead and let's choose to draw in some of our volume automation here so let's say i'll just draw that in so as we do this so we're gonna have the mod the automation and the event here so now when i copy it i'll just move it over here so it's cc's and automation and i'll just copy the event and we'll see that the automation is carried over and i think if you go to edit make sure you could if it's not the automation isn't going over the part that you have for an edit menu automation follows events checked so if i uncheck that let's make a copy we can see that the automation doesn't follow but as soon as i have that selected there and i make a copy of the event that the automation as well as my midi ccs will be will be carried over all right so you see i have more tracks to play bass coming in the way looking forward to that all right great to say ian rushmore on a hangout okay so question is there a way to trigger different sections of an arranger track or else markers with the midi controller for performance purposes so yeah we could do this so it's not the most obvious thing but it could be done so let me find i think i have one project kind of set up so okay so if we wanted to be able to trigger the uh arranger tracks if you're not familiar with the arranger track what you can do is you can define different sections of the song to play back in kind of a non-linear manner so as we want to work with this if we go to [Music] so if we wanted to trigger this from midi i'm going to go to my generic remote and i'll set this to from my nectar controller so i'm going to say you know this particular midi note and i'll just click on learn so i'm going to learn that particular note and i want to assign this to let's see uh command arranger and we can say trigger arranger event one and now i'll click here on two and we're going to choose command arranger trigger event two and we could do this for a couple of different aspects so [Music] again i'll just and you could also have these go to specific markers okay so now as we have this open i could just you know then you could just kind of trigger the particular notes [Music] and go directly to your different areas so try going into your studio setup and then you could just trigger the different arranger events here so and you could also choose to navigate to marker x or to marker 10 marker 9 whatever kind of in the same methodology so you see pablo is happy that someone does 10 mics for their bass drum so yeah i think i've seen michael wagner sessions with like about 12 for the kick and 12 for the snare and you know why because he can uh all right so we have uh greg could you please talk through the different snap types in the snap drop down menu all right so let's go ahead all right so i'll just move this event out of the way okay so now we could have this set to grid so i'm going to hit um you know k or you know the letter j rather to set up snap on and off so now i could have this snap to grid and right now i could say i want this only to snap to bars so as i go to move this particular event it's only going to snap to the bar and it's not going to start directly at uh like the beat so we're bar 107 bar 108 but if i wanted to go to bar 108 beat 2 i would have to switch the snap type here to beat so now as i do that i could get directly on the beats like so so we have grid now we could also have grid relative so let's say my event is um i'll take snap off let's say it's a little early on on the event so now if i have this set to snap to grid relative it's going to be this amount early on the beat or on the bar so instead of it going directly on it's always going to be relative to the amount of where was in position to the beat but it will just have that automatically keep that same distance between them all right now we also have events so if i want to take this event um this will this event will just snap to wherever this event is so not necessarily on a grid but where the event starts or where it ends it'll just snap like so when we go to shuffle we could now just take this and let's say i just wanted to flip the order of these two so this one is first i could just drag this to the left and their order will flip so you could just flip like so and then snap two cursors of my cursor is somewhere just kind of in the middle we can have this automatically and that will snap to the cursor position so as we do that that will just automatically snap directly not on the grid but to where the cursor is so if you're like you know this is where that the big hit is and it's slightly ahead of the beat you could just snap the event to start or the end directly based upon the cursor position so if i wanted to just come and i'll move this over so instead of that just snapping to the grid will now snap directly to the cursor all right okay uh so question also is there a way to force snap to zero crossings to find zero crossings on both left and right channels in a stereo file event uh currently it finds uh zero crossings in either left or right but not both simultaneous let's take a look see if we could okay all right so we have our snap to zero crossing now when i go to cut an event it will just automatically cut uh on not necessarily exactly where i cut but based upon uh the zero crossing so let me just take a look at this and let's say if i let's try another cut in the middle here all right and i'll just activate zero crossing that would be helpful so let's do something a little more amplitude here so let's say i want to cut okay so right now it's only going to allow me to cut at the zero crossing let me see if i can get it not to cut all right so it looks like it's um so it could depend upon the audio file and if the audio file is out of phase i guess it might do that but you may want to just out of curiosity see if it's a phase issue but if you have a particular file that you want to send to me that could be downloaded uh or you know you share you know i could see where it's only going to make you know you don't want the edit to be in two different locations if it's on the same file but generally you know you should make sure the files are in phase and that's when they could have different zero crossing points but i guess it could happen naturally as well but um but i could pass that along to see if there's a way to do that but it may be just where you know if you're if it's going to be one audio file there's going to be one cut for the audio file and if you needed to break it apart that if it was causing clicks or pops that you may just have to go to your project and choose to convert tracks so you could at this point just you know say you're going to take your multi-channel to mono [Music] and then be able to do your edits accordingly all right so we see from jasper says hey greg everybody else i don't have any questions today but i always learn something new anyway thanks all right so if you don't have any questions you're learning something new you have to make sure that you hit the like button so that's always helpful for us all right we have peter checking in from montreal all right and uh for people who wanted to learn more information about uh you know different cubase resources are available kind of when the hangouts aren't going on you can check out the cubase nation discord there's lots of wonderful information on there compiled by jazz dude uh so we have a high greg question how do you quantize a lazy in dutch we say behind the count beat thanks so if you have you know different midi data maybe l2 just look for a particular you know so there is kind of like different soft quantizing that you could do so let's say even if i wanted to come over here to the quantize panel you know you could set kind of the uh you know so if you when you start working with you know quantization at this