How Money Works - Cardone Zone

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] you're right you're right you're right you're right people love to be right [Music] how many of you want to sell more products how do you grow business top line move the top line sell businesses [Music] I don't want to waste more than five minutes on $3,000 the question is what if I want to monetize my content ideas it's gonna be a great product and a great service you don't need to go prove [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] I want you to have an experience that you will never ever forget [Music] [Music] hey grant cardone welcome to the cardones zone today we're gonna keep it real simple jammed we're gonna keep it so simple today I'm gonna talk to you about how money works it's this simple by the way okay you're not gonna get any if you don't pull the trigger every Friday 12:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time the cardones zone comes to you wherever you are it could be iTunes it could be YouTube it could be the stitch it could be the twitch it could be your friend talking negative about your boy G C but no matter what I'm gonna keep telling you the damn truth your mama didn't teach it your daddy didn't teach you you gave the school 12 years some of you gave collagen of the four you didn't learn it today I'm going to talk about how the money works how does money even work okay I was stating to an individual actually you saw an Instagram post I don't know if we can show that video of the car you buy a four hundred thousand dollar car there's how money works you might who would do that who would buy a damn four thousand dollar car nobody the only person that should buy four hundred thousand dollar car is a guy that can sell a four hundred thousand dollar car everybody else should lease that car if you're gonna do the Lambo cuz you are Dumbo it's from I gotta tell you the truth so you don't get drunk tonight so you don't smoke the weed tonight I know nobody's ever committed suicide because they smoke weed but you know and I know I mean look if if we cost Elon Musk a lot of money you know it's gonna cost you money and it cost him and his investors a bunch of dough so watch you got four hundred grand that you know over eight years is gonna go down to about a hundred and fifteen thousand dollars eight years from now that car be worth 115 if you can keep the car and you won't be able to not yet even if you can keep the car and you won't the way you be I have a blown engine blown bridge it'll cost you more than the 285 that you spent because she interest probably because you don't have the money to pay for but even if you paid cash for it this is how money works okay 400 grand it's gonna be worth about a buck fifteen the truth is you'll buy three of those the guy that buys Lambos he wears the little belt with the H on it he got his Gucci shoes he got his little belt with a with a big H and he's got his Gooch's and his he got his he got his hit up he got his he got his little fake fake a gold medal right got his big watch alert dude you got about three of those you're looking about one of them so you guys I saw that Instagram post I did minute $400 cars gonna $400,000 car's gonna go 115 truth is that cars are gonna probably cost you a million too because you gonna buy three it in bad boys and you're gonna lose money on every one of them now on the other case the other case you could invest in something that provides cash flow cash flow an asset that provides cash flow it's a little low for me Johnny I don't know if it's cutting anybody else up but it's cutting me off 400 grand that earns 15% and this is what today is about it has an internal rate of return most of you don't know what that means I'll explain it to you today they could compound and get an internal rate of return with a compound compound means you would reinvest the dollars that are distributed from that property you would redistribute that's the only way you compound anything if you could do that that four hundred grand would be worth about in eight years 1 million two hundred thousand dollars now a lot of people like you can't get 15% anyway anywhere by the way there's a contributor I'm calling you sir Steven I think it was his name from Forbes a contributor for Forbes who says who can get 15 percent IRR sounds like a show for American greed shame on you dude that you write for Forbes and haven't done your homework on why I said this the internal rate of return internal rate of return includes is how money works internal rate of return by the way you guys it right the news and you work for Forbes and CNN the smart money y'all need to quit just covering every topic and actually learn what the hell you're talking about because clearly you don't know internal rate rate of return is determined by cash flow okay plus appreciation this is not an annual figure it's a figure that can only be equalled over time and then divided by how long you kept it to determine how much it was okay it's so easy to get fifteen it's unbelievable the fact that you guys don't know that there's tens and 12s and fifteen percent internal rate of returns is why you keep your money at the bank where you earn one one two compound that as much as you want you compound in every hour it will still be worth nothing so all of you