Expired Listing Followup Systems | Expired Listing Marketing Campaign

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everyone it's Dustin off with Keller Williams Realty is the Dustin off team and the full house LLC Pittsburgh property management how're you guys doing today so we had some questions from some of our group coaching patreon Zoar patrons and I wanted to look at those today so today we're gonna be talking about expired leads and how we follow up with them so we're gonna look at more detail on how to follow up with the expired listing leads that we get so Khadijah asked how long do we follow up with these leads so how long do you follow up with an expired before you give up right so we're gonna look at that Jim asked do we change the name on the mailer so we have a mailer that we offer to our group coaching clients it's the first expired mailer that my team sends out and it's the one that kind of we get all our basic results on as far as expires go and then he also requested to see what we do as far as an 8 by 8 campaign or a 33 touch goes for expired leads so 8 by 8 and 33 touched those concepts come from the millionaire real estate agent book if you don't have that book there's a link below please buy it if you're a real estate agent even if you're like any sort of sales like insurance mortgage whatever like if you want to learn how to build a team a sales team this is a great book just kind of insert and where instead of where they say agent like insert whatever it is that you do in there and you can use this to build any sort of business really so the link for that books below when we talk about 8 by 8 and 33 touch we're talking about its marketing concept so if you read the book you're gonna get it you're gonna understand it better but we're gonna kind of touch on some of that here today so I hope you stick around and help you make it to the end of this video so you can implement these business changing techniques and make a whole bunch of money this year off of them thanks for joining us all right before we begin please like subscribe and click the notification bell for this channel and you'll be updated I'm posting three or four videos a week right now so there's a lot of good content that's being put out there if you hit the notification Bell you're gonna be notified of the content as soon as it is released so you can check out as soon as it's released I offer very affordable coaching so there's coaching links below for my patreon site we do real estate agent group coaching for ten bucks a month we do team building coaching for 100 bucks a month that's group coaching and then we do one-on-one coaching for either real estate agents team building so if you want to become a lead agent for a team and you want to build a team or you are building a team and then wealth building and a real estate investing essentially so the one-on-one coaching is a thousand bucks a month and you can access that through patreon we have a lot of patron only content so we were talking about the expired mailer we're to talk about that today you can download the expired mailer if you are a subscriber to my patreon site or a member of the group coaching so check that out there's a link below right now we have on there an expired mail or for Sale By Owner contract and we're going to be putting up Craigslist ad coffee as well so you can just copy and paste the the ads that I'm using on Craigslist and kind of put your own links in there and that's available on our patreon site so check it out below so getting back to these questions so let's dance we're gonna answer the quick ones first so Khadija asked how long should I follow up with expireds and this goes for any lead Mike my advice whenever an agent asked me how long should I follow up with this guy or how long should I follow up with this woman is who's gonna die first you or them like you're gonna follow up with them until somebody dies and that you know it might be a little bit more of it but the whole idea is you're gonna stay in touch with this person for the rest of their life because whether or not they give you business right now doesn't matter because they will give you business throughout their lifetime if you build a rapport with them and build a relationship with them and you know some of the people that I've talked to who had the worst attitudes that gave me the biggest amount of negativity upfront ended up becoming my best clients and that's because I didn't give up on them just because they gave me an attitude upfront when I first met them I didn't let that stop me and I followed up with them and I turned them into a client and I turned him into a referral partner for life so follow up with them non-stop if it's an expired if they list their property then you can stop following up with them to solicit their business for the listing because in most states that's illegal right you're not going to try to get a listing when somebody else is listed that property however one of the things I recommend to our agents is in Pennsylvania and you're gonna have to look into this for your state but in Pennsylvania if they've listed their home for sale with an agent and they're looking to buy a property but they haven't signed a buyer agency agreement with an agent then you can get their buyer business still so like technically you could literally call every person who has their house listed and say hey are you looking to buy a home yes I am great are you working with an agent yet no I'm not I'd like to interview for the job can I interview with you and you could you could get buyer leads that way if you really wanted to I don't do that however it's a possibility and that's in the state of Pennsylvania technically that's legal whether or not that's ethical I don't know you need to refer to the realtor board and the code of ethics for that but technically it is legal in the state of PA as far as I know do