How to Generate 10,000+ NFTs (NO CODING + METADATA INCLUDED)

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hello my name is rhys hunter and i'm the creator of the freedom fishies nft collection that is yet to be released before i knew how to generate a collection of thousands of nfts i spent a ton of time researching and watching youtube videos on how to do it pretty much all of these videos were unnecessarily long skipped steps and worst of all didn't provide the right metadata that i needed for my project in this video i'll be showing you how you can very easily generate as many nfts as you want and with the exact metadata that you need for your specific project right before we start i mentioned earlier that i'm the creator of the freedom fishies nft project so if you have any interest in that i'm going to leave the links to my twitter instagram and discord server in the description of this video so definitely check those out and now let's learn how to generate some nfts alrighty so first things first you're gonna need to download two things the first one is node js and the second one is visual studio code so i'll leave the links to these in the description so you can just click on the link and download them if you're on windows you're going to want to click this one if you're on mac here and linux you can get it here so once you have that downloaded the next thing we're going to need is visual studio code so once again windows here mac here and linux here it's a really easy installation process so i'm not going to go through it with you but i believe in you all right so now that you have visual studio code installed go ahead and open it and you'll see a screen just like this pretty much so you're going to want to go to file open folder and then go to desktop or wherever you want your files to go and select folder so once you've done that you're going to go up to terminal and add new terminal so as you can see it adds this little thing here we can extend it and what we're going to do is clone a github repository so to do that you'll head over to this website the link will be in the description go over to code and click this to copy the link right here so now we can close out of that go back into visual studio code and in this new terminal we just opened type get clone and then paste in the link press enter and it will start to clone the repository now that it's done it has actually created a folder called hash lips art engine on our desktop so we're going to go to file again open folder go to our desktop and open hash lips art engine and select folder so now that we're in here we're just going to open up a new terminal again so that we can use this later and we're going to go into source and we're going to go into config.js so we're just going to configure a couple things to make our project work the main thing we're going to be editing is this function right here so as you can see these are the different layers that we're going to have so right now as default we have these ones but we're going to change it to be our own so open up your file explorer and go into the hash flips art engine folder and then go into layers so as you can see the name of the layers and this code are the exact same as the name of these folders so what you're going to want to do is rename these to be the names of all the layers that you have so my layers are skin outfit mouth item hat and eyes so i'm going to go ahead and rename all of these all right now that i have these all renamed the next step is to add in the pictures also keep in mind that the names of these folders are actually going to end up being the name of the properties in your metadata so make sure you name them exactly what you want them to be so what i'm going to do now is go into each folder delete whatever is already in there and then drag in your images for that layer so as you can see i'm in the eyes folder and i just added all the images for my eyes and as you can see in their names they all have number 100 in the end this is important because it determines the rarity of this layer i have mine all set at 100 because i wanted them to have the same rarity but you can change yours to however you want it for example i could change the sunglasses to be 50 instead of 100 and then they'll be more rare but i'm just going to keep it at 100. so now go through all of your other folders and repeat the process okay i just finished and as you can see in every folder we have all of the images that we're going to need but now all of our folder names are different from these ones so we need to change these to be the exact same as these so for me it'll be eyes hat item mouth outfit and skin and since this is an extra one we can go ahead and delete it but if you need more layers then you can go ahead and copy and paste as many as you need and change the name okay next important piece of information is the description so you need to make sure that this description is whatever you want the description for your entire collection to be so for me it'll be this but yours will be whatever you want your description to be the next thing we have to change is this number right here this actually determines how many images are generated so right now it would only generate 10 but i want a hundred in my collection so i can change it to a hundred but if you want a thousand or ten thousand then you can change it to ten thousand or whatever number you want for the purposes of this video i'm going to leave it at 10 because i don't want to generate tons of images but you should change that to however many images you want in your collection all right now it's time to add in the metadata that we're going to need so i have mine copied right now i'm just going to paste it in for my project this is all the metadata that i'm going to need but for yours you might need fewer or less but typically you're also going to need all of this so the seller fee basis points are going to determine how much you get from royalties 250 would be 2.5 percent the collection will decide the name of your collection and for creators it's important that you put the address that you want to receive payments from i'll also leave a link in the description to some documentation explaining all the metadata that you'll need for your project i highly recommend reading that all right now there's only one thing left to do and you might not even need to do this so for my particular project i need the image metadata to be different than whatever's set up in here so what i'm gonna do is change this to be image.png and then i'm going to go into main.js and i'm going to change this and just leave it blank again you might not need to do this for your project a lot of this is per project customization so i'd recommend figuring out exactly what you need and then making the changes necessary but if you do need to change that then that's how you do it so now in this terminal you're going to type yarn install and this is just going to install all the necessary dependencies you're going to need to run this project once that's finished you can type node index.js and it's going to actually start building all of your images for you since i only set this number to 10 it only generated 10 images and it was pretty quick so now if we go into the hash lips our engine folder on our desktop there will be a new folder called build so if you go into that we will see folders containing all of our json metadata files and images so you can see our images are all randomly generated here beautiful and if you go back out into json then you will see each one has its own metadata containing all of the attributes that we need each image has its own corresponding json file and it also creates a metadata file containing all of them so that is how you can very easily randomly generate as many images as you want thank you guys so much for watching this video i really hope i was able to help you out in one way or another if i did make sure to leave a like and subscribe so that i know i should keep making more videos also make sure to check out my twitter instagram and discord server the links are in the description of this video and hopefully i will see you guys in another video [Music] you
Channel: Reece Hunter
Views: 234,315
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nft, nft art, nft artist, how to, generate nfts, generate 10000 nfts, randomly generate nft, randomly generate nfts, nft creation, how to make nfts, nfts explained, how to generate nfts, nft generation, random nfts, beginner nft tutorial, nft guide, nfts for beginners, nft art for beginners, how to sell nfts, how to promote nfts, easiest way to generate nfts, hashlips art engine, hashlips, nft randomly generated, no coding, metadata, json, nft metadata, solana, ethereum, sol
Id: zLU9a4Gr-Dg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 2sec (482 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 27 2021
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