point you know you could go to a couple of different areas one of them would also allow you to uh as you come over here is you could set kind of the um position so a lot of times let's say if i'm doing like a straight eighth note quantization you could come over here and you know check your safe range so of values like within that you don't want to necessarily you know that you want within the margin of error if you will so you can just kind of say you know don't quantize it if it's outside of those particular regions so you could set a safe range but you could also when you come over here you can go to um like your iq mode so this is your iterative quantize and this could be your quantize strength and you could set this here as well and that will allow you to kind of say you know move it 80 percent closer to the particular beat or not so you know within the kind of the quantized settings you have a lot of options for i guess it would be a lazy uh a lazy feel okay all right so we have kyle kennedy's on his lunch break in hollywood thanks for joining us spending your lunch with us okay so we have a question uh guys simple question is it possible like i have an audio track which contains some insert effects but then i want to send the audio signal from this track to whatever but without the insert effect so all right all right so let's say if i have a audio track here so let's just take it off my [Music] all right so just kind of loop this guitar [Music] okay so is it possible i have an audio track which contains some insert effects but then i want to send this audio signal from this track to whatever but without the insert effect i mean you could always just you know one mouse click and duplicate the tracks and remove the inserts on the particular track so if i wanted to just come here and say okay this i wanted to have a distortion on and then if i choose to right click duplicate the track that you could just bypass all of the inserts and send that somewhere but you know the signal flow will pretty much be you know as the signal is coming in it's going to go through the inserts the eqs and you could you know swap the channel strip and the inserts you know channel strip and eq and inserts you can swap the order but then it's going to be sent out afterwards so i would just duplicate the track and send the one without inserts on or you could you know send it to and send it to a group and have that group you know send it to two different groups so i could say okay i want to take this and you know send a group channel to this one and send a group channel again and then have your inserts on one of the groups and not the other so that's that's another method that you could use as well daniel okay so just see from kyle any tips on audio triggering midi something like a midi out trigger on an eq band or a compressor so you know something you could do if you wanted and this is often people use this for uh doing you know like drum replacement but there's other uses for it as well so i'll just come here like let's say if i wanted to do i had a midi track set up here so let's say um i have a groove agent kit and what i want to do is to take the kick drum from this audio source i'll get to my hit points and i just wanted cubase to figure out the hit points we'll do that and we'll say create midi notes and then we could put it onto a we could uh copy it to the project clipboard or to a new midi track or to the a selected midi track and once we do our selected midi track it will now just kind of show up and we could do our drum replacement so now the kick is just being triggered straight from this instrument so if i come here or tune it so if you wanted to if you're looking to do kind of you know other tricks you could just take a particular midi source and generate midi notes that way and it just shows up as midi notes on a particular part and then you could trigger that with any midi instrument or you know use a signal to open up another audio process whatever you need as you see a comment from jeff sabelski before the fire before the firewire mr816 csx drivers were installed on my new pc build the sound was exactly like a shellac record from the 20s with crackles and pops yeah onboard audio interfaces could be lovely okay just reading through different comments um some discussion of backups it's always a good thing so just see from 803 music group uh so are those collapsed midi lanes uh connected to the same instrument yeah they can be so so if you have your different midi lanes they could all be routed to the same instrument okay so i see from madison campbell the stream came up in my recommended what is this so we're just uh this is a club cubase uh live stream so we just sit here and answer questions that customers have on steinberg products predominantly cubase but it could be anything so just kind of have the capability of kind of a interactive q a session with my son screaming in the background because i think his school's almost over he's bird just got out of p.e so he's all pumped up okay so i just see uh not today but could you go through showing how to set up a multi-output setup using contact studio drummer eight outs to cubase i have a focusrite scarlett eight in two out um so i don't have contact on this computer but i can show you kind of the same concept um hang on just one second and talk to my son before he knocks my door down bear with me okay so my son's excited he's done he's starting his weekend so if you wanted to do this you know with you know different multiple outputs um i think the principle will be the same so i could show you inside of uh let's say groove agent uh so i'll just come over here so you could see all of your outputs that are available for like in groove agent just the little drum machine i could have you know 32 stereo outs and depending how it's done you know you could so i could have my kick and as we look at this we will say okay here's my kick and i could choose to route this to my main output and so let's say when i go to so i say okay my kicks here i want to take my snare i go to output 2 i take my hi-hat to output 3 this hi-hat to output 4 [Music] this kick sample output 5 [Music] let's say this to output six so it's really like how the individual instrument will route these so um i'm not a contact expert but if they have kind of a live stream you might be able to ask them or kind of look this up so now as i come over here and just go through the different drums you'll see that they're routed to their different outputs in the mix console so it should be something very similar in contact uh but i'm not a contact expert with that okay so i see a question i noticed yesterday when i changed tempo the auto with auto loop enabled my loop positions change is there any way to lock in loop positions in loop mode in musical mode uh when this happens all right so i'll just do a new project here take a look at it okay okay so let's say i have this set for my tempo okay okay so i'm gonna adjust my tempo down so as i adjust this um so [Music] but let's see if i switch my master timeline to seconds and i adjust my tempo okay um okay so right now when i'm here we could see that the loop mode is going to be set to bars and beats and we'll go ahead and i'll just open up a ruler track directly underneath here and we'll set this to seconds so as we adjust our tempo down so we see that this is eight even bars so and we look at our time and let's start this at 112 beats a minute all right and i will set my locator so we can see that we're going to have you know 16 seconds of time so as i adjust my tempo down you see that the so when i have bars and beats selected as my primary so i'm going to come here and as i adjust my tempo down we can see that since bars and beats is my primary time display that my bars