your research before you call that on people in Pennsylvania don't go blaming that on me so we're gonna follow up with them forever Jim asked should we change the name on the expired mailer so an hour expired mailer it says dear neighbor and then it's got the information for the mailer I don't change the name I leave it as dear neighbor because the way I like I've tried to do mail merge before I hate mail merge you can do it where you can have it like automatically put the first name in there so the problem is is that like when I'm looking up names especially if it's like an ethnic name where I'm not like I don't understand first and last names when it comes to like Hindi names and things like that so when I'm looking them up on Allegheny County our website we're gonna get a name and it's it's sometimes it says first and last name like so its first last and then sometimes its last first because the people who recorded it didn't know what the first and last name was so they get mixed up so I don't do a mail merge because I don't want to accidentally put somebody's last name in there and be talking to them like that's their first name so I just leave it as dear neighbor that's my advice there I mean you can do whatever way you want if you're good with mail merge go ahead and pop in the name 8 by 8 and 33 touch so Jim asked about that and that's what we're gonna do the majority of this video on and here's here's here's it all laid out right this is this is the plan all laid out so what I would recommend this is best case scenario if you have the time and resources to do this this is how I would be going after expires we right now my team does not do all of this this is like our what we're gonna aim to achieve this is our goal right so we don't do all of this right now however we do I'd say at least 50% of it maybe more and we're gonna look at this because if you're doing all of this you should have a very high success rate at at least getting a listing appointment with expires if you get a lot of listing appointments with expireds but you're not converting them into listings then you have a conversion problem and that conversion problem is you have a crappy listing presentation so you need to get a good listing presentation too if you're a high D or a high personality and we're gonna talk about discs disc profiles and other videos but Heidi and hi personalities tend to like to wing it so you might go on a bunch of appointments before you even have a listing presentation and try to win the person over with your personality sometimes that works sometimes that does not work I'm going to tell you that if you're a high D or high I and you're prepared with a listing presentation you're gonna have extremely fantastic results because you are the type of person heidi's and highs can get along with and build a rapport with people quickly okay so if you could build a rapport quickly and you're also prepared for the listing presentation then you're going to have both ends of it okay so in most cases with sales it comes down to and this is a whole other video that we'll do but it comes down to personality is the one path of it and then preparedness and organization is the second half if you have both of those you're gonna win more if you only have one side of it you're only gonna win with the people who match up with that side okay so you're a win 50% of the time maybe less than that depending on what personality you're leading with we'll get into that later so anyway here's what we do so this is the start of it every morning Monday through Friday the first thing that our administrator does or a Marketing Coordinator is prepares the expired mailers for the day so we go in and there's a whole other video on this we're gonna link to a below here if you want to check out that video it shows you how we look up the expired the the owner mailing addresses and things like that so we'd send up mail every day to every expire that just happened all right we pay for a system called mojo you can pay for Vulkan seven to I actually think I like Vulkan seven better although it's more expensive so we pay for mojo because I'm cheap so we pay for mojo thirty to forty percent of the time we're gonna get correct phone number and and/or email for the expired listing so mojo pulls the expired data gives it to us and then we put it in our database and then we call them so we're mailing them first and then we're calling them second I'm in the process now I've we've just changed our CRM so I'm in the process of creating an email campaign and then we're going to put them on an email campaign so if we got their email address they're gonna go on an email campaign that email campaign the way I have it's structured and I've done it in the past I'm doing it now with this new one is it get they get eight emails they get one email per week so when we talk about an eight by eight I believe that's a touches over eight weeks or something like that I can't remember what the details are but I overkill it in any case I like when it comes to any sort of lead follow-up so we're gonna do eight touches as far as email goes in eight weeks plus we ideally want to do at least eight phone calls and eight weeks so we're actually getting like sixteen touches in eight weeks done alright so we overkill it with that this email campaign goes on for eight weeks so that's a month and a half that it's gonna run and then ideally you want a second email campaign to start when that expired starts to get like old where it's been a month and a half they haven't relisted and you just want to follow up with them over time so you might put them on a twelve direct or twelve we I would call it a twelve direct what it's an email campaign it's not direct mail so they get one email from you then each month for a year and same thing goes with phone calls then so if you're calling them once a month and you're emailing them once a month