How to Make Embed Info Channels w/ Discohook | Edit Embeds, Make Headers, Dividers | Discord

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so you want to make a beautiful information Channel if you don't want your information channel to look the same as everyone else's just a standard boring wall of text then I'm going to show you how to make it look good in this video so I made a quick fictional server just for this video now I had to come up with a name quickly before this video so I actually use my thesaurus so yeah I actually have to use my collection of words that I made for like naming service naming rows and all that and if you want to know more about that you can go to the product page in the description or you can watch my video on it so in this video we're going to be making headers in beds and we're going to be using some tricks such as tagging worlds so first what we're going to do is create the web hook so we're going to be using web hooks to create embeds in the past I used to use Bots like carlbot but for a while now I've been using disco in bed so because you can change your username to whatever you want you can select an avatar you can select a name and you can call it whatever you want so you don't have to have like cardboard in your channel you'd have to have that Turtle logo or anything you can make it whatever you want so first we're going to create the weapon it's actually quite easy to do we're going to be doing it through Integrations so if you go up to the server bar up here server settings and let's head down to Integrations and we're going to click create web hook so we're going to their name first so whatever you name it here will be the username of what post the embed so I'm just going to call it viento now I think that's Spanish for wind but I'm not going to put on a Spanish accent every time I say that word and the channels where we're going to post in bed so yeah I'm gonna put the welcome Channel That's What I Call the information Channel and we're going to click here to add a logo so I've found it here I'm just gonna add that so it has to be a minimum for 128 by 128 pixels you can remove it it'll change whenever you want bear in mind you're gonna have to change this every time you want to send the web hook to another Channel and if you ever change the name or the logo it will not update in existing and bad so you're going to need to repost those if you want to have the new logo and a new name okay and I'm just going to click copy webhook URL so this is how we're going to tell disco hook which is what we're going to be using to create the weapon embed we're going to be telling disco hook to use this web hook here so copy that there we go so we created that and we'll head back out of that but you're going to want to hold on to that URL for now because what we're actually going to do first is create some dividers so dividers are these lines here like basically separate different sections of an embed not to be confused with headers which is the image which introduces the embed These are nice like color four lines I put any in beds just something I do I've not seen it done before I've actually got a bunch of these in my servant making assets pack it's in the free version so you have to pay for it that will give you these dividers right here available in 12 different colors and there are more subtle colors if you don't want it to be all like colorful and all that there's some gray variants there and that will save you time making them but we're going to load up Photoshop quickly you can do some whatever you want I don't care what it is just load up a photo editor right so first we're gonna go to file new um we're gonna set the width to 8 pixels and the height to one now that is obviously very low but as long as you follow an eight to one aspect ratio that's all that matters because it's just a line you don't have to worry about it being low resolution and that's all we're going to worry about so I'm going to click create and we're gonna have to zoom way in here I'm going to uncheck the lock Mark and I'm just going to use the paint bucket tool for this and I'm going to click the foreground color and you can give this whatever color you want so I'm actually going to make it somewhat like the logo itself so I'm just going to select the logo color here I'm going to have a nice light blue for this one and I'm going to clip with the paint bucket tool and just click that and that's all we need to do so we can just save that now so I'm going to go to file save us and you're gonna head to whether you want to save this I'm going to save it to this folder here change the file type to PNG and I'm just going to name this whatever so I'm just going to call this divider just do smallest file size because why not and that's all we need to do for that but I'm going to leave Photoshop open because I'm going to show you how to make headers later right so we're back in Discord what we're going to want to do is go back up here go to server settings and head it into Emoji because the way we're going to set these dividers up is through Emoji so upload Emoji or you can drag it in it's a way you save that PNG and open that now ideally you want to name it something short because we're going to be using so much of them it's going to take up a lot of characters and in bed fields and embeds in general have character limits I'm just going to call it a and we're going to close that now we're going to make the header now in my server make an asset back now I'm probably going to reference that a lot I actually have some templates in there currently there's four Styles so you can use those if you want they're in a free version so file New Again info shot the width I'm just going to set this to 3840 I'm gonna make it quite a high resolution and the height I'm going to set to 720 pixels and I'm going to press enter there I think I might actually make this a bit taller and I'm just going to set it to this color here just for a quick preview of what it will look like on Discord there we go now I'm going to select the text tool horizontal type tool of course I'm going to select white