Pizza Slapping/Tossing/Saucing

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Michelangelo's pizza and oral Pizza champions we want to show you just real quick how to what we call in a mile tossing out a pizza it's not a ham toss a pizza some places you hear it called pushing a pizza we like to call it tossing a pizza here in Iowa and basically it's just a easy way that you can you know without any special equipment rolling pin or cedar get it from a dough ball to the screen and the oven I'll show you how to do that and also show you a couple ways methods that we into a sauce or pizzas sauce and they seem simple enough but there's a quite a few different ways out there that people use to sauce their pizza and I want to show you the method that we use I prefer to use a quart of very fine cornmeal as a dusting flour rather than using actual flour makes a lot less of a mess something else you can use is semolina but it typically stay away from the regular flour so it will just get everywhere in a restaurant from from all the way up to your seats out in the front all the way to any of your cooler it'll be a horrible mess to clean basically you want to take your dough ball and put it in your bed of flour or cornmeal and you want to put a little bit over top of it now the first thing we're going to do is going to take our fingers these portions of our fingers right through here go around the outside we're going to create what does it start from an edge you can see I've got a little bit of a ring around there okay look at that part they're just using these parts of the fingers flip it over you have a little bit of a hump in the center there which is what you want even when you're finished you'll still want that hump before you start slapping it out now there's two methods I'll show you the method that I prefer that I use which involves taking this part of my hand and burying it right into the into the outside edge right up to that edge that we just started to create now what I will do is be stretching it that edge just the edge is over stretching and as we go around I'm stretching that edge this hand is turning the dough and that's it this hand is stretching that outside edge further and further out now this method makes it really easy to keep a little bit of a hump in the center we find a lot of people have trouble with this method you still get your nice outside edge you get a hump in the center to give you some something start slapping the other method that to actually have fun most people use is where they take their finger tips and they run those finger tips right up into that edge and they stretch that edge like that it's basically the same end result what you do have is when people are first learning this they have a tendency to want to stretch the dough like this never do that you'll stretch out the center you end up with a big thin middle always focus on stretching only the edge just so you're doing your edge stretching nothing else other than stretching that edge out you want to get it up to a good size and at that point is when you want to start slapping it out a couple slaps on the screen and you should be done here's what we got you get the dough all head stretch ready to go I'm going to pick this up and you're going to slap it back and forth as you do so the actually the dough will start to rotate in your hand automatically as you're going back and forth I'm going to kind of focus on just stopping it out it's going to order to to actually show when when video here it's one of those things you've got to kind of it takes a lot of trial and error you just got to get practice with it quite a bit just just go back and forth and it will automatically it will drape kind of over your arms and bring it over at your screen here and you slap it down you'll typically want to get it a little larger than your screen because as you lay it down it will want to relax and then I always like to even even after I get it on the screen and I'll finish still like to have it hang over maybe an eighth of an inch that will allow it as it makes its way through your main line it will still shrinking or it will shrink up to the right size right before visit that's pretty much it you've got you've got an edge this will rise up there will be the outsides will be a little bit long and that's normal actually you can you can get away from that a little bit when you're ready stretching it instead of working right up to the edge you can work on the edge and that will just kind of smash that down so you don't get as much of a lip if that's what you want to do and then now I'll just show you a quick and easy way for saucing a lot of people use labels I prefer to use a spoon and sometimes you can be hard to find it in what area the country are and I've also for people say they have a hard time finding this Google but it's a cross between a ladle and a spoon spoon and it works really great for getting the softs you should be able to sauce a pizza off five seconds now I use several different sizes as poodles in the kitchen for saucing it allows us to use when they're color coded a certain color for a large you know like this is a three ounce here extra large may get this many ounces you know it's four ounce basically you know you decide how much sauce you want on your pizza and then you can decide you can get the correct color spoodle for size poodles make your pizza much more consistent basically if you want to get your sauce your spoon it's on four right in the center and you want to have absolutely no downward pressure and you want to go in a spiral motion keep that spiral motion until you get all the way to the where you want your softs to be on the outside you want it right up against the edge and continue out until you get right up against the edge if you want to have a nice thick crust on the outside then then leave it a little bit further back you can take remember no downward force spoodle must lay absolutely flat don't tilt it don't you turn it absolutely flat now if you find this you've got some areas that there's not quite enough sauce then you can kind of tilt the spoodle kind of direct your sauce where you want to go tilting it and then if you want to smooth out like if you say you get a really bad spot a big white spot take this poodle and leave it completely flat and just go back and forth with no mode downward force and it will smooth that right out and this will make it so it's nice and even all the way across and every bite then they'll get a nice perfect amount of sauce
Channel: worldpizzachampions
Views: 918,381
Rating: 4.7416973 out of 5
Keywords: world, pizza, champions, michael, shepherd, tossing, saucing
Id: 2pb5Fi9t2Ds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 29sec (449 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 19 2010
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