that's 20 feet four touches of follow-up throughout that that last year so let me grab my calculator real quick you're looking at 24 plus 16 plus if you send them four pieces of mail that's a total of 44 touches over about a year and two months okay so that's way more than 33 touch which is what the MRE a book recommends for people you've met these people we haven't even met them okay like we haven't met them we haven't talked to them if we haven't talked to them we're just gonna keep touching them 444 touches over a year in two months if you do that you're gonna have fantastic results and yes you're gonna have people to tell you to Pete you know it's off basically leave me alone stop calling me that's fine take them off your calling list you're gonna have you're gonna have enough expired stacked up here over the year where you're gonna have a pipeline of listings to last you you know forever as long as you keep doing this you'll have listings forever mail use the expired letter that I've provided in the patreon subscription link you can find that below if you're not a member go below click on the link go and sign up for any of the coaching levels and you're gonna get access to the expired letter tweak it okay I'm not saying go in there and just print out my expired letter and send it out I mean if you want to that's fine I'll call the leads that call me in I'll talk to the leads that call me in and I'll refer them out to somebody else but you should be going in there and putting your own information in there right so we want them to call you not me put your own photo in there the reason why I have a photo in there is because a lot of people want to get personal right they want to know who you are and what you do ideally so I'm working we're gonna be tweaking this I'm gonna be putting a family photo in there because I want to you know hit that hot button where you know this guy's got a family that he's supporting with this business so people see more the personal side of it than just you know the business side of it and that comes back to the disc profiles they're the I and the S personalities are gonna want to know about you and who you are and what you do and what your hobbies are and things like that what your goals are the D and the C are gonna want to know business they're gonna gonna want to know bottom line so you want to make sure that you're hitting both those personalities so you can have a family photo that's what I would suggest and then details on you know what makes me the best right in that letter we have three different reasons why somebody should call us you should put in your own three reasons if especially if you don't do what I've got in there so like we say professional photography we say internet hype and viral marketing and then we talk about we got over almost I think three thousand active buyers in our database right now there's going to be around 5,000 homes sold in the Pittsburgh area so we got half buyers in our database right now that's one of the things we're bragging about if you don't have 3,000 buyers in your database don't brag about that because when you're when the client asks you about it you're gonna you're not going to know what to say okay so you want to tweak that expired mailer so it's personalized to you in your business so tweak it send it out every day follow the steps in the other expired video that's linked below here the steps for looking up the address and sending the expired mailer out then we're gonna call him already call him like I said eight-by-eight you're gonna call them at least once a week and like what I recommend to our agents is if you call them today and they don't pick up and you don't leave a voicemail nothing happens then you need to call them tomorrow and then you need to call them the next day and the next day and the next day so you might call them more than one time a week because you want to keep calling them until you get some sort of response right then we're gonna do emails I'm gonna show you an example of emails and we are using real geeks as our new CRM this is I used real geeks years ago I liked it it's very you know it's not super pretty in the backend but it's very functional it gets the job done and it's very affordable so if you're interested in getting a database and CRM system that does drip campaigns email campaigns and has an ID X built in has buyer and seller landing pages lead funnels that sort of stuff real geeks is the way to go there's gonna be a link below as well in the summary of this video if you want to save a hundred and fifty dollars on real geeks use that link that referral link of mine that I'm gonna have below here's an example of this is the first email that we have set up here to send out in the in drip campaign so here's the deal and this is my theory on email campaigns anymore the like we all know like direct mail when we get to rec mail when we get that postcard that's like a huge sales pitch we know right away it's just a sales pitch and if we don't need it we just throw it away immediately we don't even look at the thing email campaigns are like that anymore as well like when you open an email like you can even you can look at the subject and if the subject is worded in a certain way you know that emails crap like it's just spam it's somebody trying to sell you something you don't even open it and even like Gmail hasn't set up now where that's going into a promos folder or whatever it's going in a totally different folder okay so my idea with email is I want to have it set up where the seller can look at it and they don't know if it's spam or if it's an advertisement or if it's somebody who's that they actually know right so that's what these emails that's this is how these emails are set up to be and you notice in here like I don't I'm not putting a whole bunch of HTML marketing BS in here I'm that's not a giant PDF that's just loading it's just