for now and I'm going to put the server name here so the enter I'm going to use this font here create display black and I'm just going to put this over here for now and I'm going to duplicate that with Ctrl J drag that down so that there was a subtext this is going to be the main test so this is going to be bigger let's say I want to make an embed about rolls I will call this header roll so I'll just put roles right here but I'm going to start off with the first edit which will be the welcome header basically welcome you to the channel and welcome you to the server and channel I'm going to drag that over and align these to the left I do want to do that so whenever you change the text you don't have to like realign it so as you can see if I change this here it will just start from the left and keep adding to the right so welcome and I'm just going to drag it to there so I'm going to be making these in my style so I'm going to double click this layer right here we'll right click blending options on the welcome layer and I'm going to add a quick gradient set the angle to zero and I'm going to change this colors here so I'm going to double click this and because my server logo is like a light blue I'm going to use that color again and I'm going to set this one to the same but I'm going to change the color just a bit maybe make it a bit lighter you don't have to use a grain overlay you can just give it a single color but I'm going to give it that right there maybe yeah like that now in the video the gradient might not be that clear because the colors are quite similar it's more of a subtle gradient and now I've done that I'm just going to set scale to 100 that's default I'm going to turn off dither if you have like a really strong gradient basically it'll blend the colors better together but because it's such a subtle gradient I don't need that and I'm pretty sure that will raise the file size quite a bit so I'm going to turn it off low mode normal past the 100 reset alignment just to get it right and drag it wherever you want put it there so I'm going to add a drop shadow quickly change the color now it's way too heavy at the moment so I'm going to take down the spread and the distance angle of 90 turn off use Global light and I'm gonna make that a bit smaller up the spread just a bit like a subtle drop shadow you don't want it to be too big because then you'll have to make the canvas really big which will make the header small and I'm going to drag that down and there we go now I'm going to group these together select these would control press Ctrl G or command G or press this folder button over here and I'm going to put this in the center so Ctrl a to select all pixels and at align vertical centers I'll align it to the middle vertically anyway and the reason I'm putting a bit of space over here is because I'm going to add the logo so let me do that quickly file Place embedded and add my icon here I'm gonna add the PSD and just put in the PNG if you want doesn't matter and I'm going to press enter there we go and drag this over here and scale it down a bit just a bit bigger than the text and there you go make sure you retain the aspect racer so you don't stretch it you might need to hold alt for that way you're adjusting the proportions what I can do is make this logo round because I don't really like it as a square at the moment so what I'm going to do is I'm going to press Ctrl and select the layer thumbnail over here that will select the pixels of the icon and head over to view and the new guides from shape so what that will do is add some guides around this logo just so when I select over here it will basically snap it over to the edges of the logo just so I get all the pixels in you don't need to do that so I'm going to select the elliptical Marquee so go to the top left left click drag I'm going to hold shift so it's a circle and I'm going to drag it to the other point over here makes you some purple lines or pink lines whatever and then I'm going to let go let's go hold on shift and we got circular selection here and I'm going to press this layer mask over here I'll basically give it a circular crop and I'm going to hide the guys quickly because I don't need them anymore you can get rid of them if you want we press Ctrl colon that will hide them and there we go looks pretty nice I think and that reminds me quickly we're going to add a stroke to this text here because let me show you what it will look like if I'm on light mode if you're on light mode this will be basically white and you cannot see the subtext now to fix that we're going to head into the subtext here double click that right click on blending options check stroke I'm going to set the size three pixels I guess it will depend on what resolution you have for your document click the color to make it completely invisible the dark mode uses on desktop at least we're going to select the background color this is basically what the chat background of the Discord is so it's 2f 3136 so I'm going to select that and you cannot see the sharpener so while you work out how big you want the stroke you probably want to select a different color and I'm going to press ok now if I set this back to white background you can still see the text because we put a stroke around it so lightning mode users will be able to see the subtext whereas before without the stroke they couldn't so we're basically done with that now the reason I'm making the canvas wider than the text here is because if we want to make another header and it's got basically more characters in it than welcome let's say I want to use this for the South rolls Channel if I type that here it will make sure there's enough room for this because if I drag the canvas over here call this South rolls I'm gonna have to expand the canvas and when you upload this header here it will be smaller than welcome because the wider is the smaller it'll be on Discord that's just how Discord resizes stuff so that's why we want to make it a bit wider so they all look the same now I'm going to hide the background layer I'm going to get rid of the unnecessary pixels around the header except in