and beats as i adjust my tempo down stay the same but the time changes but now if i switch my primary time to seconds and as i adjust the tempo we can see that it will now adjust uh base that the bars and beats will change so try just switching what what the actual not necessarily what is selected here to view but what the actual time is set to here so with bars and beats i adjust the tempo the the events will stay at their bar position but if if i'm in seconds and i adjust a tempo as to master time we can see that that will adjust accordingly so try to set your master time format to um to you know to from uh tempo from bars and beats to time okay so we have question from jeff sabelsky are the project folders exactly the same as saved from mac or pc yes so there's no difference with the project file so they're completely they don't care what platform it is it's the same format so you could freely open them up without worries right here my son dropping stuff above me probably all right uh all right uh hi greg can you please show how you would proceed if you wanted to play along with the music video import it into cubase and add a bar count going into it so four counts into the music video it says son start so let's go ahead and give it a shot so we'll import a video file all right so let's say if i'm here and i wanted four beats so i think you could just come over here and just put in like a pre-roll so or like a the count in so i'm just gonna you'll see this little arrow here you can just activate count in so say if i wanted to start recording and then record the audio kind of directly from that and you could think if we go to your transport um that you could let's say if we go to your metronome set up i think we could come over here as a number of bars for count-ins if i wanted to be one bar so just make sure that you have the count in activated and you may have to just um check click and count in and click pattern so now i could just come right here hit record i get four beats and then start recording so all right so move on thanks for all the wonderful questions and if you've learned something new make sure you hit the like button and always if you haven't subscribed to the channel make sure you do that as well okay so a question uh hi greg what does the prepare archive function actually do so when we uh have the prepare archive function if we had audio files let's say that we're recorded into different folders we dragged loops into different folders uh and we look at let's say our pool window i'll just see if i could mimic this quickly so all right so i have this project and now i have just a whole slew of of loops all right so now i look at this particular um folder and we go to our pool window and now we look at our pool and notice that these files are going to be in different folders so you see different folders here so now if i do a prepare archive this will put all of the files into kind of a common folder so i do prepare archive and we'll see external files will be copied into the working directory so this way if you have audio files they're kind of in 10 different locations in they're being used in a project and then you wanted to just back up your project folder to you know to archive it and play it on a different computer if you just manually copied the folder over it wouldn't include default the audio files that are not in the pool that are not in the project folder so this would kind of copy all the files used for that project to this to the same uh common folder so you could just back up the project folder and not have to worry about missing files okay so see uh from jennifer carmack what's your email please you could reach me at club cubase at steinberg dot d e so club cubase steinberg dot d e okay so question uh what presets in cubase do i use to get the volume of the sound that i want for each instrument um so [Music] i'm not sure what so if you have like you know for your different instruments whether it's going to be midi or audio they'll all kind of show up in your mixer so i'm not sure if it's particular presets so maybe i misunderstand a question but anytime that you would add an instrument it's gonna just show up directly inside of the mix console so if you're mixing uh we could come over here and let's say as we're doing this i could you know if i wanted the guitar to be really loud or soft or take the drums so say okay i want the base to be really loud [Music] so but i'm not sure if it's particular presets but if it's you know you could also use different plugins if it's um so you know if you're coming here you could run different plugins like you know we showed kind of doing the maximizer to get more gain at the end so you know you could check out some of the dynamics plug-ins like the expanders or maximizers if that's what you're kind of looking for so but if i'm misunderstanding jesse just uh please let me know in the comments see great comment from jazz dude i don't get why no one builds an external power supply then use heavy gauge wires to connect to pc with the heavy duty plugs like four millimeter bananas they can do it in car hi-fi systems but not computers it's a great point you should probably sell that okay so i see um [Music] let's see from bill g does cubase offer a true auto monitoring solution i find it annoying to have to click the monitor button all the time when i use guitar amp plugins i want to hear my guitar and what i recorded also so you know it could depend if what settings you have in the preferences so there's an auto monitoring style so if you go to the preferences here usually when people ask about any monitoring that you know it's not working as they think i tell them to go to vst in the preferences and you can set the auto monitoring style so it's you know by default it's set to manual you could also have it while record is enabled that you are monitoring so you know when it's when record is enabled you could hear it through the plugins or if you only wanted to hear it while it's recording you could do that or tape machine style so if you're punching in it'll play back the existing track and then switch to the auto monitoring while it's recording and then as you do a punch out it switches the auto monitoring off so try going to your preferences and under vst selecting your monitoring uh there's four different options that you could do there so it should be all that should be able to help you with that all right so we just see uh from jeff szabowski saying now that my new pc build is done i finally upgraded to cubase 11 pro oh man with speculators pro and wave lapro i'm in awe i just need to get my projects transfer from mac to pc great uh glad your new system just enjoying it okay so from foddy says i have yamaha psr sx900 keyboard how can i connect it to cubase because i found uh only patches for genos to be able to record using its voices as midi tracks so once you have i'm not sure if the uh probably the psr sx900 probably has a usb out so for the midi communication so what you want to do is to just add a midi track and then you just need to tell it what particular instrument that it's coming in from so you can say it's going to all midi inputs and then you just set this out to the psr or whatever midi interface it's connected to and then that would record the midi and send the midi information back to your psr keyboard and the psr would generate the sounds and then many people would combine that with the other sources in a mixer and if you don't have a mixer you could take the audio outputs of the psr keyboard and connect it uh into inputs of your audio interface and define it as an external instrument and then that way you could have the audio output but for external devices you know the midi is captured in and the midi is sent out to that it generates the