text right like I want to keep it short and sweet and get it to the point and and the whole thing that you want to do whether it's a buyer or seller lead that you're trying to convert is you want to create a conversation with them okay if you send them this big marketing piece that's like you know one full PDF page that's just loaded in there there's no real text to it it's just a PDF and they're gonna open it up and they're gonna read through all that and there's no links that they can click on there's no call-to-action it's just like hey this is how great I am and this is all the cool stuff I can do for you and if you want to hire me give me a call like they're not gonna call you all right the best thing that you can do is keep it short and sweet like this email here I'm going to show you and ask them a question because you want them to respond okay so we're gonna ask them a question you end with a question all right so notice this is only a couple sentences here it's not a freaking paragraph trying to like convince them that I'm the best thing since sliced bread it's a paragraph or it's a very short paragraph with a question at the end all right when can we meet to get that property back in the market I'm going straight in for the freaking appointment want the appointment if I can get the appointment with one email I'm gonna get the damn appointment I'm not gonna try to set them up for 12 emails well somebody else is going after them aggressively I need to be aggressive right now because these people expired on average will relist they're home within two weeks or less okay so you need to be that agent if you've called them you've texted them you've emailed them you have mailed them then you've made every effort to contact them and you've made more effort than anybody else is going to so that's why we're doing this we want to follow up and do this every way we possibly can all right so and I I don't have text on this list here but you can text them okay so real geeks has a texting system you can go in and send a text message from them and we have email we have text templates in here see we can go in and just hit the template and it's gonna send out a text to them and we can just do that every morning to every expired and we would send like I would send the same thing here basically and in order to elicit a response from them okay if you do that consistently and add that into this mix then you've got everything covered all right so here's what we do we ask the question I'm going straight in for the appointment I noticed it expired are you still interested in selling I'd like to relist and get the job done I'm telling him exactly what I want to do I'm not trying to you know give them some sort of sly you know like people do with for sale by owners hey I might have a buyer for your house can I come take a look and everybody knows you don't have a frickin buyer okay so tell them the truth I want to relist and sell your property I'm gonna do it when can we meet that's it that's the whole point of this email my signature pops in here below and then I also have these in here so what I want to do is kind of have the passive aggressive because typically what you're gonna have is is these people are not gonna respond to you they're gonna ignore you and or they're gonna seem to ignore you but if you've got stuff in here and they might be researching you alright so in the last time I used an email campaign like this I got 17 expired listings I listed 17 properties and one month because of the nee mail campaign and it was the same sort of stuff that I'm showing you right now what I want them to do is I want them to go here and be like well I'm not gonna call this guy back right now because I'm gonna research really research agents this time because the last agent didn't work so I'm gonna really research these agents before I call anybody back so I'm gonna go this guy's linked and check them out well what I have how I have it set up is that there are several links that do the work for me so ideally I want the seller to go here and I want them to look at this well here's three reasons why I should call him they're gonna communicate with me they have the best marketing plan looking a thousand dollars if somebody beats that marketing plan that's pretty cool and if they're unhappy they can cancel at any time they're gonna do a one-day contract with me that's insane oh and right here this is our listing presentation pretty much so that's my buddy Jimmy Cooper here he did the voiceover for it but they can come in here and see the listing presentation so the whole point is I want them to do their research well you know how's this guys Zillow reviews they can go in here and open the Zillow reviews they could see we've got five-star reviews all through all through the place they can see what houses we sold where we sold them we have reviews on Yelp here as well so what we're doing is we're going after after the kill right here and we might get an appointment out of this but what's going to happen is a lot of times it's going to be through follow up it's 8 to 16 follow-ups that's going to get you the appointment so what I want them to be able to do is come in here and research me and research my team so when they get like the fourth email and the fourth call from us they know who we are and they say hey you know what I've been researching you come on over and bring the paperwork because I'm ready to sell my house like I don't want to have to sit down and give them a listing presentation if I don't have to so this can be save you a ton of time so that's why it's structured the way it is okay so that is the email that we're gonna send out and now we're gonna send out a TEM Elle's over 8 weeks and they're gonna be structured in a similar sort of way and not like I'll show you again real quick so I should probably showed you this real quick before I went on so that's email number