How to Get Rich - Cardone Zone

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Sorry for being ignorant may be it already has been answered and I missed it but How do u wake up each day thinking u are broke yet u act and dress up and do millionaire stuff?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/YOUREABOT 📅︎︎ Aug 17 2019 🗫︎ replies
hey welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome to the cardones own every Friday 12 p.m. Eastern Standard Time I come to you to talk about how to get you in my zone in the place that I started working on when I was 25 years old wanted to be there since I was 8 since I was 8 I remember being 8 years old thinking I'm gonna be successful one day I'm gonna make it one day I'm gonna be the parent one day one day I'm gonna have control one day I'm a walk into a store and I won't have to steal stuff anymore you guys ever steal stuff from a store you never never ever mint look I had a job my name is Grant Cardone by the way if you don't know who I am every every Friday 12:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time I do a show from Miami Beach in Grant Cardone TV Studios called the cardones zone designed to help you with your business your career in your finance and I might be one of the only people telling people the truth today I'm gonna tell you about how to get rich before I tell you how to get rich I'm gonna tell you how I used to rip off the market basket dude I wanted to get rich since I was a kid man hit me hit me if you want to get rich 305 8 6 5 8 6 6 8 call me 3 or 5 8 6 5 8 6 6 8 we're using the r-word today okay I'm talking to our word get rich does that kind of make you stomach like a little sick when you hear it you're like dude what's a white guy sounds like an elitist talking like that man I want you to get rich okay I don't know why people don't say this I think mommy and daddy told you don't talk about money you guys were told that as kids you don't talk about money don't talk about money don't talk about your money don't tell anybody what you make and how much you make it but you tell the IRS and you hate them dude look I want you to talk about money I want to talk about money today I want to talk about not just enough money not middle-class money I want to talk about our money our money rich rich just say it out loud with me rich dude would you like to get rich like like like I literally have to get people thinking about dude maybe it is all right I want to give you permission today to get rich because when I was an eight year old kid the people that had the money were in control that's all I knew I didn't know if my mommy and daddy were rich they weren't rich I just knew they were the ones making the decisions okay whatever we did how long we stayed everything all decisions all control resulted with the people that had the money then my dad finally made it when he was 50 he bought this house that he loved he bought his his dream house we moved him and we had a riding lawnmower guys that's a big deal bro we had a big Lincoln my dad paid cash for my dad had made it into the middle class and my dad had a house in this house had 150 pecan trees on it was an acre and a half it was on the lake in Lake Charles Louisiana it was awesome looks like oh my god we had a boat man that was a big deal my neighbor now my neighbor my mom told me were rich we were just middle-class but the neighbor was a doctor and they were rich at a swimming pool country club he went hunting shooting trips Aspen ski and they knew how to do a whole bunch of stuff that the ARRA people do you know they Mars and it's just so wrong man because you don't talk about money now those people there were rich people my mom actually said look she actually suggested to me that getting rich was kind of a wrong thing the rich people weren't happy that rich people had problems that rich people did not have you know the happiness that those that were just happy and satisfied had I don't know about dude I want me a swimming pool I want to go skiing on the weekends I want to go shooting and hunting and fishing I want to do the things that the are people do okay folks today I'm gonna talk to you about getting rich and why you're not rich 76% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck and I want you to put your foot down today and say you know what I'm done with this deal I'm done just getting by I'm done just making it I'm done struggling I'm done living frickin paycheck to paycheck week after week if you've been compounded confused freaked out like dude where's all the money going let me tell you something first of all you gotta quit talking about all money where's all the money going man you ain't making any money it's be honest with yourself it doesn't matter where's three grand 4 grand or 6 grand you can't live on it do you understand so the world is not teaching you about getting rich because nobody wants to talk about it because only 1% of the people on this planet are rich so everybody wants to hate the 1% like there's some special elitist conspiracy type group did they ain't they just want to get rich they ain't evil I'm not an Illuminati