sound you know but you don't necessarily have the same flexibility as virtual instruments so you would you know ideally have a mixer to combine the sound of your cubase with the sounds of your keyboards like i still have not that i use them anymore but i still have like 23 external tone modules so i actually have uh just looking at my rack i think 64 channels of mixing of analog mixing for all my external midi gear so i could hear it but if you don't have that if you have an audio interface with two ends two outs you could do that as well uh all right so good to see jay from connecticut uh he asks uh this question does nuendo have any symphony focus convolution reverb features aside from what is found in cubase so for the musical uh for the musical impulses uh they're going to be the same as what's in cubase but so we'll show to you here but we go to your effects channel let's add reverence and this is a convolutional reverb and what makes this reverb unique is you could actually load up different samples of different reverbs now as you work in nuendo it's going to have the same you know kind of typical concert halls that you often see in convolution reverbs but nuendo is gonna offer more uh more like uh ir impulses uh for it's going to have more impulses specifically for post-production so it might have like you know in a car in this room in an office you know so you'll see additional presets innuendo of different convolution environments uh more geared towards post-production and maybe some game stuff but more kind of post-production but for the musical impulses they'll be identical between cubase innuendo for reverence great to see you on a hangout jay all right reading through all right my chat feel just jumped on me so okay so i don't think i lost any questions again thanks for all the wonderful questions that people have asked if you learned something new make sure you hit the like button and subscribe to the channel all right just reading through all right reading through comments all right that's a great discussion that probably happened 45 minutes ago uh so just see from kai uh question i was wondering if it's possible to save your chord progressions in the assistances tool so uh i'm not sure what the assistance's tool is but you can uh take chord progressions from other projects and import them so one of the functions that you can have here is let's say let's go to import uh tracks from project so i'll come over here and i think on this particular project i may have chord tracks so let me just look okay so i can just take the chord track and then so i don't necessarily have to do anything special i could just import a chord track from a different project and we could have that chord track um just show up here i'll just try that one more time it says import tracks from project so we can see our chord track that's imported here so um so you can just import it into any other project if you want so are you reading through comments okay as i see from uh jeff sabelski will spectralers pro incorporate the cc 121 features in the future i haven't heard of any plans but i i could bring it to their attention to see if it's something that uh that would make sense so um yeah i'll mention that to them that's a great point jeff [Music] okay uh so i see question i got presonus io station 24c but it doesn't work with with any midi learned function is there any work around solution because some functions don't work uh with cubase like open edit page so probably if it's you know most of the midi controllers you know are just kind of transmitting mackie control so a lot of them don't actually transmit midi themselves you know it's kind of a you know the protocol language that they're using so there's many control surfaces that actually don't transmit you know basic midi cc messages so if it's you know um so if the if the hardware doesn't do it there's nothing that cubase could really do if it's a limitation of the hardware um but you know if you have to do some functions for editing you know if it's running mackie control which is probably the most common protocol you could you know if you go to your studio to studio setup you know you could have kind of user functions here so you know at this point you could use it to do stuff like you know uh you know open the edit page and different functions you know directly from here so within the mackie control protocol you could just simply uh have some functions that are user defined that could do particular functions in cubase but yeah it's kind of a shame that so many people miss having midi cc control in their controllers but you could mention it to them to see if they could get it working see great comment from jeff sevelsky just coming and surrounds like i wish everyone could experience sound from an oboist perspective always sitting in front of the conductor in the middle of the orchestra and play the writer's spring so i used to play in orchestras in college that's how i used to buy all my midi gear playing in orchestras way back when um so yeah i miss kind of that whole feeling when the orchestra is on so okay so i just see hi greg dynamic eq please um so yeah we do have a dynamic eq that's uh the frequency plug-in with version 11 was updated for this so if i wanted to just come over here we go to the eq and let's go to frequency and at this point uh if we go to let's say you know band three we could adjust this and as we come right over here we could just place this into dynamics mode so at this point i could adjust my channel dynamics so i could adjust the dynamics just on this particular band and we have you know up to eight an independent side chain on each band that you want and also if you just wanted to you know click right over here you could just click you know also on and to switch to dynamic mode for this particular band of eq so you could just activate dynamics for each of the bands inside of frequency or just say okay i want to just see my eq and now i wanted to activate the dynamics mode for that particular band so this way we could have a very sophisticated you know control of dynamics on very specific frequency ranges so instead of just being like you know at this frequency range we could adjust the q and be very surgical with the dynamics processing so all right just reading through comments so all right so lots of great discussion on right of spring i enjoyed playing that in college too all right so glad that michael teams has finally made it into the hangout he's probably been in for a while just catching up so saying lots of great discussion of we learned that jazz dude is you know very appreciative of stravinsky but always a mozart guy so i like bach and schubert all right we see michael teams had in our calf this morning so okay so just see question is there a way to get some markers at 32 beats um so i'll just do a new project here okay so if you want to do 32 beats if you're in 4 4 time you know you could just come right over here so we'll just add a marker and if we jump to measure nine that would be 32 beats so um so i'm not sure maybe i i could be misunderstanding questions so let me know if but you just so if i misunderstand let me know all right so justin belsey is saying we have to make music that causes a right like writer spring did and that he'll blame steinberg for it all right okay so just probably further clarification about the pre-count for the video uh says oops i wasn't specific enough i meant uh set up an actual song video to play along so get the grid to line up to the tempo of the music and then add the count into that so you know if we i don't have like a good example of that but um not one that i could play on youtube but let me just so let's say if i wanted to come here and this would be kind of the same idea i think so let's say if