the right so the reason we're going to want to uncheck this is so it crops the transparent pixels you might have to do this manually if you're not using Photoshop or anything like that might not have this feature I'm going to go to image trim and based on transparent pixels we're going to trim away the top bottom left but not the right and press OK and that will basically crop all the transparent pixels away so IT sizes it perfectly around the header now the canvas may still be a bit too big for you if you made the drop shadow too big because it will take the drop shadow into account so before I export we're going to want to hide the background preview layer and we're going to go to file save as you're going to want to head to wherever you want to say this I just saved it the same place as the Emoji and we're just going to save the PSC so we can come back to it later and change the text I'm just going to call this welcome because that's the welcome head now we're actually going to export it as a PNG which will upload to Discord so go to file export export as or you can go to save as and change the file type to PNG however you prefer export export as format PNG you're going to want PNG so it won't have a black background around it because PNG Sports transparency as you can see jpeg does not so PNG is Select transparency and just copy my settings here if you want don't change your mid size just leave that how it was and Export and we're going to save it again where we save the PSD well at welcome.png save and there we go now if you already know what embeds you want in my case I want welcome rolls and rules I think that's what I'm going to plan to do at the moment so I'm going to change this text to roles I'm going to do that export as sequence again I'm going to call this rolls change this to rules export hours and save it and there we go so we got our three headers there now we're done with headers so let's actually get on to the main part which is the embed this is where we're going to have all the information rather than just putting it as a wall of text in the chat now because I've probably been copying stuff I want to go back up to get the web hook URL again so server settings Integrations web hooks open that copy web hook URL close that and now we're going to head over to disco hook so this is basically going to be the embed Builder it's going to give us a nice UI and we're going to want to type in the address bar disco hook dot org and it will give you this over here so I'm actually going to click clear all this is a nice tutorial over here but we're not going to use that we're going to use my tutorial so let's clear it all now let's start here so webhoot URL we're going to paste that web hook URL we just copied that's going to give it the username and the Avatar we gave it and it's going to tell disco hook where to post that in bet now we're going to head down here so we're going to click add in bed but before we do that we're going to upload the header so we're going to want to click this bit over here go back to where we saved the header and we're going to double click that and there we go so we've added it right here now let's click that embed expand that and we're going to go to body over here expand that depending on what embed Builder you're using if you're using the bot for example the interface will look a bit different but the process will be the same it's just a different UI depending what you're using so I'm not going to weigh this video down I'm telling you exactly what to put here all I'm going to do is go to the welcome channel here and I'm going to copy this channel topic here and only paste this here so this will be a quick introduction to the server so I'm going to zoom in a bit Marcus viento a place to chill and hang out with the community this channel gives an overview of our rules and our roles can you unlock them all so just a quick introduction there it's just going to be the first embed we're going to make multiple rather than putting all the information in one of it and we're going to set the color you can put whatever you want right here you can set this to the embed color here or the chat background if you don't want any color but I'm going to keep that coloring consistent that I have with the header and a logo and I'll make it that blue right there cool all right so we're not going to be using those dividers we made just yet because this embed is very short so that's all we need oh yeah and I'm going to add a title almost difficult welcome to the end and I'll add a quick Emoji so the parachute so I don't know what else to use right so we've done that now you can drag this up so it takes up less of the screen now just quickly I'm gonna basically do a trick that will separate this embed from the ones we're going to create in a minute so we're going to want to click add message and there will be this content field here now we're actually going to want to head back into Photoshop I didn't do this earlier because you might not want to do this it's just a subtle thing that was Spacey and better spot I'm going to go to file new and set the width to 1 and the height to one and what we're going to be doing is creating an invisible Emoji I actually have this in myself I'm making an assets pack but it's not exactly hard to do so let's zoom in and let's just hide this layer and that's all we have to do file save as or export as whatever and I'm going to call this empty set the file type to PNG and there we go so let's go back into Discord server settings emoji and empty let's upload that now I'm just going to call this empty don't have to worry about it being so short because we're only going to use this twice I'm gonna head out of that now the way we're going to use this Emoji is we're going to have to copy the code of it we can't just type colon empty Colonel you're going to want to enable develop up a mode for this so go to user settings Advanced and turn on developer mode that will let us copy the ID so all we're going to want to do is type the Emoji here so colon empty colon now you can't see it but I'm selecting it right here and go back to the beginning