BEST EXPIRED LISTING SCRIPT - How To Get More Leads and Appointments

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[Music] monitor leaves today so that's your focus minimum one good lead every day [Music] now that's the first part so now you have your roadmap you need a deletes per weeks to get one appointment that means one to two leads a day that's your 17 listings that's your 17 closings that's the journey that's the roadmap and now will be very easy chance for you to troubleshoot am I on track and my off track and if you're off track it's only because of three things one of three things either you're not getting enough leads or you're not going out of Portman's or you're not converting enough appointments into listings those are the only three potential problems that you're going to face usually the lead generation is the biggest one that's usually where most agents get stuck yeah so now you need to set up a plan how do I get my 1 to 2 leads every day what do I have to focus on first second third together because that's the most important thing because without leads the rest doesn't matter your army if you don't have leads doesn't matter how beautiful your listing appointment is how good your follow up is if you don't have anybody yeah it just doesn't matter so you start with that you're going to set up lead funnels lead generation funnels and my suggestion is set up only three or four you don't need a whole bunch you don't just spread yourself too thin learn a whole bunch of system spend a lot of money no needs to because if you only work what I call the core systems and you work them diligently and you work them daily with some systems that support it you're fine that's 70 listings easy breezy ok so where do you start start with what I call HPL that should be your number-one focus high probability leads now what I mean by high probability high probability of finding them they're much easier to find than your average ly high probability to approach them contact them follow up with them and convert them you have a better probability to turn them into listings and clients and commissions and potentially referrals ok so you want to start with somebody who's already doing something that's why I'm so adamant about teaching you guys work new expires and old experts because if you take average lead let's say you do farming for example or you do online advertising you know Facebook or whatever it's not that it's not going to get you laid it's going to get you leads but the problem is there low probability because usually between the time they decide to sell in time they actually put the house on the market there's a window and that window can be anywhere from six months to 12 months to 24 months sometimes years and in that window you must follow up diligently keep in touch digitally because you're never the only agent who is in touch with them so there's a very good chance they gonna interview a bunch of agents think about it then first time on the market the price is kind of out of whack they're unrealistic especially in a hot market like we have right now so not it's not that big doesn't work but the approach is laborious you know what I mean with with high probabilities like with experts there were in the process they're already doing it they already know what price the property didn't sell for so many times they're more realistic but you don't have to spun spend weeks and months of following up and keeping in touch to convert them sometimes but very often they're ready now if you just check your MLS you'll notice that the gap between the time they expired and the gap they go on the market they go either right away or there's a small window and it's in that window where you can convert them yeah is that okay good so focus on high probability leads so the funnels I want you to set up is new and old expired work them daily right now market is pretty hot they may not be that many new experts that's okay just go back work old experts here is why working old experts is a good idea and it's a good source of solid leads just because a property didn't sell doesn't mean they're plans changed in other words if the agent didn't get the job done usually because they over price the property that doesn't mean the seller suddenly doesn't want to sell very often they still have the hopes they still have the problem they still have the pain they still have the dream to live somewhere else they just don't know what to do right now because once the property expires they get bombarded by a bunch of agents they're confused they're angry they're frustrated they're confused they're disappointed all these emotions so they just throw their hands in the air again you know what it which is not going to do anything we're going to stay where we are and at the moment it may even feel real to them but as the time goes by they see how the property is going up for sale you notice like the neighborhood's you know other properties are selling their neighbors are selling or their friends somebody's moving and they keep thinking about it now you c'mon Janice you approach them in a very soft high-status counselor like approach not a needy desperate salesman they suddenly listen they pay attention and if you build enough trust with them very often you can convert them without as much competition and without struggle because there are very very few agents who diligently and constantly work all X parts so the market for you is wide open make sense how how old yes I mean how old we need old Express how far back they should be in their 50s and 60s now I'm kidding go get that I thought was pretty funny go back three months six months a year sometimes even two years one hurt and the trick to work in the old expires Genesis just have a conversation with them without any agenda without being desperate without being needy just talk to them find out things like well what was the original plan where did you guys want to go have you picked the house yet did you have a house in mind is that still available what is the main reason you wanted to sell what's what's inspiring you what's exciting you and then you ask them well if somebody walks in tomorrow they offer a good price something that would work for you guys would you at least consider it would you think about it that's the key question you're not making false promises that you have a buyer you're not blowing smoke up there but saying all we could definitely see a house and you're going to pocket all kinds of money yeah you tell the market is good there are a lot of buyers we work with plenty we've sold five homes in the neighborhood in the last 30 days so there's