how to hand stretch a pizza

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hi there thanks for joining me today today I'm going to show you how to hand stretch a pizza so here in my flower bowl I have a mixture of semolina flour and a all-purpose pizza flour high-protein flour 50/50 mix and I do that so that most of the flour stayed in my work area and not everywhere else in my machine in here or in your so here I have our original white recipe and dough ball is proof for about thirty thirty two hours and so it's nice and soft it's ready to go and I'm just going to start stretching out here so first thing I'm going to define my crust edge so for a North American style pizza we like to load it up with sauce and toppings and lots of cheese and so to have a nice base for that you want to have a nice crust edge so that when your feet that bakes up it can hold all the cheese and toppings and sauce that North Americans like to put on our pizza and then next thing I say is that start pushing the dough out I always tell people to stay away from the dead center of your dough patty or the wall because most start the center right away what happens is that you end up with very thin spot right in the center of your pizza going to collectively gets thicker and thicker and thicker as it goes out to the edge so if you just leave the middle alone you work around the middle you'll find that the middle the center of the pizza ends up even a doubt just on itself next I'm going to flip this dough caddy over my hand flap down on this door patty and I'm going to start the stretching so here we are my right hand is guiding hardening right right hand is stretching my left hand is guiding keep this pizza nice and round now this is a 12-ounce dough ball and I want to stretch it out to a 12 inch pizza box and I'm going to work it on the table for most of it see if my guy here I've already got pretty close to the right edge and for the last part I'm just going to pick it up and stretch it a little bit on my arms now there's a couple reasons why I'm doing this and I'm rotating it I want to make sure that as I rotate pieces out here that I keep it nice then also I am just I'm taking off the last little bit of this flower you don't want this to end up in your oven this will cause a fire so just a couple of slaps a couple of stretches on your arms and it'll take off all that extra flour and semolina and there we go I'm just going to put it down have a parchment paper over top of my baking disk and now this goes in the snowball is ready to be sauced and top and bake to me up
Channel: DianaCline
Views: 44,625
Rating: 4.8772378 out of 5
Keywords: how to hand stretch, gourmet pizza, Canadian Pizza Baking Champion, North American Style Pizza
Id: tjF_hrGXAEc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 19sec (199 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 20 2016
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