How To Door Knock Expired Listings

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what's up guys AJ here and in this video I'm going to be teaching you how to door knock expired listings now make sure you stay all the way to the end because I'm going to show you the most efficient way to do it and I'm also going to be showing you in this video how to approach them what that opening line is once you're at the door so let's get into it just had to back up a little bit it was getting a little windy and I didn't want that to affect the audio so first off there's a few things that I want to touch on when it comes to door knocking just some things to think about the first one is door knocking is not going to be as efficient as calling as using a dialer system I mean think about it yeah I get ready you gotta get dressed you got to get in your car yeah I stopped at the gas station you got a drive all the way across town to the neighborhood where the expired is and by the time you get to the house I mean it might have taken you 20 to 30 minutes to even get there get out of your car get to the door and then they're not home well what do you do then you can see why it might not be quite as efficient and like I mentioned make sure you stay at the end because I'm going to share with you some tips on how to make it more efficient just remember you're going to make less contacts when door knocking than you would calling so number two rejection if you're just getting into prospecting the first time or if you've been doing it awhile you know rejection is a real thing right you know that fear of rejection may stop you from taking action well hey guys I don't want that to be you so there are some things that you can do to overcome rejection like creating a strong mindset by reading great books listening to podcasts watching YouTube videos having a big why you know different things that I coach on but just know when your door-knocking rejection is going to sting a little bit more regardless you're face to face with the person as opposed to being on the phone of course any time that you get rejected face to face it's gonna hurt a little bit more but just know that once you build the strong mindset once you develop a thick skin for rejection once you have this why inside your mind of why you're doing this then that rejection will eventually just really completely go away it's like building a muscle the more you build the muscle of being able to handle rejection the more rejection you take does that make sense so by now you're probably thinking well this whole idea of door-knocking for expired isn't sounding that great you're telling me it's less efficient and you're telling me that I'm going to face more rejection potentially or at least rejection that stings more yeah those things are true and it's my personal opinion you should be calling over door-knocking when it comes to expired especially but if you want to door knock I have some great news for you hardly anyone else is doing it because of the first two reasons that I just gave you they're afraid of the rejection they don't want to go through all the extra effort that it takes to actually drive to the house walk up to the door I mean what if it's raining out what if it could rain what if it's too cold or if it's too hot there's so many excuses people will make of why they won't door knock so your competition at the door will be next to nothing honestly I'd be surprised if the house that you're knocking on that just became an expired that morning I would be surprised if there is one other agent that knocked on that door that day now of course it's going to be market dependent maybe there's some little spots around the US where it's kind of just like a lot of competition for expireds and there's a lot of people door knocking but that is extremely rare that would not be the normal so let's talk about some benefits door knocking of course a benefits going to be you're face to face you can do a better job presenting yourself and your services and on the flip side of that rejection piece people will typically be nicer when you're face to face with them because at the same time it's harder to be rude when you're face to face with a person so you'll probably face even less rejection and the rejection won't be as extreme as it would be on the phone but you will feel it a little more because you are face to face but from what I've seen typically speaking people are a little bit more friendly when door knocking I've done my fair share of door knocking I've knocked on thousands of doors and I just got to tell you I personally just like calling I think it's more efficient if it's raining I can still do it I have like this controlled environment I have my prospecting bunker established so I've always liked calling but if you like door knocking better awesome you can create massive success door knocking that's why I want to create this video so I can help you because I know there's people out there who want a door knock right you made the decision to start door-knocking well there's a few things a few basic fundamentals that you need to know in order to get started and to be successful at this the first thing is dress professionally of course it might be super hot out you might be walking for a long time so you need to dress accordingly but you can still dress professionally even if it's summer I would still recommend wearing some slacks you know some dress pants and maybe a polo if it's super hot out but if you can still a nice button-down long-sleeve shirt for the guys is what I'd recommend maybe a tie I would not be showing up in shorts guys and girls definitely if you want to wear dress slacks perfect if you want to wear a skirt a dress that's totally acceptable the biggest thing that I would consider is Footwear wear something that's comfortable even if it's tennis shoes wear those because one of the strategies I'm going to teach you later is going to involve some walking so you can be more efficient so you're going to want some great comfortable shoes on and