Adam Savage Tests the Best Ways to Sear a Steak!
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Channel: Adam Savage’s Tested
Views: 3,970,254
Rating: 4.6916203 out of 5
Keywords: testedcom, adam savage, grilling, steaks, steak, searzall, serious eats, kenji lopez-alt, new york strip, adam savage steak, best steak, tested steak, sous vide steak, searing steak, sous vide, how to sear a steak, sear steak, best way to sear a steak, immersion circulator, cooking steak, best way to cook a steak, adam savage tested, tested adam savage, adam savage sear steak, kenji lopez-alt sous vide
Id: JB1x0O-bhrw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 12sec (1992 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 30 2016
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I've learned more about cooking from Kenji than I have from anyone else.
I like to fiddle with my meat too Kenji.
At no point did I consider fast forwarding. Will watch again.
123 degrees?
what's everyone's process if you want to do a chimney sear for like, 6 steaks?
I agree chimney is best, i use a small teppanyaki grill for the same results. One thing i have found when sous vide searing as the lack of external fat for a proper sear. Although the excess moisture needs to be dried to get a brown, it takes the fat with it. I brush my steak with a mix of tallow (usually dry aged) and some clarifies butter in a thin layer. Helps form a thick crunch crust quickly without an overly dry exterior.
wish he tested a flamethrower as well
Why did they skip pan sear (cast iron / SS) or straight torch?
Does anyone cook to 123? Where did he come up with that figure?