one here's email number two I mean see what we're doing here so I alternate two so this one's gonna be a less aggressive more passive email so hi again I hope all's well I just want to check back in why do you think your property didn't sell so I'm trying to create a conversation in my experience there's only three reasons why real estate didn't sell and this is a blog post that I created years ago this was in 2015 this gets a ton of traffic it's got a hundred and seven likes on Facebook but what it is is it's a blog post where they can read why properties don't sell and it's it's geared around expired so I want to drive my expires here and then they can come in here and if they want to click on like they want to do the passive aggressive route they can click on what's my home worth or they could search for properties and then we'll get their lead information that way ok so this is a more passive aggressive one and then we go back into something like this so call my cell now the scheduled confidential one-on-one appointment so we can meet and get your home sold fast and for the most money possible okay so that's an idea of our emails okay so we're gonna alternate between emails and phone calls we're gonna do that for total eight weeks I would suggest then following up with direct mail at the end of the eight weeks so at about a month and a half in you could send out direct mail to that person and then you want to have it scheduled so three months after that you're gonna be mailing the same expireds now we'll talk about this a little bit this this is gonna get really like wonky if you don't have a system for it though so you need to think about the system before you start doing it because you're gonna get it's gonna be chaos if you're just trying to win everything so we're gonna send them a mailer three months after that then three months after that then three months of that after that so basically for about a year in two months we want to be following up with these expires if they have not relisted okay if you do that you're gonna be the only person still talking to them alright so those are the ones that are gonna be easy pickins for you because they're not gonna be talking to anybody else at that point and you're gonna have 44 touches with these people before you really stop okay so there's some potential issues that you may come across when you are following this system the first one is when it comes to mailers it's very time consuming okay these mailers can be very time-consuming it's gonna take three to five hours a day for you to just do the mailers and it can take more than that like it could literally take eight hours a day if you keep doing this consistently and you don't stop doing this so you know if you think about it like if you're looking to build a team you could start with this is just the soul this could be the sole lead generation activity that you do and you can end up like the first person you hire could be somebody who just does mailers eight hours a day where they're doing they're doing the follow-up systems and the mailers and that's it like it could be eight hours of that so this can be very time-consuming you need to assist a'mma ties it otherwise it's going to be very time-consuming and it's going to be very chaotic and you're probably gonna end up frying your brain trying to do it so when we talk about systems we're talking about using Excel so you use Excel or use Google sheets to pull the spreadsheets you're gonna pull the data off the MLS and I already have a video that kind of explains this so again that video is below and a link if you want more details on that go below but you're gonna pull the data via Excel and then you're going to use that excel spreadsheet and have it set up so like month of January here's all of our expires that we male 2 now it's February like February 15th so now those expires are ready to get that follow-up mailer so then you do a mail merge and in Feb you on February 15th you're doing a mail merge and you're sending out to all of those expireds from January ok then in March 15th you're gonna send up set up a mail merge into all the expires from February so you're gonna track all your expires and separate sheets on a spreadsheet if that makes sense so that's a system that you're gonna use to make it way easier for you if you don't do something like that you're not gonna be able to keep up track all your expired mailer into the excel file so that's like you you want to be able to to know who your mailing next and be able to just pull that data put it on a mail merge have it printed to like Avery labels so you can just label the envelopes real fast and get it out you can use mail merge to add the names if you want to add the names you can have you can use mail merge to actually print on envelopes which we've done before our printers that ended up jamming up because we were doing too many of it so we ended up just sticking to Avery labels if you have a really good printer you should be fine ours is like mid grade you can buy machines to fold your mail okay we're actually looking at getting a folder at least because it can be time-consuming to sit and fold mail by hand like when I first did this I was folding mail by hand I was using lick and stick envelopes because it was too cheap and I would take a sponge and wet it and let the envelope and fold it down and then I'd stamp everything and I had Stamper that I'd stamped the address on every envelope like it's it's super it can be very time-consuming so use as much as you can to systematize it we still hand address all of the initial mail that goes out when we do follow-up mailers though we use either Avery label or printed on the envelope there's also the the price of these machines is they have a machine that will fold it and stuff the envelope for you at some point I'd like to get one of those bad boys because that would make life way easier imagine