I Paid Game Developers on Fiverr to Remake My Game

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so a few days ago i was playing you probably won't survive an action-packed zombie survival game created by yours truly and i was thinking i wonder what this game would be like if somebody else made it i mean maybe it might actually be good sure it was already a really well made game with absolutely no glitches but what would happen if i gave my game to different game developers and paid them to remake it let's find out in this video i'm going to be paying game developers on fiverr to remake my game you probably won't survive as a zombie survival game i made over a year ago for a game jam the game was pretty simple you chop down trees place blocks and survive different waves of zombies and other monsters so i found three different game developers on fiverr sent them my game and paid them to try remake it the first developer was named the hells orlandon the second developer was named fernando hendrick and the third and final developer was named nextgen41 if you'd like to play any of these games or download and check out the source codes of these games i've uploaded all of them to my patreon you can check out my patreon patreon.com forward slash bad gamedev or with my link in the description if you'd like to check out any of these developers on fiverr i've left links to their seller profiles in the description below thank you to fiverr for sponsoring this video and let's check out what we received from fiverr and here we are with the first game let's click play and let's go jump straight into it and here we are awesome so already the game looks pretty similar to uh the original version i've got a an axe which i can use to uh cut down this tree nice get a sapling get some wooden planks and then i've also got a gun which i can shoot pretty cool all right waves starting so zombies are going to start spawning so let's uh boom take care of him nice if i'm being honest it looks pretty much identical to you probably won't survive obviously there's different oh jeez i'm getting attacked by a zombie oh man oh nice obviously um you know the graphics are a little bit different different colors but at its core it's essentially a you probably won't survive remake alright already up to the fourth wave so we're moving along pretty well at this point in the game i just decided to go with the strategy of camp seems to be working out pretty well we've got a base just need to take out as many monsters as possible to get our score up all right i've survived 10 waves i've done pretty well i think score of 650 in 10 waves pretty good yeah overall this is very very similar to the original you probably won't survive so essentially they've remade my game perfectly the first game was a very accurate remake of you probably won't survive and this is actually impressive i send the fiverr seller you probably won't survive asked them to remake it and i received exactly that a complete remake of course there are a few changes but overall it's very similar to the original game great work and here we are with the second game now the first thing i've noticed is the game screen for this is a lot smaller uh which is quite interesting and it looks like the island is is pretty small as well but i really like the menu screen you can see the island itself see the trees and you can see of course the the mobs they have this remake already has a wider variety of animals i can see a cow i can see a pig the original only had a chicken so that's pretty cool and i really like the little walking animations that the animals and the and the zombies have so yeah i'm really excited to get into it so we're just going to hit play and jump straight in and there we go we've started wave one and we've got 20 seconds so i've got my character here i'm holding a gun uh there's a chicken up there as well bunch of trees and i have a nice little um hot bar system so i guess uh let's just try take out some zombies so we can shoot them and nice nice and there's skeletons awesome wave 2. i really like the animations they're really cool i'm pretty sure it's on every object almost whenever anything is shot uh let's try to take care of some of these zombies what's up zombies boom boom boom did they just mind some stone for me can i can i pick that up okay okay i can too i can pick up some stone and i have an axe now so i can start chopping down trees this is awesome i can already tell you that the uh the game just looks a lot better than mine and uh the hot bar system works a lot better and there's a lot of mobs so let's uh oh god them skeletons are so quick yo yo yo let's uh okay okay we just lost wow that was very fast pace i like it let's uh let's try again all right let's play a little bit more strategically now that we know how the game functions so the thing that's a little different than my game is that there's uh the wave systems are just straight away mine had sort of a survival interval where you could uh gather your resources and every everything between waves but this system is pretty cool because it makes the game a bit more fast paced and it gives a different feel to it all right we really need to strategize this round let's uh let's try some building shall we okay click to build nice i think if we just stay up here the enemies can't get to us which is good but we're not gonna camp this game okay we're up to the fourth wave we're doing pretty good and we lost the second game was really well made this game used the core concepts of you probably won't survive and turned it into a more fast-paced game the animations were incredible and overall the game felt very fun to play good job before we move on to the third and final remake of you probably won't survive i have an announcement a lot of people have requested that i continue the development of you probably won't survive and add more features so i'd like to announce that i'm completely remaking you probably won't survive and turning it into a full game so if you're not subscribed to the channel make sure to hit that subscribe button so you don't miss out on the upcoming you probably won't survive devlogs anyway on to the third and final game [Music] and here we are with the third and final game which is a 3d shooter awesome wow this is a very interesting take on you probably won't survive this is incredible so i guess we're in this 3d environment here it looks like um there's a zombies awesome okay yo what's up zombies what's up okay space to jump i can move around with wasd i can obviously scope in with my uh right mouse button and left click to shoot nice so i've got my score up the top there 800 player health 100 and then ammo and grenades down the bottom can i uh oh awesome i can buy new weapons with my score okay i'm up here nice let's take out these zombies oh okay so we can repair the buildings so ideally we want to get in these buildings and we want to um keep the zombies out by repairing the buildings okay there's a door back here um i'm pretty sure i just saw a zombie in there there he is i don't know where they're going are they spawning in here or no okay you can push boxes out the way that's kind of cool wow this game really has everything doesn't it let's just quickly uh shoot at him through here hopefully hold to f to repair um okay we can do that but oh that the third game was awesome this game was a 3d zombie survival shooter the game was pretty well made and overall was really fun to play good stuff and yeah those are the games if you enjoyed this video please be sure to hit the like button and don't forget to leave a comment if you want remember if you'd like to check out fiverr and get any game development work done i've left a link to fiverr and the sellers from this video in the description also if you'd like to check out any of the games for yourself i've uploaded all of the games and their source codes to my patreon which can be found at patreon.com forward slash bad game dev or with the link in the description other than that be sure to hit that subscribe button if you're new thank you guys for watching and yeah peace you
Channel: BadGameDev
Views: 37,146
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BadGameDev, I Made a Game, Game Development, Game Dev, Game Making, Making a Game, GameMaker Studio 2, Unity, Godot, How to Make a Game, I Paid Game Developers on Fiverr to Remake My Game, Fiverr, Fiverr Game Development, Fiverr Challenge, I Paid People on Fiverr, Fiverr I Paid
Id: 8FrBofozd5c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 6sec (486 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 11 2021
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