How to grill Tri Tip like a ribeye on the Weber Kettle | Arteflame insert

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hey what's up guys my name is Kevin Griffith and this is the holler barbecue today I'm gonna be showing you a non-traditional way to cook a tri-tip we're gonna fire up the weber kettle and we're gonna cook it almost like a robot stay tuned [Music] you hey what's going on guys welcome back to another video okay so today I got something a little bit different for you I'm gonna bring back my favorite cut of meat I got a couple of try tips here no we're not cooking both of them today because this is a lot of meat but what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna cook it a little bit different maybe something a little bit different than you've not seen online so far we're actually gonna cut it up into regular steaks and I'm gonna show you how it cooks just as good as any other steak so what I have here today is two choice grated tri-tips I got these this is why they come from Costco these were 6:49 a pound this is actually a little bit more expensive than they usually are they're usually about 550 a pound I think so it's a little bit more expensive these are actually pretty big ones too so for this whole pack I got thirty four dollars and fifty three cent but for me this is gonna actually gonna have quite a few meals let me go ahead and get one out of here and we're going to get a cup in steaks now tri-tip is an excellent cut of beef it's actually it's really really is one of my favorites and most people cook them just like this is the whole roast but what most people don't know is you can actually cut it up into steaks and it'll probably one of the best steaks you've ever had so what I'm gonna do here let me get it turned here let's see this is this thing probably weighs about two and a half a little bit more than two and a half pounds you can see the way that the fibers are going basically like this what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna come in here like this and actually cut some pretty nice thick steaks [Music] see you can see that marbling is actually in this you know even though this is a portion of the sirloin it actually has some really good marbling which when it's cooked just as a normal steak actually comes out really good let me get a few steaks cut out of this and then I will get them seasoned up [Music] all right so as you can see I got three really nice-looking steaks here telling you guys you got to try it out so what we're gonna do is I'm actually going to put just a little bit of oil on the outside of these things and our girl's gonna be oil it up really good too so [Music] now that I got some oil going on them I'm gonna rub all the sides down and look at that look at that marbling alright then seasoning today these things don't need much so I'm just gonna hit it just a little bit of my SP Geo mixture that I always make up always have this stuff on hand we want to get all the sides [Music] and then we'll just let these hang out like this until the fire is ready now we are going to be using the weber kettle with the art of flamenco cook these steaks today I'll get a little bit a little better light out here in a minute once we get it going so what I have here is a chimney full of royal oak lump charcoal I've got it going pretty blazing hot right now and I have a little bit of extra charcoal in the bottom because I want this to burn down a little bit and get really hot before we start searing these steaks so let me go ahead an get that in now we're not reversed searing this time we're going to cook directly over the coals for a few minutes on each side and then we're gonna pull it off of the coals and let it go for the rest of the way but to be watching the temperatures we are going to be using gorilla so I'm not going to temp all of them they're very similar in size so I'm just going to to basically do one of them I'm actually gonna take this one over here on the end it looks to be about the thickest now what I'm gonna do is I'm going to put it directly in the center right here so it's kind of right in the middle of the meat I just have to be careful with that one as I flip it so I don't knock it out and what we're gonna be shooting for I'm gonna pull them off at about 135 degrees ain't gonna take long though all right guys this this grill is ready to go it is super hot and I apologize for the light if it's not that great so it is night it gets dark really early up here in the northwest and these cooks I do or not fake cooks these are cooks for my family so this is gonna be our dinner tonight so I apologize if the light's not that great so we're gonna go ahead and get these on what we're gonna do is I'm gonna put them straight over the grills over the coals right there and we're gonna go three minutes and then we're gonna flip them over go three minutes and we're gonna pull them off to the side where it's not as hot we're gonna put the lid on the grill and go until we hit our temperature so let's go ahead and get them on this is the one with our temperature gauge here now it is not as hot on this side and that's why I have this to this side even though I can go up pretty hot I don't want to damage it all right now it's been three minutes on this side so we're gonna go ahead and flip it over got some pretty good marks going on there careful with this one now I'm going three minutes with these are about an inch and a half maybe almost two inches thick not inch and a half if you have thinner ones you're not gonna want to go as long maybe I would go depend on thick they are maybe a minute and a half to two minutes if they're you know any less than this and then we'll get them off the side alright we've went three minutes on each side no no what I'm going to do is these are kind of thick let me stand them up straight just for a second here let's get those edges there we've got plenty of plenty of room let me see plenty of room to go so we were at 59 degrees now so I can I can put them up like that not long though I just want to kind of crust them up just a little bit but what we're gonna do now is I'm going to put them over here on the edge kind of away from the heat and then we're gonna get those going at the lid on so now it's time to just basically bring the rest of the temperature up so I'm pulling at 135 all right guys change of plans on how I'm monitoring the temperature actually took the grill I out there's a little bit difficult with the cord coming out so I'm just gonna use I just have this cheap Weber instant-read so we just have to keep looking at it steaks have been cooking for about four minutes with the lid on right now so we'll see where they are the only thing the reason I didn't want to use this one is because it does take it a little bit longer to come up to temp it's not one of those really good instant-read ones so we're about 115 on this day right here about 115 on that one how about one picking on that one so we're okay a few more minutes all right on this one we're at about 130 to about 130 on this one let's go ahead and pull them off that's good enough I don't want to overcook them so I got them off and I'm gonna bring them inside we're gonna let them rest for at least five minutes to continue absorbing those juices and getting back to where it needs to be and then we'll cut it open see what we got so stay tuned alright guys so our steaks have been resting for about five minutes now to let those juices get back to where they need to be so let's talk about real quick what we did so this these steaks came off of the tri-tip we did three minutes on each side and then we pulled it off the heat put the lid back on and it went for maybe six minutes like that until we reached about 130 hundred and thirty five degrees so I think the general rule of thumb like when you're cooking these you know steaks any any type of steaks if you're doing directly over the fire whatever you do on each side double that when you pull it off the heat and next works really good to it if you're not gonna reverse hear it okay so let's go ahead and cut into this all right so we do have a nice medium right around medium steak right here this is where I like them I don't like them I don't like I'm too bloody just enough team let me go ahead and give you a taste here super good super good [Music] because I hope that this was a some good information for you so that you can see that you don't have to cook tri-tips just like they come as a big roast you can actually cut them up into steaks and have a really good steak - that's it for this video as always if you got any questions or comments go ahead and leave them below don't forget to hit that subscribe button and always holler back [Music]
Channel: TheHollarBBQ
Views: 18,289
Rating: 4.726316 out of 5
Keywords: how to grill tri tip, how to grill tritip, how to cook a steak, perfect steak, how to cook a ribeye, how to grill a ribeye, weber kettle, arteflame, steak recipe, how to smoke a tritip, how to reverse sear a steak, how to cook a steak on the weber kettle, grilled steak recipe, grilled steak, grilled beef, tritip, tri tip, best steak recipe, how to cook a perfect steak, grilled meat, smoked meat, cooking, recipe, outdoor cooking, cooking a steak over wood, wood fired steak
Id: thk8sfRcQow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 51sec (831 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 01 2017
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