How to grill a $150 Tomahawk Steak

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[Music] hey pitmasters today we're gonna be grilling a hundred and fifty dollar steak and we're gonna love every minute of it [Music] look at this beautiful cut of beef it's absolutely gorgeous 2.7 kilograms will be a Gallagher louia Gallagher is the breed of cow and they raise this cow in Galicia which is a northern western part of Spain and it's absolutely gorgeous so today it's all about this cut we're not gonna do anything special we're just gonna do it right so we're gonna season it with a little bit of salt and smoke it so I'm gonna use my own salt and modeled salt is salt that is has a thickener shape it's made out of pyramids so the crystal of the modeled salt is shaped in pyramid style and you might think that it's a little bit overdone to use a salt like that but the reason why I like using salt like this on a stick is that these pyramids they they melt away so if you get one of these crystals on the beef it will melt and spread out where if you use rock salt it will stay in the same place because of the thickness of the steak you can't really have too much salt on the outside now we're gonna start off by smoking this cut of beef and the reason that we want to do that is because we wanted to get to temperature slowly and we might as well add a little bit of smoke flavor to it I'm using some Hickory for smoking it and Hickory will produce a heavy smoke and that's a good thing because it will stand out against grilling mistake which will also provide a lot of flavor now I'm setting in the deflector plates and I'm putting in grill grates and a beautiful steak on top we're going to smoke this beautiful steak at 150 degrees Celsius which is 300 degrees Fahrenheit until it reaches a core temperature of 50 degrees Celsius while our steak is slowly getting up to temperature we want to make sure that we got the right temperature and we're not exceeding the temperature that we want to reach so I'm getting a reading of 25 degrees Celsius so we're halfway there now we started off with a cold steak so that's about right I want to flip the steak over just to make sure then we get an equal amount of heat on every side oh boy I'm already getting hungry [Music] so it's a little over fifty degrees Celsius we're taking it off the grill be careful you don't want it to fall off the bone at this moment now we're gonna change it up a little bit we're going to take out the deflector plates and we're going to put in this cast iron Halfmoon and that's gonna create a beautiful cross for the meat so we'll take out these grill grates take out these deflector plates with a little poke they're gonna Center the coals put in our half at a low position take a little bit of oil a piece of paper towel and now we're gonna give it some time to really heat up [Music] well it's blazing hot and we're going to add just a little bit of touch of Oh more and then we're gonna put the stick right on [Applause] [Music] now we've got a nice bit of sear and we're going to take our steak off the grill put it on the board and we're going to let it rest [Music] the steak has been resting for ten minutes and now going to take it off the bone it almost falls off the bone and then cut off the bottom part of the bone we already can see we got a nice bit of coloration from the smoke look at that beautiful and we can smell it because normally if you grill just realistic you only get that grill smell than my yard effect but now we also get a good dose of smoke flavor look at that smoke ring well so we cooked it to medium well-done 57 degrees because I wanted the fat to fully melt you know a piece like this you don't want to cook rare that's so much fat in it you want to see that marbling melt all over the meat and that's the way you get the best juicy beef there is [Music] Wow that is absolutely delicious on the outside of the beef you can see we got this beautiful smoke ring gorgeous but thank you guys for watching I really hope you enjoyed this video and of course the steak they're not delicious but if you ever get the chance to build a steak like this make it for a special occasion get a good bottle of wine and really enjoy the process cooking it do it right and then have a feast give you a big thumbs up leave me a comment and see you guys next time until then it's mark [Music] you
Channel: Pitmaster X
Views: 1,483,809
Rating: 4.4391503 out of 5
Keywords: how to grill a steak, steak challenge, steak, grilled steak, $150 steak, beef, reversed sear, cooking, grilling, pitmaster x, barbecue, kamadojoe, giant steak, biggest steak, tomahawk, гигантское мясо бифштекса, Carne de carne de bife gigante como grelhar um bife, filete gigante carne de ternera cómo asar un filete, viande de bœuf géant steak comment griller un steak, Riesensteak Rindfleisch wie man ein Steak grillt, food, recipe
Id: Bexda_awZNo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 18sec (438 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 16 2018
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