I'm rich and I want to be rich and I want to stay rich and I want to get richer and I want money and if you can't say those things you got your mental your mental you got a block ok you constipated in the head which causes you to be constipated in the wallet most of you have more debt than you have money you have more debt I had a guy cut write me yesterday Oh a hundred grand to college man I'm trying to make money in order to pay my debt down I said dude it'll never work he's like why not because nobody will work week after week month after month year after year to pay debt off it doesn't feel good you will give up on the money two or three weeks from now stay with me I'm gonna show you how to get rich in today's show let your friends know you're watching Grant Cardone at Cardone zone at Grant Cardone TV I'll be right back can't wait to see you again money is code for freedom secret he's an expert teacher I came all the way from Puerto Rico so no matter where you from from Romania we just came from Poland I'm from Italy we are very excited to see Grant Cardone this guy changed my life 10x rule changed my life first year I built my company 1.4 million dollars in sales I'm on cardo and you man yeah changed my life we have doubled our numbers we've had 300% growth in our business who wants to come back next year welcome back Grant Cardone in the cardones zone every Friday i'ma drop some thunder on you today I'm gonna do what I'm gonna do for you what your daddy didn't do cuz he couldn't cuz your daddy gave up on money 76% of Americans richest country on the planet consider this 50 million people in America on poverty in poverty that's fifth that's 16 percent of the population one out of seven people in America that you pass down the street one out of seven of your friends are in poverty that's if we use the government numbers but you know those numbers aren't right folks okay poverty's $19,000 for a single person 36 grand I mean you want to talk about poverty 36 grand I think you're in poverty in America I don't know if y'all can confront these numbers every time you go to the store and you're like I don't have enough money to pay the bill and you having to take stuff out of your bag and put it back on the shelf tell the lady you know I don't I don't know I don't even know how that's gotten my card you're so damn embarrassed you can't even tell her the truth I can't afford it or you pull out that credit card and you're like hey put half on this B's and half on that visas cuz you're in poverty okay cuz your mama your daddy your uncles the school's your teacher and the priest didn't teach you get rich okay here's how you get rich first you got to make a decision today right now get rich that needs to become your mantra I'm gonna get rich I'm gonna learn from rich people I'm gonna learn from people that have money I'm gonna start reading about Warren Buffett and Richard Branson i'ma start studying the top CEOs in America i'ma study the people that are self-made that went from nothing poverty nothing akin everyday hurtin dude that's where I was when I was 25 years old broke financially spiritually mentally emotionally self-respect zero self-esteem bankrupt and I'm like you know what I'm gonna get my together dude first thing I can do right now is get my money right I couldn't get my my spiritual condition was a long way away from getting right easier to get your money right I'm gonna get my money right then I'm gonna start fixing all the other errors in my life okay then I can buy a decent car then I can buy some clothes then I can buy some D and shoes your sales guy on your shoes are all scuffed up it's because you're freakin broke if you got money and your shoes are scuffed up it's cuz you broke mentally you won't even spend the money you have you know why because you're broke you could have a million dollars in the bank if you won't spend that money is cuz you're still broke you don't trust your ability to create wealth for yourself so the first thing to do is make a decision to get rich and we're gonna take some callers number two you need to tell the world mommy daddy your uncle your aunt your sircle all those broke dicks that hang around with you your boyfriend it can't pay the bill hey I'm getting rich you coming with me or not you need to create a circle of people committed to money you need to create a circuit hanging around people that can't pay the bill okay quit inviting people over to your house that are always talking about money quit quit talking oh my god there's a big sale today at Walmart what what am I gonna do stop everything I'm doing rushed over to Walmart to save $7 your focus should be getting rich not saving money see my mama grew up all she did every day was save money she would she became an expert save money no debt save money never buy anything on full price save money I was on the phone with the lady today an hour before this she's a billionaire she's worth a billion and a half dollars 1.5 billion dollars she wants to buy this piece of property and she's like you know grant I think we can get a better deal I'm like hey it don't matter you are where you are you can