How to Turn $5K into $1 Million - Grant Cardone

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five grand is the doable deal how do I do it it's four hundred and twelve dollars a month okay I got to go steal the money I can steal five that you could steal five grand for me and I wouldn't even know it's gonna be like if you could add five thousand to that and earn twenty percent of be worth a million 125 if you can do this at ten percent of be worth three twenty some of you small thinkers out there be like do it I'll take two three twenty how do I get ten and how do I get twenty you guys have figured this out you're like if the play is big enough dude I'll figure that out everybody agrees see see what I just I shifted your mind by giving you a target I don't go to Target I get targets and I keep targets and i refresh the target and the target is I want to be a millionaire but over the period of time I got twenty years by the way what would pay me twenty percent a year over twenty years and that is when your boy GC got rich I didn't get rich speaking I didn't get rich selling books I got rich shopping real estate 30 years old shopping every weekend dude every weekend all I did between 25 and 30 years old was make money make money make money and push it aside push it aside push it aside even when in the first years when I was not watch this even when I was not 25 years old five grand boom next year five grand boom next year five grand boom guess what next year oh by the way this money's sitting dead in the bank it's not not earning anything it's it's in a it's in a holy account holy means okay I'm gonna put a hole in your face if you touch my money nobody could get this money this is a like sacred account okay you with me 28 oh wow man I could add a little bit maybe there's more money 29 what am i doing right here okay one two three four boom I got $25,000 sitting in account it wasn't a million dollars and I'm five years into the plan but when I was ready to start investing money I started doing my homework thirty years old homework shopping properties 31 home work shopping properties 32 I'm not buying cars you guys are buying cars flying on jet charters showing off going on vacations all I'm doing is stacking paper guess what happens I have five years of putting five grand away next thing you know I had $25,000 to add to my twenty five thousand dollars next year I'm making more money I got twenty five thousand dollars you see what I'm doing I'm stacking dough and looking for 20 percent I know there's a 20 percent play out there some of this money was sitting in the bank this is years and years to go with the banquet pay me six or seven or eight it didn't matter that's not the target the target is to get to 1 million remember this and let's open up the call us okay your job is to find a vehicle they can pay you 20% a year might be a business might be the business you're in it might be to buy advertising for the business or brand urine for me it was this I'm in a bad real estate that over long periods of time I will earn cash flow okay that's how the real estate works I put 25 thousand dollars in a deal that deal is probably gonna pay me 10% a year you said yeah but grant you said would you say gram would you say 20 percent grand that's what you said yeah I know what I said to Saint Eddie okay now how much do I have I could reinvest that money back into the deal the next year I have twenty seven thousand five hundred dollars I earn ten percent on that that's twenty seven fifty or something like that I reinvest that now I got thirty thousand in the deal okay but what you don't know is the rent on this property as I own it over 20 years two thousand thirty eight we'll dispose of this thing the rent is going up as I'm adding money the rents going up and maybe this goes from ten percent a year by the time I sell I want to be a 20% okay my average deal has paid me over 30% of years so when you start taking money and still compounding it like that for long periods of time the trick is long periods of time you have no choices you have to learn this game right now this is why we're gonna open this up I just registered with the SEC to open this took my investment we're gonna change the way people invest their money I'm gonna change single-handedly change the way people invest their money I'm gonna get your money out of the bank your bank money right now is done at point zero zero two five percent my real estate turn at 20 percent if you have no place to go you see when I was 26 years old I was broke 27 I was broke 28 I was broke 29 I was broke 30 I was broke you know why cuz I take the 5 grand and I push it off to the side and I was broke again hustling to get another 5 grand why because I knew where I was going I was going here I'm like I'm gonna be a millionaire dude ain't nobody gonna take this deal from you and I am NOT gonna wait till I'm 90 years old to get the million bucks right by the time I'm 33 years old I had 1 million 125 thousand one hundred and twenty-seven bucks in the damn account 1 million one hundred twenty-five thousand twenty seven dollars thirty three years old and I started with no money at twenty-five how I got the five thousand I don't need to go buy something yet I got to add that every year now I need to learn how to get that money to grow 20% a year it'll take me 20 years to get it done how did I get it done in eight years I must to either added money or earn more than 20% and it was a combination about how do you do that you don't do it it's job you can't go you can't be a waitress making you know 40,000 bucks a year and all those doesn't make 20% more it's your job you can't like you just that you can't just all this intake I'm 20% better give me 20% more money and even if you couldn't you'll do it one time not every year Francisco it cannot be such a good cameraman that he's like hey dude look give me a 20 percent raise this year all right can he do it again next year sooner or later I'm gonna be like tapping out dogs okay your photos aren't that good I mean they were good but now they get expensive you understand a plumber contractor masseuse the masseuse charges 100 bucks this is what he tries to do I'm gonna do 20% more massages this year than last year good he can do that now he's doing 120 exactly now and this year I'm gonna do another 20% on top that last 20% sooner or later this guy ain't gonna be able to give a massage how does he do it either invest money in his business and hire more people to do stuff but if he's trying to say money can't do that all he's got to start a second or he's got to start investing in a sense and actually produce at the third business that I created was hard on capital it's the best business that created because I just take my money put in a people cannot get destroyed it cannot go backwards cash flows every month it provides me with passive income it's got great tax advantages we're opening this up I just filed with the SEC to open this up for Reg A+ investors so anybody can invest with me we want to do this for you I want to do this game for you and show you how to multiply money all right callers [Music] you
Channel: Grant Cardone
Views: 3,309,285
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: invest, entrepreneurship, landlord, marketing, instagram, money plan, youtube, entrepreneur, how to make a million dollars, how to become a millionaire, social media marketing, business, good investment, sales, how to make more money, investing, cash flow, income, snapchat, yt:cc=on, money, grant cardone, how to invest your money, social media, digital marketing, economics, twitter, grantcardone, economy, facebook
Id: ULpFc9Cptz0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Sat May 12 2018
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