and type A backslash and press enter and that will give us this string here so let's copy that hit Ctrl C account right click and copy no I can't actually there we go I'm going to delete that or keep it there if you want to make sure you can come back to it and go back into Discord hook and paste this right here now I'm actually going to add a new line and paste it again just to add some more spacing and let's send me in bed scroll back up and click Send and there we go there's our own bed now remember it uses empty emojis here so we'll give a bit of spacing I think I'm actually just going to change this to just one so I'm going to delete all that and just give it one right there and let's send that again and there we go a bit less space in there I think I prefer that and the reason we're using an empty Emoji rather than an empty character is because depending on what device you're on an empty character might not show up so the spacing just won't be there so that's why we're using animosity because we can ensure that there will be an empty space right here now the head is quite close to the embed but we can actually just go back to the header and extend the canvas down just a bit just to space it apart a bit if you want now let's go to the second in bed so that might be all you need to watch for this video just to get the gist of how to use disco hook but I'm going to show you other stuff like how to attack channels and all that so let's start by making Royals in bed so what the embed will be is basically it will give a list of the server roles and explain them just so people know exactly what roles are in the server and what they do so we can either go up to the Ros menu or we can just right click a user here go to rails and see all these here and I'm going to take a screenshot of this just so I don't have to keep opening that menu and take a quick screenshot right there paste it in I used window shift s to do that and I'm just going to keep this here for now we're going to delete this later obviously we don't want this in the information Channel what I'm going to do instead of overwriting everything we got here I'm going to want to keep this for now so what I'm going to do is right click and duplicate Tab and that will basically put all the information again in this tab here just so we have this one to come back to but you're going to want to copy the web hook URL again and paste it in here and by the way you don't want to give this web URL to anyone you don't want anyone to know what it is unless you delete that web hook eventually because anyone that gets access to the web URL will be able to make it in bed and post it in whatever Channel you set the weapon to so be aware of that so the reason I decided to duplicate it is just so we have to select the color and all that again and put this message here but I'm going to get rid of this description for now and I'm going to add the header so click this again and rolls there we go now let's set the title to roles of the server whatever you want you can call it roles whatever now this embed will use those dividers we made again not to confuse them with headers but before we do that we're just going to do a quick introduction to this embed so let me just type in quickly okay so I put a quick introduction here want to know about all the roles we enter us to offer learn about our worlds right here and again I'm going to put an emoji here a blossom Emoji why not obviously this will look different if you're using a different device and I'm going to keep the color the same for now you might want to use different colors if you want but because my server theme is blue it's like a sky color I'm just going to keep it the same and that way we will have to make multiple dividers the different colors so now we've done that we're going to be implementing these dividers that we made but what I also like to do is add a code block or markdown whatever it's called so to do that all we do is type my case how to press function Escape but just type this symbol here it's like a backwards or posture you might have to copy it it should be on like the left of the estimation Mark or something like that about to press shift I'm not sure exactly depends what keyboard layout yeah I'm going to type three of those put a space and type them again and I'll put this nice flat line over here and the reason we put a space is because we need some sort of character in here you can obviously put roles whatever you want you can give it a title if you want but I'm not going to do it I'm just going to have it be empty now let's make a new line we're going to want to go back to Discord and copy that divider Emoji we make what did I call it I'll call it I didn't okay that's probably a horrible name to give it let's change that because there's already a default Emoji chord here let's just call it div or DV for sure type DV there you go backwards slash copy that just like we did for the empty Emoji go back in and let's paste that as you can see it should have the Emoji over here but it's obviously just one line at the moment we're going to want to paste that multiple times and the reason we didn't just make one really long divide is because the aspect ratio when you upload an emoji is one to one so you can't make it any longer than this so that's why we're pasting multiple as you can see this string is quite long so that's why we gave it a short name paste that a few times until it reaches over to the edge of the embed over here one more time that's too much so let's get rid of that last one a nice line under this bit right here I'm gonna make sure there's no space between these there you go and now let's put some information about our rolls let's go back into Discord and again I save this PNG right here so I have to keep going back into the menu and I'm just going to write about some of these roles quickly so I'm just going to mention the staff rolls or the hierarchy roles is what I call them so member staff and all that so tag those and let's start a new line shift enter staff I'm just gonna be typing a list of them quickly Bots and member now let's go back to the