we have a tempo detection here so let's say or we have varying tempo i'll just do a tempo detection all right and we'll get listen to it all right so and i wanted to do just a quick grid here so let's say i want it to be like four bars at the downbeat here so i will i think if we go to our metronome setup again um so we could use the i think we choose the time signature at the count in so let's say i wanted to click during count in so now if i just hit record from that point let's make sure i have so um all right so i'll just okay so i think we get let's see if we can get this it could be just because of how this is i may have to [Music] give it a little more buffer space at the beginning give me okay and all right so say this is gonna be our downbeat and here we'll have even pickup notes all right so it could be just so you know once you kind of do this then you know you should let's see if it does one bar because it may do it as a 1-4 measure all right but i don't really have a good example but if you want to send me an example uh you know of a file or send me a link to something on youtube i could probably get it lined up pretty easily for the video all right see a nice comment from robert i just want to thank you greg for generally being awesome in every one of these explanation videos i'm glad it's helpful all right uh so i just see a question what do i need for zoom meetings so we'll meet tomorrow at noon us eastern times to check to see if there's daylight saving time differences uh but if you want to email me at club cubase at steinberg dot d e uh i could send you the invite and i'll also try to put it in the comments of this video uh tonight when i do the uh the summary the index i know some people i've gotten a number of requests for the meeting during our hangout all right agent k wants people to hit the like button so let me just scroll back my chat field jumped on me all right uh so question which plug-in you recommend to use for getting power cord effect distortion and mix it so uh i like the vst amp rack quite a bit so i'll show you kind of just let me see if it's still in my recent files list yeah so one of my friends uh my dear friend fred corey gave me this track for demo purposes which is you know which i'm totally you know grateful for but you know and one he heard me use it in a demo he's like what did you do to the guitars to make it sound better and he was like smart enough to record just a dry guitar part so i took the di part and ran it through the vst amp rack here so let's say if i want like this kind of typical i know you're looking good i'm in the neighborhood i got some cheap wine so i'll have that plugin open and i never promised you so we have kind of the two amp rocks and now we could do is [Music] so this is the dry guitar and now we go through on one side and the other side and again in contexts [Music] so that's the the direct guitar and listen to that in context [Music] so at this rate you know you're gonna have a series of different amplifiers that look mysteriously and sound mysteriously like classic amps you know like oh you know this one may look like you know an amp that was used by you know a particular british band that was quite popular or you know you know the classic you know different types of amplifiers these are very reminiscent of the tones and sounds so check out the vst amp rack and if you're doing stuff for base the vsd base amp is great okay reading through comments okay so you just see uh hi greg a quick walk through of supervision please okay let me see if i can find a quick project to show it on okay so supervision is a new metering plug-in that comes with cubase 11 in nuendo 11. so let's say we'll just kind of play this a little bit [Music] here and supervision is really kind of a dedicated uh metering tool [Music] so we get to kind of start off with just like uh level meters where and these could all be resized as well but we could have up to i think 19 different meters or 18 meters and we could see nine at a time you could also see this is like a loudness beater spectrum curve and what's kind of cool is as you hover over you can see the particular frequencies just like that or if you want to see a spectrum bar [Music] and again you could just right click to take a snapshot and pause it if you want to see spectrum intensity so the brighter the color the more intensity there is in the spectrums you're going to see a spectrogram and each of these will generally have like a little setting so if you wanted to adjust the duration to be longer one of my uh blind mastering engineer friends this is kind of how he sees audio and how he perceives audio so and if you want to see like a chromogram which is kind of a different perspective of that your stereo face scope and again if you want to go to the settings we could come over here and say okay let's make this uh dots or an could also zoom in and out so some good late night fun you could also just see panorama where the panning information is going on particular tracks kind of a multi-panorama so kind of frequency based where the panning is strong correlation so you can see to make sure that your you want this kind of hovering around here also a multi-correlation so we can see where if we see lines are kind of in red here these are frequencies that are kind of out of phase where you could kind of see that on a particular phase channel we also have surround and ambisonics [Music] we could see uh oscilloscope and again you could adjust kind of the frequency of this a wave scope so you could actually kind of get an idea what the amplitude looks like even if it or the file hasn't been created yet a wave circle that just looks cool and you could also have like a time meter and you could choose each of these to be on different aspects so i created a couple presets here so i made one that's just uh this is what i have in my control room view and you could also just come over here and see some of the additional meters so you have up to nine meters at once going on so for a lot of people that will have you know lots you know i still see like a lot of my old school engineer friends that have a face scope and um like a spectrum meter constantly sitting on top of their console that they look at constantly when they're working as they're tracking as they're mixing but these types of things are just all available within the supervision plug-in so that you could come over and just be able to kind of see all these different things and again it's you know it's a part of cubase so you could just have everything uh laid out you could reposition it how you want and see like an incredible amount of information without having to you know get hardware meters which can cost more than your computer and have these be you know accurate and be able to choose kind of you know different aspects of where they're actually coming from so if i just want to see the middle side of this you know so if i want to see what the sides are looking like on this or with the mid channel middle part of the panning spectrum is or just the left channel we get to pick different areas to work with [Music] so all that control that you could just have so we see a lot of people are now just buying a dedicated monitor just to have supervision up and running all the time okay so let's go ahead and move on thanks for all the wonderful questions and we'll just uh so all right so we see question hi i'm new to cubase uh and when i'm on a new track the buttons to arm track and freeze etc is there but it shows blank so i can't record stuff is it because of memory so often if i add a track so i'll just go ahead and add a particular track here and so we can see that arm and yes will have those particular functions but make sure that you actually have an input defined if there's no