How to get +50 production from Industrial Zones in Civ 6

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 21 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/attorneyatlol πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 16 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

πŸ₯” always delivers

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 32 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/bertzky7 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 16 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

They need to introduce potatoes as a resource in civ 7... like rice and wheat.

And the irish civ will get 1 extra food and culture from potato farms, 2 extra culture with a distillery building...

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 31 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Makkuroi πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 16 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I plan out my cities this way and its amazing until a strategic resource shows up at the worst spot and blows up all my plans.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/exospheer πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 16 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Love u mr potato

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TezzieCo πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 16 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Great video! I just wanted to say thanks so much for all of your civ 6 videos. I posted in the YouTube comments, but if you would ever consider sharing your expertise on city placement and early deity gameplay it would be a huge help to King/Emperor level players like myself. If not, no biggie. Thanks for your consideration.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/CopperCutters πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 17 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I recently subbed and have been loving your videos! Looking forward to your next video!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/RicklePick_C137 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 17 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Ok, so I had this game I saved on turn 1 because of the 3 floodable rivers. I didn't play it yet because I needed to brainstorm the crap out of this setup and didn't feel like it at the time. I think it can interest a lot of people that want to exploit the Netherlands adjacency with rivers (seeds at the end of the post)

So here is what it looks like:

To make it short, I play as the Netherlands and plan on setting up 3 cities with the highest possible IZ adjacency bonuses from aquaducts and dams. So far I got a setup with a potential 15 adjacency bonus IZ (2 from the river + 3 from adjacent specialized districts + 10 from 5 aquaducts/dams) that can turn 30 with the right card.

Anyways, I'm still brainstorming this thing before going on so if you guys have advices. I don't know if I should move the Dam North to put the 3rd IZ... So I'm up for suggestions.

As promised above there are the seeds: - capture of the settings + seeds: lake map, most everything to normal, difficulty emperor if that matters.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Salmuth πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 17 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Tactical .

