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hey guys vojta right now I'm call the experts so I wanted to feel for you guys so you guys can at least see how I handle certain phone calls and the way that people react there's many times that I'll get wrong numbers or they just won't answer so I'll just move on to the dates with British d'void so what it does is that it calls all of the numbers associated to the property mostly how many people I'm able to speak to today so four I'd call three people nobody has answered hello is this Jenny no oh okay I'm sorry China the wrong number Janet Edwards see she just hung up on me yeah yeah hello is this rink hi Rick my name is Lloyd I'm a local real estate agent and I was calling you about your home on almond Road I saw there popped off the market as and expired so I would just wanted to know when you'll be interviewing agents again for the job of actually getting it sold Oh another internet why-why-why got it on there like very frequent oh no I'm sure you've been getting hammered all morning or you see the reason that everyone's calling you is because your home unfortunately popped off the market as unsold so if you're still interested in getting it sold I would love to speak to you and see how we can help you make that happen so when you were on the market did you guys get any offers bunn yeah I guess I'm pretty busy right now yeah we got got moppy um I'm Yong Seon there's nothing really good I honestly didn't know I don't know why I'm on call or what's going on yeah I didn't even know about the market or I thought they are pretty computer oh wow so you didn't know yeah and I'm sure isn't it funny how the as soon as your home pops off all the agents are calling you but when you were on the market you didn't really get any action yeah yeah I mean I look at them I'm real busy right now and I haven't looked but don't keep spray and I you know I don't know what what the deal is there yeah no I completely understand now I know you said you're busy so let me ask you one quick question are you still looking to get that property sold if you knew for a fact that that it could happen yeah yeah I mean you know I need to sell like I said I didn't know that it it wasn't you know on the market it expired but everybody's good I didn't know that was done with the case yeah you know and I I wanted to sell I just like I said I don't know what's going on I don't really know what what to do I mean I don't know what you're I guess I gotta call my agent and see ya now unfortunately because the contract ended you are no longer represented by an agent so let me ask you if the home had sold back then what was your original plan of what were you guys planning on moving to next heading back over there okay Texas that's exciting now did you have a certain timeframe and when you wanted to be out there you know in the market I mean gosh was like three four five so how many Mello hundred dollars and I figured you know the guys will be able Excel I guess you know it obviously didn't it that's why all you guys are calling me down I you know I thought she figured it would sell a month or two it and Here I am sorry I don't like a film confuse I don't even know what's going on or what to do at this point yeah all the people calling me a thug it's pretty crazy a little what people yeah I know I saw that your property was in a market for six months did your agent at least give you any feedback on perhaps what was going on or any offers mi had come in oh I don't they ever ever offer anything that he ever showed me what I mean real real oh oh and I didn't even entertain it and I mean he he talked to me and you know he's B let me know what was going on and there was people it would check the house out but I mean lately the past like two three months there are that many people looking at it at all really so you know I kind of had did it up and I just it was still a market it sold sold that I mean I hear you are talking it's not even technically up for sale I guess so I mean I - I have no idea what what what what - deal is from the end I wanted to sell and Here I am so yeah well Rick it sounds like you definitely are still interested in getting that property sold so you can move to Texas right yeah yeah I mean you know if it's possible I kind of feel like it's not I mean my way with this guy I mean Here I am happy year later and only off by commas with that I mean maybe the market so excited I have no idea if you like it you know it's not gonna sell right now for what for what I want to go for you know yeah of course now Rick if if I could share with you some very valuable information and perhaps help you make this move sooner rather than later guaranteed would you at least be open to having that conversation see how we can help you maybe look at them I'm gonna give the other guy calling see what's going on because I got cells you are calling me and I don't know who to believe and I'm like I don't know what's going on so I mean like I said I mean it's been six months I don't really see what someone else was gonna do that's so great that I should get sold you know so I might just say we did not move I see the old oh yeah no I don't blame you for feeling that way and like I did mention to you before currently you are no longer in contract with the last agent so even if you did give him a call there's nothing really that he can do about the whole situation so I know that you're getting your been getting tons of calls from agents and I'm sure that they're all telling you the same thing however for a fact I know that my team and I and we've helped many people who have been in your situation and so by us getting together at least 15-20 minutes and sharing with you just exactly how we can help you with the sell of the home not only just selling it but helping you make a smooth transition up to Texas would that be worth 15 20 minutes of your time I think you know like a tip on you guys do for sure do it but I don't see I mean nothing to get to do or whatever I don't see you know what you guys are gonna do this guy wasn't able to do or I don't know what you guys do to just to get the home sold honestly Jack I didn't do it so I'm thinking maybe the market is bad I don't I don't know but I mean you and