input defined like when the track was added or if it's an input that's not connected to an a particular audio interface input in the input channels here it may show up as where you can't arm the track for record but as soon as a valid input is selected at this point i could just say okay i just wanted this input and now i could record enable the track so i would just check to make sure that the routing for the input is set correctly okay so you just see from uh douglas running my modi x as an external instrument seem to have let up some latency cpu stress recording multiple tracks thanks for the review last week greg you're welcome glad that it worked out thanks for letting us know always nice to be able to help people all right all right so i just see a comment from pablo it'd be interesting if you could just compress that frequency without having to equalize uh and i think this probably in relation to the uh probably to these you know supervision or to the frequency so as soon as we come over here so you know we have to you know define the particular frequency range so let's say if we don't you know if i have my frequency set here you know we could probably still go to the dynamics let's see if we could switch over so you could still do it without eq'ing it but kind of the you know the beauty of the dynamic eq is to you know be able to kind of have the q factor or how wide or narrow uh that particular eq is to do the processing so if you wanted you know that to only be at you know those particular frequency points you could do that or you could do that quite easily using like the multiband compressor as well okay so uh we have a question i have my audio feedback enabled yet um yet i'm unable to hear when mixing in very audio could you please tell me how to fix that issue all right so let's say if i come over here i think we have some vocals here so let's say all right okay so it could be that you need to also be running the control room so let's say if i'm here and i wanted to now go into very audio okay and if the control room is let's go to my audio connections and i'll go just to my control room and i'll have that not connected and i go to my outputs this is another thing that goes through the listen bus like we discussed a little bit earlier so if we have the listen on so now um as i would move particular nodes we don't hear that but if we go to our control room so make sure you if you get to your audio connections that we have that set to not connected we come over here to our control room and so now i should be able to just hear the notes as i as i move them like that so make sure that you have the control room enabled okay so you see uh kai's kind of clarifying for a point i misunderstood earlier says i meant to say the court assistance tool so you can save your own chord progressions for other projects um so yeah you know but again you could always anything that you have in accord you know the court assistant can be you know based on you know any project you could open up uh the court assistant and you know it's not really tied to a particular court you know and the the suggestions they'll give you is often based on the chords that are in the particular project if you have the chords in the project you could just simply import them from the tracks from projects function okay so uh from justin gambino so while you're live i guess i'll ask a dumb question on the core track can you set it to numbers so like one chord v chord four chord new to cubase just saw the chord track and it was something i wondered so it's not really set up to do like roman numerals or nashville numbers uh the chord the chord editing functionality inside of dorico steinberg's notation solution um that could do nashville numbers but i don't believe it does roman numerals yet uh yeah i don't think it does there may be a way to to work it but um but it's gonna be the actual chords and not based upon the key where you have like the one four or five so all right so michael agent k wants everyone to hit the like button if you haven't done that okay uh so you just see from uno memento sorry didn't get it when is the next zoom meeting so it'll be tomorrow starting at uh 1 at noon us eastern time and if you want to email me at clubcubase at i could send you a link or i'll put the link in the uh index so if you look at the video uh tomorrow morning or later tonight i should have the link posted in there if it'll allow me to post it but uh please email me at club cubase at steinberg dot d e and i know that the link will be sent uh by email to you and i know i've gotten some requests during the hangout and i just haven't had time to respond okay we're doing well on time all right okay reading through different comments and questions all right okay just uh my chat field jumped on me so okay so i just see uh from um question okay so so just to clarify you can do template detection from a music video or would i have to find its audio track and import that into cubase as well so by default when you import a uh a video track into cubase it's going to extract the audio track you could also just come right here and import audio from video file import the audio from the video file or just choose to import the video file and that will extract the audio track and you can do a tempo detection on that audio track um all right so from jay could you please demonstrate import of impulse responses into reverence uh due to specif specific specificity i truly understand if you don't have an ir file prepared so um yeah so to do this we would just let's say add an effects channel track like really easy to do so we'll have our reverence and you're correct in assuming i don't have uh an ir impulse but you could just click right here on import and it would just look for a wav file uh and then that would be just the basis for the convolution uh reverb so just again once you have reverence opened up click on import and then just scroll through and there's lots of you know impulses freely available online as well [Music] all right read through all right so we see john costigan just got his uh townsend sphere 22 mike system uh it says it neapolitan will model more than 32 mics even after you record the tracks one for front one facing away two channels always needed stay tuned so yeah if you're on the zoom session tomorrow you can tell us about it let's see great comment from pablo supervision is very useful to keep clients entertained while you uh teach them the session so it's always about eye candy so okay question uh hi greg i'm having a problem of sound skipping that i suspect is coming from my ur 242 i reinstalled everything and made sure all drives are up to date but it still happens any advice so yeah i run everything kind of on a very similar interface it's a you are 24c so if you have like sound skipping or stuff like that the first thing i would look at is to just select the audio system here and select the interface and go to the control panel and try to just increase the buffer size so if you have that kind of cranked up really low i would try you know if you're at 128 or 64 just try you know going to 256 or 512 and see if that makes a difference for you so once again go to your studio menu to studio setup sorry we have construction work going on next door so all right and so just come right over here and just go to the cubase panel uh go to the control panel for the interface and raise the buffer size all right sorry for the noise outside hang on just one second to see if maybe okay sounds like noises maybe stopped so all right let me just see if i could make sure it's not a vacuum cleaner or something upstairs bear with me just a second all right i'm back sorry for the interruption all right so we have a question uh please can you tell me why mute presend when mute