make a hundred thousand dollar mistake two hundred you could overpay by six hundred it don't matter now okay because she's created so much affluence she can't destroy it but when you have this much money you have to watch every penny you shouldn't be you shouldn't be watching pennies you should be having your eyes peeled back like this saying I'm not getting rich quit worrying about the pennies a penny saved is not a penny earned it is a penny number one make a decision number to tell the world number three you got to develop a killer you have to develop a head of one of my sales guys in here the other day I'm like dude you have you're a nice guy you're a good guy you have to develop a killer you have to understand money is weapon it is the resources it is the food supply to people that want to win the big game so what people for coming in from the military I'm gonna be at Fort Bragg next week talking to the military I'm gonna tell them dude you guys got to get rich now you know what it takes to fight a military campaign you thought you were gonna be a soldier and when you got to Afghanistan you realize dude we got a hundred people making food every day we got a hundred people bringing in water every day we're bringing supplies in resources we're making mistakes every day just to feed some troops a handful of people that go into the mountains and shoot it takes thousands of people to support that campaign you need lots of money to support your campaign develop the killer and number four set targets and follow them up like a maniac James from Tampa James what's up buddy Greg Cardone hey man great to talk to you give me your website give me your company because I want everybody know who you are when you call in here all right sounds good my i'll have a website yet it's being built but i'm twitter at james dolan eight one three james nolan eight one three that's the area code for tampa by the way that's nice dude nice little tech hope you don't move from tampa because then you know hey james let me ask you this tell me about your financial situation what other than broke okay good good so you know it good so look you guys out there dinner broke man you need to say I'm broke okay now have you made a decision James to get rich starting jape relate 2016 12 p.m. cardones own I have a matter of fact I want to thank you very much because a year ago I found you on YouTube on accident hmm I've been following you ever since and now what an average that what an arrow because you guys I mean we hear people the number one place we get traffic is YouTube man I just ran into you man it was just an accident just a coincidence now bro you were looking for me so you were looking for me bro cuz you wouldn't stop you you just stopped on Justin Bieber in a jumping cat but no you stopped on me you just stopped you to going the instagrammed and looked at new tees or pictures of rolls the money and been been resentful but you stopped on me and watched a video so good for you bro congratulations so tell me about your decision to get rich today well I've I've always been my family we've had real estate my entire life I helped them sell property you know I've worked for restaurants work for mayor first Carlton the customer service has always been great but the passion for me was I wanted to get back into real estate and I was going to be a realtor yeah year ago I was training to be a realtor and you know what I found out that this wasn't for me I wanted to do something more to help more people and so now the company that I'm going to be starting is gonna be a property investment company and I'm and I'm just gonna I'm gonna hustle until I can't do more in a matter of fact because of your butts it has changed the way I the way I think the way I approach things I've never been a strong closer I have your book on closing and also on audio I listen to it every single day every chance I guess see James is doing the six thing which he should be doing okay after the first five steps invest your money your time your energy your resources you borrow money if you have to in order to get rich you do whatever it takes stay with me I'm gonna go back over these steps I'm gonna take calls Grant Cardone you in the cardones zone we're talking about how to get you by gaudí on all right so look look the purpose here is to answer your questions that are going on with what you're getting okay there's a lot of content here I probably have too much too much information okay you had a question sir what's senior to you intuition or stats I'm hiring and retaining and fire a lot of employees think oh that's not my job it's just the employee mindset you think that that's kind of like a psychological power movement away but do I go back over and over until I master that what would you recommend for smaller companies that don't necessarily have the ability to like train how do we make them pass the test how can me on the salesperson you know apply some of this stuff that we've been learned executive roles and like start to create the culture even though I'm not in that position what's their profile look like for your best salespeople our entire company