of course if you're wearing running shoes with dressed clothes you know style points are gonna go way down but that's okay guys we're here to make money not to make a fashion statement the second basic fundamental and I got six of these guys to stick with me is to walk with a purpose walk fast when you get to the neighborhood get out of the car walk through the door fast anytime you're in a neighborhood just cold calling in general walk from house to house fast don't walk across the grass don't cut across yards but definitely walk fast walk with a purpose if there are neighbors watching you they're gonna kind of see if you're kind of lollygagging around on the phone texting as you're walking so walk with a purpose because people are always watching and if someone a neighbor is watching you from across the street and then you know say you're doing something crazy like walking across someone's yard you get to their house they're gonna think in their head I would never use this agent because there are trampling people's yards they don't really care about other people's houses they don't care about other people's personal belongings and things like that so always have good etiquette when walking through neighborhoods don't be littering don't be spitting you know I know crazy stuff don't be throwing your empty water bottle on the ground just treat it as if it was your own yard because people are watching and you want to walk fast because you want to get more houses in less time the more houses you can hit the more contacts you can make three if the doorbell doesn't work not super loud you don't want to get too crazy you don't want to pound for a long time but just three or four good loud knocks is what you need if you're not too light then you're standing at the door wondering if they heard you and then you're going to knock again a minute later then if they did hear you the first time now there might be a little frustrated because you are repeatedly knocking on the door so just a few solid knocks and if no one comes go to the next door don't wait forever I kind of try to listen a little bit to see if you know people are walking to the door or not because it could take them time to get from upstairs to downstairs so maybe wait 30 seconds or so but don't wait too long because the longer you wait at the house the longer it takes you to get to the next one the less contacts you make all right number four so when you actually get to the house and you're knocking on the door they open the door that was a mail truck coming up my driveway alright so when you get to the house you're at the door you knock when they open it smile real big have good energy stand up straight and slightly face your shoulders up the street that way you're kind of more open you're less intimidating like you're not trying to enter the house so you're facing up Street you're smiling you're relaxed but great posture you're dressed professionally and you're energetic and you can be energetic in your body language with your smile with your eyes you get your eyes can smile you know I want you to think about that if you see people who are smiling but it's not in their eyes it comes across fake and just little things like having your hands open and not closed all these things are on a subconscious level you know way back in the day when we were cavemen if our hands were closed you couldn't see what was in your hands it could have been a weapon could have been a rock fists whereas if your hands are open it's more inviting that's why you shake hands to show that you're friendly you're inviting you're not hiding anything when you're squared up with somebody that's like squaring off like you want to confront them whereas if you're opening you face up the street they see you as less intimidating so just little things like this that they're gonna be thinking about on a subconscious level they won't really recognize it they will recognize your smile and your energy but the other little subtle things are just more on a subconscious level and they do help and make sure you're taking a step back you don't want to be all up on them as they're opening the door so that takes me to the next one number five be energetic be enthusiastic smile talk with your hands hey how's it going today beautiful day you know the more happy you are the more excited you are the better off the conversation is going to go think about it some people are working from home some people might be dealing with some kids who are a little bit frustrating at the moment some people might just be bored out of their mind and when you can come in and add some energy to their day at a smile and some light to their otherwise gray and dull day that's gonna be a welcomed encounter so remember to bring the energy raise the energy if you got pump yourself up on the way there let's set up some great music in a great state do it because your energy matters and number six bring an expired listing emergency packet with you what is that well it's a packet that you put together and it's going to have essential information about what you do to get so many home sold it's going to have your resume it's gonna have like a pre listing package you can leave that with them this is crucial you want to leave with them a great first impression that's the emergency expired listing packet so make sure you have some of those made up and bring those with you all right I'm getting a little tired of sitting down so remember with expired listings there's old ones and there's new ones right if you watch the other videos in this 10-part series I'll put a button up over here or something Google flash on the screen click that you can see all the other videos but remember there's old and new right got my rafts over there for my pool so remember there's old and new so you need to approach them in a different way so they open up the door you step back you do everything I just taught you and you say hello my name is AJ and I'm just stopping by today because I noticed that your home came off the market so I got over here as