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ChildesqueGambino πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 17 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
hey spuddies potato mac whiskey here and today I'm gonna be telling you how to properly use industrial zones in civilization 6 if you want to learn how to easily get up to plus 50 production from an industrial zone keep watching because they're gonna walk you through this step-by-step and explain everything in excruciating detail quick history of the industrial zone on launch of the game they were the greatest thing since sliced bread shortly afterwards they were nerved into the ground with factory production propagation no longer stacking they sucked for a long time until the recent June patch boosted them back up to being viable thanks to some new adjacency bonuses with the addition of Gathering Storm also boosting their viability through the coal power plant and specialist buffs the key information you need to know is that industrial zones get a minor adjacency bonus from lumber mills and mines meaning you need two of them to get a +1 adjacency bonus a great piece of information for you to instantaneously discard and forget about forever using mines in lumber mill adjacency is where most people go wrong with building industrial zones if you've been doing this then this is the video you need to correct your mistakes the more important miner adjacency bonus is the district might adjacency bonus where you get +1 production for every two adjacent districts remember this one it will be coming up later you also get a standard adjacency bonus from quarries and strategic resources which is something you could keep in mind but don't worry about it too hard it's a secondary priority what you should really be paying attention to is the whopping plus two major adjacency bonus from aqueducts and dams canals also give this bonus but it's rare that you'll find a situation to make use of it do you keep a note of it if the rare situation it will help comes up arms with this information alongside the placement rules of aqueducts and dams and the knowledge that cities have to be placed three tiles apart you should be able to deduce that there are three main configurations of industrial zones double net you an insane amount of production if you're wondering what the aqueduct placement rules are it's fairly simple aqueducts can only be placed on a toilet Jason to the city center that has an edge that provides fresh water that is different from the edge that connects the aqueduct to the city center it's a little bit confusing but once you understand that it's very straightforward basically imagine drawing a line from the city center through the aqueduct to a source of fresh water the line can't double back on itself so for all six tiles adjacent to the city center you have a total of five edges per tile that the aqueduct can connect to fresh water through if you look at the graphical representation of the aqueduct it makes perfect sense since the water has to be picked up and brought to the city edge it would make no sense to raise the water up and then loop it back to the city lakes rivers Oasis seas and mountains are so as a freshwater and some natural wonders also provide fresh water access dam placement rules on the other hand are fairly simple although there are some weird edge cases where it will prevent placing it generally speaking it just needs to be adjacent on two edges to the same River but things can sometimes get weird on tiles where two rivers merge together now that we have the fundamental knowledge required to make use of the industrial zone let's start describing the setup the first set of configurations is what I like to call the solo zone it's also the name I used to describe my dating life this pair of configurations works quite well if you're settling a city coastally on a river put some flat land farm triangles around to take advantage of all the housing with food yields it's a fairly simple setup you're going to want to settle on or near a river in a way that will let you place both a dam and an aqueduct on set River whilst having a tile where the industrial zone can be placed adjacent to both the aqueduct and dam configuration a is the less consistent version of this type of industrial zone formation but it does technically have a higher potential than configuration B configuration a provides a total of +5 base production plus 2 from the aqueduct and Dam each and then another plus 1/4 being adjacent to two districts however this can be augmented to an additional plus 1 to 4 depending on what improvements you can place beside your industrial zone and whether you build more districts beside it this means you can quite easily get a plus 5 to 7 adjacency bonus and with a little bit of look you might rarely get an 8 to 9 adjacency in a single city setup in configuration B you place the industrial zone beside the city center and surround it with an aqueduct a Tom and commercial hub providing you with the consistent plus 6 production adjacency as well as a tonne of housing and gold configuration B is much more consistent in terms of production output but it requires the river to be accommodating for district placement which isn't always the case you don't have to use a commercial Hope but gold is always useful as our trade routes there are orders single city configurations but these are the two main ones that I would make use of I think you'll agree the +5 production isn't a whole lot that's like working single Plains Hill mine but the +5 production becomes +10 production when you plug in the craftsman civic card which is unlocked through guilds it then becomes plus 20 production when you build the coal power plant which is unlocked at industrialization the amount of production you get from a coal power plant is equivalent to the current adjacency bonus of the industrial zone after modifiers have been applied which includes the craftsmen card that's right by using the craftsman civic card in conjunction with the coal power plant you can multiply the effective production you're getting from adjacency bonuses by a factor of four to two getting anywhere from five to nine adjacency with this strategy that's a total production output of between 38 and 54 from a single industrial zone when you consider the workshop Factory citizen slots and multiplied adjacency bonus using the craftsman civic card on the coal power plant the more common configuration you're gonna be coming across is what I call the double zone configuration this involves settling two cities on a river exactly three tiles away one tile out of line with each other they don't have to be settled directly on the river but they have to be able to reach the river what an aqueduct in a very specific formation by using this configuration a minimum adjacency bonus of six can easily be achieved in both cities having spent less production in each city compared to the solar zone configuration if you get lucky you can get up to eight or nine adjacency quite easily in these cities which will bring you to a total of 42 to 50 for production in two cities which is 84 to 108 production in total across both cities you don't always have to use a river if you pay attention to freshwater tars you can bridge the gap between cities using lakes and mountains to position your aqueducts it does work better on rivers because commercial hubs get more adjacency but that's not the most important part of the double zone configuration commercial hubs can quite easily be swapped out for another specialty district that makes sense for your situation and your victory type the third configuration is not to be attempted but a faint-hearted I like to call it the mega city industrial complex it requires being able to settle three cities in an out-of-phase by one triangle formation it also requires the six piles highlighted in red to be clear of any strategic or luxury resources and the three tiles highlighted in green to be viable for aqueducts dams or canals needless to say this is incredibly rare but if you can pull it off it's incredibly satisfying especially if you can slap in some expert dams and commercial homes this