beginning of all these roles and type the backslash let's do that for allo press enter now we're going to want to copy all these go back into disco hook and paste them right here now obviously don't know what they're called now so you might just want to paste them in Discord again just so you know what they're called so the first one is free enter so I know this one is the enter so I'm actually going to give some information about this one so there we go I put a quick bit of information about this rod and I'm going to do this for all the others as well okay so I put some information about all these roles there's a bunch of rolls here but I'm just going to be using those because I I don't want to spend too long making information for every raw right here depends what you want in your own bed of course you might want to delete the spaces between them and we could use some like colored bullet points if you want if you want to make those I'm not going to go through that in this video but I have them in my server making assets pack I don't know how many times I'm going to mention that but it's conveniently in that pack there there's a round bullet point available in 12 different colors the exact same colors as the dividers in the pack this is in free version by the way if you want to add some more color you can use some of those bullet points in there the super version which is paid has some different shapes and all that has some arrows and all that so adventures and all that but I'm not going to get too carried away for now I'm happy with this in bed now this is hierarchy over here so I could actually give this a title call this hierarchy but instead of that I'm just going to put a bit of Vault text here call it hierarchy probably underline it if you want I'm making it more by putting two asterisks that should be shift eight and underscores which will make it underlined shift minus cut out twice on each side same for the stars but I'm not gonna make it underlined not hypothetically I'll be adding more information in here like leveling roles and all that so what I do is copy all these dividers and the code block and all that put two spaces and paste and then I put some more information under here but because I'm keeping this video short just for the example I'm just going to have this once and we're done for that in bed so let's send that there we go looks really nice in my opinion now I'm going to delete these things up here I'm going to get rid of this image because I'm done with the Royals for now just a quick example here and as you can see there's a nice spacing between the embeds here because of that empty emotion now I I could make a rules in bed but there's nothing in that in bed that I would doubt that I haven't shown you yet basically I've shown you all I want to do today now the final part of the video is how to restore and edit an embed that's already been posted it's very simple once you know how to do it it's much more simple than using a bot like karabot if you're posting in bed through that let's say I add another role under staff and it's called mods let's say I decide to have two staff rods I'm going to want to edit this in bed right here so to restore this embed and edit it we're gonna need to add the Disco hook box so you can find it on the website if we go to appear Discord bot let's open that and you should be taken to this you might need to log in first select the server quickly click continue and because I don't want to make a pop roll I'm just going to uncheck all this and I'm going to assign it to the Bots roll and click authorize let's head back into Discord I've got you to be over here and give it the Bots roll you might not need to do that if you didn't uncheck all those permissions now once we've added them but all we have to do is right click the method that we want to edit go to apps and click restore to disco hook and it will give you this nice message here only you can see it so don't worry about that so let's click the link here and we will be taken back to and this will basically give you the embed that you posted you'll put everything here so you'd have to like make the hole in bed again it will restore the old embed gonna want to paste the weapon Ura and you want to add the header again so it rolls there we go so let's say I just want to change some information here all I have to do is change let's just as an example change admins here let's change it to mods now don't click Send yet so if you actually want to edit this message here rather than just clone it in bed and make a new one if you want to edit this one here what you're going to want to do is right click the message click copy message link scroll down and where it says message link paste that in there if you scroll up as you can see the send button changes to edit let's click that and there we go also edit it up here unfortunately you're going to want to repost if you don't want that little bit right there and as you can see admins over here change to mods so that's how you know it changed we know what let me just remove all this edit there you go now you can clear it out as edited I'm going to change it back so that's how you restore and embed and that's how you modify one so if you found this video helpful I'm glad you did and I have a link to my server making assets Pack video walkthrough and until next time I will see you next time [Music] foreign
Channel: Aeno
Views: 41,224
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aeno, aenoofficial, how to make a discord server, discord, discord server, discord tutorial, how to make embedded info channels on discord, how to make a good discord server, discord embed message without bot, discord embed, how to make embed messages on discord, how to embed messages in discord, discord embed message, making a discord server, how to create a discord channel, how to make a discord server better, embed, discohook, discordhook, carlbot, webhook, header, tutorial, photoshop
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 4sec (1324 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 10 2023
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