that we're talking about compound interest it doesn't exist if this number is 0.1 one two why would you reinvest in the bank the bank tells you that because they want you to keep reinvest in the money in the bank hola this is basically zero compound zero what is it beat up zero as much as you want hammer it with a freaking a jackhammer okay blow it up with gas pump it but do whatever you want hope it wish it put the freaking law of attraction on it it's still a zero it doesn't become anything until you add some in front of it nothing right so watch the bank equity in your home pays you nothing you got four hundred thousand dollars where the equity in your home it is dead money okay this is how money works the first thing you got to understand this how it won't work because right here it's not working for you right here is not working for you money markets it's not working for you okay how does money work you need to get a dollar I'll just give you this okay what was the number I did on the 30 days how to make them million dollars in 30 days 1 million dollars in time I think it's 39 cents a second if you can earn 39 cents a second for 30 days in a row okay bottom line in the first segment the only way to make money is to earn money one second way to make money is to get money to multiply okay I'm not interested in adding money I'm interested in the multiplication of money first I got to earn it how do I earn it people have everything you want to say this all the time it is not complicated you can't make money this is counterfeit okay this is not real money right here I know that ruins some people home that was real know what's in the what's in my wallet my safe back here is real I bought the bank okay they don't even know I bought it because there's a vault back there and I'm a loaded up with freaking ammo weapons and money if you need a bunch of dope come by my place one weekend see if you can get in as a bunch but you gonna have to take it or you could just go earn your money by the way the thief will steal less money than he could earn legally stay with me this is the cardones own introducing the fastest growing e-commerce platform in the fitness face gym food store calm dr. David Carley is a Harvard trained m.d. entrepreneur and specialist in rehabilitation regenerative medicine along with Zoe Bedford experienced and distribution and product development bring you an online store interested in optimizing your help Gym food stores your online marketplace for nutritional and sports supplementation all things health gym food stores here to help you identify and validate product selection learn more at gym food store calm that's gym food store calm right now throw in your future protecting your past JD frosted company P LLC is a public accounting firm offers a variety of assurance and tax services to businesses and individuals the Chattanooga and surrounding areas we focus on construction and manufacturing industries our primary objective is client satisfaction through excellent customer sir work with the best we are accredited by the BBB this is JD frost and company for a full suite of taxes surance and management accounting services visit us right now at Frost CPAs com first root of hustle wholesaling chris is in the interesting real estate space but he's figured out a little niche heaven flipping deals when he calls Hotel and wholesaling I want to show you how to get into real estate without making all the mistakes I had he actually doesn't own the real estate what he does is he buys a contract he basically you don't actually buy the contract you control the car for correct visit Chris recom to book a call right now what dynamics believes everyone has the god-given right to own their potential most of us don't because we spend 40 hours per week serving the 40 year to life sentence training our precious time for worthless paper called money we live on an economic planet and time and money do need to be exchanged but it doesn't need to be your time or your money we teach our clients to secure income producing assets that make the time and money change for you so you can buy your freedom back and we have a life of abundance and prosperity to get there we must know how to make money how to keep it how to multiply it wealth dynamics provides coaching education accountability and community to help you build wealth join our coaching program get educated on the wealth dynamics University and begin networking with the wealth dynamics mastermind group today to get started go to wealth dynamics comm hey welcome back to the cardones own I'm talking today about how money works you're listening on itunes or stitcher or watching on youtube or facebook appreciate you being here every day every day by the way I deliver a new show to you so if you're interested in money finance business career marriage how to keep it all going how to make more time I'm here for you every day I want to help you okay hundred grand you got a hundred grand how do I double a hundred grand that's what you guys should be figuring out man how do I double a hundred grand that's what you how do I get a hundred grand once I got it how do I double it the people that make all the money on this plant they're people that end up with all the wealth understand how to get money to work not how they can keep working everybody