how much mail you could pump out doing that so that that's the issues that you're gonna come across when it comes to these mailers issues that you're gonna come across when it comes to phone calls people are gonna reject you okay like if you haven't made phone calls yet people are gonna reject you and probably the reason you haven't made phone calls yet is because you're afraid of rejection okay so stop it in order for you to be successful in this world you have to fight the fear of rejection and just move forward and call people okay you're gonna get like ten nose for every yes just accept that and deal with it and when they say no just move on in the next person move on in the next person you can you want to get to the point where you don't even care if you don't care and you look forward to making your phone calls then you've like you've beat 99% of all real estate agents you want to get it to a better ratio than that so when you get good at this you might talk to five people you get four knows and one yes that's where you want to get when you get good at objection handling you're gonna be able to get a higher conversion rate on appointments and higher in listening like in the listing presentation process use scripts I used to hate scripts which I was totally against it when I first started in this business I thought well I'm just gonna do this I'm gonna wing it I don't scripts are stupid doesn't sound like me it sounds like a robot it sound like I'm in a commercial or something so I'm just gonna say whatever I want to say well I did this for like three years and then I start I went to Keller Williams bold and they give you the scripts in bold that they they said that you use these script I went through and I read the scripts I'm like man it took me like three years for three years I was winging it and I came up with what I should be saying over three years and guess what it was exactly the same as those scripts if I would have just used the scripts in the first place I would have bypassed three years of learning okay so that's the thing with scripts you can bypass three years of looking like a fool and learning the hard way by just learning the damn script in the first place so just learn the script okay so if your Keller Williams agent go to bold get the bold scripts and use the bold scripts if you're not a Keller Williams agent then look up scripts online find scripts online and use them the better you get at objection handling with the scripts and the better you get at the scripts the more appointments you're going to get issues that you're gonna run in with email you will need to have better systems so you can use Gmail and you can use G suite and you can hand like you can create a template that you're just copy and pasting from like a notepad and you could do campaigns that way however that's very time consuming and you have to like have a schedule that you're following and you got to sit down and manually send out the email so you could start that way if you want to but you're gonna get inundated and like just frustrated real quick so you're gonna need better systems real geeks is like the beginning of a better system so if you want to use real geeks again there's a link below it's gonna save you hundred fifty bucks on it go in there set up your email campaign set up the drip campaign and then when you get expired to come in you just put them put them right on the drip campaign right off the get-go once you get to the point even in real geeks like it will automatically send out the emails but it uses your email server so if you're only like if you're using for instance kwm is a G suite email address so you're limited to a thousand emails a day once you hit a thousand one then Google is gonna shut you down and say you're spamming people you can't do it anymore okay so if you're if you're doing a lot of email campaigns you're gonna hit a point real fast where you're gonna have to get another third-party system to do email campaigns for you so use real geeks to start and then move to MailChimp whenever you start getting too much so you're gonna want to end up doing all of your emails from a system like MailChimp okay so that's it I hope that answered the questions about follow up as far as expireds go so that's eight by eight and thirty-three touch like it's actually forty four touches that I would ideally do it's overkill which is great like you want to overkill you're gonna get great results from it so that's it if you're still here post the comment below that says that you made it to the end of the video and tell me what your big aha moment was like what did you take away from this that was the biggest thing the one thing that you really want to implement leave that in a comment below if you've tried this so if you try this campaign and it's working post come back here and post a comment and let everybody know what kind of success you're getting from it let us know how it's working thanks for watching please subscribe and like below hit the notification button so you get in the notification new videos as we post them and sign up for super affordable coaching on my patreon site the link is below see you again
Channel: Dustin Nulf
Views: 2,795
Rating: 4.8888888 out of 5
Keywords: dustin nulf, expired listing 12 direct marketing campaign, expired listing 33 touch marketing campaign, expired listing 8x8 marketing campaign, expired listing direct mail marketing campaign, expired listing email marketing campaign, expired listing follow up campaign, expired listing follow up system, expired listing follow up systems, expired listing marketing campaign, expired listings, expired listings real estate, real estate marketing, real estate training, real estate
Id: 0SrmGX20oVo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 3sec (2163 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 07 2019
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