How to Get Expired Listings

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what's going on everybody Spencer McDuffie here hope you're having a fantastic day and thanks for tuning in first year mega agents we're new agents come to get the information that allows them to go from zero to hero not a question of the day it seems like I've had at least three or four different real estate agents contact me and ask me how do I get started with the expired listings right so I figured I definitely need to make a video about this because it seems to be a question that I've been asked a lot so let's get right down to it and figure out how as a brand new agent you can start taking listings for minimal money immediately your first day on the job so step number one guys where it all begins it all starts with the skills the skills with the expired listings they're gonna pay the bills you got to become a skill in there before you can become a millionaire when you're talking about these expired listings so what does it mean to build up your skills well guys is simple you need to master the art of having the conversation with the expired listing now how do you do that well in my humble opinion of course what I've done to increase my success with the expired listings is practice your scripts practice your dialogues it's very important it's probably the most important thing when you finally get in front of that expired listing or you finally get them on the phone and you got somebody who's kind of interested you need to know what to say what you say matters okay so I follow the Tom Perry scripts and in the past I've actually followed the micro scripts I don't think it really matters that much and which scripts you use but it's important that you get a script and become fluent and having a conversation with the expired listing now I had better success with tom ferry scripts I got better response rates you know the microwave scripts opens up like hey how you doing this is Spencer McDuffie with exp Realty listen I saw your house came off the market I just wanted to see when do you plan on interviewing the right agent for the job of selling your home now that's pretty good right but I was getting a better response from the time very script which is a little less direct a little less aggressive but still very effective hey how you doing Spencer McDuffie here with exp Realty listen I just wanted to give you a real quick call I saw your house came off the market and I just wanted to touch base with DNC do you still want to sell it that I've had a lot better success with either one can work I promise you they both work because they both work for me personally but what I saw over time in doing these calls and having these conversations with expired is just a little bit more pleasant the second way I get a better response people don't seem to shut it down you know you're not asking them to basically sign on the dotted line as soon as they you know say the very first words that they're gonna say to you right so practice those scripts and dialogues get great at setting appointments setting appointments is of the name of the game as a brand new agent you know I had to learn through talking with my coach you know I'm like listen I'm getting contacts I'm getting contacts I don't understand why I'm not getting listings he said something that blew me away and has stuck with me as a brand new agent and helped me turn into a top producer in my area and it this is it if you're focused on contacts you're gonna get contacts if you're focused on appointments you're gonna get appointments right the mental mindset shift what you focus on grows right so if you're talking to people just to begin contacts then you're just going to get contacts if you're talking to people coming from the frame of I'm here to set an appointment then you're gonna get appointments right so that was something that was major for me and in order to set appointments you've got to know how to you know follow the script you know when somebody says oh Spencer you know it sounds great it sounds you sound like you know what you're talking about but you know I need to talk to my wife my wife you know I can't make a decision without my wife listen I totally understand and you should talk to your wife why don't we do this why don't we go ahead and pencil it down for Wednesday at 5:00 and I'll you know I'll put it in my calendar for that time if something happens in the meantime just give me a call back we'll reschedule no problem at all sound fair enough generally that works 100% of the time so when people give you these common objections I need to think about it I need to talk to my wife you're gonna want to know some responses and the only way that you can get those is through scripting dialogues and practicing your craft you got to be a master salesperson man you got to work on your sales skills so that's where it all begins so let's look at it a little bit more practically right you've got your skills now you got a little bit of skills right you've been role playing with your partner you know some objection handlers you're feeling great right so you get out you hit the streets the question is how are you going to get in front of the expires guys I'm gonna give you three ways they're both simple they're all simple it's three not two so wait number one probably the most overlooked and simplest way to get in contact with an expired listing it's simply door knock them go to their house have the same conversation that you would if you were talking to them on the phone follow your scripts set the appointment be prepared to present because it just might happen if they ask you to present right then so that's way number one hop in your car go knock on their door you don't need any fancy dialing systems you don't need red X mojo you don't need any of that right you can immediately day one as a brand-new agent just like I was go hit the doors start setting listing appointments start selling homes start earning some commissions right so let's look at the other two now the most common that I've seen when people think inspired listening they think pounding the phones right so your systems like mojo dialer and red X make this really really convenient you show up to the office it's 8 o'clock you ready to start making your cause you open up redex all your new leads are there the phone numbers are there but addresses there the pictures the price the legal descriptions from the MLS it's all there so you just literally press the button hit call and it starts calling people and you start setting listing appointments right so that is the second most common way right there so you got your door-knocking and you're gonna also follow up with hitting them on the phone now you're gonna keep getting these guys keep getting these guys and try to get in front of them if you can't get them on the phone go to their