knows how to work if you get to 100 grand you have proven that you know how to work to add value so people gave you more money then they would have to they pay you fifty eight thousand bucks a year and you figured out over some period of time how to keep 100 you already know how to work what you don't know how to do is how to get money to have babies okay anybody can make a baby can you get money to make a baby if I take $100,000 okay I got to get it out of the bank you guys have to get your money out of the bank and you have to get your money out of equity in a home money will not multiply if it's in your home you're saving money basically saving money does not multiply money okay so if I can find something that would pay me 5% a year lots of things would pay you 5% of your 5% a year for 10 years is 50% on your money if you don't lose the hundred grand first step is don't lose it I'm just showing you I'm simplifying money for you okay 5% a year 10 years in a row 50 grand I can show you a lot of things to do this AT&T stock will pay you about 6% a year gee you'll probably pay you four or five percent a year problem with those two things as they can also go down in value so number one don't lose the hundred so when I was when I was 29 years old and I started making a little bit of money I'm like okay I don't want to lose my money I studied Warren Buffett don't lose money I studied all the big players don't lose money number two get the money to get you a drip okay if I can get this to be 10% that'd be awesome that means in one in ten years my money would double if I didn't reinvest the dividends if I reinvested the dividends it would even grow faster than that that's called the compound effect right so if I took the five percent added it to the hundred every year hundred first year becomes 105 second year becomes 110 or 111 third year becomes 116 or so third year becomes 121 that's without me like compounding it starts compounding right you get it by the way if I could earn 10% a year in seven years the money doubles if it's compounded it's called the seven year rule you guys need to study money or you need to stay with your uncle G who will do for you what your aunt and uncle never did for you because the hell they didn't do it for themselves now the second thing you need to do is if you would be in an asset a real asset not your house not a car not a Lambo a real asset that's an ass that's et that's right you got to you got to add a little et to your ass because anybody can be an ass appreciation if your asset what is an asset something that can go up in value if it what if it went up by five percent a year each of the ten years or doesn't go up at all for nine years and bam one year it goes up 50 percent easy to do by the way if you have time 50 grand from the cash flow 50 grand from the asset appreciation I didn't lose my hundred 100 grand became two hundred grand okay now if I could get 100 grand to do 15% a year dude it really get sick if I could get it to do 20 it gets stupid if I could get it to do 25 I've done all these by the way every one of these go to card on capital look at all the deals I've done I have we have a we have every one of my deals laid out I got deals and do 15 and twittered it Forbes I'm gonna look up your name dude I'm calling you out don't be so stupid bro do some research man you lazy dog okay now what happens if 15% 15% becomes 100 and now play the video and I'll show you what a million dollars does y'all want to think big think big what's you there's that Lambo 400 grand yellow 342 299 254 be worth 112 while you show off 400 grand invested its 15% there's North Lawn Boy too okay so this hundred grand could be worth three hundred three hundred and twenty thousand bucks at a fifteen percent internal rate of return one hundred grand would become worth three hundred grand anybody can get a hundred grand folks anybody in this world no I don't care where you live how poor you are any human being on this planet can put a hundred grand away you just got to have a plan man what's the plan what's the damn plan okay a hundred grand divided by divided by three years what would be a long time to do this in just give me how long would you guys like you know what I can do five years okay so a hundred grand divided by three sixty five divided by five fifty four bucks today fifty four dollars a day if you could just figure out how to be disciplined enough to get fifty four dollars a day in five years you would have a hundred grand once you invest that hundred grand if you could get it in a vehicle then earn fifteen percent internal rate of return that includes the cash flow the appreciation not to mention my tax write-offs by the way that we have built into our real estate and we start paying down the debt that wasn't included there it is well that'd be another thirty five percent over ten years that hundred grand would be three hundred thousand dollars okay but nobody's telling you this your professors not telling you cuz he don't do it what does he knew he he buys he puts his money over to the Wall Street people because intelligent people tend to collaborate with other highly educated dumbasses from Harvard what Harvard professor makes what I make none of them you know who makes all the money at Harvard the guys that give money to Harvard not the guys that went