is from these remote sales people it becomes a problem as we start to scale struggling with the finesse to speak about what we do struggling on the phone you struggle in implementing what you do what's your suggestion [Music] [Music] hey welcome back to the cardones own grant car down here thank you so much for sharing a moment of your Friday thank God is Friday thank God I'm free thank God I'm financially getting my to gather finally 25 years 32 years 33 years I've been working this thing out 25 years old I was broke dude I remember making $3,000 a month saying okay I'm gonna go from three to six because the three to four didn't work I'm gonna go from three to six I'm gonna double up went to six it's made sixty two hundred a month this is real dude I'm having these little secret moments this real I can actually make some money now cuz I had I figured out how to live on three grand when you make six you're like I'm rich right damn I got some money for the first time you guys remember when you had some money for though and then I'm like man how can I get from six to twelve can I get from six to twelve pop thirteen grand I'm like whoa dude I was pumped up I wasn't spending any of it nothing okay from 25 to 45 dude I make money and park it okay one thing I've done right with money what one the first thing is I made it the second thing is I'd saved it you know God told me a long time ago you only have to get rich once man rest of your life you keep it you get rich one time dude it's easier to get rich one time then stay poor for a lifetime okay it's easier to get rich one time nobody teaches you this rich people do not worry about money they're not trying to save any money you see see the idea of saving money oh I'm gonna wait to that sweater goes on sale that sweater ain't in your way man mmm making money is in your way people have do you get it people have more attention on going to get something that then or is this are you saying focus on being rich I'm focused on getting rich focused on getting another ten grand focus on getting your income from 13 to 25 from 25 to 50 from 50 to 500 a guy yesterday wrote me hey man I live here and I'm making 50 grand a year dude you need to get your attention on 500 figure out how to make 500 grand a year oh I'm happy at 50 then you'll be happy at 500 the money ain't gonna throw you off dude okay I don't know why people do that no I'm all good with what I'm all good with what I make then you'll be all good if you make more see this is what people need to tell you you guys you guys make it 60 grand a year you're living paycheck to paycheck all you need all you need is to find out your wife or your husband's got this freak cancer and you're gonna find out the pills cost 10 grand a month and you're gonna find out your health insurance Obamacare a boo-boo bear care or whatever it is don't cover that 10k cuz the health company ain't gonna pay for it there ain't gonna give you the 10 K for that one pill that does the deal cuz it's not on the list and then you're gonna be like dude we got a problem yeah you you've been having a problem you had a freakin mental problem nobody told you to get rich here's the steps and we're gonna take calls get rich make a decision I'm gonna get freakin rich and freakin reinforce the idea every day I'm gonna get rich I'm gonna hang out with rich people to tell the world I want to get rich make a list of the five or six people the wealthiest people in your community and go meet with them I guarantee you three of them get make time for you okay three of them will meet with you the other three won't meet with you because you didn't pitch it right that's why you got to get on card on you to learn how to pitch people market brand pitch sell yourself number three develop the killer okay I had a sales guy my office do decid dude you know how to talk to people you're nice to people you work hard you make a lot of calls you got talk time you ain't got any killer bro you need a killer you guys that think you're good father's good spouses good mothers get become a killer okay my kids are safe around me I will kill people no my employees no I will kill people I will fire people I will get rid of people I make hard decisions I will renegotiate a deal that's bad for me okay I will do the things that hurt did feel bad this seems shameful I will promote and market myself beyond moments of embarrassment I will make the extra call see that's that killer you understand the killer this is I will do whatever it takes to take care of my family to take care of my wife to take care of mama to take care of daddy so I have a plane so I can put my kids on it I will pay the price I will do whatever it takes to go get two million dollars a year extra so I can pay for a freakin plane to rust and depreciate in value do you you meet somebody that's put some money together you need to go shake their hand and say thank you for having the discipline to put your money together because getting rich is staying rich requires discipline discipline is not motivation okay discipline discipline is a freaking skill that everybody should develop set targets and follow up