like I said all these those people calling me are saying that they can sell it for this amount of that amount all this crazy stuff on us we just don't really know know who to believe yeah how you guys gonna do it I mean joy yeah no I hear you I remember your saying and you know the 40 families that we help last year and have the same question how are you going to do it when everyone's telling you the same thing and we got it done for them we got their home sold for top dollar helped them need them met the money that they needed in their pocket sometimes even more so that they can make their transition so if we could do it for them do you think that we could do it for you I mean I just I just you know I mean I did get involved in all this again you know I don't want to you know be stuck in a never-ending you know just trying to get it sold year after years I deal and you know what if the market tanks and then I can't get it sold and then I can't move and so I mean yeah sound all right if you got it for sure to fill it I like I said oh yeah that's gonna happen yeah well well when would be a good time for us to just get together and take a look at the options to see what it would take to get your home so this time do you and your wife have some time this week perhaps in the evenings or our weekends better for you even would be better if we were to do it I mean obviously I got a check with her because it's kind of new stuff then it's not you know for sale or whatever anymore so if if I worded I'm eating if we did sit down and me met with anybody we are you know we all get to discuss that together and kind of figure that out yeah of course and I would want you to speak to your wife because at the end of the day and would be working for the both of you so would Friday at 6 o'clock is that a time that you think would work for both of you this week I guess that's fine I'll just check with her and then you know we'll call you back on this number or self-edit and figure it out yeah so let's do this I'll put you my calendar for Friday at 6 p.m. and in the meantime you can speak to your wife you can let her know that you spoke to an agent that can guarantee you the results and has many different techniques for getting property sold unlike the other agents and the one that you had in the past so that when we need she already has an idea about who I am I'll be able to answer any and all of your questions and concerns on getting the property sold and help you guys move out to Texas does that sound fair enough yeah yeah that's good I mean I play it good so see what you know I want to promise you that we're gonna we're gonna find anything or you know agree to anything I just I mean if you guys say you can get it done you know like I said I have no idea how you're gonna do that but yes I assume it's long unless she torpedoes the whole thing right no I mean you don't lie Jeff guessing we could just meet up and see what's going on yeah and I'm sure all these agents are telling you they do the same thing however can I tell you what the difference between myself and my team is from those agents yeah yeah yeah the results will get you the results guaranteed and that is something that we have a proven track record to show for so we'll bring all of that information and we'll share that with you that way you guys can see exactly who we are what we do in exactly how we can help you does that sound good yeah yeah I guess I mean that sounds fair enough okay so I'll pan see you guys in for Friday at 6 in the meantime you can speak to your wife see if that time works for you I'll give you a call tomorrow in the afternoon just to confirm that Friday does work and if anything changes and we'll reschedule then and if there's any other questions that come up I'll make sure to answer them on our phone call and when we meet on Friday okay they're about it and I yeah I get that we'll hear you guys out okay excellent so I look forward to seeing you guys on Friday tomorrow so when I call to the firm I'm going to ask some more information just so that we can do our homework and make sure that we can help you make this move happen does that sound fair enough yeah okay okay right so then I look forward to speaking you tomorrow and just be on the lookout fine for my call okay okay awesome and this is the best number that I can reach you at right yeah my on my mobile yeah okay do you have a good email like and the meantime send you some information about myself and my team so you get familiarize with it awesome alright Rick I appreciate your time and I look forward to seeing you guys framing okay okay little bit okay have a nice thing all right there you go guys so you see I had just had about three or four calls that I had made nobody answered then I spoke to Rick who told me they're still interested in getting their home sold he's moving out to Texas so what I'm going to do is that when I come tomorrow to confirm our appointment that's when I'll prequalify him now he told me that he has to check in his with his wife to make sure that Friday works so at least I have already told them to put it in his calendar so we have already a date set if anything it's already confirmed if not when it come tomorrow we can reschedule but I don't have to wait for him to call me and tell me you know what my wife doesn't want to or you know what this time doesn't work or this time doesn't so hopefully you guys have learned something from this call taking a few tips and see how I handle strange things that were thrown at me if you guys have any other questions concerns don't want me to make any other phone calls and film them go ahead and put it in the comment section below and I'll make sure to be on the lookout for that
Channel: Loida Velasquez
Views: 147,700
Rating: 4.8713236 out of 5
Keywords: real estate, realtor, live call, expired call, fsbo, expired, tips for new agents, get the listing appointment, cold calling, door knocking, kevin ward, mike ferry, bryan casella, joshua smith, grant cardone, sales training, live real estate call, tips for new real estate agents
Id: NHQePOdVrp4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 30sec (810 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 03 2016
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