to Harvard you know I was a C student dude okay I'm the one that can fund charities hey my name's grant car I am an obnoxious hard to listen to in your face I've been called the pig this week I'm like yeah tell me something I don't know poink poink you're right you're right you're right you're right people love to be right how many of you want to sell more products how do you grow a business top line move the top line sell businesses [Music] I don't want to waste more than five minutes on $3,000 the question is what if I want to monetize my content ideas it's gonna be a great product and a great service you don't need to go prove [Music] [Music] Marko's Santorelli of nerado real estate is the foremost expert in getting your money to work for you at Nerada most people do not have the time to investor through the work it takes to grow their wealth Marko and his team will handle it working in 16 markets nationwide Marko and his team will help set up a strategy to take you through step by step how to invest your money the right way and get you earning 8% returns from day one if you need financing we have it handy the inspection for your property if you need titles done we have it handle this is a one-stop-shop to get you involved in the real estate game nerado real estate Marco Sanchez really will ensure that you have what you need to start investing the right way to learn more visit nerado that's naradha real estate doctor Jacksonville Florida this family-owned husband-and-wife team of Realtors is there to serve you track every process step by step gets you from contract into your new home or out of your current home sold and on the market Chad and Sandy Neumann will take you market your home and make sure that you will receive the best customer service ever they're gonna sell your property above market value in 30 days or less with over 12 years of experience this team is there for you to learn more go to Chad and sandy com that's Chad and sandy calm right now hey welcome back to the cardones own Grant Cardone I have Johnny the camera guy who had a major cognition on the break and I got pasty if you didn't tag Jarrod yesterday this is Jarrod glandt okay Jarrod's new symbol we call him Elmer okay three oh five eight six five eight six six eight so number Johnny had a cognition johnny was like okay grant I put a hundred grand in your real estate deals I don't want the dividends don't send me the checks just reinvested in the fund that would be the smart thing to do because number one you won't lose money this is the number one thing most people never get most people never get this they lose the money man okay sending money to a bank is losing your money sending money to Wall Street is losing your money you do not want to be liquid if you are liquid you can lose your money cash is not King okay the reason that was sold to the public everybody says that if anywhere in the world go cash is yeah because everybody's been programmed to stay liquid man you don't want to be liquid that's what Wall Street tells you we're liquid you can get your money the next day you don't want to be able to get your money because if you can get your money you're gonna lose it hey man I need money today what does that mean you about to lose that damn money it's going to an emergency it's going to an emotion it's going to a problem that's why they said stay liquid you know why cuz they both start with L and liquid means you're gonna lose the money I never say liquid super wealthy people are not liquid in the beginning they don't want to be liquid Warren Buffett does not want cash he wants to be invested - okay - number two is the money must have a cash flow it has to have cash flow that's what's wrong with stocks for most people okay my billionaire friend Bob's like you shouldn't bash on the stock market yes I should because the stock market does not cash flow for the individual and Natalie Francisco Nathan Johnny okay people that work in my office need cash flow to take care of their families man to pay their bills third thing and then bonded by the way Johnny Johnny's already got his life County in order so he's not gonna overspend he can operate on four or five thousand bucks a month look at his t-shirt okay no big deal man it's not even a nice t-shirt somebody gave it to him okay okay third thing third thing is you have to be in assets you need to be in assets that appreciate you need to be an assets and appreciate you need to be an assets that appreciate I said you need to be in an asset your ass needs to have some et on it okay because et can do magical things would an ass let's talk to our callers by the way you guys are going out this week you guys have been going out this weekend all you gonna do is lose money weekends are for losers how long you're gonna be in the shot Johnny weekends are for losers you guys lose money on the weekends okay what's his name Louis stay liquid Louis Louis what have you heard today that you're like yeah man I got it and I got to start employing that idea Louis since I've been with you for the last month okay join your ambassadors program I also became a licensee you have completely and radically changed my life oh this is awesome right here guys right here tell me what happened tell me what happened I'm gonna tell you what happened number one just joining the ambassador's