on them and eat them consume them and don't let yourself up to hook until you get to that million saved in the bank by the way I didn't make my first investment until I had 1 million dollars in a freaking checking account I invested 360 thousand dollars of it was my first investment ever I waited eight years to make my first investment that investment made me over three million dollars to tremendous discipline not to touch that money watch sat there and grew okay so I put all this money aside I'm acting like I'm broke every day dude I'm hustling when I had a million dollars in a bank account like I was broke see most people most people go to sleep like a rich man I go to sleep like I'm broke I wake up like I'm broke and I'm still doing that today Mike from oh by the way you guys know the sixth thing to do you invest every penny you have every penny you don't invest one penny and any deal any stock any company until you invest in yourself invest in yourself until you're thinking like a millionaire acting like a millionaire pitching like a millionaire promoting like a millionaire marketing like a millionaire like dude you got to invent you got to buy some clothes good man buy some clothes look like a millionaire talk like them walk like I'm act like them stay where they stay fly where they fly stay in the hotels they stay in Mike from besten Boston Boston best in my bad what's that brother what's that brother yo uncle G it's Mike be a boobie underscore nation baby your score hey Mike you made a decision I made a decision tell the world baby tell the world step to tell the world listen man I did I made a decision to get rich and what I did is I started my own business I'm an auto consultant now on the side making to make that mainstream and work right now so in sales and marketing automation tools but the big decision is I've got two kids I got a family I got a house I got cars I got to pay for and at the end of the day I needed a plan to succeed and grow and make myself a better person so that's what I'm doing dude who do you need to tell who's on your list that you need to tell today you gotta call them up and tell them hey I made a decision do you know it my wife my daughter my son why what about mom and daddy man mom and daddy all day every day love my mother love my father they didn't teach me anything about money yeah they did oh they talked to me plenty about money well I'm sure yeah nothing about how to get it exactly exactly not how to get it so the drive has to test the speed the beef yeah but you made a post months back and I kind of stuck this to my wall and made sure that I was following up on it every single day but you had a 12 step to make your first million it was never it's never been easier saving won't do got a lid Bellomo means I got to take tax angles I got to mature for my income to become an investor I've got a boss up I've gotta automate a pay myself program which I've done now I've got to be in a hurry and that's what's something I wasn't before and I got to do the millionaire mass I got to make sure that I'm not diversifying and again what was that most I forget the name of that postman so people can find it it was become a multi-millionaire that's exactly what it was and it was 12 steps to make your first million become a multi-million but what was it the article that I wrote by how to do about the age 30 exactly yeah 25 a millionaire by 30 you guys are 32 you could still read it okay listen man you've changed my life I appreciate it and and I want to thank you dude you're awesome man appreciate you calling him Mike listen what he's saying man now folks you want to become a millionaire you have to you have to learn one thing you're gonna have to learn how to do is you got to learn how to sell okay there's no getting around it he works for a god named Larry Ellison Larry Ellison was my neighbor in in he's one of the richest people on the planet one of the 50 richest 25 probably top richest people in the world Larry Ellison owns a company called Oracle freaking mass salesguy Warren Buffett master salesperson Oprah master salesperson you show me somebody doing well in this plan I'm gonna show you somebody knows how to sell market brand promote Steve Harvey unbelievable sales guy was with him last week okay I'm gonna be within two weeks from now sell baby you got to learn how to sell market brand it's why I created card Onew card Onew was created not for salespeople but because when I was 25 years old and I told my mama I'm gonna get rich and then I told her at 23 actually I'm going into sales my mom's like you went to college to be a Salesman she didn't understand it she's like you know MOT your daddy told me your daddy always said if you learn sales you can go anywhere but I thought you were gonna be in an accounting grant I thought you'd be a doctor I thought you'd be a lawyer you're not a Salesman did I make more money than any other person that graduated from my college any other person for the four years that preceded my graduation date I'll make more money this year than lawyers the doctors the freaking brain surgeons cuz I learned one thing how to sell how do I get