house can't get them at their house get them on the phone now if you can't make either one of those work something that I've had tremendous success with it's Facebook find the property owners name search it in the Facebook bar filter by city and good chance they're gonna be there you will be able to find them especially if they're married you can check on Facebook see if the marriage see if the names match you know what I mean and then slide up in a DM write something else that I've had amazing success with on Facebook is actually just friending the people whose homes expired and then by doing so they now are on my free marketing drip right which is what I use my Facebook for is a huge marketing platform ok I'm pushing out just listed I'm pushing out just sold I'm taking selfies with my clients in front of houses you know just close photos of the title companies you know people are seeing this I'm doing Facebook live I'm doing video walkthroughs I'm doing community spotlights so my Facebook it's very very active and people know because I'm in this area people know that I sell real estate there is no question about it the majority of people that I run into in town whether I know them or I don't know them most people maybe not most I was a very solid amount know that I'm in real estate and have been following what I've been doing because they tell me constantly so a success story with that just recently I listed a home 11:06 Cortes right this was an expired that I talked to eight months ago home expired off the market I did exactly what I just shared with you I called her on the phone I did not actually go to her house but I called her on the phone God got the appointment said she wanted to cancel there were some issues they just weren't ready messaged her on Facebook a few times I follow up added her as my friend eight months later she texts me and says we're ready to list the home give me a call so I'm like hey that's awesome start asking a few questions come to find out this client had been watching me on Facebook for the last eight months and felt so confident that I was the right agent for the job for her because everything that she had seen on Facebook told her that that was the absolute truth there was no interviewing other agents there was no negotiating on any Commission split or anything like that she was ready to sound with me because she felt like I was already her friend because she had been taking in my content through Facebook so there's a few different ways right there go to the door gonna get him on the phone call text get him on facebook messenger man that can be lethal right there I took one of the most expensive listings that I'll ever take not that I'll ever take that I had taken as a brand new agent four hundred thousand dollar listing guys it was sitting on the market for like six months it expired I got ahold of the guy through Facebook messenger we set the appointment using the same scripts and dialogues that I've been using on the phone or in the door set the appointment met him at the house took the listing full commission transaction fee payable and got that home sold less than a week on the market now let me ask you this how do you feel like that client feels about me knowing that I took his listing sold it in less than a week when the last agent couldn't get the job done simple guys raving fans expired listings become raving fans because you were able to get the job done their last agent was not these people understand that not all agents are created equal and they will lavishly praise you and lavishly tell everyone that they know that their real estate agent is a rock star and if you want to buy or sell your home you definitely need a call this guy he got it done nobody else could I've had people tell me that they had five Realtors before hiring me and I'll get the house and sell it you know in a week right has happened multiple times in different scenarios and it's amazing it creates raving fans that's probably the number one reason why I like working with expireds because they just love you and appreciate what you've done can't be hard to get in the door there is more doubt that you might have to wade through I've dealt with some tough inspires man people who wanted me to prove up and down that I can get the job done and sometimes I've won those competitions sometimes I haven't won those competitions but I can tell you at the end of the day I've taken a lot of expired listings and sold every one of them that I've taken in my first year as a brand new real estate agent now guys I can pull this up on the MLS I was looking at it the other day I'm the number 13th ranked listing agent in my county by number of listings sold this was the report the other day and it was missing one of my transactions too as a listing so they hadn't uploaded yet but number 13 guys they're people in my market who have been here for years years who are not selling the number of listings that I'm selling now I'm not saying that I got you know the highest sales volume where I'm making the most money in my market or anything like that I'm saying in terms of what my goal was when I joined coaching and started being a real estate agent my goal was to sell a lot of listings and I've sold a lot of listings I'm number 13 so guys those are my steps those would be my strategies if you want to get proficient in listing and selling expired homes you're going to want to practice your skills and become a sales ninja definitely do that learned up you know present learn to overcome objections learn to close then and then obviously setting the appointments is just as important so try to get a hold of these expires Harvey can Facebook text email the P if you have that you know go to the door hit him on messenger hit him on LinkedIn you know hit him anywhere that you can set that appointment inside that house so guys again do me a favor comment like subscribe on this video if you like the expired listings tell me why if you hate the expired listings tell me why I went in here for me I'd love to get to know you so that's all I got for you today guys hope you have a fantastic day
Channel: Spencer McDuffy
Views: 1,026
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: expired listings, listings, realtors, expired scripts, expired listing presentation, listing presentation, scripts, dialogues, realtor sales skills, realtor scripts, sell expired listings, listing agents, brand new agents, new agents, how to get expired listings, how to get more listings in real estate, expired listing scripts, Tom Ferry, mike ferry, kevin ward, brian cassella, ricky carruth, real estate coaching, grant cardone, derrick lipsky, listing presentation real estate
Id: FplG4_RFenc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 43sec (823 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 29 2019
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