button doesn't work when it's unticked please uh for monitoring sidechain inputs while soloing a track okay haven't tried this function a long time so let me just okay so i have a little side chain scenario in this project okay so let me just get sidechain set up okay so i'm just going to look for a mute present when mute button okay to see if it's uh see if i can remember where this function is let's just see if it's in the mix console okay so let me just see if i can find this um if not i may have to move on sorry about that but maybe if you could it's from uh jeff choate uh okay no i'm sorry from kieran um so why mute present when mute button doesn't work all right sorry i'm having a brain cramp on this yeah so karen if you could uh if you want to send me an email we could go over it uh next time if you if you want um and if you could send me just uh where the mute present when mute button or if you so and so i see you want to do it while soloing a track um but i may be able to you know come up with other ways to kind of get what you want to accomplish sorry about that um okay so i'll move on maybe we'll be able to catch karen's uh question a little later or i might remember sorry okay so we have uh hi greg i'm running cubase 11 pro can you please tell me how to set up for dynamics and score editor things like crescendo and slurs okay okay i'll just show just a new project here quickly okay so i will just quickly all right so let's say we'll just do i'll try to give him melody for gareth here and to honor jeff zabelski which probably every instrument sounds great except for your own instrument sample wise all right so since we had discussion of oboe okay okay so let's say i'll just kind of do a quick um since i play horribly [Music] i'll just do a quick step entry [Music] [Music] all right so let's say we want to look at this in our score editor and i'll just do a quick clean up all right now look at this in page view okay so let's say i have my little melody and we're just gonna play along here so okay so if we wanted to just all right so let's say if i wanted to now just put in so if you go to dynamics mapping uh at this point i could just put in your dynamics mapping and you could have see if i remember how to do this if we so say if i put in piano there then i want to say if we just and remember what the keyboard shortcut is if it's all right so if we put these in but i think if we use if we do our dynamics mapping that we should be i think there's a way to have this let me just but there is a way to kind of put the values in for this node i'm just kind of planking on it let me just but you'd use kind of the dynamics mapping i thought it was just a double click on it let me just see yeah it's usually let me just see if i maybe go into my rate zone editor maybe it changed with eleven all right so say if i put in my dynamics here so this might have changed in 11 uh but i could be just doing wrong but i know that there's a way with the dynamics mapping let me see if i could find it really quick bear with me just a second okay so let me see if i right click okay so if i right click on the symbol here we could say uh choose your dynamics here we go okay sorry about that my brain cramp okay so at this point you could say you know as we do our crescendos that we could say so i'm going to right click let's open let's do our dynamics mapping and we could say that when we want to do cc7 for send controller so you could just now have that um send midi cc7 as it plays so if we do this right just come here so that's what so what you want to do is to just kind of right click on the settings and then you could say you just wanted to send volume or you could adjust the volume or controllers of of like you know so as you put in like a for a forte here so and you could now just kind of come right over here to the dynamics mapping and adjust kind of the controls um so one other question we had from kind of that i got mailed in was the capability of coming up with like a consolidated rest so let's say if i had just a part and i didn't want to [Music] i'll just extend this out so when we look at this in our score editor if i didn't want to print out like tons and tons of blank pages of rest so how to do that so if we go to your your uh your score settings and then let's go to uh your layout tab here you can see your multi-bar rest and we can say every four measures of rest if it's above four measures it'll now just kind of print out and now we'll do kind of the consolidated rest you don't have to print out 21 measures of rest which is super annoying for most people okay all right so we have doing well in time we have a couple more about 20 more minutes my chat feel just jumped on me thanks for all the wonderful questions if you learned something make sure you hit the like button um so see a question if you were just getting started with cubase and moving from composing arranging into mixing how would you set up your faders and what scale would you use um so a lot of times you know if i was just kind of starting off you know i would just you know just for the metering scale so let's say if i want to do something uh let me just see if i can have a piece of thing so i was doing something more composer-ish let me see okay so i'll just do this one okay so let's say if i have so something that's a kind of more composition it's been arranged so you know most people you know just if you're going for like your different meters like for your master meters if that's kind of what you mean you know any number any of the meters is good as long as you kind of know what to look for a lot of people doing kind of more dynamic classical stuff kind of prefer the cat system 20 um that you know but the default digital scale um works and you know just kind of you know if you if you're doing arranging you know think of the conductor as the mixer you know and you just have the options as you're working you know to bring in different parts and if you think of it like conducting you know so i want to take you know so you could just bring in your different elements to taste and you know and the beauty of this is if it's [Music] and you can also apply eqs which is volumes and particular frequencies [Music] so we're just kind of adding volume in that particular frequency range so you know i just kind of think of it like you know you're conducting and this is you're conducting via a mixing console and you know while the mixer doesn't bring people in on time you can control all their dynamics and make sure the blend is really good and once you kind of think of it probably like that it'll make a lot more sense so you know you could do your different meters here so you know cat system 20 is a really good meter you know the default digital scale just to make sure that you're not clipping over zero db and depending on what you're delivering for to make sure that your loudness meter is kind of in line as well so for a lot of stuff for if you're doing for broadcast or you might want to aim for -23 loudness units and if you're doing something more for it it's going to be released on spotify or cd aim for like -14 [Music] you know but once you kind of do that you you'll get a good sense and load up you know just import different cds you know you could take a cd or take an mp3 of a file and you know just kind of listen to it something you're familiar with something that you may want to emulate and get a sense of what what it's doing on the meters and you know emulate the good things that you like and stay away from the bad things that you don't like okay so um so you see hi greg for once i caught you live do you have any idea whether steinberg will ever fix the focus issue in windows um so i'm not sure which particular focus issue it is so maybe if you want to send me an