program number one I've completely changed my diet I've changed my exercise routine every single day beating that son up I've increased my income by 20 percent month-over-month how much is that what what kind of increase does that mean to you well right now I'm on track to hit over 200,000 for the year first time ever both 18 grand among 18 thousand $33 a month I know that because I remember targeting 200 grand for the first time in my life oh yeah that's awesome dude that's awesome so I just want to thank you man I'm looking forward to busting out with this licensee program I'm looking forward to the boot camp in October and I just want to tell everybody listening right now you got to follow uncle-ji real-deal folks on the real deal you might not like what I'm telling you but i'ma give it to you real okay I'm gonna help the people that want help and the rest of them are gonna just criticize me anybody criticizing it hating on me Louie you don't even look good on you okay how can you don't like don't do that like if you're gonna criticize somebody don't criticize somebody that is doing like a thousand times better than you because everybody's like okay you're either doing this because you're envious you're doing it because you want to attention or you're doing it because like like cuz this is look it's kind of stupid you having trouble paying your bills and you hating on the guy this buying gas for a plane ride kind of dumb kind of dump by the way you guys apologize it you don't apologize to people you know what how does apologize and fix anything right I'm not gonna apologize to anybody about anything man I deal with God I ain't gonna deal with you and your I handle God man oh man you need I don't need to do anything I need to deal with my I need to handle my damn life I got my hands full my life I don't even wane tie criticizing you cuz I ain't got time to criticize you I'm too busy criticizing Monday himself every successful person you meet I'll promise you is harder on themselves than they will ever then you could ever be on them how did they get there because they were hard on themselves okay I don't need to criticize Elon Musk he's trying to figure his way out man I guarantee that guys cranking on himself at night maybe that's why smoking weed trying to get a little relief from himself cranking on himself okay people did work in my office they're like man grants hard on on on me no no I'm hard on me that gives me the right to be hard on everybody okay I'm hard on me not to lose my money you guys are gonna go out Friday Saturday Friday and Saturday break people okay half the nation's gonna get break broken this weekend you're gonna have another big loss this weekend and then somebody's gonna tell you I learned so much from my failures did I learn anything from freaking I didn't learn anything from getting beat up on the weekends I didn't learn anything from going unconscious on the weekend I didn't learn anything from wrecking cars on the weekend all I did was loose you guys got to quit losing man don't stay liquid because if you don't have any money to go to the bar this weekend you won't go to the bar this weekend and definitely don't let Visa go play our American Express Express play you you guys don't need to be going to the fight to see Canela and triple G I'm gonna tell you how it's going in triple G you're gonna win okay all right next caller no by the way you guys can go buy a Lambo do we have a picture of the Lambo in a bit let me see it man let me see it man look look you can do that once you got your investments giving you some cash flow you shouldn't pay for the Lambo though the free cash flow from the buildings that you're invested in could buy Lambo okay I got two big rolls-royce getting dropped off here in November are you paying for either one of them this stupid man and by the way I'll lease them both okay I'm Elise them two companies that I own and it will become a tax deduction did I say a deduction did I say the government was gonna pay for my double RR okay I'm not buying those cars I'm not showing off okay I am showing off a little bit I'm showing off so what okay but I'm not stupid and I'm not paying for them and I'm definitely not gonna bond okay next caller Simon what's going on buddy sorry you're on hold so long no worries brother thank you so much for all the knowledge and all that you know all the things that should be taught teaching us lately thanks ma'am okay ii-i've got to deal for you that I wanted to get your opinion on okay okay how big how BIG's the deal 114 units as well when you know too small too small okay the 20 units of what's a gross income on the 20 units now you guys out there like Oh Oh career grant wanna talk to somebody it has 20 units look if it doesn't produce enough income it doesn't matter stay at your main job get good at your main job don't leave your main job for a dumb investment I'll kind of start somewhere you don't have to start with a mistake that's a welcome welcome within within a mile away I'm gonna bite this and combined as a pro failure as a what epithelial what the 20 years yeah the 20 and the 15 yeah yeah yeah don't do them bro don't do them don't do them okay they're doing what I've told other people to do take four units here six units over here not some guy that's probably listening to me putting