in front of somebody what do I say how do I greet somebody what do I do in 20 seconds okay if I lose that money right there I will not know it that's when you're rich see you're rich when you're like okay I can buy that sweater it's no big deal man you're rich when you're like okay I can go in that vacation I can stay in the most expensive hotel I can afford to bring a nanny I can let the kids stay down the hall so I don't have to get free so it could actually be a vacation for me I can visit them when I want pop in when I want leave them when I want we can eat where we want drink what we want and when the bill comes at the end of six days because I can stay long enough to actually have a vacation I can write I can use a lie in there do you know wouldn't you like to build throw money around like a hair man okay I ain't gonna miss it man I'm not missing it okay and that's what rich is rich is not I'm obnoxious okay Rich's hair can give some money to my church and not worry about it Monday morning you know you guys oh if it doesn't hurt bro it shouldn't hurt okay it shouldn't hurt you should have enough that it doesn't matter of time money love when you hug your kids three more times does it hurt no feels good okay Hector Hector Harrell Harrell Philadelphia what's up dude have you made a decision yes sir let me hear man tell the world no you didn't like you oh you want to tell me who you are okay go ahead man go ahead you guys because I'm gonna be on the phone with you man have you made a decision have you made it this yes sir no no say it say it say it say it like you mean it though bro I haven't heard you say it like you mean it get ready today he's started to get rich in nice to leave math yesterday but everything in my life good good so let me ask you this Harrell who have you told who do you need to tell now this is step three for step two and even till the world I need to tell the world because okay I just put new it's just better you know follow you for many years man you actually helped me she proved myself I've been a stylist for over 15 years and also for 15 years and you job is just following your textbook I saw myself increase to a higher level man so I really appreciate you for that that's awesome man I appreciate you anything I can help you with right now you got a question yes sir so my company is a check entrepreneurs and one of my questions is my company we decided to build this company to partner with two of the best companies in the industry right now be familiar with one of them pH pH yeah yeah great company great company PHP oh yeah definitely the mentorship that we'll get from David McCullough I mean it's amazing man and the other company that is that I decided to partner up with and this is because of myself I've had so many health issues growing up because of the that I made yeah I'll be product to actually be able to function right to be able to run my paper so my question to you is and I understand that you know a lot of people have different different views on do what you want to say man come on you got to get to you see the thing about rich people man they get to the point quick this is where you got to develop your killer this is what I want you guys that are doing sales hang on one second okay you guys that are doing sales you guys are in a deal man y'all in the deal too long man you got you got your deals get deal fatigue you guys know what deal fatigue is it's costing you a fortune cuz you don't know how to tell people what the hell you want why are you on the call why did you call me what do you want what are you gonna do and then move on man find an audience it'll pay you go ahead and then I want to hear the Opera thing okay okay hey Harold thanks for calling in brother let's talk to the Opera realtor I want to hear this this this lady hit me on snapchat yesterday I was working my snapchat hundreds I took over some snapchat yesterday you all know what's taking over snapchat is I take yours over you send me your snapchat and your password I go in log out in my name log into yours and take yours over yeah and I get you followers so I did that yesterday and then I got exhausted after about two hours of it okay all right the Opera realtor from Orlando what's up girl you're gonna have to kick this up she's gonna sing to us now okay so Robert I got to hear her are you gonna sing me an opera about getting rich I am going to sing you an aria to show you just how much I want to be rich and also I really want to give back you and Elena my husband and I apologize for the last year and it has really helped us and our mindset and ultimately it's definitely been helped us in our income so I would love the opportunity to come to Miami and sing for you guys in any event since I'm right in Orlando and show you what I can do yeah well that would be awesome and we're definitely going to take you up on can you give my audience just a sample of your of your gift okay so it's about a 25 second clip that I'm the same okay okay let's give up right now we try a lot of stuff on here man we hey dude that was awesome I gotta cover for no I don't want I don't want anybody hearing her