soon as I could to see how I can help do you still want to sell this home depending on what they say if they say yeah we do still want to get it sold you can say okay great I'd like to apply for the job does now work or would later this afternoon be better so you need to be prepared ready to list the house on the spot so bring listing paperwork you don't need to have all the comps ready and all that kind of stuff don't waste time just go in there talk to them have a conversation get motivation go over what you'll do to get the home sold your listing plan of action then you can sign the list agreement you can put a price if you have a general feel of what that home will sell for or you can just get the listing agreement and say hey I'm gonna go back to my office do all the comps and let me come back out this afternoon or tomorrow and we'll go over price how does that sound but you get everything signed right there this shows such initiative that they're gonna be so impressed you came to the house as soon as it expired you're ready to list it right now they want an agent who's going to take action and get the home sold if they want to sell in the future then just get motivation just go over the expired script okay great no problem so you don't want to sell right now well if this home has sold where were you moving to so just go down the expired script get motivation then go into the nurture script which is if you haven't watched the previous videos hey great talking to you today I got a run but just out of curiosity when you do go to get this home sold do you have an agent that you're already committed to or would you open to interviewing me for the job of selling your home and then they go into your nurture farm and it's a follow up sequence now if it's an old expired and this is a great strategy because you can actually group these together because you can go back in the MLS say six months pick a neighborhood and look at all the expires so you can group him so it's very very efficient that's a pro tip do not get a neglect old expired so you show up knock on the door take a step back do what I taught you so I'd say hello my name is AJ Maite I'm a local real estate agent I was just stopping by today because I noticed your home came off the market a few months ago and just wanted to see if you were still interested in getting that home sold if they say yes you say okay great I'd like to apply for the job of selling your home see how the two scripts are very similar with a slight difference that opening if they're not yet ready to sell it get motivation use the old expired script and then bring in the nurture script add them to your nurture farm and now you're building your pipeline remember most appointments come from follow-up not from the initial contact all right now I promised through how to make this more efficient so you're not just driving from one house to one house all over town like crazy and only stopping by five houses only to have two of them actually home you'll waste a lot of time and you will not see success so what you do and this is my pro tip for you today is as soon as you are done with the expired listing you're going to knock on the five houses over here the five houses over there on each side of the house and then the ten across the street that way you knock on doors or 21 doors including the expired for each house that you're stopping by and if you stop by say five expires that day that's a hundred and five doors including the expired that you knocked on that's a great way to move the ball forward you'll get some great contacts you'll build some great new relationships you'll drop off some information so this is a great strategy well what do you say when you go to the other house is you just say something very simple you introduce yourself and you see if they need to sell so something like this hello my name is AJ Maite I was just meeting with a potential client down the street and I want to stop by and introduce myself here's my card you can have a card a little package put together a postcard a newsletter a flyer a door hanger doesn't matter something with some information on it right you want to give something to them as you're introducing yourself now then you say out of curiosity do you have any plans to move say in the next 12 months or so they'll probably say no and if they say no you say okay great hey totally appreciate that well I got to run but just out of curiosity this is the nurture script when you do sell your house whether it's a year from now or five years ten years from now do you have an agent that you're obligated to or you could say this or would you be open to giving me the opportunity to earn your business when the time's right then it becomes part of your nurture farm this is your pipeline that you're building guys imagine having a thousand people in your pipeline and you can do this in less than a year that have said yes we will interview you when we're looking to sell our house you will crush it that's how I became a top agent my market alright guys so that's all the tips I have for this video today if you liked what I was putting down then hit the like button comment if you have any questions and please subscribe because that definitely helps the YouTube algorithm to get these videos out to other agents thanks guys we'll see in the next one [Music]
Channel: AJ Mida
Views: 1,107
Rating: 4.75 out of 5
Keywords: aj mida, exp realty, expired listings, real estate lead generation, expired listing scripts, how to get listings in real estate, how to get listings, how to get expired listings, real estate training, expired listing prospecting, real estate coach, how to get listings during a recession, how to get listing leads in real estate, door knocking expired listings, kevin ward, mike ferry, tom ferry, real estate coaching, real estate agent training, expired listings calls, realtor
Id: q7nsjPU4Z_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 12sec (912 seconds)
Published: Tue May 26 2020
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