definitely demand for it would you like to know more would it be interesting to you for you to find out how much cash you would put in your pocket how long would it take to sell would that be would it be something you'd consider you know just a nice soft gentle conversation but here's the catch even if they say no doesn't mean they're not a potential leads they may say no first of all they don't know you they have no reason to trust you it so tread softly even if they say no at the beginning because they might tell them how would it be okay if I kept in touch send your mark-it-up they let you know what's going on in there but who knows maybe down the road you guys decide to do something down the road now we're not Walmart many times they will be open to that possible if they say anything other than absolutely not you may have a good potential lead that will require some follow-up now what happens during the follow-up you build trust you build connection with them so suddenly they're familiar with you they recognize your face your name they know that they could call you if they have a question they could call and says hey Janice there's a new house around the street on Oak Street how much are they asking for or even better you call them with that information you're running you pick up the phone and now you have a reason to call now you're not just an obnoxious real estate agent who's desperate for a listing you're somebody cool and helpful who is there to provide something they want to know because trust me even if they don't want to sell right away everybody's curious what their neighbors are asking you know so if there's a new sale new pending new listing or a big price reduction or any of that that would interest them always a good idea to pick up the phone and give them a call with that info yeah because that will start positioning you as their advisor and then down the road maybe in a few weeks maybe a couple months you never know you may lock them in as a listing now if you follow up a few times and you absolutely feel like they're they're just not going anywhere there's not enough pain there's not enough Drive the emotion is not there it's okay to drop them but I would not do it after the initial contact I would give them a little time follow up a little just to kind of soften soft in the relationship ease the tension and the distrust that's initially there and melt the ice and then you'll be surprised how many will say hey Janice you want to come on down let's talk we are thinking about putting the house back on the market because even in a hot hot market like here in the DC area we have a super hot market right now properties are moving we still have about 30 40 percent of the inventory doesn't sell the first time around even in a hot seller's market where there are a lot of buyers for it so you know that there is still an inventory of properties that will not sell it's worth to go after that's why the old experts are a fantastic source of good leads and listings yeah make sense and the approach is pretty much the same use the expert plus approach use your package go talk to them if you can call them if you can put them on a follow up if you can and just keep in touch yeah that's how you do it so that's your first funnel new and old expert that's something you work daily because I'll show you a little trick let's say you have only two good conversations every day can you do that just to face-to-face preferably because that's where the most trust you know how we meet somebody in person is different than when you just talked to him on the phone or over email there's it's a different vibe so imagine you meet two people in person any type of elite any type of a cell or somebody who is thinking about selling and you chat within 5 10 15 minute conversation you do two of those a day and you say you work five days a week so you have ten of those conversations a week okay so that means 40 per month right on average forty four weeks five per week so forty month so in the next six months you're gonna have 240 of those conversations okay 240 now some of them will be interested some will not some will be nice people where you want to work with them some total you don't want to touch some will be very motivated some not at all so let's be conservative how much what percentage do you think out of those conversations with these potential leads you have two hundred forty and six months how many of those do you think you could convert into listings and be very conservative be realistic you know within the next six months mm-hmm so you have 240 potential conversations would you say you convert 10% is that possible 5% all right well I mean be conservative because here's the thing even if you just convert 10% that's still 24 listings in the next six months now how much money would you make if you had 24 listings in six months average Commission is 7,000 so there's going to be about $150,000 if you keep doing it that's $300,000 in the next 12 months would that be a good lifestyle there would be an awesome lifestyle awesome lifestyle now tell me if I'm off somewhere can you have two conversations a day is that possible oh yeah easily can you have 10 a week I believe I can have 10 a week can you convert 10% of those into listings or am i off no I don't think so do it I can do that it's all about doing it consistently that's really the only secret now yes you need to use the right language practice a little make sure you come across as confident and connected and honest and but you are you have plenty of experience communicating with people already so this is not new - it's just a matter of setting it up something you do daily with the right system and the right support totally doable now $300,000 is a pretty good lifestyle if you ask me that's not bad that gives you a lot of freedom am i right [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music]
Channel: Borino Your Coach
Views: 53,673
Rating: 4.8734941 out of 5
Keywords: best expired listing script, expired, listings, Borino, coach, real, estate, agent, realtor, lead, generation, prospecting, clients, business, marketing, strategy, success, scripts, dialogs, questions, conversation, how to,, broker, house, home, selling, confidence, system, approach, borino expired listings, expired listing scripts, real estate scripts, how to get expired listings, real estate agent, borino real estate, real estate, training, coaching, lead generation
Id: Z9yhbaPnZMo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 59sec (719 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 07 2016
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