like that I'm gonna bring her doll face dude look look it just did you know I'm sure it's awesome but it doesn't the phone doesn't do it justice uh I know it really doesn't yeah yeah so I got to bring you down here we got to do something live I got to get you some attention I got to get you and your husband known around the world all right all right you're awesome thank you so much for being on hold I really appreciate folks were talking about getting rich today I got a lot of questions here she Lieb says shalivahanas I bet Grant sings the same song whenever he gets paid dude I sing I sing I'm getting rich no reason to when you get so rich I'm stacking paper I'm baking cake cuz I'm making cake cuz I got my coffin oh we fly in private okay es weg says you know what sucks when I was growing up and strove to be rich and studied the guys who are now the atmosphere is the 1% or evil the government created this ridiculous crap okay stops innovation imagination in progress keep spreading the gospel brother G I wanted to make I want to go back to being poor I never want to go back to being poor again dude that's awesome okay folks look I'm a one-percenter I'm probably in the top 0.01% of the 1% I am NOT an evil person I'm a good person I'm a killer I'm the killer man either all my listing you're not dude I either like you I don't I mean I'll tell you right now I ain't no faking it with me okay huh what what y'all I like you all right John I like you all right I mean you're a good guy John you're a fun guy dude but like like like I don't ever know if you're serious or not okay see I'm a killer dude I'm gonna kill my wife knows I'm a killer my wife actually it worries about taking me in public because she knows how transparent I am because I'm thinking about 7 billion people I don't need you to be my friend when I walk into a room and there's 300 people in the room every time me and my wife go out baby there's only 2 or 3 people we needed me here I mean I'm going in all the time under like I understand what my intention is with every moment I have in the day Jared brings me a deal hey so-and-so wants you to come to this what's the opportunity bro okay well I don't know get him on the phone I'll ask him what is the opportunity for me to improve the quality of my life okay make a decision tell the world develop the killer you guys that are in marketing branding you own your own company you want to start a company you're in network marketing you got a freaking you your little your little stream is like like like you can't even melt ice with your stream dudududu don't you want to get rich it's not a serious topic man it's serious but you shouldn't be serious about it you should have fun about it man okay you guys are in sales and you can't have fun with the customer you can't fun cuz you don't know what you're doing you don't have money that's because you don't know what you're doing you're making cold calls and you don't think cold calls works it's because you don't know what you're doing glowing Gary Glen Ross remember the scene where it's like the leads of man you think these leads suck these leads don't suck you suck you know what he was telling people the truth dude you don't know what you're doing I was broke from the age of eight years old till the age of 25 years old somebody said to me the other day they're like man an eight-year-old should be broke no you shouldn't okay my daughter's got a thousand dollars my six-year-old has saved a thousand dollars she she knows how many points she has on her point board she knows how much money she has in a bank already she knows how many pairs of shoes she has she knows what a pair of shoes cost she knows what bubblegum cost see most of us weren't taught that man we were basically in the backseat while mommy and daddy worried about money and suggested that they had no control we can't have bad you know now it's progressed to oh the 1% or evil they're not evil dude they're not evil they're smart they're getting their money right they focused on their money they're looking at money all the time they talk about money constantly okay they don't talk about money as being evil or bad they give a lot of money away they're like how can we build this hospital wing what's it cost 40 million hmm okay well how can we make that 40 million to do that sales is like being a killer Reese take says to go get something that doesn't want to be caught trapped and bring it home yes sir and sale sales by the way sales some of you are very gifted at sales you're just naturally good at it let me tell you what you're not naturally good at closing a sale you got it you want to become a closer you got to learn how to do that you want to learn how to make a cold call that works you have to learn that nobody's born with those skills you wanna learn how to prospect groups of people nobody is born with that skill some people are naturally good salespeople but closer prospect or follow-up that's why we created card on you David motoki a-- says what would you recommend for a fellow 20 year old wanting to succeed and become rich working two jobs and going to school full time save money and