up putting them together saying I got 20 units don't do it you want 20 units at one address you don't want a portfolio okay okay okay it's like it's like a poor person mama mamas putting all the leftovers together do it to serve Sunday lunch to make it look like you guys are doing good every all that all love is a bunch of leftovers well the gross income on the 20 unit is one hundred and fifty one thousand yeah so 20 years yeah but the problem is that there there there are too many different locations they're too many different locations fine 20 units one address okay next caller big Chris what's going on buddy my man my man man I've been waiting for your call dude all day I'm like when's Chris gonna call come on talk to me man yeah go ahead man you know you know you know Tai Lopez Tai Lopez is Maya his assistant said to me yesterday hey grant I saw that t-shirt you are you are you talking about us I said no man I'm not gonna bow tie okay you can fake being great but you can't fake being professional I like that man I might make a t-shirt out of that send it to ya put that up tonight's ambassador by the way I put that on the tonight Sebastian hey what's what's happened for you what's happened for you as a result of being part of the Ambassador be a part of the bachelor group my tape man it has really opened my eyes to where I'm losing business in fact finding and follow-up but basically the other day when you said if the guys are not building value in what they're selling I get immediately I can go down knocking back for this I can do this or I can do that my guys were already driving to prepare when they started building value so building value in our product I sell holy Davis's is one of the GSE I do the selling I do it all yeah but as our biggest fault here is building the values yeah dude that's awesome man that's awesome let me know what I can do to help you okay folks you're in the car down zone every Friday 12:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time I come to you to talk about your money your financing your career we're on iTunes and stitcher YouTube and Facebook wherever you are you uncle G comes to you you're not gonna like what I tell you most of the time if you lose money you are a loser why would you work all week long I mean I knew this when I was 17 I'd watch I was in a refinery town Lake Charles Louisiana I'd watch we worked for two weeks eighty hours get a check about the check damn surname pay me enough hate just worth coming back I got cold all over my face black I'm black okay I'm literally like like I'm covered every every part of my body that was that was not covered was black my fingernails were black dude under my eyelids we're back inside my ears up in my nose okay and these guys I would go with these guys would all go to the bar about how little they were paid how hard they worked and then blow all their money I'm like this stupid two losers and like I got to get out of here but the problem is as long as you hang around losers you gonna get the disease okay don't stay liquid do not stay liquid do not stay liquid do not repeat after me do not stay liquid the money we'll find some place to move to that's what liquid does baby it's my cure it wants to move right you cracked that - mama - open that Mercury's moving someplace that's the definition of mercurial comes from mercury it wants to move flow money flows you don't want that money to flow I want that money to grow while I flow to go get some moat of the glow I get the dough and I take the dough and I'm like I want dough to do what I want it to rise I wanted to make some pies so I can fly high in the skies when I'm when I'm on a g550 we good three more callers let's bring them on what you got to say where's my ladies where's my ladies Jay Jay I want you to sound like a woman Jay Jay I can't deal with it gene in the Asia now you see the Asians by the way Asians have a better credit in America Asians in America have more equity in their home more cash in the bank more money in retirement more assets under management than all of the races in America now somebody gonna find that racist just because I pinpointed the Asians do you guys should look at what other people are doing if you're if you're Latino okay if you're african-american if you're an American you should be looking at what groups are in America came from other countries settled here or doing the best then ask yourself what are they doing that we as a group seem to be missing spending your money on burritos and beer man and tequila okay spending your money on a freakin Drake album spending $18 on a drink out there's no way I would spend $18 on Drake okay I mean I mean I'm like do you if you don't pay attention to $18 you're never gonna get 18 million you got to think about money you want money you can't lose it number two you got to get it to drip you got to get it to pay you every month you got to get it to be your son you got kids get your kids to work and my kids I got Sabrina I got Scarlett I got Ben Franklin I got Abe I got George I got ulysses s grant I'm like I got four boys people like when you want have a boy I already got a bunch of boys I got boys I got him in my pocket okay I got I got I got a couple three hundred million boys working for me okay I got my one of my best friends my boy he good good dude most of time