Should you brine your steak? -- Steak EXPERIMENT !!!

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hey pitmasters what is up today we're going to find out if it's a good idea to brine your steak for this experiment I got this beautiful tri-tip look at that gorgeous marbling so let's take it out of the package I want to take off some of the excess fat that's on the bottom [Music] so this is what your tricep should look like the meat is well exposed and there's enough fat and marbling in there to give us that beef flavor so don't worry about cutting it all off besides on this side we still have enough fat for this steak to taste really good what we're going to do now is cut these up into two parts the one that we're going to brown and the one that we're not going to brine now this tri-tip has three sections one is where the fibers run in this direction the other one is where the fibers run in this direction and then finally the tip that runs in this direction so what we'll do is we'll cut into here and slice it up separate that and then again we'll separate this and look at this look at that crazy amount of marbling in that it's insane right absolutely gorgeous now we're also going to cut this part in half and now we have a fair comparison now I'm not throwing away all that fat we're keeping it if we have a great dish or we need some fat to grease up a fan this is absolutely perfect so either you throw it into your fridge or your freezer so you can keep it for your next cook or use it in this recipe I'm going to make an easy brine for this recipe I have two liters of water and a pound full of salt let's put the soul in there stir it around well put these cuts in and you got to make sure they're completely submerged now put this in the fridge and start working on our recipe in two hours we put some come out of your big block and a grill fire it up and set it up for a direct and indirect so we set up the heat deflector in the back this will protect the meat and we'll have our indirect zone and on this side we have the grill grate and low position where we can actually sear our meat well run our grill at a temperature of 180 degrees Celsius now back to our meat this is the meat that we didn't brine nice bright red actually still the same and these are the cut that we brined look they turned almost white so we'll pet these dry with a paper towel now of course we're not gonna put these steaks on a grill like this we want a Rob to go with them what we're going to do is create our own wrap going to start with a base of salt and a little black pepper of course I'm not going to grind it by hand we got a coffee mill to do the work for me the amount of black pepper that I want is half the amount of salt that I got next I'm going to add a teaspoon of natural Oh mommy we also want some lemon zest and then some leaves of time we'll strip the leaves of time off the stalks and we don't want the stocks in our rub look how beautiful I rip turned out absolutely gorgeous it's really coarse so to make it stick we need to put a little bit of olive oil on our sticks I [Music] grew this up the temperature let's put them on well start with indirect heat I also want to sprinkle on a little bit of salt on the fat cap just to make it easier to crisp it up let's close the lid and we'll come back when we reach our desired core temperature to go with our steak we're going to make a beautiful tapenade and the base is going to be Lorca for our hard blue cheese with a mean punch we're also gonna add arugula and that's gonna add on real peppery flavor so let's get started as a base we want to start with our Nicola so we'll put that in it's really tough to grind now we're going to need some time to grind it to help it move around we're going to add a little bit of olive oil and then we'll start grinding it look at that coarse grind and it's ready for the rest of the ingredients so let's add the garlic one clove will do just chop up the bottom and in it goes well also add a shallot take off the skin and add it to the tapenade and pine tree nuts and finally we'll add a rock or four Wow that smell just want to get it a quick try boom real powerful stuff so we'll put around half of it into our tapenade then the juice of half a lemon now let's start grinding now here comes my favorite part the taste test the arugula really has the upper-hand even though that's Raqqa foreign that it's just adding creaminess so let's check on our six this one is not done yet this is almost done oh this is already done and this one as well so we can see the ones that we brine they're almost done I'm going to roast them over direct heat and just give them that Lil's cheer [Music] well they've done so I'm taking them off the grill here are the sticks that we didn't brine and here are the sticks that we did Brian now we gotta let them rest and wait before we can find out what they're really like so we lost a lot more juice on mistakes that we brined then on mistakes that we didn't write so the juices from the brine steak even ran over to the other steaks I'm cleaning that up with a paper towel right now it's time to take a look inside these steaks let's start with the ones that we brined that slice those up [Music] now let's slice of the steaks that we didn't brine we can already see that there is a lot of difference between brined and not brined for instance the outside of the steak that we didn't brine crisp and up a lot more we also got a lot more color on the outside of the skin and it looks to me like it's more juicy and more tender but we got to try it before we can say this is the case now we're taking a bite out of that juicy and tender just like we would expect from a tri-tip well let's slice and do the same cut that we did brine it also looks juicy well the Bryant steak is definitely not less juicy than the steak that we didn't write but there's one key thing missing and that's the crunchy outside we can definitely compare them and the Bryant steak is more salty but it's lacking the crunchy outside that we get from the steak that we didn't brine if you ask me my personal preference I definitely would never brine my steak I will go for the non brine steak let's plate it all off and make a beautiful dish out of this [Music] well let's do the final taste test can't wait to bite into this look at that juicy steak Rocca for Andrew Colossus I actually sit up and nodded but you know this will bring salt to the steak to get it with that rub mmm that is a really great combination that is a salty tapenade and actually perfect for the steak so we find out something about a steak that we've might have always known you shouldn't Brian a steak it doesn't help with getting that beautiful tasty crust on the outside and solving it well we don't really need it the tapenade is a different story you definitely need this recipe in your life well I hope you guys enjoyed this dish / recipe video as much as I did and if you did leave me a big thumbs up and a comment down below and a big thank you to all of our supporters now if you're not a supporter yet and you want to become supporter hit that sponsor button down below or visit our patreon page the link is in the video description see you guys next time until then it's Michael it and keep on grilling [Music] Oh [Music]
Channel: Pitmaster X
Views: 249,928
Rating: 4.6503329 out of 5
Keywords: steak, competitive eater, experiment, steak challenge, beef, steakhouse, steak recipe, bbq, cast iron, eating, dinner, recipe, chew, barbeque, meal, ribeye, tomahawk, tri tip, pitmasterx, kamadojoe big block, sear, how to grill steak, perfect steak, how to grill, barbecue sauce
Id: 086tzPdASB0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 13sec (613 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 22 2018
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