invest in real dude you don't invest any money in real estate or stocks you ain't got any money you guys making these $3,000 investments and the stock goes down 10% you just lost 300 if the stock doubles if it doubles if it goes up four times you make 9000 you're not gonna do that twice you're gonna do it once and then you're gonna lose your money don't invest money until you have enough money work on yourself okay this the steps make a decision tell the world develop the killer you can develop a killer you know how you listen to killers you don't listen to you listen to killers you don't listen to weak people you don't listen to people that have that there are half-ass people you listen to guys like me man you don't listen to people that tell you how to take shortcuts you're gonna be a millionaire on Instagram no you ain't dude you're gonna be on Instagram develop the killer around real people that have real muscle real discipline and real they're not out there showing off their Lambos that they least they don't even need to buy a Lambo dude they don't need a Lambo to prove themselves they don't have to have the fancy stuff to prove who they are okay one of the richest people I know he don't even own a watch man he's like I hate watches man I said really why he's like takes time to put him on I could be making money set the target set a target where are you gonna be at the end of this year okay it's April 9 8 April 8th you have eight months to stack more money away than you've put away in your lifetime all right set the target follow it through and this is what you need to do invest in yourself if you're gonna spend a grand 3 grand you're gonna spend 5 grand 10 grand if you're gonna spend 10 minutes on anything don't spend it going to Kmart spend it on reading and learning and investing in yourself my name is Grant Cardone this is a Cardone zone every Friday dude grant what day you want to do the cardones oh no only one day to do this show Fridays get you ready for the freakin weekend I know what I'm gonna be doing okay I know what I'm gonna be doing okay folks if you don't know where to follow me snapchat I'm banging the hell out of it I snapped that thing so hard yesterday the people at snapchat actually called me and said dude just snapping hard okay YouTube videos off the rails 4,000 hours viewed yesterday is that right and you guys watching the show today what he's talking about he's telling me he's gonna get rich you need to make a decision to call some people today and tell them I'm getting rich whether you need to post it on Facebook or Instagram you just add my name add my name and I'll give you some freaking thunder I'll throw you some power at it dude okay throw you some power you know what I mean I'll tell you some power you know what that means dude you throw it on Twitter throw it on there and say add my name I'm gonna see it on Twitter and I'ma beat retweet this boy he wants to get rich then I want you to call your mama your daddy your sister your brother your uncle I want you to tell your kids I'm getting rich okay quit apologizing for it quit apologizing quit backing off from it you either do or you don't if you're making a decision not to get rich today quit lying to yourself and saying oh I'm happy I'm all good the way I am you know why you say that cuz you quit you quit on having it all it's the only reason somebody would say something stupid like that I'm just unhappy how do you know man come on how do you know you happy to win till you go to Whole Foods and see the prices again then you're not so happy then you get depressed for a moment look I was broke and I was lying to myself saying I was happy I'm fine man I'm better off than some guy in India I didn't even know where India was I've never been the India I've seen pictures of India on the Internet okay I can Google India but I don't know what it's like there man I'm sure it's hard to live there but there's 50 million people in America in poverty 40 million people in America on programs food stamps you understand 40 million that's 90 million people let me tell you the number you note here 200 million people in the middle class in America living paycheck to paycheck month after month that's poverty - my name is Grant Cardone thank you for watching follow me on Twitter snapchat blow up my hit my Instagram needs to get blown up okay god bless be great have a great weekend hey welcome welcome welcome you
Channel: Grant Cardone
Views: 54,529
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: make money fast, leadership, make money, financial planning, how to become financially free, yt:cc=on, wealth, financial independence, make money online, how earn 6-figures, how to multiply salary, grantcardone, money tips, get money, business, financial education, saving money, grant cardone, how to make money, what jobs pay most money, earn money, how become millionaire, get finance, success, how get rich, more money, invest money, money
Id: dU1HySbPxpg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 39sec (2679 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 02 2019
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