Ben Franklin he a baller but I tell us him it's what to do I got Oh Andrew Jackson getting back to work boy get back get up out your grave and you need to go grow up son okay I got I got a bleak in here it's only five dollars but I'm like Abe you're so honest get you ass back to work with you and your scraggly as self tall lanky get to work George George George okay George get off the boat with the flag and the cherry tree and get to work I'm your daddy we got to grab that piece okay all right let's talk to the next color oh I got you listen you said grant quit drinking your drunk bastard and get to work because look man if he's just sitting around in my pocket what's going to happen is they're gonna I'm gonna lose them they're gonna catch on fire somebody's gonna grab them they're gonna go to a tip they're gonna go somewhere okay somebody sell me get out leave out leave my property of the day and they're like I did a video in there like oh you didn't tip the guy yeah they had any money on me either son and by the way why are you watching whether I tip or not if I don't have any money I can't tip the guy I didn't have any dough in my pocket by the way those people love me I take care of my people okay and taking care of people means more than just money you got to defend the people that work with you I'll fight for you guys over it regalia prove that G G man hey man what's going on gene yeah grandpa I love you Jean I love you yeah you changed my life you changed my life totally are you so in in April I attend the wealth creation formula and then after that I can double my income so say it again say say say it again what happened you went to what and what doubled after after I learned wealth creation formula in in April yeah and then I can I can double my income so first my income is a five five thousand ferment and then I can I can have ten thousand per month I can double my income ten thousand eight a month he brought a program called The Wealth Christian formula it's on my website okay I think it's 500 bucks or something understand it's nothing it's nothing he doubled his income that made him ten times the money he invested that's awesome what part of Asia are you in I mean all these say sure I'm in Amr yeah yeah yeah more my so my question is how can I multiply my current income yes so you know you got to start thinking about how do you get to 100 a month right so I'm a 10,000 you're 10,000 you want to stabilize the 10,000 and then start thinking about how do I get to ten ten ten times that 10x and you're the answer is always going to be the same how do I get in front of more people there's no way around the the answer the answer will always be people institutions do not have your money companies do not have your money people have your money do I serve people how do I take care of people how do I help you Jeff Bezos is the ultimate at helping people so so that's what I would tell you to do why do I buy Whole Foods because people go there to eat every day he's got constant traffic notice what he's doing with the Jack Ryan movie the jack ran movie you're gonna notice Prime Amazon Prime is now gonna deliver boxes if you bought a shirt from adidas or some shoes from adidas the box is coming wrapped as the jack run hey watch Jack run the whole box wrapped you've probably seen it right you'll see it yes anyway that's Amazon doing what people watch movies people eat food people buy t-shirts people buy tennis shoes they don't care whether you're buying Nikes or burning them they're like hey let's not get involved in this like I don't care what tennis shoes what I got on right now I got some I got some uh I don't know what they are zinnias you know you guys are Laura you guys are you guys are loyal to a tennis shoe company then y'all need to get laws to your own damn money guy goes out and burns his tennis shoe yeah fold you could have given them away give them some kid that likes the Nikes you guys get too emotional man you get emotional you lose money man I deserve to go get drunk this weekend I deserve it goddamn I had a bad week and then you lose your money man if you would have already analytically lost your money take the money I love my house we love our house we love our house our kids are our kids are our kids love to school oh my kids have friends you're emotional you lose money every time you get emotional okay you lose your money get it to be illiquid you can't lose it that's why I have all my assets invested in in in real estate I don't have my money in the stock market for one major reason because it's the illiquid and if it goes down tomorrow what's gonna happen I get emotional I get scared fear is an emotion I get so everything give me my money back and then I'm back to it I'm back to the same man bang bang I'm like a yo-yo in the wind get rid of your money put it in assets that can serve you and can grow next caller toran from Tehran Oklahoma what's going on come on man come on what's happening put a layer yeah I'm a 21 year old entrepreneur man I'm saving money I have all kinds of hustles I'm trying to save money to invest I'm looking into real estate looking in the day trading but I'm just needing some advice I'm 21 year old high perspective I'm optimistic good how much honey you got how much money you got right now I always have about three thousand dollars saved