is a more for fun strategy than a real strategy for a game but let me tell you like I said it's incredibly satisfying to find a location that can support it this configuration guarantees at least +5 adjacency in all three cities which can go up to plus seven to nine if you fully surround them in districts or get lucky with a strategic resource or quarry adjacency that means you're getting at least 38 production in all three cities and I can climb up as high as 54 meaning you're getting a hundred and fourteen to one hundred and sixty two production across all three cities this is quite frankly an insane amount of production to be able to achieve especially since you can reach this level of production in the early industrial era now that you understand the basic strategy you need to know when and where you should use the industrial zone strategy I find it works best if you're going scientific victory pieces campuses commercial hubs and industrial zones all play a key role in helping you get enough science production and growth and so on to power through the late game at lightning speed I find it a little bit less useful in a tourism games because they're going to want holy sites and theater squares which are hard to fit in without having to wait forever for growth to make enough districts for domination it can be a perfectly fine thing to do especially if you want to power through to the late game and overpower people with the masses of late gaming units and air power since you have so much production and gold using this strategy you can pump out late-game units at a rapid pace if you're going for a more traditional early game domination you might be better off focusing on campuses encampments and entertainment districts to get the war early I wouldn't ever use this in a religious victory except purely for fun it does also work incredibly well for diplomatic victories on paper due to the massive production allowing you to pump out diplomatic favor in the late game and build wonders that give victory points really quickly but I haven't really done this myself since I find diplomatic victories a little bit on phone personally one extra little tip that I will troll in is that you're probably going to want to throw in a single firm triangle or for employment into each city that's doing this industrial zone strategy to take advantage of the massive housing you'll have from building aqueducts and dams you'll also need to feed the specialists working in the industrial zones to give you the extra 9 production once you've got the coal power plant up she'd also tried to squeeze out a builder here at there to chop Lata's he want to place a district on since it's just wasted if you crush those harvestable resources with a district it might also be worth it to troll and encampment down somewhere really productive if you've got cities with no production that need help building up their aqueducts and dams by using military engineer charges to speed up the construction by civilization specific advice this strategy works on basically any civilization but there are a few civilizations that have specific bonuses or excel at the strategy for one reason or another Germany is by far the best and most flexible civilization to pull this strategy off with since in the absence of an easy aqueduct I'll to link two cities together they can use commercial hubs which give their Hans's the unique replacement for the industrial zone the same adjacency as the aqueducts and dams do they can also build an extra district in all their cities meaning they have a much easier time drawing down all of these districts without waiting for growth Rome's unique district is an upgraded aqueduct called the bass that gives more amenities and housing and is cheaper to build which means you can get this strategy rolling faster and slightly more effectively than the average civilization Japan gets a standard adjacency bonus from age in districts so you'll be adding two to four more Jason Seifer industrial zone in each configuration which increases the final production numbers by 8 to 16 Japan is a great civilization to do this with on for that one simple reason the Dutch get an extra plus 2 adjacency on industrial zones on campuses on rivers and build dams 50% faster so they're a great safe to execute this strategy consider even replacing the commercial homes with campus districts to take advantage of that extra adjacency and you'll be able to smash a science victory very easily England has better military engineers which means if you go the route of building up their aqueducts and dam districts with military engineers they'll have an easier time pulling it off they also get extra yields from powered buildings which will push them slightly higher than the average save in terms of the production output of their industrial zones Egypt has a 15% production bonus towards districts built next to a river which means they're straight-up just better at doing this strategy than the average civilization since using rivers heavily features in this strategy Hungary can sometimes get a little bit of a boost towards building aqueducts and commercial hubs in the double zone configuration thanks to the pearl of the Danube ability boosting district production by 50% when districts are built across a river adjacent to the city centre Molly is one of the few civilisations I wouldn't recommend this strategy on but if you want to you can try it on the one hand that helps compensate for their lack of production on the other hand they don't benefit from it as much as other sales do three great people worth mentioning are Leonardo da da Vinci who gives your workshops plus one culture since you're gonna be building a lot of them you may as well get some extra yields if you can grab the mausoleum at halicarnassus as well you'll be able to get +2 culture which is also true of James Watt who will instantly build a workshop on a factory in a city and give factories plus to production to their local city accelerating the strategy and make it pay off in a bigger way Nikola Tesla also gets an honourable mention since you'll likely be packing your cities together tightly and carefully expanding him in the right industrial zone can net you an even bigger payoff through a regional production Brewer Valley and mausoleum of Halicarnassus are natural allies of their strategy since both are great for a slight victory which is a strategy excels at roar because it simply boosts the production of the city and the mausoleum because it gives you an extra charge on your great engineers machu picchu can sometimes change how you want to do things is in my fine pudding industrial zones near mountains more effective so do keep that in mind Panama Canal can sometimes net you a little bit of extra adjacency if you get it going parallel to industrial zones with two canals providing +4 adjacency but it's very rare dat this lines up so nicely if you do have a way to produce districts in snow cities for example purchasing them using gold or rain it you can easily use these incredibly productive industrial zones to secure the add mode since got research station in the late game which could shave a few turns off a science victory where its production and science boosts applying empire-wide and that's it that's everything you need to know about how to use industrial zones the right way and why they're good I love you all and I'll see you next time bye bye [Music] you [Music]
Channel: PotatoMcWhiskey
Views: 983,282
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Civ 6 Guide, Civ 6 Gathering Storm Guide, Civ 6 September Update Guide, Civ 6 How to use Industrial Zone, Civ 6 Where to put Industrial Zone, Civ 6 Industrial Zone, Civ 6 Best Industrial Zone locations, Civ 6 Industrial Zone Adjacency, Civ 6 Gathering Storm District Guide, Civ 6 September update Industrial Zone Guide, Civ 6 District tips, Civ 6 tips, Civ District guide, Civ 6 industrial zone guide, civ 6 industrial zone strategy, civ 6 tutorial, civ 6 industrial zone tutorial
Id: im9kcCuo5x8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 57sec (717 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 16 2019
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