email um i'd be happy to kind of see you know i'm not sure if it's like a windows thing you know you know if like if i open up a different window that you know something else becomes in focus or if it's the focus issue between different applications but if you let me know that would be uh helpful and i could see if i could get it sorted out for you if there's any any tips or tricks with that okay all right so i just see a question greg why did they stop the cc 121 controller anything gonna replace it so the cc 121 controller is still in the market so it's just uh some it's been kind of out of inventory for some of the parts needed you know because of supply chain disruptions with kovid uh but it it's you know we just got a shipment and shipped them out in the us uh you know just last month so uh so it's still being made so okay so i know we had a question that was sent in so let's go ahead and get to that thank you thanks again for all the wonderful questions okay so a question uh i inserted a third-party tuner for my stringed instruments my stereo out that's my last channel before master output is there any way to assign a key command to a specific plugin like this tuner as it is my most frequently used plug-in during tracking so i'm not sure if it's a key command uh that could be done let's take a look i don't think it could be maybe called up with the key cam key command but maybe from a midi message so i'll just take a so but let's yes i don't think it's key command but i think if we have let me just try to set it up a tuner on my master out okay and if i wanted to see if i could access that through a midi message i'll come over here let's go to our generic remote and i'll say our note on message so i'll just learn this particular note and i want it to go to [Music] mixer stereo out and insert one tuner edit all right so i hit apply now when i come here i just hold down the key and that will just um bring the can bring the tuner plug-in up that's on the master channel just like that okay so question i transferred my cubase project version 1.2 to a drummer meanwhile i keep on working on the same project and changed quite a bit of the arrangement so how to get his recorded drums in my project being uh meanwhile at the state of version 1.5 and how does he implement my version 1.5 into the older version of 1.2 of the same song that he already worked on so you can please discuss how to cooperate with others within this same evolving cubase project you know so you know the best thing is to try to have you know and realize it's not possible at all times but try to have maybe the structure defined uh when possible it could also be that you know you may if you're working with different takes of different things you know something that could be helpful is let's say i wanted to take all of these pro all these tracks here um so i'm going to take just all of my different tracks and i could come right over here and say new version and i could have the drummers take as you know a version and then i could just switch back and forth to my version so you could maybe use track versions and these would allow you to have kind of the same tracks but alternate versions or performances and then be able to kind of switch back and forth so try just selecting them all and then you could just say okay we want to do new version and then you could have everything loaded in and then you could edit the two different versions together as needed all right so we got through the other questions that were submitted during the hangout see how we're doing on time all right so we got maybe five or six minutes left thanks again for all the wonderful questions okay so we have a question how do we see the articulations that we add in the controller lane show the colors we set in the expression map my articulation is defined as directions don't show the color assigned in the map all right so let's go ahead and so i'll come over here and let's just move this to okay so we can see our articulations and dynamics so let's take this i think we should we'll import our key switches here okay so let's say if i just want to throw in some all right so let's say if i go to legato you yeah so i'm not sure why it's not doing that but i could do some uh i could play around with it a little bit over the weekend uh if you want to email me and i could maybe see if i could have a better answer for tuesday's live stream okay okay uh so i see sometimes when i save a vst plugin as a preset the name doesn't show up in the plugin window any ideas on this um so i'm not sure if it's a like a plug-in within the preset so but sometimes it may like if you go to the media bay here so sometimes if you go to user presets and then look for you know your um like instrument presets you know so sometimes it could you know get you you may be able to find your user-defined presets by going to the user-defined presets in the media bay first to kind of start off and then but it could also be that media base sometimes after you create something it usually does a pretty good job of kind of auto scanning the folders but maybe just within that like user content you could say okay i wanted to go to uh you know effects chain presets and maybe just choose to rescan and you know so maybe just it hasn't rescanned the media bay to catch the new edition so there's a couple things that i would use i would check out we see gareth is asking if he missed the other backbone giveaway so again we gave away three copies today gareth but you had to be early so just kidding see gareth warning me not to go though it's a ghost that's making the noise all right all right so people want me to sample the noise of the construction and turn it into pad shop sounds like i've done some stuff like that playing around so it's kind of fun we had a new house being built right outside my window for during the summer all right so we're just saying that you know that the uh from it says um says but just you know about the cc 121 being hard to find so i know that there was a production run recently of them from uh yamaha in japan so there may be some more kind of coming in because i see jeff sabowski says he lived near the burbank airport uh so again he had all sorts of noise from that so you have a friend whose studio is in the flight path for burbank airport at third encore so i see is there a control cc for the control room level so i think if you go to your studio setup and in here you could just go directly to um set a mixer if you go to [Music] vst control room and now you could just say control room and i think that there's a level in here that you could adjust so your volume level so you could use a midi cc map through the generic remote for that all right we've got just about out of time so i see that there's a question uh from karen so i'll look for that location we'll discuss the that preference under um the next hangout on tuesday so maybe an hour off on tuesday because in the us we're going through daylight saving time so everyone check your time that may be throwing off some start times with people please email me for the start of uh for the zoom meeting info and we'll see everyone on tuesday thank you for all the wonderful questions and we'll talk to you guys later hope to see you guys tomorrow on the zoom meetup take care bye
Channel: Cubase
Views: 6,544
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Best music software, best daw software, best daw software for mac, best daw software for windows, best daw for home studio, best recording studio, best music production, best workflow, best digital audio workstation
Id: gZCgByeSuek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 239min 10sec (14350 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 12 2021
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