up man this is a recent occur I've just started saving so it's about three thousand four thousand dollars man so what I would do dude is I'd figure out how to get rid of that three or four grand get rid of the money okay don't sit on the money get rid of it put it in an asset where you can't lose it don't let anybody give it back to you if you get mortar tortured and they're like well you have some money uh uh can you get us some money uh uh I mean no matter what they do did they try to water torch you then they they just keep because if you have the money liquid you're gonna be like they're gonna just threaten hey hey they're gonna do this to you oh here I got three grand right here oh man so do get rid of the money man somebody comes over here and kidnaps my kids they're gonna be like we need a million dollars for a kid I'm like sorry okay up your bro I'm ill I'm all invested there's no way for me to get the money there's nobody to call I can call somebody but it's already gone I don't have the money okay all right my name is Grant Cardone there's a Cardone zone again you might not like what I say I'm not here to get you to like me I'm not running for office this is not a popularity contest anything you say about me I already know about me obnoxious we need to do something grant cardone is a noxious grant cardone is a pig grant cardone is kaki grant cardone whatever right we just need to do that in the thing and then I'm sitting in the middle like it's true it's it's true is so true it's so true but give me something I don't know I love you guys man either way I love you guys okay who else will tell you man your mom your dad your uncle yeah what are they doing for you what's what's what's the smart the smart money magazine the CNN Money Magazine the Forbes magazine to see and be all they do is talk over your head and you can't understand what the hell they're saying okay every day we come to you cardones own iTunes or stitcher if you don't have it download just go to iTunes putting cardones own good-ass stitcher putting in cardones own what's our other podcasts outlets soundcloud tune in if you haven't got your tickets for the 10x growth conference grab them okay grab them we're gonna sell that baby out this is the last weekend that you can get a seat for free is it Sunday it's over I'm done I'm done okay we're sold out on the heroes firemen policemen Marines I don't have any more seats to give you nurses and teachers I gave away all the free seats I can now I need you guys to step up and start grabbing your seats VIPs and premiers VIPs and premiers they're on the field okay they're literally first base second base third base and home plate you're going to be sitting right there on the field those are going to be the freakin hottest seats of the year and you want to get them their seats down the first base line seats down the third base line still buying your tickets this will be a sold-out event I promise you October 5th 6th and 7th 5th 6th and 7th right that's two weeks from now 10-15 days from now three days with Grant Cardone just talking about your sales processors only 250 people can be at that event three days with me and my team to talk about how to 10x I don't care if you live in Israel Indiana I don't get where you live you come spend three days with me if it's not worth a hundred times what do you pay I'll give you money back the first day okay all right grant cardone doc grant boot camp comm grant cardone boot camp comm god bless you guys be great I'm pulling for you you're right you're right you're right you're right people love to be right how many of you want to sell more products how do you grow a business top line move the top line sell businesses [Music] I don't want to waste more than five minutes on $3,000 the question is what if I want to monetize my content ideas it's gonna be a great product and a great service you don't need to go prove [Music] [Music] marketing and promotion is the lifeblood of your business have you tried Facebook Instagram LinkedIn YouTube and have no clue why you're not getting leads followers or any traction have you worked with other agencies and then nothing happened 10x productions grant cardones digital advertising agency is now available for you to get on track with social media lead generation full-scale training and production will get you the leads and give you the training to understand your social media and how to build a brand better just go to Cardona that's Cardone to get your free marketing assessment and we will get you on the road to the light marketing and all of your business needs visit Cardone advertising right now [Music] I want you to have an experience that you will never ever forget you
Channel: Grant Cardone
Views: 35,596
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yt:cc=on, income, how to earn extra cash, financial advice, how to earn more money, money advice, entrepreneur, finances, grantcardone, money management, grant cardone, money market, stock market, real estate investing, economic policy, entrepreneurship, finance advice, how money works, investing, money, economy, banking, real estate, sales
Id: OfvfaJRadiE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 34sec (3214 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 14 2018
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